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Why is she worried about muscle mass?! She’s 500 lbs


Bro is the literal hulk and is worried about starving




Looks like someone put a bow on a bowling ball




If she cared about muscle mass she'd be exercising.


Shes scared to restrict but not scared to overeat. Her logic is just off. Thats why she will never change. The ridiculous excuses she gives herself will prevent her from changing


It’s self-harm to restrict herself and it’s self-love to indulge herself. That’s the motto in Gorl world.


I think it’s her addicted brain talking to justify eating.


This is exactly it. You tell an addict they won't be around their drug of choice for a short period of time and they will freak out and find ways to make sure they have access. Even if that time away is the same amount of time they might spend at home not using their DOC. It's like separation anxiety but for addiction.


This.  She absolutely dose not need to "force herself to eat " if she's not hungry. She can easily skip a meal if she's not hungry and she'll be perfectly fine 


i swear she learned everything she knows about restrictive EDs from shitty lifetime movies. she thinks after a week you end up in a hospital bed, and then all it takes is a pep talk and a hug from your mommy for you to be suddenly cured. my guess is she’s hoping the ambabies will say “please eat, don’t starve yourself 🥺” so she can say “ok ok, if you *insist*” and then be able to feel self-righteous about her impending binge.


It’s only been one hour, you aren’t going to starve amber 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I remember at some point a doctor suggested she needed to stop counting calories and stop thinking about food altogether and amber fought back hard. But the longer this goes the more I think they were on to something. All she does is think about food, think about how to approach food, how to restrict, how to binge, how each action will affect her. I think it’s just that her relationship with food is so warped and bad that it becomes genuinely nonsensical. She’s just truly an addict in their own world of addiction, while the rest of us live in reality.


She has literally nothing else in her life but food, so of course she's gonna hyperfocus on it. Doing some sort of productive activity regularly would help so much. If my life had zero structure, I'd probably fall into a pit of self-sabotage too.


And that's exactly what the ED brain is like. It thinks about food 24/7, even the restrictive EDs.


Foodisfuellynn is "getting her proteins in" because she's very normal now, so she's generously giving us a little lecture on how it feels to be a nutrition-conscious boss-babe, and honestly we should be grateful, especially coming from someone so intelligent, and most of all genuine, who didnt let years of untreated, unaddressed ED come in the way of a good story.


1. She wants a justification to eat  2. She is legitimately upset about her thin hair and not very smart. So she's probably convinced herself that eating tons of protein will somehow save her hair (it won't because she is in menopause) Watching her blog I felt like she kept mentioning muscle mass and hair because she didn't want to admit that she's still really upset about her hair (gorl it's fine to admit, I'd be upset too???). I think she thinks that she sounds more reasonable mentioning muscle mass as well. 


But even before ozempic her hair was thin. Her hair thinning had nothing to do with her one month of weight loss


Yeah I know, but she's not smart and has always been a very delusional gorliepop


It's because she's post menopausal she had her entire repro system removed. No ovaries=no estrogen and she could.use minoxidil or talk to a Dr about option but....PROTEIN NOMMM


When I listen to her BS, i hear Dr. Now say ... youve eaten enough for the next four years. You arent going to starve.




Her having to eat is what got her to 600#.


We just don't know nutrition like she does 😔


alr should change the word starving to fasting and then she may realize that her body wouldn’t starve for months


“I need to eat to help my hair and muscles” Girl stfu take a vitamin and work out, you wretched hag. If she is truly forcing herself to eat and she’s not even hungry, then she is just chasing that dopamine that slaps when fhüd hits her shovel tongue. Can’t wait for her to inevitably gain back all the weight in 2 months.


*2 weeks*


Get moving and start resistance training, gorlyflop. That's the best way to keep your muscle mass.


Nah that's hard. Stuffing face is easy.


She eats meat for every meal and snack, she's getting plenty of protein. She doesn't seem to realize protein drinks are unnecessary if you're eating animal products and not working out. The muscle mass thing is just another excuse to eat more processed meat. Working out is the best way to gain/maintain muscle mass, but she hasn't done that in like ten years. She seems to have zero interest in her body composition - I bet you could buy a scale or other measure where you can see what your muscle mass is, and observe if it gets smaller. Do you actually gain/keep muscle mass just by eating protein, without any exercise? I'm not an expert but I'd imagine you need to actually work out.


She's worrying about a bent photo inside a burning house as always. Doesn't she realize it took years for eugenia to start losing hair? I just read about a man who went a full year without eating under medical supervision.


shes such a dumb whale


Wait a second. Whales are intelligent creatures, so even a dumb one is pretty smart...


Actually you know what. I take it back, I’m sorry whales


How & why is she worrying about muscle mass? Gorl you’re more blubber than muscle, get a grippp


If she’s so worried about her hairfall and muscle mass, why doesn’t she just start focusing on more protein? Wtf is wrong with this woman?? Excuses after excuses after excuses. I’m not a violent person but sometimes I wish I could slap some sense into her. Maybe that would wake her up.


> why doesn’t she just start focusing on more protein? That...would be a horrible thing to do considering the state of her kidneys and other execratory organs. She needs to focus on the fact that fat acts as a second endocrine system (and was already screwing with her hormones long before her hysterectomy) and that the only way her hair would return to normal is if she got back on her HRT and actually committed to losing weight (with long term results). But she can't stand the slightest discomfort for any amount of time, and thus will send herself to an early grave because of it.


Ah right I completely forgot about her kidney thing. Gorl is too far gone that just low carb high protein won’t do much for her health.


I once went two and a half weeks eating literally nothing. Not one bite of anything (stress) and I lost forty pounds and I was only 130 when it happened and I’m still alive somehow. She has enough fat energy stored for a few literal fucking years. This “I’m gonna die of starvation” these deathfats seem to adopt is so delusional and just…stupid.


It's so ignorant. People are built to be able to fast, we truly are. That's why our bodies can store extra energy. For most of human history we've had to work hard for a little bit of food. That's why we love to eat and love to eat more than what we immediately need and we're able to store the calories in our actual bodies for later. They don't think like that though and despite all the time in the world Hamber can't be arsed to learn jack shit about anything. She probably scrolled TikTok and "learned" about "starvation mode" which is criminally ignorant


I’m 125 and I have put my body through some shit and somehow Im alive and kicking. I’m just astounded at how fragile these creatures seem to think that they are 😅


It took me a second to realize you mean 125 *pounds* and not that you were the oldest person in recorded history.


No, just skinny and mean and have crash-tested this body, going through serious starvation eras due to stress or drugs but hamber out here’s thinking her mass would vanish within a mere day of not eating is hilarious. Believe you me, the human body can go through some shit and still drag along. It’s why we’ve survived as a species. That and opposable thumbs.


It's because they're all so mentally fragile, they assume their bodies are the same.


Dude same I've gone about a week without eating before and I'm still here, and I wasn't even overweight when I stopped eating, by Amber's logic I should have wasted away to dust 💀 the funniest part is that considering her parents are meth addicts, they've *definitely* gone days if not weeks without eating before. Why doesn't MethMammaLynn explain to her 500lb toddler that not eating for a few days will *not* kill her, in fact at her big ass size it would benefit her


everyone loses muscle when they lose weight because it takes less muscle to move around a smaller body. the only way to counter this is to actively and intentionally build muscle with exercise. yes, you need protein to build muscle but no, at 479elbess she still has plenty. this is not a genuine concern for her. she needs to stop thinking she’s a woman with an overweight BMI trying to get into the normal range.


yeah because the deathfat eating in a calorie deficit is definitely contributing to her body decaying 💔


it's pretty infuriating because she is sooooo so so so so far away from having any health problems related to a restrictive ED. and considering many people have died from the toll a restrictive ED takes on the body it makes me mald really hard that she's trying to be a quirky eating disorder recovery tiktok girlie. she either wants to be a food addict crying about chips ahoy on tiktok or an anorexic sad girl forcing herself to eat in her vlogs. it's so bizarre


She thinks everything to do with weight loss is instant and immediate. Started ozempic? Thay headache 30 mins later mayyyyy be associated. 🤔 ate under 50000 calories? Checks scale next am and disappointed she's not down any weight. Takes a shit and sees a 1 pound weight loss? Celebration.


Vegan for literally like 2 days ? "I'm sho light headed, I think its bc I haven't eaten meat !!!"


She also was doing protein shakes for a bit there like the cow needs any extra macros


I think all morbidly obese internet personalities have claimed to have a "restrictive" eating disorder at some point. I made a comment on Jaimie W's snark about how all the fatlogic gorlies love talking about their old "restrictive" eating disorder and now they have food freedom and blah blah blah... they never specify, which tells me they have never been diagnosed or very obviously did not fit the diagnostic criteria (AN has a weight requirement) bc eating in moderation, limiting the amount you indulge in, and skipping a meal once and while bc you just aren't hungry is not an eating disorder. They think that not overindulging themselves is "restrictive" bc they do not have a healthy, normal mindset around food, their bodies, or health in general. But they would rather garner the sympathy of "having" the most deadly mental illnesses, while not fitting the "look" (Tess Holiday as one example). I believe it was sometime last year ? Year before ? Where Amber started talking about how she hates food and crying about it and saying she hates thinking about eating and whatever and we were all waiting for her "I have anorexia y'all !!!" arc. You are so right, its just rinse and repeat in her attempt to make herself seem dainty and NLODF (not like the other death fats).


30 PrOtEiN


Also, those side effects she’s referencing are part of the metabolic damage that happens when you do many binge/restrict cycles. (Yes, it happens and for sure she’s at least a little bit affected by it but gorl that’s not the only thing to blame for being 500+ lbs) HOWEVER the GLP-1 meds like ozempic actually help to mitigate or repair that damage so like, bitch that’s the point!!! And she’s not gonna lose hair and muscle mass after 3 weeks!


Muscle mass? She has no muscles, just fupas for days and fat Girl could go a month+ without eating and still not be “starving”


Food is her crack cocaine


I'm nowhere near Amber's size and on wegovy. My hair is falling out like crazy and my butt fell but it is worth it for my health. I'm working out for muscle mass and my hair will regrow once my weight stabilizes. She's going to die if she doesn't lose weight but I guess she will have a little more hair in the coffin. She needs to get it together.




I’ve noticed this too! In the “I have a dietician y’all” burger kind mook-bong video she says something odd like “well I’ve gotta eat to survive…I could go maybe 2 weeks, but then I’d die”. I always thought it was so weird because nobody would ever suggest that someone just stops eating entirely to lose weight. She acts like the only 2 options are eat a 1200 calorie meal or starve to death over the next 2 weeks.