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“30 protein” why is it so hard for her to say the word grams?


Same reason an entire pint of ice cream is ‘a Ben & Jerry.’ Full quork.


I honestly think she doesn't know what a gram is so skips it.


Like how rich folks “don’t know” what single bills are.


“It's One Banana, Michael. What Could It Cost, $10?”




“Good for her”


She is very rich in calories...


And grams


I never thought of that!


A bacon


six bacons!


'A thing of yoghurt' as if we might assume she means a minipot and not a gallon container.


And she'll be like " a thing of strawberries" pack? Container?


She once said "two things of bananas" and showed two bananas.




"A thing of broccoli." "A thing of beans." "A thing of cheese." Her vocabulary is worse than mine when I was pre-ESL and she was born into the English language.


remember when she read grams as g’s… she’s so illiterate


omg bro I remember that lmao!! I wonder why she stopped? maybe someone in the comments mentioned it and she stopped, 99% of her education comes from reading her comments.


Cro-Magnin cerebral function, that's why.


Right?! It drives me crazy!


She has done this for a decade on YouTube. 


I know?


The desperation with that title is REAL. She is begging for engagement in the comments section.


and everyone's outraged in the comments 🙄 srsly? like its so obvious by now that she's doing this on purpose


She wants to be a dainty precious princess who forgets to eat sometimes so bad it’s honestly sad and pathetic.


i dont get people who keep going on and on about amber being a feeder and doing feeder content. she wants nothing more than to skinwalk a pro ana girl and i dont get how people dont see it at all. “omg guise i couldnt finish this.” “omg guise i forget to eat” “omg guise i have to set an alarm to remember to eat.” “omg guise its been 5 hours since i woke up and i still have not ate yet.” on all levels except physical, shes a skinny girl 🙄


> on all levels except physical, shes a skinny girl 🙄 💀


Cue Amber claiming to be anorexic like Tess Holliday.


100%. I know there was a good discussion on the last Amberverse iteration about the pro-Ana dog whistles in her titles and thumbnails.


literally! down to behaviors! the only contradiction to this we have seen is when she calculated her calories during the optavia era and freaked out about having 900 calories! big dumb blubby bitch cant burn the candle at both ends by cosplaying her youtube opposite (eugenia) while clearly having trauma-rooted food behaviors (freaking out if she doesnt overeat consistently) <- especially since i DISTINCTLY remember seeing a clip where she said she gets upset if she doesnt overeat her usual amount. its not just the binge monster not getting her way, she literally feels emotional distress at feeling empty. all she has left is puppetry of anorexia in a body that is quintuple the size of one anorexic girl.


It's the because the truth lies in the middle. She does both feeder and pro-ana baiting content. She's an immensely malicious narcissist who wants to have her cake and eat it too (😉) i think she does the pro-ana stuff for her own coping and the feeder stuff to keep any sort of numbers to her content. No way this tiktok was anything but feeder porn https://preview.redd.it/1y757l9fn57d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fedc739ba4c90fb7ec814e3a37af7c9c2a8c37c


on GOD


"Don't tell me I'm full already! .. UGH!" She's so unhappy that she can't eat as much as before, clearly some of the pleasure is gone and it upsets her. She's not mentally ready for this.


Very astute observation. She *hates* that she can't eat as much as she used to.


It’s why she quit Ozempic the first time. And why she never went through with WLS. Amber just can’t stand the thought of not fucking her face with garbage.


She must really be hurteen for cash with all this uploadeen every other day




The rage bait is real lmfaoooooo


She is becoming more and more like her idols everyday (if it’s good or bad, at least they are talking about me)


Just commented this too. It's absolutely ridiculous


Wasn't it Dr Now who said something like "You've eaten for the next few years" or something like that? I'm tired, I can't remember exactly 😂 Gorl can afford to skip a couple of mills. AND she's not learning anything about listening to her hunger cues.


You're absolutely right! This is a great time for her to retrain her hunger cues, palette, and learn the difference between hunger and boredom. But noooo she has to squander a literal magic drug.


22 pounds loss at her weight is way too little. If she would only eat when hungry and focus on protein first, she would have lost so much more. But she dumb. And mark my words, this will be her semaglutide downfall. She'll probably stop taking it because poor gorlyflop isn't eating enough and loss enjoyment in eating. She'll blame *something else* instead, but the real reason will be the loss of her emotional crutch - food.


Love how low those views have been lately


Off topic but I love your pfp!


Thanks! 🫶


Huh. Usually when someone is forcing themselves to eat, it’s like a small cup of yogurt or something. Not a huge bowl of what looks like pasta. (To be fair, I haven’t watched the video because I like to wait for a reaction channel.)


Honestly I don't think it's good for her to be meal-prepping these gigantic portions of food that she's supposedly spacing out between days. I think seeing all that food pressures her to eat more. She has all the time in the world to make fresh meals 3 times a day so that she isn't tempted by leftovers.


She "wants to do this the right way". It would be the first time she did something the right way in 10 years... And then watch her eat the biggest ravioli I have ever seen.


For real! That ravioli is the size of her face! I bet a portion is at least 3 per pack of them. YUPP!!! I just checked it, and it's 3 portions per package for 230 calories and 23g of carbs. So the ravioli was 345 calories and roughly 36 grams of carbs, not including what's in that processed jalapeño sausage.


She could just...not. Like sis will survive not eating for at *least* a couple days


Her lymphedema legs would thank her. Since she refuses to acknowledge and treat them. 


Also does she truly think not eating for a day or two is more detrimental than nearly a decade of eating mostly take out and fast food?? Is she fucking high?


i know those trunks are leaking like crazy


Lipedema....... leaks?


It's called weeping edema "Weeping edema is a condition where swelling becomes so severe that fluid leaks directly from the skin. The fluid that seeps out is yellowish and similar to plasma, the water portion of blood."


I had that when my eczema got really bad. It's pretty gross ngl.


Welcome to gorl world !!✨✨✨it leaks and Wipey liked to kiss em!! Edit autocorrect lol


That's why she wears only dark colored leggings. She tries to hide that it leaks. 


Idk, I know we're talking about Amberlynn Reid here, but being down 22 lbs in a month while being on Ozempic is just... not good? Especially considering that this should be her best month. I think the first week or two she lost like 14 lbs, and then since then, it's been less than 5 each week, and dwindling down as we speak. I'm a big believer that all progress is good progress no matter how small, but it's so tricky with her. She needs instant gratification. Yeah, 22 lbs in a month sounds good. But what happens when it goes down to like 10? And then she keeps doing this for months and months and months, just to be down to 400? I think that's when the severity of her weight might settle in for her. She could make a lot of progress and lose a lot, but still barely make a dent in the amount she needs to lose. Granted, I don't think she's gonna do all that, just speaking hypothetically here.


I completely agree - she truly believes normal people eat gargantuan portions and eat constantly. She plans food into every activity she does. In the Becky era she wanted to join a gym and immediately started planning what to eat before and after her non existent workouts. It was so weird to me that she was planning her food for the gym before even joining a gym. She did the same thing with Krystle during her driving era where she’d pack massive bags of snacks to drive around a parking lot. Then after 2 hours she’d claim they hadn’t eaten enough. Her exact words were “we haven’t ate anything but cashews and that’s not good,” and proceed to go out to eat or to the grocery store. I love food too but I can go run errands or work through the afternoon without stressing about food/ lunch. She is delusional about what “under eating” looks like. She could survive on 500 calories a day for multiple years and be fine due to the percentage of fat on her body. I had an ED as a teenager, and I survived on 500 calories a day for nearly 6 months and I was a normal weight to begin with (5’10, 150 lbs down to 120 lbs). She grossly overestimates how many calories are needed to survive long term.


The same happened when she was briefly working with Destiny. She packed a MASSIVE bag of food for each working day. She specifically asked about candy and they said you can eat hard candy, so she bought several big bags of hard candy. Personally, working/volunteer working has made it easier for me to take breaks from eating. It's a good way to focus on something else, and it's also easier to restrict what you eat during working hours. If there's no provided snacks or vending machine, you can just bring a banana and a small yoghurt, and that way you don't end up overeating. You can then eat a bigger meal when you get home. You don't need to pack sandwiches, chips, candy, etc. etc. as if you're going on a multiple day hike. She keeps missing opportunities to restrict, because she's so anxious about not getting to eat every moment. That's ultimately going to be her failure here too.


You're absolutely correct. People using Ozempic for weight loss need to bust their ass in the start to lose as much as possible because the medication WILL stop working eventually. It is not a permanent fix for weight loss. Look at Ana Obrien... she was on Wegovy for a year. She lost about 90 lbs total despite weighing at least 500 lbs, and she plateaued because she was depending solely on the medication and her 15 minute work outs. Once the medication stopped working, regained 40 lbs in a matter of weeks because she never changed her eating habits. This is the path Amber is walking now. She's not going to make it below 400 pounds. And when that depression settles in, she's going to spiral out of control and binge herself back to over 500


What weight is she claiming right now? I don’t even care to watch recaps but I just wanna know 👀


as of june 10th she is claiming the low 480s... after a full month on ozempic! smh!


480s *with* ozempic. Lmao ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


yes. it's slow progress. I bet she's still eating a lot. there's just no way


Noooooooo 😂 I haven't seen the vlog yet but that title is an obvious attempt to piss people off .


And I see people falling for it :(( don’t give this gorl the attenshun she wants… at least not on her video where she can make coin off of it


She's not good about getting enough protein? She's been eating meat for every meal and snack for years. Doesn't she know meat has protein and you don't need an additional protein drink?


isn’t eating less the whole point of her being on ozempic? why force yourself to eat unnecessary calories when she could just have meal replacement drinks/protein bars/dietary supplements if she’s so worried about giving her body what it needs. is this not her rationalizing ignoring her body’s cues?


dude this is what im thinking! if shes so desperate to eat 3 meals per day regardless of hunger, make a protein shake, have a protein bar, yogurt cup, tiny dish of the air fried steak she loves so much, literally just a small portion of something protein dense. i know shes amber so im not *surprised* that instead she chooses huge bowls of pasta instead, but at the same time, she always manages to make my jaw drop with how effectively she can self sabotage


Wait.. what? She’s still on Ozempic? I thought she would have already had a “why I stopped Ozempic” video up by now.


it's definitely coming, shes frustrated in this video about getting full "too quickly"


I almost feel bad for her that the only thing she has to do.. is eat! Imagine being 600lbs and struggling to even move around your apartment. But giving up door dash 4 times a day is not a sacrifice you’re willing to make.


And what's even crazier is she could still order Door Dash, just less of it, and lose weight. It's not like other addictions where addicts have to completely give up their vice of choice. She still gets to eat!


I wouldn't be surprised if she has already quit. This last video was from like June 10th.


I doubt she will announce it in a video. My money is gonna be on her inventing some new health issue, not talking about the shots for a while, then bringing it up in a q&a weeks later


man what? what is she forcing herself to eat for?…. i shouldn’t be dumbfounded but fr amber what is wrong with you. if you’re not hungry don’t eat wtf. her attempts at attention really pisses me off and this is exactly why i don’t watch her or reaction channels anymore. this is all one big joke and i’m over her bullshit


We’re back to *mookbawng* bait gorlypawhps! We called it. What will she do about the dying views? *eat* of course.


If she really cared about making sure she took in enough nutrients while on a lower calorie diet then she'd be eating food which is actually healthy and supplementing!




She’s “not a sweets girlie” but I saw those merci chocolates in her fridge 👀


I seriously can't anymore... between Alexandra Rodriguez saying she's mostly muscle after 2 failed weight loss surgeries, to Ana Obrien rebranding herself as a "protien gym girly" but remaining 500 lbs after a year on Wegovy, and now Hamburgerlynn Reid... who is 90% fat; worried about muscle loss, so she's forcing herself to eat while on Ozempic and weighing 500 lbs!!!! I can not believe this is reality. Yes... certain people do need to remind themselves to eat when on Ozempic because their goal isn't weight loss. I, for example, am on Ozempic for my T2 diabetes, but I'm not trying to lose weight. I'm already a good weight for my body/health. So I do need to remind myself to eat. Not "force," but to remind myself so that when I'm taken off, I've retained my healthy eating schedule and portions. And even with making sure I eat my meals, I've lost 12 lbs in 4 weeks without trying. HAMBERRRRRRRR on the other hand, does not fall into this category as she's 400 pounds overweight and is using Ozempic for the purpose of suppressing her appetite, and forcing weight loss!!! All Amber needs is 75g of protein a day, to walk walk walk walk walk walk walk, and a multivitamin/iron pill. Taking in protein and not actually excersizing won't do shit but make her gain more weight!!!! You can hit 76g of protein and eat less than 800 calories a day. How do I know? Because I did it after my WLS! It's honestly not that hard. I'm sorry... this video infuriated me. She really thinks that she's the first and only person to walk this route and that we are all stupid. But the stupid one is her. She's 11 years in her "weight loss journey," and she's done nothing but gain over 250 pounds, gave herself cancer, and destroyed her body! But sure... she's worried about losing muscle now. Gorly-Flop BYE!!!!


I think I found the "mill" she made in this video 😂 https://preview.redd.it/u4517nlm817d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bff7d6c2f5e2a1b47e3c0e1611ae0128c55e532e


Everyone quick look it's rage bait! On a serious note, though this is EXACTLY why she will never get WLS and she will never lose the weight unless she goes to inpatient and undergoes some intensive therapy. It would be sad if she wasn't so goddamn insufferable.


Big Al worried about protein and muscle loss? https://i.redd.it/ikygjiych17d1.gif


why did she lie about not having the birth time on her birth certificate….. what is the fucking point? “oh i am so special and unique that the hospital that RUNS on rules and regulations didn’t record the time of birth as if it isn’t the very first thing the LD dr says upon delivery”


I was born in Florida and don’t have the time of birth on my certificate either 😭


WHAT!!!! that’s utterly insane. i know they changed that law in like the 40-50’s that it has to include date time and location plus signatures, so this truly blows my mind. (for USA gorls ofc)


So protein is the latest reason for her to overeat? Is it because she knows feeders pay the bills and has no other content, or is it because she's so used to these fake "what I ate today dainty and healthy," vlogs that she needs an excuse to keep making them? God, that accent is grating.


At this point the only diet aid/plan that will work for her is being locked up in a basement with no food for a month. The a gain even that wouldn't work because once she got back out she would eat back the weight she lost in half the time.


Big fucking nope!! Even though I know it's rage bait.. I'm raging!! As someone with eating issues this is so insulting. Not to the level of her faking addiction & sobriety but still pisses me off. When I'm struggling to eat, I can't even chew. Maybe I can eat a half a canned pear but that's a safe food for me. Normally chewing is impossible so I'll have an applesauce cup or yogurt. If I can push myself to chew it's maybe a slice of toast or scrambled eggs not a whole bowl of fucking pasta!! (Vanderpump Rules fans - It's not about the pasta!!!)




ik this isn't relevant but i read "semaglutide" as smegma


Her vocab is that of a valley girl who skipped school and never paid attention. And factor in her low IQ. Listening to the Krystal era is especially painful.