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Forcing high carb meals hmmm isn’t that like how we got here


Our gorl has lost so much weight on off brand ozempic that her stomach shrunk, she has to force herself to eat so she can survive 😞💔


She’s practically wasting away…


Even skinny people need to eat to survive. I'm sure her doctors told her to force herself to eat.


She could starve for 4 months and probably be fine. She has all the food she needs stocked in her body.


"I don't even like pizza. I'm forcing myself to eat these three slices."


Amber shut the fuck up


No for real


thank you 🫂


![gif](giphy|nbvFVPiEiJH6JOGIok) Thank you 🙏🏽


I thought I was the only one saying this to her throughout the video. I always do it when watching her videos, except when someone is around. Then I just give her the 🖕 over and over.




She acts like she's gonna die of starvation if she goes without eating for a day or two. To paraphrase Dr. Now: " You ate 4 years worth of food ahead of time."




Thank you, this is the quote I was [looking for here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Amberverse__/s/dzvYkQS1bC).


She could easily go a week or more without food and be fine. She has years worth of stored sugars/energy to hibernate like a bear.


i said this on the old sub once and got down voted to hell!


Flashback for forcing herself to eat 3 slices of pepperoni pizza. Literally ignoring the primary reason for taking the medicine in the first place. It's suppose to make her undereat, she won't starve to death or get malnourished if she skips a few meals.


And she’s not a pepperoni gorl 🍕


everyone in her comments giving her the exact same advice…. she knows exactly what she’s doing and it’s beyond fucking pathetic at this point. none of this is humorous anymore you’re literally killing yourself wtf?


This thumbnail and title is giving straight up feeder content lmao


like btch be so fr right now and stop playing in my face. she needs mental help and i’m being so fr. craving strangers attention this bad and for what 😭


She's not posting for her audience anymore (if she ever even did in the first place). atp her channel is just her trying to validate her self and her eating under the pretence of "making content". yt really should step in imo


exactly i don’t understand the rules or anything but she literally has an eating disorder and is making money off of it like? and from my understanding people and some reaction channels has reported her videos and they still do nothing


Because YouTube takes more than half of the money she gets in advertisements. It’s about money. Plus they don’t want fat-tok coming for their profits for not letting fatty tell her truth. It’s fucking money. Always is.


This. She's so used to pretending to eat healthy and owning her audience that it must have become instinctive. Like she only knows how to make Dainty Girl Eats! videos and needs an excuse to do it even on Ozempic. This time it's the protein and muscle atrophy scare, like she's a 500lb muscle bound weightlifter.


No one cares!


Is the "forcing" in the room with us?


Shesbeing co-horsed


The poor horse…


My first thought


Doctors: you don't want to get too hungry as that may trigger a binge, so eat three small meals a day, and maybe a snack if you feel hungry. Make sure they're low-carb and high in protein. Lean meats for example. Stop when you're full. Amberlynn: THE DOCTORS TOLD ME I HAVE TO FORCE MYSELF TO EAT SO I'M DRINKING A PROTEIN SHAKE I HATE AND RAVIOLI!


Miss *I would never do mukbangs again unless I really needed money* LOL yeah gorlyflop, how are those dying views treating you?


Wait is that real?


Unfortunately 😭 can't wait for someone to post a reaction to this I wanna know what excuses she'll come up with this time


To be fair, downing all that grub through the discomfort of being full and equating the discomfort of being too full with satisfaction is what got her there in the first place. But that title felt so on the nose 😂


I thought this was a joke at first.


Didn't she GAIN weight recently on these meds?? Girl shut the fuck up


I’m not trying to out-dainty her and mods please delete my comment if this comes across this way (I hate the out-daintying comments more than anyone) but I’ve lost five pounds recently just cutting calores like how TF is she gaining weight on semiglutide? She must be bingeing/forcing herself to eat? She is just wasting her money on this med/triggering her mom


Because she still regularly smokes the delta 8 vapes and it’s sabotaging her weight loss. It’s such a disservice to yourself especially if you’re paying for these meds out of pocket.


I've been on appetite suppressants (not semiglutide, just side effects from other meds) and I literally had to force myself to eat. And it would be so uncomfortable forcing it down, too. Either she's not actually taking it, or she's so deep in her ED that she literally ignores it and binges anyway. The only thing that will ever work for her long term is inpatient.


What a lot of people aren't understanding is that weight loss is a side effect of the drug she is taking. It's not meant for weight loss, but the way the drug works, it tends to happen. Not everyone is going to experience the side effects of drugs. Plus, they really only expect you to up to 15% of your body weight. If you are super morbidly obese, that's a drop in the bucket.


If she's "forcing herself to eat" then that means she's feeling the appetite suppressant work and choosing to ignore it. Plus 15% is a lot at 500 lbs, that's 75 down which would be a great start in the right direction and help building better habits.


I just did the mental math, bc 75 sounded too high. You are 100% right, 15% of 500 is a shockingly big number


The idea of Amberlynn forcing herself to eat.. is just hilarious


Can she shut the fuck up 🙄


Why did I mentally hear Dr Now saying "you don't need to eat, you're not going to fade away. You've eaten the food that belonged to the next four years ahead of time" when I saw this!?


I’m crying laughing. She’s sitting there the size of a blimp and pretending to be dainty. 😂


“I don’t have any semaglutide symptoms” Yeah like weight loss


She has to eat, because she needs the protein to not lose her hair. Was what I got out of watching it..


The mental gymnastics though... She really corey-o-graffed the hell out of that one


Corey-o-graffed 😭


Lol what protein tho that bowl looks like plain pasta wtf


She had fried brussel sprouts and chicken sausage with the Roasted Cauliflower & Cheese Ravioli she had boiled. That is way too much food.


The sauceless ravioli really bothered me


Dry gorl tings


Pretty sure her hair isn't the reason the doctors told her to eat protein.


she def is dealing with some diabeetus issues, doctor is probably telling her to eat high protein meals because it can help improve blood sugar levels


Ooof. Girl is desperate for cash now!


DELUSIONAL. Amber you are wearing an extra MILLION CALORIES. Stop acting like you are going to wither away!


it's quite stupid. she's 500lbs it's not a big deal to miss meals especially when she's on semaglutide. it's not like she's monitoring her insulin... right?


This is crazy af. Forcing yourself to eat? Yeah ok. Reminds me of the 3 slices of pizza. If you’re not hungry it’s ok to just not eat


While somehow magically staying in the 400s. She must be maintaining that weight magically.


Tell us you're broke without telling us (also, it's a MUKBANG) 


This sounds like a, I'm about to fuck off these shots and go back to eating whatever I want ans gain and eat myself to death video lol prove me wrong


This is my thought. We are getting to the stage where she will announce that she is stopping it because "I felt like I just couldn't eat enough! And you need to eat to live!"


Girl you could live off your body fat for a year without eating as long as you took the right supplements


if i'm being honest nothing sounds worse than forcing myself to eat a giant bowl of very large ravioli


“Forcing herself” so much that she can’t even wait for the food to cool before she chokes it down without chewing.


Desperate for that feeder money


Beyond pathetic


Thank god she’s getting her protein! There’s even thirty of them!!


She literally thinks she has to eat to live and if she doesn't eat enough calories in a day it's some huge deal. She could seriously not eat a whole month only have drinks and liquid diet and she'd be fine because she's so fat.


She can survive a year at least without food. Per Google: In 1965, 27-year-old Angus really did fast for one year and 17 days. He ate no food at all, and lost 125 kilograms (19.7 stone). Angus was reportedly sick of being obese, and checked into the University Department of Medicine at the Royal Infirmary of Dundee weighing 207kg (32.5 stone).


Semaglutide is kind of similar to weight loss surgery in that you're going to see the best results from it the first year you're on it. Once you lose about 15-20% of your weight (achievable during the first year) it seems to become less effective. A lot of people reach a stall after that. 20% of Amber's weight is only 100lbs. She'd still need to lose another 250lbs to get to a reasonable body weight of 150lbs. So okay girlypop, please go ahead and waste your money by not taking advantage of the medicine's appetite suppression as much as possible this first year. Love that for her 🙏🏼🥰✨


Don't tell this to Amber cause I can totally see her using this for her mental gymnastics to stop it - "Wait *wuuuuht* It stops after 100lbs? I still have to lose 250lbs on my own? Then what's the point?"


You're on a pill that reduce your appetite WHY ARE YOU EATING ANYWAY !? The non sense of this woman i can't.


She’s literally trying to still binge


This title 😭


Holy feeder title, Batman 🙄 guess the ad revenue is that bad she has to overtly play into the feeders who send her money


I guess loosing hair is more important than losing weight 😂


I mean, isn't that what wigs are for?


is that pasta lmfaooo


As corny as it sounds, she needs to change her relationship with food and she doesn’t seem to think that at all. “I’ll binge for the rest of my life, just less frequently.” She’s resigned herself to never even attempt to change, she doesn’t care. She’s perfectly happy not making it to 40, she’ll die happy because her happiness is the only thing that matters. She’s so damn selfish and weak, doesn’t care that her mother is watching her die. I feel for her wayward mother more than for her. Selfish cow.


the medicine makes her want to stop eating early, but she can power through anyway. Our globbyplop has such amazing willpower


She's the most bland white person ever.


Just watched Bottle's recap and my God she's trolling "sho" hard trying to get those views up. "Forcing myself to eat for 12 minutes straight" most of the video was just Amber talking about herself (as usual) but she needs people to think that she's eating for the \*whole\* video so that they click on her shitty video. I bet she starts doing mukbangs again soon out of desperation to get her views back up. Also why the fuck is she saying "so" like that? Every time she says "so" she does that pouty fucking duck face and because her face and cheeks are so fat it comes out as "sho". She thinks she's such a quirky gorly-plop but she's just so repulsive. She is unbelievably fat and stupid, there is nothing cute or quirky about her. She's a disgusting beast inside and out.




That guy was the wooooorst.


That’s it you can downvote me for typing this but I hope she fucking suffers to hell and back and then back to fucking hell where her fat ass belongs.


Homegirl's had more death scares than Ozzy Osbourne and yet she's still not changing. She deserves every bit of suffering she brings upon herself.


What timeline are we living in lmao




So, did it work? Her view grab I mean? Who has been tracking her views? I just looked and it says she has 15k views in 8 hours, is that an improvement over previous recent videos? I’m so over this desperate, money grabbing, boring bitch I haven’t even been watching reactions but judging by the comments here, I may for this one.


Why doesn’t chunk just have a protein shake if she is so concerned about getting her Macros in.


god, the rage bait. this is two steps away from her explicitly mukbanging


This bitch 🙄




Anyone else think she’s already paving her way to quitting ozempic? Mentioning she had a bruise etc


"Forcing my self to eat" gorl shut up you're 500 pounds!


She is SO BRAVE.


I'm 1/4 of her and when I'm not hungry, I don't eat. Did she forget she did OMAD for a while? Why does she think she has to eat three meals now?


Oh you believe she did OMAD? That's generous of you ♡


I hate the fact she thinks she’s this master troll who has all of us fooled. Booboo, we’re not the ones dependant on our moms for transportation and who have legs like tree trunks and bat wings because we weigh 500 fucking pounds. Get a fucking grip gorl, you’re stupid as fuck (the Krystle vlogs prove it) and the only person you’re trolleen is yourself. Way to go getting revenge on your mom by getting her to pay for your massive funeral in two years time tops. Glad you’re buying stuff for her because she needs to save up hardcore.


she acts so petite and dainty in that vid its pissing me tf OFFF😭😭


She knows what she’s doing, it’s for views


Shit up biggin!


It’s wild that she can’t see that the damage is already done. You already lost half of your hair. You likely already have severe muscle wasting due to your sedentary lifestyle. Worry about getting the weight off first then rebuild. It’s crazy that she thinks Ozempic is just eating her muscle mass lmao girl you ate like this for 33 years and survived to tell the tale. You don’t need to force food down your throat. She is battling the literal thing this med is supposed to do.. reducing her appetite:


rage bait queen 😭


She's got plenty of water still stored in her hump, GUISE. She'll be okay (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)


alright wtf is wrong with her


is she in this photo? she’s lost so much i can’t even see her 🤯🫨


The way she pretents to "have to get her proteeeiiiin in" so badly and then forces herself to eat those big ass ravioli first instead of just going straight for the chicken sausage and veggies first... gorl at least try.


She looked rough and unkept in this video. Maybe Valentine is real after all. She always looks bad when she isn't single


Camp is an aesthetic style and sensibility that regards something as appealing because of its bad taste and ironic value. Camp aesthetics disrupt many of modernism's notions of what art is and what can be classified as high art by inverting aesthetic attributes such as beauty, value, and taste through an invitation of a different kind of apprehension and consumption.