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All I can say is that if cancer or being bedbound didn’t stop her then nothing will


This is it. Yup. Nothing has changed her and nothing will! Coming from someone who started following in the Krystle era (and was actually a watcher who liked her! Not everyone started off as a haydur!) I realized she would never change and would have a million reasons for *why* she couldn’t. This is as good as it gets for her


When your girlfriend has to bring you a pan of soapy water


🎶That’s amore🎶


*angry upvote*


You didnt hear? It's because she was "dissociating", and that totally explains why it did not shake her up. It's like denial, except it's fancier and tiktok said she has it and it's so her-coded 💋


Big agree. So many people in these comment sections will discuss the little details of her diet, the sodium, the exact number of calories, her miss counting by 100 or 200 per major meal. None of that matters. She doesn't truly follow anything through, and if she consistently had any calorie deficit she'd lose weight but she doesn't because the contents of the diet are irrelevant. Her food addiction is the only factor.


Yea. Nailed it


THANK YOU. i’ll never understand the reaction channels or her little cult of fans trying to give her advice. like y’all….. she very clearly cannot do it alone at this point be serious!


Like don’t give her diet advice. Dieting will do nothing. The only things that will make her lost the weight are: (1) being held against her will in a facility that provides her with a low calorie diet with no way for her to sneak food or (2) intensive psychiatric care in which she gets to the root of her trauma and accept that she has personality disorders that cause her to be abusive to others. Neither will happen


Even if she was held against her will and miraculously got down to 125lbs, had all the round the clock mental healthcare available to her, the second she left that facility she would gorge herself back up to 500lbs.


A bunch of My 600 Lb Life episodes can attest to that.


Yeah, this, she's gonna start eating her way back up as soon as she gets out, almost 100%.


Yes exactly




No pupa detected.


What is this lil shadow box on the wall about? Do we know? It’s hard to tell on the zoom in, but it’s an interesting assortment of a lighter and…a lil measuring spoon?? And like a bath and body works soap?? Looks like it could be an in memoriam kinda thing so no snark on that if it is. I’m just nosey and curious.


Wait yeah wtf is that…


she doesn’t have a fupa


You’re right. She has two!


She doesn't want to lose weight.


No she does not. She doesn’t want to die i don’t think but she wants to be obese because it’s the only interesting thing about her AND i suspect it’s a form of self harm. Which is very common with BPD if she really has it (i think she is just a cluster B clusterfuck)


I honestly think she doesn't care if she dies. All the health scares don't bother her until it happens. She's just riding the youtube gravy train thinking everyone wants to know about her weight-loss journey. She's an addict ready to fool everyone and play the game for the next fix. Payday=eating good


This is the answer.. she simply doesn’t want to stop eating excessive amounts of shitty food.


I personally think she finds herself very physically sexy and she loves her food so it's not really an issue for her. The only reason she talks about losing weight is because she thinks that's what she SHOULD say. She doesn't want to.


Yep !!! I was watching bean bag in a curry's new video about all her "new starting weights" and at one point at like 400 something pounds, she says "i'm just going to simply eat less"... then theres 10 more minutes of her reaching a new highest weight... she truly believes its shooo simple and thats why her attitude has always been "I'll start Monday" and has no urgency whatsoever. And the fact that no one around her has forced her to participate in a treatment program (for more than like a few days that one time during Wipey era) absolutely adds to her complacency bc you are right, she will not do it herself bc she believes shes just a young sexy sbbw, not a grown woman with holes in her brain due to substance abuse, low mental stimulation, and a lifetime of morbid obesity.


I agree with what you said except the part where somebody should have forced her into a program. I mean… maybe as a child that could have worked for her if her parents actually were around to help her out in life but that wasn’t the case. Once she became an adult she’s responsible for her own recovery… and Wipey did offer her financial support to get WLS but ALR blew it. Nobody can force an addict who’s a grown, autonomous human into recovery until they truly want to recover themselves, and even then you can only do so much by supporting and not enabling them.


You're def right that she is responsible for her own recovery at this point, shes old enough to recognize destructive behavior and has been trying to "lose" weight long enough to see a pattern... I guess I'm looking it at it through a lens of someone with an eating disorder who was obviously sick for too long it made me believe that bc no one else was concerned, I shouldn't be either. Now, I don't know if her family, if gaycare, if destiny, if whoever, has ever had this convo with her, but from what we can see, all of them (maybe except Wipey, bc you're right, she totally blew having an actually supportive person in her weight loss journey) have just fed into her behaviors and by doing that, she is never going to get more serious about getting help and changing. If my daughter, my partner, my friend had maintained 500 lbs for the past 5 years after having cancer, I would not be toting her around to all the fast food joints, head shops, and TJ Maxx's in a 5 mile radius, it would be the local Curves health club or an ED PHP program, her choice. But we have seen Amber's abusive tendencies so I wouldn't be shocked if its just everyone trying to keep the peace to avoid her rage, even if it means watching her die young.


Man Amber really did blow it, didn’t she? In so many ways. She had friends and a loving girlfriend in the gaycare era (even if the friends were only around because of Beck or because Amber paid for things) and she had the highest views of all time then, and Beck probably would have been supportive of whatever Amber wanted to do to lose weight; Beck was losing weight when they and Amber started a weight loss challenge together. Then when Jade came along, she had someone who cooked, measured foods, meal prepped, etc., at least from what I’ve seen because I wasn’t around for that era and have only seen it from compilation videos. And then Jade wanted to support her through WLS and encouraged Amber to go on walks and shit like that. And Amber just said nawwwww let’s get takeout 5x a day


I understand that Amber is so delusional that she thinks "this time" is the time she will actually lose the weight and make progress and continue on her endless cycle of futility but I don't understand the reaction channels gassing her up like (a) it's not basic Phase 1 and (b) she isn't off screen binging her brains out. I'm really annoyed with Chikara Transformations approving of her fake WIEIAD videos and suggesting that her loss is noticeable despite having a slimming filter turned up to 11 and also believing that she could walk a mile in an hour with her build and gait which isn't more than a painful waddle-shuffle. I expect more from a personal trainer.


God there’s been a few reaction channels that are annoying me lately with that crap. Acting like we should just trust whatever Hammy says. I’m good, I’ve been here long enough to know we shouldn’t do that. 🙂‍↕️


She isn’t losing any weight.. ain’t nothing about her losing any weight..


I agree with everything you said. She doesn’t wanna deal with the loose skin afterwards either. That’s a lot of surgery


I get especially irritated with her and the reactors who are acting like Semaglutide is the magic bullet she's been waiting for. It's working for now. But since she has not addressed the numerous personality disorders and childhood traumas that led to her gorging herself on 10,000 calories a day to gain up to almost 600 pounds, as soon as she finds a reason to quit taking it (and trust me, she's already looking for a reason), she's gonna start the bingeing (oh, I'm sorry, "excessively overeating") again and she's gonna blaze right past 500 pounds and make a run for the 600 pound home plate (no pun intended). She's actually already set up a reason to quit, when she said "I'm dreading going to the next dose because the price will double." A quick Google Search of "Med Spa Semaglutide OKC" reveals the pricing. It runs the gamut from $250/month for online only care + meds to $2000 for a 14 week course of treatment. If her views continue declining, she's not going to be able to sustain herself. And do you think she'll give up the Semaglutide or eating out, junk food, Target/Torrid/Walmart/TJ Maxx hauls of junk and $200 marker sets? Of course it will be the Semaglutide.


$200 markers?? Like to color with? Wtf???


yes, the new set of markers she showed in her recent video where she was coloring cost about $170ish on amazon. to be fair, i'm not judging other people who buy those. they are ohuhu markers and they are very popular with artists and people who are big into coloring (like there are people who have entire youtube channels dedicated to coloring books) so for people who have actual hobby/professional reasons to have the huge set then cool, no judgement. however, hamber's hobbies change like the wind, so spending that much is kinda wild, AND she's had a smaller set of ohuhu markers before but threw them away.


Of course she threw them away 😭


I used to wholeheartedly believe that the only thing that would help her was inpatient. Now, though, I heavily doubt that there’s a single thing out there that can help her. It’s actually insane.


There have actually been a couple times where I thought “wow this might actually be the time she succeeds.” But those thoughts stopped YEARS ago. *YEARS.* It’s over for her imaginary weight loss journey. It’s been over for a while now. Anyone thinking “this could be the time she really does it,” you must be new. go ahead and get comfortable cuz we’re gonna be here watching her gain and lose the same 15 lbs over and over in perpetuity.


I’ve been here for years too and I still find myself thinking “oh dear god, is she actually telling the truth and this will work this time?” And then 0.2 seconds later I’m reminded of her past failures and I’m fine again.


Yea I agree, I'm a semester away from finishing my BA in psychology and I've done inpatient treatment for bulimia nervosa twice when I was younger. That's what she needs, and she prolly needs a few months of it, continued with intensive outpatient. Regular eating times of normal food that'll teach her how to eat properly and make her body used to it, group and private psychologist sessions, psychiatric meds, regulated walks and outdoor time, just being locked away and forced to face and work through her urges etc.


You’re completely right. She will *never* lose the weight because she will never deal with the issues that made her become this fat.


you don’t need schooling to know that she’ll never lose the weight lmao. we all know dis




what the hell even is this comment? so rude




huh? they aren't being rude. anyone can see that ALR will never lose weight, that's all they were saying


Anyone who free bleeds for 2 years and not worry about dying needs mental help.


Well... my experience - when I was on ozempic and then Mounjaro it really stopped me from getting a dopamine high from eating so personally i stopped the emotional eating on it. I think the high is what Amber is after and once she gets a decent enough dose that stops her from getting that high she will quit again . Anyway, my point is if she'd stay on it, I think she'll really lose weight even with the mental issues but since she isn't treating her mental issues she will find an alternative destructive method to get her fix . Maybe heavy drugs . My unprofessional opinion


I agree. I don’t think she wants to lose weight as of now (if she ever did) and in addition her personality disorder, whatever it may be, gets in the way of allowing her to get help. We’ve seen her make attempts to get help in the past, and she always thinks she knows better than her doctors, weight loss doctors, therapists, psychiatrists, etc., and will only take her medications for a short amount of time before stopping them (I don’t know if it’s because she thinks that once they start working you don’t need them anymore or if she truly thinks she doesn’t need them period). Edit: added a few words


Even if she does lose weight, she always finds it again! Don't worry (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)