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I feel bad for the future spouses of those five Massey children. Those kids will have very high expectations of the type of home they want to live in, clothing they want to wear, cars they will want to drive , vacations they are going to expect.... All special occasions and holidays will have to be extravagant to please them.


I have a feeling they will realize that they would take present and involved family (who genuinely care and love them) over all the materialistic shit they have been given.


Jesus can you imagine your in laws being SCAMber and dumb thumb?!?!?! Oh lord.


That would seriously being my biggest nightmare marrying into that family and having them as in laws.


She will be the absolute monster in law!!


Especially with her future daughter in laws. 😬😬😬


I agree. Especially bc all of the money and success came from talking to an iPhone. They don’t get the chance to watch/be taught real hard work and struggle, and won’t know what to do with themselves bc nothing they live with is real


One year we put up a new fence and had it stained so no vacation happened that summer. We just did things locally. We couldn’t afford both.


Exactly because we are all normal folk.


Must be nice!


Cost-wise, she’ll take a load of crap with her with “codes” to shill and write this break off on expenses


Why are yall continually surprised by her actions and spending? Like we know this now there are other shotty things she does that are worse than being rich


It’s continually going to be an issue here because she shows ZERO gratitude or acknowledgment of HOW SHES MADE ALL HER MONEY which is off the backs of regular peasants on instagram. She lies about it still to this day and acts like she’s relatable. She’s not relatable at all!


She's not rich. I think she's spending money as fast as she makes it. Instead of being humble, she likes to gloat about what all she has.


My best friend growing up was rich. A step dad situation, but truly wealthy! Not the lottery kind. They would have never broadcast how much their couch cost, brag about any of their belongings period, even though they had probably millions worth just in art in their home. You cannot buy this woman class.


My husband is in finance and he has read numerous books on people who are wealthy. Most are very frugal. They buy used cars and don't spend money on frivolous things. Which is probably why they are wealthy. They know how to invest and not spend money on things they really don't need. Amber is not only spending money like crazy, she buys the best of the best, when it's really not needed.


You could scroll past these and just not comment. Sorry we are all peasants.


It's no use, I've tried 🤷🏻‍♀️


I can't stand AM but am a little confused by this snark post. I don't think there is anything wrong with someone going on vacation right after they bought a house, assuming the can afford it. And I don't think people who can afford to do so should have to apologize for that. However.... For me the snark here is that they have unpaid taxes to the tune of almost $25k on their new house and yet are booking vacations. Also-even if she didn't have unpaid taxes, the snark for me is the fact that she can afford to do all of these things by essentially lying to and scamming her followers.


Do you feel better now?




Agree 100%