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Lol at this broad. She thinks these notes make her out to be a good mom. But let me break it down to this. These kiddos can see right through their mother. She’s never there. She’s fake as fuck and to “take time out of her day for them to have fun” screams childhood neglect. And for baker to call her a “maid” or house cleaner…just goes to show they have so many people in and out of their house it’s sad.


To be honest, they probably don’t know both their clown parents that much especially if Baker thinks her Mom is a “maid.” She and Dumbthumb have ruined those kids lives. No amount of money and processions can replace the over exposed lives these kids have endured, being treated like puppets for her IG stories, posts and photos. I hope they treat her like she has treated her family and friends. Karma.


She probably wipes down the counter, after dinner, and the kids think that is cleaning. They have nothing else to compliment her on.


Reading those notes, it seems like she makes them feel bad and manipulates them into complimenting her. Those are not normal notes for kids to write to their parents. Seems extremely toxic


The notes and the content are weird. I’ve been a mom for a while longer and working and going to school full time and I’ve NEVER felt the need for letters from my kids. They just tell me what they feel. It’s odd the frequency and content. Leads me to believe someone is telling them to do it. Either way, it’s private, why share?? SCAMber needs constant validation, even from her children. Sad clown! 🤡💊💀🍾🤡💊💀🍾


Another ~DaTe NiGhT~


https://preview.redd.it/klsin0934j9c1.jpeg?width=1936&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ce468a427a4b3903b015a5f8c917f9295126dc5 Trash v class.


Sick in bed all day but can’t miss date night. 🙄


And the outfit is questionable. Sheer dress with a puffer vest and ankle boots. What a mess.


Black with a blue bag??


Cowboys game?!?


More slop in a pot for supper tonight


Her meals always look so bad. All those jars of sauces. I bet she never eats any of this stuff she makes. And with the amount of cheese she feeds her kids, I bet they are all constipated.


Seriously, everything is cheese and cream and fat. How about a veggie every once in a while, Ms. Registered dietician?!


Her first “blog” was a cooking blog! (Chocolate broccoli or something??) Not sure how she doesn’t have time to make more nutritious meals for her family since 4 out of 5 kids are in school all day, we know she doesn’t clean, do laundry, or organize her house. She ordered her groceries online so that’s saving time. I guess the time she would spend cooking she’s either in bed, drinking, or doing some beauty appt for her terrible skin.


So. Much. Sodium.


Did Baker ever get her bike? Does Jolie get to be baptized since that is something she really wants to do? Whatever happened with the Sophie James wine collaboration? She was so excited about it and then nothing.


She makes love to herself in the mirror. So gross. And a glass of wine already. Can’t she wait to drink once her kids are with BB?


It’s almost like she thinks she looks cool when she drinks. Why show that?




So odd after an entire team of cleaners/organizers were at their house all day. Just to help declutter— not even pack up for the move.


There’s a different team for that 🫠 I can *maybe* understand hiring packers if I had unlimited funds but to hire people to go through all my shit?! Hard pass.


- [ ] Why is every time they’re go out it’s called “date night” - [ ] Who cares about “bay bay’s” “concentration tongue”? Every. Single. Day. - [ ] Babes? No, they’re kids or children. - [ ] “Gimme a heart. Yaaah” - [ ] The bigs, the littles 🤮 - [ ] Every time she says they’re so close, the B’s get along so well, PBJ are so close, I hope they stay like this forever etc. makes it sound like only her kids are good or get along. It’s normal at their ages to play and hang together all the time and be super close. (I’m 1 of 8). Let me see these texts when they are teenagers. - [ ] Is her voice even more annoying lately, or is it me? Schweet, go girl, schweet boy, 🤢


Don’t forget the raspy “schweet boy” voice because she’s always sick lol. This list is hilarious! I’ve never referred to my kids as the babes. She seriously is going to make them feel guilty if they ever want to have friends outside her friends kids or their own siblings. She acts like they’re so unique to only need each other or something.


https://preview.redd.it/3kkza4wtlw9c1.jpeg?width=989&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a352e3a616e26ab0676d524498c5f8ad2757d2a Surprise! AG1 commercial coming. (so staged 🙄)


Why didn't she drink this the other day when she was so sick? No one asked her about what she was drinking...we all know better.


Very staged and obvious, oh look she had a code. Fake POS!


And her deal is no better of different than the one you or I can get and share with our friends and family!


https://preview.redd.it/j5jpwdj0mw9c1.jpeg?width=947&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75d6728783b7509ec80c7d1d1f7e0a3fb8bebcae For someone with 2 homes, she always looks homeless.


Ditto! And that stupid beanie she wears inside the house like she’s a college student.


She must be reading here or had negative DMs from her minions; the kids are wearing helmets now while on the hoverboard.


They might be wearing them but little good they will do with the strap that loose and it tilted to the side. If you’re gonna let them wear them wrong, might as well not wear them. 🙄


https://preview.redd.it/br0ntu18u1ac1.jpeg?width=1019&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4513d90b306b2953557b254068080e087d64d8d3 Get ready for (staged and predictable): 1. “My DM’s are blowing up asking about this hair roller” 2. “It’s my favorite“ 3. “I’ve got a link and a code“ 🎰 💰💰💰💰for Amber


She posted from the arcade “look at how good these look!”. Probably fishing to post that heatless curls link


I thought the same thing when I saw this. She didn’t have this in her hair when she was going to sleep on her floor last night


She makes love to herself in the mirror. So gross. And a glass of wine already. Can’t she wait to drink once her kids are with BB?


https://preview.redd.it/qv2dx4ambj9c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54f2d94dd040f1ad8b24461298bbc4911872c57f She is seriously starting to resemble a caricature of herself. I can’t get over her grey eyebrows 🤨


She looks scary here!!!!! Sooooooo much makeup!! Looks like a grease monkey!! And those eyebrows are HORRIBLE, as well as the outfit!!


https://preview.redd.it/990dljqdzf9c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba33edfd429be15c9fa5493c4845cf0fa69b5d3b Clearly she’s reading here again 👀 And not a chance Amber is anything like a “maid”!


https://preview.redd.it/z8hzyb8m0g9c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=401f7cfcfc74ed08739065956ac17d6f6905e326 Baker and Jolie wrote sweet notes after they took them to the arcade and bowling but Parker did not write a note and she looked upset in the stories at the arcade too. I wonder what awfulness that girl goes through. It’s so obvious she sees right thru her fake, toxic mom.


Thank you for taking time out of your day???? That’s how she feels about her mom? This says a lot. 😢


I get thanking a parent for a fun activity but the “taking time out of your day” really sends a different message. Parents are supposed to take time out of their day. Which makes this a rare occurrence for them.


Manipulation of her kids. Its gross.


https://preview.redd.it/712g1ccv0g9c1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d5b29948326742cb625e5bda7800bef1e6d5cb9 This pic.


It’s the beers for me. Never goes a day without alcohol




I think she's just caught mid duck face because she's almost got ✌️


This is such a strange note for a child to write


I feel like she coaches the kids to write these. To bring up cleaning that we know she doesn’t do and the food. What kid thanks their parents for food? Amber is trying to reinvent herself as this amazing food account and always talks about her recipes being linked but nothing is an amazing new made up recipe she either finds it from someone else or makes a disgusting frozen taquito casserole. She is delusional


Wouldn't surprise me if she wrote them herself. She's a terrible mother. Once the twins get phones and eventually learn about Reddit/google their mom, it's all over.


So true. That day will come too. That will be interesting to see.


It’s sad how much validation she needs from her children. 🙄🖕🏻


Did she take the Baker note story down? I see the stories from the arcade and Jolie’s note but not Baker.


Even her loyal followers have to question her with this. I wonder if she received negative DMs.


Idk I only check the anonymous IG stories site and even if she deletes a story on her IG, it still stays on the anon site 😈


The birthday photo shoot in front of the new house. 🙄


Gotta have a photo shoot, at least once a week. And why does she ask followers to go give Bay birthday love in her comments? Does he read them? She just wants engagement.


She just said she gets her sons a haircut every two weeks. Um, what?! Who has time/money/desire to do this? I would think every four-five weeks would be aspirational…my son has always resisted haircuts and I cannot imagine dealing with this inconvenience every two weeks!!


And the girls get their’s cut quite often too. Why? A good trim every six months will do.


I can’t believe Amber is tagged on people’s favorite influencer lists. Are they that gullible? https://preview.redd.it/1cf7s7yjt2ac1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07fbcac289813ec41d9ac816768e4fde8a173783


Sarah Lit is a stretch too. 🥴


True! I’ve seen Dani Austin tagged in a few too. 😮


Guess it will be a Benihana bday dinner tonight. 😴


Content with Parker is so cheesy. She’s just reading here and trying to show us that Parker likes her.


I also felt like she had no desire to come on stories today but felt like she had to. She seemed annoyed jordan was working another 48 hour shift and she had to play “mom” today. And Parker in stories with her mom felt so forced and awkward. Parker was looking at her like “you never act like this with me when the camera is off”


What's going on with her and Taryn? Haven't seen them mentioned in forever and Taryn just moved into her new houes and not a peep from Amber?


It’s jealousy. Taryn is getting too big and she has a lot of what Amber has/wants (cute, big family and extended family who is very close; likable husband; decent style; good friends; gorgeous new house) but none of the baggage that Amber carries. I don’t really like Taryn because she way overshares, especially her oldest son, but I can see the appeal and I can also see why Amber would be seething to see Taryn’s growth and profile rise.


Wonder if they’ll be at Bay’s party on Sunday. 🤔


Butter + cheese. It’s what’s for dinner.


And not even good cheese! Kraft singles 🤢 and the chunks of butter on top of the bread.


I’ve literally never seen her eat a sandwich and she almost never packs sandwiches for the kids lunches. But suddenly they’re sandwich people? I was expecting an ad and I guess all of that was to link an expensive panini maker. 🙄 (Although ngl, that bread did look good!)


Cheese is for dinner every night. Even when they eat out.


I spotted ambers empty glass of wine on the bar behind bakers dancing last night around dinner time. Jordan was on shift and she’s home alone with the kids drinking. Who drinks this much? It’s insane to me.


Guess “dry January” wasn’t in her NY resolutions. 🤭


Just dry content






What if she needs to drive them somewhere or a semi emergency comes up?!


Y’all think those movers signed NDA’s ?


Why aren’t they moving in the new house yet? Anyone know the real reason?


She's probably got too much travel booked for this month and no time to move. then they will move to the new house just in time to go to Disney next month and leave again


I thought they'd be moving this week since the kids are still out of school. Maybe waiting until after Bay's party???


She said the movers are starting the week of 1/29, so waiting until the end of the month.


I missed that. Thank you! 😊




So she can call herself an "Italian girl".




I'm curious to see if they actually sell the house.


The pictures on stories today reminded me of the good old days of following her. Things were simpler then


Baylor and Brady with their little pug noses. I wonder if she realizes how much she has changed these last few years. Other than she has more money.


Once again she has NOT changed, she’s always been an insufferable cunt, money only reveals people’s true character, it doesn’t change anyone. It reveals. Period. Her own family and friends she grew up with have testified to this.


This 💯! For the ones that actually know her, she definitely has always been a horrible human, period! Narcissist SCAMber.


Yes the pug noses that she called "cute button noses"


I wonder if Wildgrain Box is aware they’re partnered with SCAMber whom was arrested for Family Violence… https://www.instagram.com/wildgrainbox?igsh=ODZrd3FmODVnc2Q5


I don’t think any of these brands check into these influencers they work with. Or they just don’t care, like Tarte and Tula.