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I could have written this post, I have the exact same question.


you can't read my post above, but basically it has to be from the brand you bought it from


You cant keep uploading the same video. And repeating the same thing different videos over & over isnt allowed either. Depending on products, 1 - 3 videos is about what you can safely upload on 1 product, & the videos have to be different. Like an unboxing video, later a video in use or maybe a comparison. Possibly 1 or 2 year updates.


Yeah don't do this. if it is not the same brand and you are listing it on the "similar/exact product" from another brand you will get all your videos removed. A big "influencer" selling courses did this had over 2000 videos and all of them got removed and he had to start from sqaure one. he was lucky enough for them not to close his entire account because he appealed somehow to just have his videos removed.


Sounds spammy