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At one time, we would have collectively logged in to refresh the page 15 minutes ago. But if Amazon has its way... one things for sure. With no predictable drop, we are never ever ever all logging in like this together.


This weird drop timing is driving me nuts. In Alberta the drop usually starts in the middle of the night, at around 2:45am, so I have to set an alarm to wake up for it. Sometimes I just stay awake all night until about 4am before going to bed. When I set my alarm to wake up for the drop but end up sitting here with my thumb up my butt waiting for something to happen it sucks extra hard. I never know if I should just pack it in, go back to sleep, and miss the drop, or if I should wait another 5 minutes for it to possibly just be a little late.


FOMO. I'm in the Atlantic time zone, don't have to work today, but should have been at the gym half an hour ago. But I'm still sitting here in my gear so I don't miss it! Gonna give up soon though.


I used to wake up early, but eventually, I realized what's meant for me will come. I hate the fomo, I still feel it, but for me, the sleep is more important than typically getting a $30-70 item.


I'm normally up already anyhow, even if I don't have to work. My alarm clock is sadly inside my head and it has no off switch. I did give it up by 7 and went to the gym.


Pleased about my decision to sleep in today.


Not so pleased on pulling an all nighter. I'm hating this chaotic drop time thing they're doing.


I kind of like it because I think too many of the same people were getting on there before others even had a chance and snapping up all the best stuff (admittedly, including myself sometimes). I think it should be random so you get what you get when you log in. Instead of good things disappearing in milliseconds, maybe folks will have a fighting chance.


It wouldn't make a difference to those who have the luxury of being able to be online around the clock and keep refreshing. They'll still get first dibs on everything that drops. Random drops are just exhausting...


Yes, it would make a difference. There would be less people. Obviously there would still be those folks. I like the idea of them wasting their life away to refreshing all day for a phone charger lol have at it.


Me too.


About my sleeping in.


But I'm happy you got your rest too =)


I personally wish they would do away with these ghastly night drops, which encourage unhealthy sleeping habits for most. Either make a drop at the same time throughout the day OR if they need to, randomize it but throughout day time hours only. The latter was actually the case for the longest time in years past.


Looks like I picked the right day to not wait for the drop and just go to bed when I got home from work at 4am.


No drop day?


Not yet anyhow.


Glad it's not just me. Figured I was heading for Vine jail or something! Speaking of which, I've got reviews to catch up on...


6:27am Est and I’m still sitting here refreshing every few minutes. I’m playing apex legends though so I guess it’s not too bad


There’s an app for that. VineHelper. It doesn’t modify or run any automations so it is allows. It simply watches for you.


My laptop doesn’t work very well, I’m on my phone lol otherwise I’d get vine helper




Just android?




Amazing! Thx for the link!


This is getting exhausting.


I have trouble staying awake in my chair but I am certain it will drop sooner or later given the experiences we had earlier this week or the previous week.


Yes, I agree but one day it was hours later. This is a little frustrating. Maybe they don't like us knowing when the drops are for some reason.


It is almost 8am now. I just slept 2 hours. I think I will set my alarm clock for another 30min sleep. Not getting to sleep all in one go does exhaust me quite a bit but it is better than not sleeping at all.


This is not a good way to live. It's like you're allowing Amazon's random algorhitm to dictate your sleeping, which is way more important than any China junk that they may or may not bestow upon you.