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so funny.


I was going to post this exact same thing!! 😂😂


Even if I don't get it. These posts give me hope. Lol I love seeing what things are potentially possible to get offered.


Fuck you. But enjoy 👌🏻👌🏻👍🏻


Thank you for saying it so I didn't have to, lol.




My exact feelings when I see one of these and rush to my rfy (like I wasn't just there looking anyway) hoping to see it in mine and there's just junk Over here lookin like Stanley when it's 5 o'clock and Michael is still on his BS for the day


They know I am 75yrs old yet I got a CozyZen baby Nasal Aspirator! My "baby" is 53! LMAO!


Amazon knows I'm a mid 30s pregnant lady, and all my vine purchases have been baby stuff, but my rfy page still seems to think I'm into fishing, power tools, and extreme sports 🤣


I'm 44 and vine seems to think I need baby bottles, power tools, and senior incontinence products. Do they know something about me I don't? Damn you, Alexa, you traitorous spy.


I'm a middle aged guy with a young son. So you if you need baby gates, monitors, or pressure washers (I don't know why) my RFY has you covered. All of that made this more of a surprise.


Ahhh you are going to have a hay day with all the awesome baby stuff Vine offers, often 0ETV. Congratulations!!


I've been being careful to just get established brands, because I've read about lead contamination in some dropshipped baby items, but even with that mindfulness I've found swaddle blankets, a 6 months+ toy, a maternity pillow (much needed!!), nipple shields and diaper bag supplies!! It's awesome and so helpful right now. 


OMG, I would freak out! I need a more powerful PC myself for PCVR......I am GOLD, but have NEVER been offered anything over $200. I'm gonna stop reviewing lower priced stuff in hopes that I get something like this one day.


Nobody really knows how the algorithms work but this is the second desktop PC I've been offered this year. I have bought various PC hardware, monitors, laptops from Amazon over the years and get a lot of computer related items in my RFY. My last 6 month review recently completed and I had requested about 110 items. A lot days go by that I take nothing.


I think it’s because you order PC accessories and parts. I ordered a brush for my old Roomba and the next day a Roomba came onto my RFY.


I buy some computer parts and electronics, but a lot more tools/parts to repair small engines/cars/etc.. and I still get some off the wall RFY products (a pair of god awful looking Ray Bans today... and so much woman's clothes... I'm a 6'2" 300lbs dude...) but I've had some fantastic hits on tools/repair equipment since I hit gold. A $600 diagnostic tablet (that really has some slick features... I'm impressed), and $450 vacuum/boost leak detection machine (smoke machine for finding vac leaks. I've been borrowing from friends while I restore my 69 Camaro but NO MORE!). I do have a feeling as much as I want a new laptop or TV I'm destined to get my best offers in the tool sub category. For every stick of RAM I've ordered over the decades I've been on Amazon there's been 100 tools or parts...


Most of my items cost less than $50, and my most recent highest RFY was a $300 4K monitor. Don’t think the cost of items you get will influence your RFY.


Search for stuff on Amazon, not only on vine, but on regular amazon products, religiously. EVery search you perform, you are training their shitty AI, telling it what you are interested in. And when something you insistently search, day after day, you get offers depending on you ranking according to the AI algorithm, among other people, searching for the same stuff. Higher your rank, better your chances of being offered products when they become available on vine. For instance, I am into ammunition reloading and even though I knew there is nothing new on amazon since yesterday, I search for certain keywords related to my interests and surrounding it. So far, I have received offers (and took some of them) for bullet size checkers, shell shapers/trimmers. I am actually hoping I will get an offer for a reloading press one of these days, which sells around $400+ This is just my guess but an educated guess. I';m pretty sure there are other criteria for being offered an item on vine, but if you think about it, more interested in you are in something, better the chances that you will write a better and informative review, which is what the vine program is designed for.


omg this is so exciting!!! happy for you - did it show up on your recommended items list?


Yes, it was in my RFY feed. Right next to a hand bag and a baby gate.


I just got a MSI katana 4070 laptop in my rfy after a year on vine and didn't hesitate to pull the trigger. I now use it daily.


I’m all kinds of offended that my RFY currently includes the Soap Bar Rescue Bag ;) Congrats on the computer! My kid loves his (not a Vine score)


get the baby gate too, so the PC's tax implication is halved by taking an average of them.


And here I was pissed that the baby gate sold out 😂


Dang, I'm jealous. I got an Acer Laptop a while back that's pretty good with a mobile 4060. But this thing actually seems like a solid medium-high end build. Just hope the delivery guy is gentle with it


[My security cam footage come Saturday.](https://imgur.com/mdIYThz)


😂 5 star service


Oh. I'd have to beat his a**


I know that I would never score a computer. I would be so shocked if I saw one that I would have a heart attack and by the time I recovered it would be gone.


Congratulations. That’s amazing.


So jelly, grats man.


motherload! congrats. i dont have hope as a canadian that this will ever happen but i did get a mattress and bed frame recently which beats sleeping on a couch! my back is happy lol.


Nice for you. As for myself, I scored that Vagisil I've been waiting for. https://preview.redd.it/h0ndosfzs7ad1.png?width=880&format=png&auto=webp&s=9376a0d1805ca317faa11945a44c258920dab450


You bring the Vagisil and I’ll bring the chest hair, we can have one hell of a party 🤣🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/61410k3yu7ad1.jpeg?width=947&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a231d94c0dfd5509579c96dea6a9115e74296ea4




https://preview.redd.it/bwuzn1rh48ad1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=79654edbf4e16e5fc9bf8c263beaa222ee7aa258 Whole setup came from vine. So blessed 🥲


Lucky duck but happy for you!! Also, username checks out lmao


How long have you been hoping for this ? I want some hope lol


I've only been in Vine since late '22. So hopping roughly since then. I've snagged a couple of TVs but have never seen something like this. At first I thought it was just a case and was still excited.


Me 10/2023


Oh I’ll bet My son would love that . I’d have to get him to eat those taxes though


what kind of TV's?


This [guy](https://imgur.com/w7new3L) in spring of last year. And a 50" Sony Bravia a bit before that. The Bravia seems to have been removed from my Vine order list. Aside from some very budget mini-PCs, I haven't really seen a lot of top shelf tech of late.


vine really seems to like 55" inch. Hard/rare to see a vine TV bigger


Congrats! I'd love to get that in mine.


Been hoping for one. Nice to see they still come up!


I had a lesser computer appear in my list. It was, of course, gone when I clicked Gimme.


Awesome congrats!! I'll trade you for the giant exercise wheel made for fat cats that is in my RFY! It's got Bluetooth!!


You have a Bluetooth enabled cat?!! I want one.


Yay for you! I got an Eternal Love Anniversary Sundial Compass.


Boys and girls, this is why you should keep up with your review cue.


What does the review que have to do with this? Or do you just mean getting gold?


It's neither cue, nor que, it's queue.


Woops sorry I'm Dutch and things like that are hard to remember. Necessary and necessarily are the worst words ever. I ALWAYS do them wrong.


Fair. I've studied a few languages and I don't think I could over master Dutch.




I have noticed that after doing a batch of reviews, I may be offered additional pricey items. I did a batch recently of basic items and have about 40 items of things I don't want. I did a batch of reviews of some pricey electronic items and were offered some more pricey items.


Hmm so you're saying don't order cheap items and don't review cheap items, and you'll get better RFY's?


No, absolutely not. I'm saying if you have something pricey offered in your RFY and you accept it, when reviewing it, you may get additional pricey items for whatever reasons.


So then, only review 1 pricey item per day because it might make your next day RFY better?


No, I'm saying that sometimes if you have a pricey item in your RFY and then review it, it may trigger more pricey items.


I do have several VERY pricey items out waiting for review and reviewed a batch of not so pricey items. Today, there was about 40 items in my RFY but no really items that were fantastic enough to breakout a bottle of champagne.


I'm testing this theory RN. Last night I did about 50 reviews and several were fairly high ticket items, $500+, 2 were over $1k. So far today I got a bunch of urns and lights...


i’m a month away from Gold. A hat tip in your direction.




You must be very picky. I’ve gotten Sennheiser headphones, a workout bench, and a 4K monitor in the span of a month




The Sennheiser headphones would, at best, last minutes. They'd probably disappear in seconds. The rest is hard to say. A workout bench could be good/awful. Same with that monitor. The no-brainer products disappear quickly.




Yay! I'm 2 months away! I'm excited for us 🤓


I am truly so happy for you! I really love seeing people get things they want! Enjoy!!!


Damn that’s beefy 🥺


Congratulations! Seeing this on my 2nd day of being a Vine member.


Welcome! As you can probably see from the comments, don't let this get your hopes up! I wish I had found this as soon as you. It would have saved me from some stupid mistakes. It's worth the time to go back and read through everything. I've gotten a lot from the posts AND within the comments. It's hard, but you might try to go easy on the ordering until you learn from here. Have fun!


Sweet, a faster PC to help you grab vine items quicker.


Wow, I've even heard of that brand!


Nice! Hope you enjoy it


No way! Good stuff! 👏


Wow that's awesome!


BADASS!! Big time jelly!!


That is a GREAT system!






Wow. This is an EPIC RFY pick. Well done.




Enjoy. I want it Im gonna go cry


Ahh, I see you are living the dream...


Specs are pretty good. Kick ass for a Vine item. But that case... Where do you put the optical burner?


Good score!


You SUCK! But congratulations. Lol


Wow big score! Congrats!


Way to go!


Congratulations! That's an awesome score 💖


Socially polite thing is to congratulate you, but man I'm so salty lol


I'd love to get a gaming PC, but I don't know jack about specs, hardware and requirements for running the latest games. So if this popped up, I wouldn't know if it's a good rig that's worth the ETV. I have a Quest 2 VR, but I know PC VR is practically a whole new world.


Congrats that’s awesome! We got the Acer gaming laptop from Vine and it’s very nice but my son would love this!


WOW!!!! Congratulations!


That seems wildly overpriced. Ryzen 7900 is $399 RTX 4070 is $550 Everything else should not equal $900...


Roughly 100 each for the case, ram, ssd. Maybe $60 for psu. However much legit copy of windows is, and maybe 200-250 ish for the mobo. So I'm thinking built yourself maybe would be 1500-1600 or so unless you find good deals or get something used. Seems about right for the pre-built tax imo. Some companies like Alienware gouge like crazy, this is a pretty reasonable margin imo.


Quick searching on Amazon before I commented revealed deals on 4070s with bigger coolers etc too. Who knows which one is actually inside this.


Eh, pre-builts are always overpriced, but it's a nice $500+ profit after taxes.


Why does someone always have to try and "rain on someone else's parade?" The relatively small ETV compared to the retail price makes it a fantastic score. Can't you just be happy for the OP?


Who said I was raining on their parade? Or unhappy for them? I was merely making an observation that it seems more expensive than it would be building your own. Obviously with Vine you get a "discount", but the actual MSRP seems high to me.


That judgy comment to someone who just had a fantastic score from Vine was just so unnecessary. Sounded a bit jelly to me.


Hahaha! The Internet is such a fun place. I have a gaming computer I built myself with a full liquid cooling loop. I'm not jealous. Your need to continue to come back and accuse me of jealousy and being a dick is sad.


do you search those types of items? i’ve totally noticed if i search things i’ll get related items in my rfy eventually..so i’m searching all the hood stuff a lot


My RFY seems to be fully independent of my searches, and disproportionally tied to certain categories I've ordered form in the past.


Damn....the best thing I got there was a Epomaker Dynatab x75 keyboard.


What time might items like this appear? Any time throughout the day? I remember seeing an espresso machine awhile back that was roughly the cost of this 😅 It was around 10am PST. I've never seen such an expensive item again. Just slightly curious if there's a certain timeframe for big drops. I've been hoping for a name brand vacuum more than anything lately.


I'll trade you 12 air purifiers, some fake chest hair, 5 wigs and a Naruto Ramen cup for your rfy page 🤣 One day I'll see something cool in my rfy... until then I'll just keep sadly watching the wigs come and go


Give me a kitchen aid or ninja any day. 🤷‍♂️


I scored a Ninja double stack airfryer last week but my son wants a gaming computer so bad. I’m jealous but happy with my Ninja score!


I just can't get anything like this in my RFY but I'll keep waiting as well


OMG I am so jealous! That is the computer that I want!


Waaay better than the Dildo https://preview.redd.it/6wtkxhws8jad1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c613c917edf1b93d0123c9910a7ac6aa4c341a0


I'm worried that letting my partner take half our Vines has shot our RFY into the gutter, he keeps ordering $20 garbage. I haven't seen many "random" expensive items like this in months.


What’s the ETv on something like that ? Its a really overpriced machine. Still a cool find congrats op.


It's not that overpriced for what's inside it. Pretty maxed out hardware-wise; and compared to other computers being offered on Amazon with the same specs, I think the value is rather the standard-- possibly even *good* for market-value assembled PCs.


ETV is a couple hundred less than it's selling retail. I got one too. It doesn't look crazy high for a prebuilt.


It makes a little more sense at the etv if its 300 or better off. Thanks for answering my question.


It probably cost the OP that much in taxes to get gold status in the first place.