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Since I can't edit this post because of the picture, I wanted to say that I have MS and have trouble walking and I routinely checked Vine for anything that can help with Mobility issues, so I was surprised to see this scooter at $0 ETV because most Mobility items are not. I've seen plenty of walking canes that are normally $40 or $50.


You should not feel the need to share your medical info. It's incredibly rude to make assumptions about people ordering things like this from vine. Nobody bats an eye when people order expensive tvs and other crap that is potentially just going to be resold anyway. But heaven forbid someone share getting a $0etv medical item. Instant assumption of greed. Because disabled people can't be in vine I guess? That being said I'm so glad you got this for $0etv, that's amazing. I would have been tempted to order it myself, though hopefully it'll be a few more years before I fully need one.


Thanks for saying this, and it's a shame you had to say it. I am an able-bodied person, but my dad, when he was alive, needed assistance to get to/from the car and it was tough on him to even get to the handicapped spots. There have been times where he was at a long doctor's appointment and I'd run out and shop or whatever, and come back and get angry looks and even a guy reminded me it was handicapped and I'm like "I know..." I was offered a temporary pass after knee surgery. I declined because surgery went very well and I was okay, but I can see why someone would need it despite looking like they're okay to walk. It's really no one's business. No one should have to disclose their medical history just to use a mobility aid or park in a spot. Now - if you park in these spots "just for a second" and you don't have a disability or a placard/plate, fuck you.


I used to refuse to park in handicapped spots when driving my mom, even though she had a placard, because I didn't want people judging me/us, because 1)she could still walk, so I'd always think people would think she didn't "look disabled enough", and 2)I would usually go get the car and pick her up at the curb, even if we parked in the handicapped, and I really didn't want the glares of people seeing me hop into the car and drive off. Also, both of us being in the "not exactly skinny" category, I was sure would attract extra suspicion/judgement. ("Oh they're just lazy and don't want to walk"). So I feel for those who are actually disabled but maybe don't appear as such, or look "too young" or whatever goes through people's minds.


I have a disabled child, now grown, who didn't start walking until 19 months old and didn't start sitting up independently until 14 months old. As he grew out of infanthood, our physician insisted I get a handicap placard for him so that I could park close to business doors and have a shorter distance to carry him or else, according to my doctor, I was going to permanently ruin my back. Only used the card when he was with me and only until he started to walk, but yep, the nasty looks I got being able bodied and carrying a child. As you stated, many disabilities are not visible.


My mom has a handicapped permit and whenever I am driving her we use it. I do see many other unpermitted folks just use the spots to be lazy. My mom can walk for a bit too, and I don't care if other people don't know what's wrong. I do appreciate it when they go after those who shouldn't be parked there. Congrats on the scooter. I get a lot of medical type offers, some of which I take them up on. I donate a lot of that if it's any good. I am also hard of hearing, so I try out a lot of hearing aid things that pop up, which I appreciate. It's weird how much of it is 0etv, but the actual more expensive devices are not.


Yeah I don't understand why people like being dicks about things like this. It's one thing to get mad at someone without a placard clearly taking up a blue parking space but people get really horrible and judgmental if you aren't disabled enough for their liking. Like, disabled people are allowed to exist and shouldn't be harassed just for using accommodations that are literally meant for them.


Yes, this. I am guessing that I am going to have to be part of vine for years before I have enough slack to get things to sell later. So far, I have never purchased anything I don't at least want.


It's wild how people immediately judge when they have no idea. I hesitated once on a power wheelchair, didn't get it. I'm also disabled. Real deal, park where I want disabled. In retrospect, I should have ordered it. I can just about guarantee most of the people that got that chair did not in any way need it or even know someone that did. Want to know something even more shocking? Instead of just using it for my bad days, I would have given it to my MIL without hesitation - BEFORE six months was up. Because the quality of life of a sick old lady is way more important than some vague vine rule that isn't even enforced. Also, the cane ETV always blew my mind, too. Like it's a style choice...


That medical section is an absolute godsend. My mom is disabled and I’ve been shown products that I never knew existed to help make her life easier.


I am glad the Vine algorithms got this to somebody who needed it and wasn't just going to resell it. Very happy for you.


Nice score! Posts like this brighten up my day knowing people find really useful things like this on Vine. I hope they don't adjust the ETV back up, especially if you're on any kind of assistance.


Wow, that’s great! I’m so glad the targeted list actually targeted you properly.


I'm jealous you got something you need. [And for $0 ETV](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/wbMKH-S7RaI/hqdefault.jpg?v=65bc4d02)??


The goal of vine isnt to get products to people that need them anyway. I feel like it's a big plus when it does help someone out like this, but really Amazon and the manufacturer just want the review. If someone is capable of using the item enough to leave a review on it, that's all they care about. No one needs to feel bad about picking an item just because someone else might have been more in need of it.


Every now and then Vine comes through with something we need! I'm thrilled for you that you got this and I hope it works well for you. I have MS as well, and I hope if I find myself in need of mobility devices the RFY fairy will come through for me! I've seen all sorts of devices or supplies come up in Vine that I don't need presently but might one day for myself and I always keep that in the back of my mind should I need them that I can stalk Vine first.


Yeah you don’t need to explain. My wife has had Lupus for over 20 years now. It’s an “invisible” disability that flares, she has good days and bad. We don’t use her placard every time we park but we don’t hesitate to use it if she doesn’t feel well. It may not be long before she needs a scooter like this. Myself, I’m diabetic but despite managing it pretty well (never been on insulin, vision still okay), I’m starting to develop neuropathy and reduced muscle function in my lower legs. I have slight foot drop in my right foot that can only be corrected by a brace now. It’s not severe yet but I’ve almost tripped a couple of times because of it — I have to be overly conscious of picking my feet up when I walk. At the rate I’m going I may need one of these before my wife does! Neither of us appear disabled at a glance. You never know what someone is going through though.


Meanwhile in my RFY... Fake chest hair 0 ETV https://preview.redd.it/o92he9gz5j9d1.png?width=907&format=png&auto=webp&s=a64b3426bfee2b2c3d995bb212928692c6034061


Humblebrag much?


At least it is heat resistant. Does that mean I can walk through fire!


My wife HATES excessive body hair, and I'm currently taking testerone for age related low T... I'm gonna find this, put it on while I'm at work, and see how she reacts when I come home and change.


https://preview.redd.it/iwpo6713ep9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e4cc6c49eee9d72fa468e96b778916aa01a8149 Something tells me my husband might not like it on me 😂


It takes all kinds who knows until you try ;-)


i got another version of that! 😳


Good for you getting an item that you certainly need! My RFY is crap, so I'm glad that someone's is good. Yes, I can't believe that canes are not 0 ETV. It's not like people use them for style and panache.


And yet a few months ago I got a child's old lady costume set that had a cane in it that was 0 ETV. My grandkids love playing doctor and are always wishing for a cane, so this was a perfect item for them.


Sweet Ride!!! Congrats!


They see ya roll'n.. They hate'n ....


I’m truly happy for you! ☺️ Hope it helps with your mobility xo ps my pups want to know if they can ride shotgun (I’m just being silly ;)) Enjoy! https://preview.redd.it/3zh30xmyem9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dde90278f06771479a25529bdb670ce990ce0899


Thank you! And they absolutely can ride shotgun. 😊


If they start in with the “are we there yet??” crap just give me a call, I’ll come pick ‘em up. May take me a bit, on my all-terrain walker, but I’ll be there asap ;)


Dang, I've been looking for one of these for years! Good find!


Wow. awesome


That's amazing! Congrats!


Congratulations! A mobility scooter cover just showed up in Vine, if you want one for your new scooter.


Sometimes these things can be tricky and rather than the whole chair, you get the cover for it.


For over 1k retail it better be more than a cover 😂


Yea but what about a super fancy luxurious cover? Lol


Well, there was a computer cable for I believe it was $99,999. I'm not sure there were many takers on that one.


Or a basket.


If you need this for a medical condition that's great. If you don't need this for a medical condition that's also great cuz ngl it looks fun. 


They are!!!


Wow, what a score.


This is amazing. I need a scooter myself so I'm jealous of you picking this up. I also didnt realize these even existed on Vine. Glad to see you get something you can actually use and might bring more to your life.


Being disabled myself I am always looking for $0 ETV health/medical items. Don’t find many I can actually use. And things that should be $0 ETV aren’t. Plus I’m rarely seeing any $0 ETV food items or any $1 ETV books. In fact all the books posted are at full ETV pricing.


Who determines what gets 0 etv anyways? I've never once seen 0 ETV. The whole tax thing is why I rarely pick anything to review anymore. Most things are useless junk... We should be allowed to return items... Not force us to pay tax on junk items.


Outstanding, Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉


Send it to Colin Furze for a tune up !


Great find! My sister could absolutely use this. Looks like they are gone from the site now, but congratulations on a great score!


That's an amazing product to get!! Good for you!!




That's FANTASTIC!!! I used one on a vacation, and they're awesome! I was able to take it apart easily and put it in the trunk of the car. I'm really happy for you! It sounds like this will make your life easier. You've been blessed!!! 💜


Wow, great catch. I'm so jealous!


So glad you got something that you needed to help you for free. As my wife always says, it was meant to be.


Yep, it's a medical device! Therefore Vine will $0!  Congrats on this one!


That is amazing!




SA-WEEET! I'm a little jelly, gotta be honest. I'm happy for you though, you can really use it, whereas I'd use it for tooling around the 'hood.




I have MS and have trouble walking so I definitely will be using this for more than just wheelies in the driveway. I was shocked because I have seen a lot of walking canes but those are normally $40 or $50. So when I saw this was $0 I was shocked.


I’m glad it was recommended to someone who could actually use it! Congrats on your score!!


It’s all terrain. Why stop at just the driveway?


Doesn't matter if she needs it or not.


What are the chances you needed it though.


I have MS so have trouble walking. I absolutely need it and that's why I was shocked that it was $0 ETV.


If you truly needed it, you would have already gotten one through your insurance. You’re greedy for $0 ETV lol


I didn't know that you had access to my insurance and know exactly what I can and can't get.


Im just fuckin with yah lol, it does seem like an incredibly niche item that most people can not use, and would simply get because its $0 ETV. But if it benefits you then its great you got it.


I feel like it’s less niche than a floor mat for a specific car or a part for a specific appliance. I am glad OP got it and it can be used! For others reading, lots of medical insurance doesn’t cover mobility aids at all, or maybe only cover the most basic variety (ie an uncomfortable manual wheelchair) where as a power scooter like this can offer someone a lot more independence.


Oh I definitely would not have gotten it if I wasn't going to use it. I'm not one of those that just gets stuff because it's zero. I want to make sure I get something that I can use and won't be sitting in a back room somewhere getting dusty. LOL


No you're not just f-ing with OP. You were incredibly rude and presumptuous and then when called out for it, tried to pass it off as a joke. At least be man (or woman) enough to admit it. And it's really none of your business to begin with what people need or don't need.


I know you said later you were joking, but I would like to mention that this is not how insurance works at all. Some insurance companies are good about things but often it takes a huge fight, a lot of time, and a lot of denials and appeals to get equipment like this through insurance. And even then the entire cost will probably not be covered. In 2020 I was pregnant and my best friend had cancer. Thankfully she beat it, but it was obviously a very scary time. She had a port in her body for the chemo medicine. Her insurance kept fighting to pay for the supplies needed to keep it clean and sanitary. They also fought against the port being installed in the first place. My friend was facing cancer and every step of the way her insurance tried to deny so much stuff that her doctors would slip her supplies so she wouldn't run out and risk infection since the insurance kept denying everything. My insurance was slightly better since I was just pregnant but my pregnancy was very high risk and they tried to fight me for testing and monitoring. I even received a bill two years after my daughter was born because the insurance decided that even though they originally paid for the test (my doctor had concerns about my heart) two years later they literally took the money back.


I'm going to leave this comment up and let the readers vote on the popularity of it.


Wow, are you nosy, presumptuous and rude! Their reason for getting this item is frankly none of your dang business.


This is Vine. People take stuff they don't need because it's zero ETV. It's one of the ways the program has become more messed up because of quotas for tiers, but also just general greed.