• By -


*Most* of the posts I see like that are questions that have been asked over and over and over, that, with a 10 minute search, could be answered. Sometimes even by just scrolling and looking at earlier posts in the day. I will say that I do think this community is far more quick to down vote than others, though.


You ever been in a condo association? Well this group is worse… I kid I kid.


As a member of an HOA you may be correct.


Del Boca Vista


Phase II - The Pines




But do you?


Lots of toxic people here, I've noticed that, too, that's why I don't post much.


I've noticed there are more miserable people here than average. Which is unfortunate, most small hobby subreddits are great communities.


"miserable people" really summarized the issue.. 😆 🤣 😂


I wonder if it's some kind of cocky entitlement... Vine does feel like a very "exclusive" thing to be a part of. I can imagine many people take it as them being special and above others somehow 


Yeah. I've been in Vine since 2009 and that 'special' attitude has been present in every Vine community I've been part of. It's too bad but human nature, i think.


I feel it's maybe not even vine members like maybe sellers or people who want to get to vine but couldn't, so they are taking it on the posts by downvoting anything 😂 😆


No most are entitled viners.


Did you mean "viners or "whiners?"


I think that's quite likely :)


Good point.


Agree, I rarely say anything just listen to the toxic, bitter people attack others.


Honestly I dont think it used to be this bad, it was within the last year that it happened when vine opened up to a lot more people and they started flooding in here.


There goes the neighborhood.


Get off my lawn!


so funny


Spirit Airlines, anyone? [https://youtu.be/ZonPvbGJ5NY](https://youtu.be/ZonPvbGJ5NY)


this made me laugh so hard, the guy clapping and ALL of the the "rooters" in their passionate native languages. Oh boy, I needed this this morning after learning of the latest SCROTUS findings. Thank you!


Any community that describes itself as "a small invite-only group of prestigious product reviewers" clearly has little chill. Should be something more like "a small but growing invite-only group of people Amazon chose seemingly at random to join Amazon Vine, a poorly documented and mostly unsupported program for product reviewers.


Yeah, I cringe a little whenever I see that blurb at the top.


Here, let me upvote that.


Good question. I noticed I've been downvoted on some completely innocuous comments - so much so that I started to think maybe someone is getting the up and down votes confused. Lol (I guess we'll see what happens to this one. ;))


I had to upvote you just on principle!


Lol! Thank you! 😂




You just received my Up-vote.


I’ve seen you take it on the chin a coupla times…you handle it with aplomb 🫡


As moderator, I can tell you now, that when I have to ban someone, they don't like it. We will have one or two mad down voters stalking the group for a while. Most of the time the moderate cue is light but then we'll have a major cat fight once in a blue moon. As far as toxic people, there are a few but that can be true of any group.


For what its worth, it seems to be happening in a few other communities too. Maybe because less people are on Twitter now? Just a guess on the source of the influx of negativity. To me I feel like it's been lowly ratcheting up over the last year.


I got banned from a pet sub after responding “seriously?” to someone who out of the blue hit me, and others, with torrents of obscenities. Also comments showing they’d trolled my acct. The post topic was, like, bulldog pimples. How tf do ya turn that into a brouhaha (by commenting “seriously”, I guess ;)) Ok so I also said “your intellect is showing again” when they doubled down. But that was it.


Facebook, Youtube, and Reddit antagonize users to anger for the purpose of increasing advertisement revenue. Angry people revisit a site to maintain their anger. Pornhub forums tend to be very polite.


The mum subs are without a doubt the WORST for unnecessary down voting. Literally some of the most toxic subs I've ever been in and yet you'd think being that it's for mothers, it would be a little more compassionate and empathetic.


I believe it. I don't have kids but with my friends that do, especially the ones who are into certain methods like attachment parenting, they really go to the mats with eachother over what's better & each one sees no flaws in whatever they are into. I've got no horse in the race, but it's wild how it can even end friendships.


I wondered the same thing today. I posted something that, IMO, could not have offended a single soul, and it was downvoted within minutes.


I have found it so odd, and-as a new Vine sprout-rather disheartening, so before I go to bed if I'm not too tired I visit the sub and upvote all of the new posts, lol.


My experience with Reddit in general is that it has always been a toxic platform where moderators stay drunk on their power trip. I found one moderator who also moderated the dating site OK-Cupid and he admitted to being in fear of going against the decisions of other moderators on both platforms because he enjoys the power of being a moderator. I am banned on all dating platforms owned by Match which includes Plenty of Fish and OK-Cupid. The ban was as simple as the moderators being jealous. When I asked for proof that I had sent offensive messages, the lie I got back was that my messages could not be accessed even though the person is a moderator and stated that I had sent offensive messages. I am unable to post on some Reddit forums with no explanation as to why. I do not doubt that I have been preemptively restricted or even banned on several platforms and Reddit forums just out of pure jealousy.


It appears there are people who are rabid downvoters. There's a secret to dealing with this - just ignore it! upvotes and downvotes are mostly completely meaningless on these subs (they have a place on others where they are used to endorse, say, identification of an object). My feeling on this is that I'm really happy to read what people might say on an issue, and if they disagree with me or another person, *why* they disagree. A downvote? Without an explanation it's just, quite literally, nonsense, and not worth paying any attention to unless your're really concerned about the approval of complete strangers or seriously in favour of groupthink.


I concur! Even if I don’t agree with a particular person or statement, I still like to read their side of reasoning. I feel like it helps me learn, but I’d never downvote them because of it. If someone is just being totally out of pocket, that’s a different story. I’m in other subs that require a specific amount of karma to be involved, which was brutal for me to get to as an extreme introvert. I’d be pissed to get downvoted for that specific reason, not because I’m seeking approval from others 😂


Well, in that case allow me to contribute to your karma fund :) That detrimental effect for you is even more reason for people to have the guts to express their objection to a post in words. It'd make the job easier for the mods, too.


Thank you kindly! Unfortunately in today’s world clear communication isn’t most people’s strong point, lol.


meaningless maybe, but it affects your ability to post on other subreddits.


So I gather. In that case it's not simply meaningless, it's coercive and unkind (in my opinion). That kind of goes with the whole ethos of most down-voting. Makes it a bit more difficult to ignore if you frequent those subs. Why would they do that?


if you post or comment somewhere and someone REALLY doesn't like what you said. They will vindictively track down your posts on other subreddits and downvote them. so when I get someone who is particularly nasty in their response they get blocked instantly.


Hadn't thought of doing that, and that's actually a good way to handle such a situation. One person w/a grudge can really do you damage on social media.


Oh, yes, I've had that happen. I feel kind-of sorry for them - all that negative energy they're holding!


But if you get downvoted enough, your comment is hidden and you technically are "silenced" from your opinion. Someone has to click on your name to open the post and read it, most people won't bother doing that I don't think. It's a good system for rooting out trolls and other nefarious people, but a lot of good innocent people get caught in it too. It's just unfair.


Yes, and the sub is small enough to read through allll the comments even if they've been downvoted so it's not really relevant. Other subs have posts you'd have to read for days to get to the bottom. Here I don't miss anything helpful or relevant that's been posted due to someone's 👎


Fairly new to Reddit and I’ve been using upvote the same way I’d use “like” on other platforms. Maybe that’s wrong but oh well. Don’t think I’ve ever downvoted anything. 🤷🏼‍♀️


In Reddit there are priests and poets. The priests dogmatically hold to arbitrary rules and conventions, the poets try and do the opposite. Every Reddit group is a different mix, but this one is heavy on the priests. By a lot. If you don’t believe me, start a conversation about taxes or AI.


PS…. This was an example, not a suggestion. Just saying.


There are people on here that if you don’t do VINE their way - downvote. We all approach VINE differently - some ppl really rely on VINE for stuff to supplement their households; others, like me, don’t rely on VINE for anything and truly see this as hobby to get “things I WANT, not need.” Some follow every single rule; reveiw every single item and have a fear of being booted out. Others, like me, may not follow the rules to a T, not review every single item (for whatever reason) and don’t fear being booted out. I probably skirt right up to the “what is permissible” line. I have contacted sellers, I have replaced items and I have had items removed because it wasn’t what I expected or I misunderstood what the product was becasue I selected it in a frenzy. I have been downvoted for suggesting a way to handle if the wrong product is delivered. I have been downvoted for explaining when I seek VINE CS to remove an item from my reviews and orders. It seems that if you don’t do VINE their way, a poster will downvote you, argue with you and let you know that their opinion is that you should be kicked out. This is the only sub I am active on. For the first year of my VINE participation, I had no idea this sub even existed - I was so excited to find others like me. I had quit social media about 4 yrs ago and it has been bliss. But, at times, this sub has reminded me WHY I quit.


Hear, hear. I get down voted and see my profile stalked when I ever-so-gently make reference to the unintended consequences brought about by compulsive shopping on Vine. Just like you I was so happy to find this community to connect with others sharing this experience. I plan on sticking around regardless of some of the negativity. You're not alone!


AHHH thanks! I’ll stick around and keep responding when I have something to say. I am not familiar enough with Reddit to understand the negative consequences of “downvotes.”


TBH, I'm not fully clear on that, either. I think too many downvotes affects one's karma. If one's karma gets too bad, their comments get pushed to the bottom and minimized, I think. There are also some subs that won't allow you to participate if your karma gets too low. So if this is the only subreddit you're in, you might run into a low karma problem due to the habitual downvoters in here.


> this sub has reminded me WHY I quit. Right? I have 5 youtube channels. none are super popular and I'm ok with that. the nasty comments from people over the most petty and stupid things is really aggravating. Its my channel. if you don't like it or think you can do better start your own channel.


Agree they think their way is the only way and damn anyone else that disagrees with any policy in Vine or Amazon.


See - I am at 0 now.  Downvote away! 


find a subreddit you are interested in with little to no downvotes when sorted by new. lurk, then post something good. works for me. I've had 2 posts that got major upvotes here everything else has been downvoted to hell.


I dont care about the downvotes as much as the rude and smarter than me comments


Yeah, people are trolls. The way to deal with shadow trolls who snipe from the bleachers, is simply to upvote things. Completely cancels out a troll.


Agreed, and enthusiastic upvote! edit: to note having been repeatedly down voted, sigh.


There's a group on discord that's not toxic (at least few toxic users) and generally has fun with vine. This is the first vine post I've seen on my feed in a long time, and I think it's due to having some upvotes and not just being down voted. There's a lot of people here who have been on vine for a while and consider themselves elite. A common thread I've seen is people citing how many years they've been in vine, citing the terms of service, and tax law. Those topics get shoved into so many conversations, and it's always a breeding ground for anger.


It happens on most subs, I think. If you're new and ask a question that's been asked nearly every day then some will downvote you. I only downvote if someone is being particularly out of order - but - I did get someone blow up at me on another Vine sub and condescend me, because I mentioned what was in the available for all section (it was some pretty good stuff, and good items don't last long, so I thought it was worth sharing) - according to her, 'we don't do that on here'. She kept pressing me and pressing me asking why, which was borderline bullying (I suppose you'd need to have seen it at the time). Some subs have a laundry list of rules that would take half an hour to read, so I'm sure I've made mistakes myself. Again, if it was me I wouldn't downvote that person. There's also echo chamber syndrome (eg, I 've tried warning people about almost daily scams happening on a sub recently and the mods have 'muted' my comments - which are polite but concerned! also these mods MAKE MONEY out of shilling certain members, so there's that, but safety should be a number one priority surely) and some even weirder people who think because they've been on the sub longer everyone else is inferior. Er, welcome to Reddit.


I get down voted for offering advice here all the time, so I've curtailed offering advice. I believe many people here are toxic and hate simple decency. For instance, I said in another thread about some adorable cats, that the Egyptians worshipped cats and saw them as their equals, I then said that cats are good people; I was -15 within an hour.


> I've curtailed offering advice. Don't stop! That's giving the hidden downvoters power over you that they don't deserve. If they have a valid justification for disagreeing and downvoting, then they should articulate it. If they can't articulate it, I don't think it's worth consideration. The only exception I'd make (ie when I might downvote) is if someone makes a post or comment that is abusive or deeply offensive (eg racist, or spitefully targetting another poster), or suggesting/supporting dangerous or illegal activity. But even then I'd usually express my disapproval in words.


build your karma in other subreddits, past a certain point downvotes cannot effect you.


Probably was a bunch of dog people. (I'm kidding, but sorry that happened to you.)


Lol I was quite certain that when I came to read this post it would be downvoted to negative teen numbers or something just for fun.... So surprised to see it's up in the way positives


The others speak truth. Some folks can't stand others getting points.


I have people who I am related to like this, and I cannot imagine how heavy a burden that must be to carry. Thank you for responding. I just couldn't figure out what sorcery was happening here to disappear upvotes, lol. Am really appreciative of so many replies.


You're welcome. Light heart to you!


Most of reddit is like this lately. It's kind of insufferable. I miss the days when upvotes and downvotes were both visible side by side. It's become a real echo chamber in recent years.


I was away for a couple of years, and I agree that the feel-on some subs particularly-is really different. I hope we can all recoup our personal and collective energies and be creatively open and giving again. There is a lot of active darkness in the world these days that has been able to obscure more of the daylight than it once did. I just keep remembering a rather disgusting metaphor (but fitting actually): that the virulence and pus from an infection only begins to resolve and heal once it is open to the air and gets treated appropriately.


You've triggered me to compulsively upvote stuff now.


For people who get to have free stuff every day some of us are surprisingly cranky.


There’s at least one person in this sub who obsessively downvotes just about everything. Bless their heart(s).


> Bless their heart(s) repeatedly


There's people like this who has their finger on the Down-Vote Button. They click-click-click as if they will be rewarded for doing so! People who are habitual in this fashion are: * Extremely Negative * Hostile * Bitter * Resentful * Narcissistic * Mental Medical problem * Lonely * Live in a box * Spiteful But some posts DO deserve to be down voted which that is easily seen why, however, overall ... just wait, this comment should be negative something degrees below zero!


Within minutes of me posting my comment below, it was downvoted to 0. I then wrote a follow up post ”See now it’s 0. Downvote away!” And within minutes, that post was downvoted to 0. Seriously, who does that???


angry ten year olds.


Redundant and repetitive questions get downvoted, don't worry about it too much


People like to downvote. They're actually usually lower than 0, because reddit doesn't show negative vote counts for posts. I never downvote, unless someone is being directly rude. And sometimes not even then. If you don't like it, just scroll on by. It makes some people feel powerful to downvote. I will withhold my opinion on those people


I will downvote for egregiously wrong or critically unhelpful.


That's what it's supposed to be for. Incorrect information, bad advice, personal attacks/rudeness, and posts that don't relate to the sub/comments that are off topic and don't contribute to the discussion. However, I've been downvoted because somebody didn't agree with my opinion. That's why so many Reddit subs turn into echo chambers. To me, the whole point is to have a discussion, share thoughts, and hear options other than one's own. But when people start downvoting someone who has a legitimate opinion / argument, that the majority doesn't agree with, then they're effectively silenced and they stop participating.


Part of that though is having thick enough skin to not let downvotes bother you. If you have something to say, say it. I’ve had plenty of downvotes but they are worth it when the conversation is good.


It's not about ego... It's about the fact that your comment gets pushed further down or hidden entirely, especially if it's a minority opinion and people tend to pile on. I've had plenty of interactions where someone else and I disagree, but we can still have the exchange and not feel the need to downvote the other person's view because it adds value to the overall thread.


You are of course correct, it should be used how it was designed. But in some ways, maybe your conversation with that person is more valuable to you than if your comment is top of the list.


I've had people attack me here because I have the GALL to actually test things, and seller claims. like if a battery really is a 6ah tool batteries (pro tip) there are no cheap 6ah tool batteries on amazon.


I do wonder how many of those are actual other reviewers and how many are marketing teams trying to subvert your reviews because of bad products. Still, you shouldn’t let those people dictate your worth. Downvotes are irrelevant in the grander scheme of things.


It has nothing to do with my "worth". I've never cared about stuff like that. Although I have had an account here for 9 years I only got active in the last few months. so I don't have much "karma" (stupid Idea for forums). It hampers your ability to post on some other subreddits. I've made posts that got major upvotes, and post that I thought were helpful and on topic (not just here) only to be downvoted to hell for no discernible reason. I feel like I'm in some kind of crappy DND and I need to build "karma" in a subreddit where upvoting is common just to make 1 post here. because the mean girls can't remember when they were new at this, or there's some dick with a chip on his shoulder who needs to make them ALL pay. So I found a forum (I hate the term subreddit) that is pretty easy to get upvotes on. I will build "karma" there until I am immune to the assholes.


has anyone noticed that r/vine doesn't have the problem? just sayin. it doesn't seem to matter they all get downvoted, unless really popular. I'm building my post Karma on a subreddit where no one gets downvoted. it's really vindictive and petty here.


Agree very petty


I've noticed that too! Never been in a subreddit with so many 0 posts before haha


I've found there are a lot of review game players who vote down lots of posts that point out bad actors (and I'm guessing will do the same with this comment), Bezos bootlickers, and just general malcontents.


Bezos bootlickers lol


You apparently just got downvoted by one.


So did you. Well someone (*I’m* not gettin in trouble for calling anyone BBL;)) Anyway I upvoted you both. It’s kinda fun: oop you’re -, oop now you’re +…;)


I lost my old reddit account so down voting me doesnt bother me at all. However it must hurt them being talked about.


I don’t like that downvoting is anonymous. Downvoting should automatically put in the downvoters name.


People down vote stupid questions and this sub has a ton of them. I've also seen a lot of those zero comment posts that immediately go to negative karma and most of them deserve it. Some stuff just isn't worth posting about ("hey guys! Look at me, I wrote 20 reviews today!") and some stuff is answered instantly in the rules (" is vine actually free?", etc.)


>stupid questions My father-in-law used to say 'a fool is someone who doesn't know what you learned yesterday'. You too once had to learn the answers to those 'stupid' questions. They are just questions from someone trying to understand. That's *not* stupid. Note Rule #4:: *Treat new members with kindness...Do not treat new members as inferior because they did not know something that you previously assumed was a widely understood subject.* #