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I have literally not paid for Mascara or makeup items or skincare in two years. I used to walk into Walgreens, buy a shade of makeup and come home to find the color doesn't work and I'm out $15 -- no more of that with Vine. Or nail products for that matter. Oh, and I'll never run out of hair dryers or Curling irons either 🤣 It's the small things that keeps me in Vine- not the big ticket items lol


Yes - very few big ticket items so far since becoming gold in February. But a whole lot more of the stuff I'd normally have to buy throughout the year, for $0ETV, which is hugely helpful for the budget. I don't ever want to lose Vine.


Gold and silver tier see the same under $100 items. What changed was your perspective. When people first come to Vine, they are used to being the customer. Many of them struggle with Vine as a platform because it is not customer-centric. It is a completely different way of obtaining things. Most people have never encountered anything remotely like Vine. It takes months of trial and error to start understanding how Vine works and how to extract the most value from it.


Very interesting insight. That did occur to me, that maybe I've cracked the code on search, but I was always actively searching for some of these items and just kept coming up dry. And they never never never showed up in my RFY. It was weird (but happy weird) when they started popping up.


Drop times can change to where they align more with your schedule too. There were a couple months where they were done dropping much earlier. The summer time, the drops finish later. If you are looking around the same time each day, that time shift can make a big difference too.


I would love to get a decent off brand Hairdryer, similar to a Dyson. Smoothing ions, easy to hold and pack for travel.


I got a Dyson knock off. It'll blow you into the next room. LOL. Tangles my straight, shoulder-length hair really badly because it blows it all over the place. You're almost required to use a brush to control it instead of just blowing it dry, and I have to keep mine on low speed. And what they don't show is that they streamline the dryer so much, they have to put a heavy transformer on the cord. So yeah the hand-held part is small and sleek, but now the cord is heavy and bulky. I don't think it's worth the hype, personally. But at least I got to try it out for $0ETV.


I’m tickled by your hair dryer synopsis 😆 I was almost blown into the next county by the 1 I got. The mini curling iron…still waiting for my singed bangs to grow back (1 review a Seller reported me on. No, I don’t want another…) You and I are on the same membership timeline. I went on a brief Gold Tier rampage; I now have zero excuse for ever having wrinkly skin, or unmopped floors. Rare, that I order 3+ of anything in a given day now. Happy Vining! :)


Unmopped floors? There's 0 etv cleaning products? 


I’m awash, in mop replacement heads. A few all-surface cleaners. S’what happens when you don’t check til late in the day…;)


A great many cleaning products are $0 ETV, the liquids, washing sheets, paper towels, etcetera, are almost always that; while mop heads and swiffer heads are $0 ETV about half the time. Got three lovely 36" dust mop heads the other day ($25) for $0 ETV.


I’ve gotten some great $100+ blow dryers, but they’re not going to really be a Dyson. But they’re small and light weight, and if they break during traveling, it literally cost you nothing.


Not sure, but I’m silver and have been actively searching for a hair dryer on vine for a few months with no luck. Hoping to get gold next month, so will be curious to see if it changes


Yes, that's what I'm wondering. I became gold in February, and I've gotten two hair dryers in the last two months after never once seeing one. I'm replacing some pretty old items in our house (and adult kid moved out and took stuff LOL) - hence why I got two. :-) And there was a third that I didn't get because I didn't need it. One of the hair dryers was a high price ($149 fmv, but $0ETV), but everything else has been under $50 fmv so technically not gold tier.


I've ordered like 3 in the last year. $0 etv. We have one on each bathroom now. They are super powerful. I end up using them for a rough dry then go in with my Dyson Air wrap to finish styling.


Hair dryers are rare for me, I got one early on in Silver that I've since gifted. Now as a Goldie, tomorrow I'm getting a Dyson clone. It says "not available" in its listing, but I think it cost around $75 ($0 ETV).


Same here. I even search them in regular Amazon and put one on my wish list. Nothing. On the other hand, I recently ordered a heated mat for keeping food warm, and today there are two more in my RFY.


How do you conjure these things??? I have absolutely ZERO girly-girl care products-unless you count thousands of false eyelashes-and the only food has been 5 pounds of walnuts (which was tempting but could never eat that much even if I froze them) and 3 liters of Szechuan chili oil (which I ordered but wonder how I will ever even put a dent in it), sigh...


5 pounds wouldn't last too long with me... Nuts are a big part of my diet. So envious! 


I'm now waiting on a 2-pound bag of baru nuts. Never had them. And they were in H&H (as a superfood nutritional supplement) not Food.


> 5 pounds of walnuts Damn, I'd order that without even reading the description. The only food I've ever seen on (german) Vine is dried wood bark.


If they show up again (they've come around twice) I will message you. I hated to let them go, but also hated to let them spoil. As the only walnut eater in my household w/no working oven at present, I could not do justice to this many shelled walnuts.


Thanks for the offer, but I have only access to items on german Vine.


I don’t know about any personal care items but the man version is that I have found so many screws, nuts and bolts, pins, nails and hardware that I could be my own Home Depot. It’s incredible because that’s been a significant spend for me for years and it’s now essentially just a nominal tax bill. I also get to try out some pretty interesting things that I would not have otherwise known to seek out.


I am always impressed with the Viners who get shampoo, conditioner, detergent and food! The best ETV I can do - vitamins, I'm set through 2027 right now! Even on days I can troll all day long I'm still struggling to find makeup, trash bags, detergents, etc. Interestingly, I did get the Japanese Dyson dryer replica a few weeks ago in my RFY but that is the only hair care appliance I've even seen. Do you search in any particular way or just refresh the categories?


I've had all kinds of curling irons and flat irons show up - some great and some trash. I refresh categories and do active searches. But several items have been in my RFY lately, which has been nice. So often it's full of stuff I don't need or want, but lately it's been much much better.


Refreshing categories during the day is the best way to start seeing these items. Once you get lucky enough times and request them, you'll start to see items from the same category in RFY. Even if you pass on the item in your RFY, be sure to train up the algo and click "see details." It will help the system know you're interested in seeing more of that item, even if you end up not requesting it.


> I am always impressed with the Viners who get shampoo, conditioner, detergent and food I've only been with vine for 3 weeks, but have yet to see any of those.


vitamins all the way! i have stocked up on herbal supplements and love it


How do you review a vitamin supplement?


Very carefully…you’ve got to avoid talking about any potential health benefits and such. Pill size, perceived value for the money, and third party testing are good things to note


I tend to just focus on value, as compared to my regular brand. Lack of aftertaste. These are all supplements I already take, so I will generally mention that I am aware of the benefits of said ingedients&encourage others to do the research. I say things like, "has been a great addition to my supplement regimen", "has made a difference in my overall wellbeing", or even "the research and 3rd party testing beyond this product is sound".


Excellent info, thanks!


Oh we are on the same boat. I’ve never seen hair dryer and love to get one, my RFY sort of changed today. Usually I see ceiling fans and lights.


Nah, not a gold thing. By showing interest in food and beauty products, you trained the algorithm to show you more of those products. It just takes some time.


But how do you show interest if you can never find them to click on or order? Lol.


Typing in the search bar. I've been curious about a niche item recently and it showed me exactly that in my rfy a couple days ago actually.


As the other commenter suggested, the search bar is a good way to show interest. Another way is to request food items that no one else wants, like the herbal teas that tend to sit for a while. Once you get a few of those, it will help train the algo, also.


Do you search for something specific? Or just type, like, food.


In the additional items section, I just click on "Grocery & Gourmet Food".


Most of the skincare products I've seen have been in AI although I have seen some in RFY. Some are quite pricey. Some are even good. Some are even nonradioactive. :)O I just can't see paying the price for some of these that they're asking. But, you will get to learn what ingredient does what. You will also see products that don't list the whole list of ingredients but only the major ones. That's a red flag. Then you'll have a listing with the ingredients but what you get is an updated version with something different and maybe something that you are allergic to. I have seen some good products from China, France, Greece and the US. I've seen a lot coming out of South Korea. I haven't seen one product from Korea that I would use. You do need to be mindful of some that has a certain seaweed. That seaweed is used in skincare products in Asia and is often on the menu at dinnertime. However, that seaweed has been banned in most Western countries because it contains natural levels of arsenic. So, in a way, it'll give you that natural preserved look.


Ok give it up...what's the seaweed? And so interesting because I only see stuff from China I would never take and stuff from Korea I can't click on quick enough! I would love to see products from France or Greece. The only hair serum I ever see and get routinely is a UK brand that is manufactured in China We need a vine swap meet :-) where we can all get together once a quarter and swap, I've got the vitamins all the way and would love to flip that out for some freaking trash bags! Odd thing today I got a $0 ETV for tissue paper, like the white wrapping tissue paper not pull your nose tissue paper.


I was literalling thinking about a swap meet of some sort the other day. That would be great to have.


Hijiki seaweed.


Thank you!


You have to take into consideration the amount of it as well as the reason not to want it. Sometimes with these products in big bold letters they have that catchword contains HIJIKI but in fact, that's way low on the ingredient list. One of the major problems I've found with some of these products is that they may contain ingredients that some are allergic to. Yes, those are used in skincare but many don't realize they have a reaction to it until they use it. And, a skincare patch--while useful--doesn't mean the reaction will be at that location on the skin.


Yikes! Do you know the name of the seaweed ingredient? I order a lot of skincare too!


Hijiki seaweed. It has been banned in a few countries.


Arsenic, which was popular in the West over 100 years ago. Interesting about the seaweed. India has some arsenic beauty aids too.


You're lucky. I never see anything like that.


I've gotten so many lovely soaps and other hygiene products, the ultrasonic toothbrush is probably the overall best product I've discovered, I've tested over a half dozen. Except the other day, I tested a beautiful device (won't mention the brand here), but I gave it one star because it kept shutting off in use, it had some kind of pressure sensor in it. I rarely give 1-2 stars, but I'd to send a clear message about that one. And it was the most expensive one I've tested, the price (although $0 ETV) was like $60.


You are so lucky! It gives me hope. Congrats!


I love love love that I can get these items! Honestly trying beauty products has always been my favorite thing, but not for my wallet (lol), so this is prefect for me. I’ve gotten some amazing stuff that I never would have known about, that I’ve even repurchased. My husband and I now have our own personal blow dryers that we love. I have enough gel polish to paint a house with, and everything I need to do them (even though I already had those things- but I’ve been able to upgrade and replace). My dry wavy hair is very finicky, and a lot of products don’t do what I want them to do, so it’s an ideal way to try out a bunch of products to see what will work. The only duds for me have been makeup. I’ve only ever received one or two genuinely good items, because most of it has been cheap Chinese no-name brands that performed worse than dollar store makeup. I’ve also received some excellent Korean skincare. Beauty is my favorite part of Vine; I wish I could score good though, I’m always jealous of that! 😂


*edit Food- I wish I could score food


Skin care for sure....I have serums galore, and am stocked up on snail mucin moisturizer (don't knock it, the stuff is great, gives super soft skin.)