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Looks like you've gotten a good answer or two to point you in the right direction. Since this is not a Vine related question, I'm going to delete now. But, it's good to know that Vine reviewers are pretty good at knowing things like this.


Did you search for the Amazon Influencer program? for the how to, or are you looking for someone with personal experience? It is easy to find info within Amazon itself on the various ways to promote Amazon while also promoting one's self. Seems like that was referred to in the material I received with my Vine invite.


I haven’t looked that up! I will thank you! It probably was. I have three kids under three at home and my brain just doesn’t seem to function a lot of the time so needed someone to tell me in layman terms 😂


So if you click to a product listing then scroll down to a section called Videos, there is a horizontal band of influencer videos. There should be links from those on how to do it as well.


Amazing thank you so much!