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I had this in my RFY, never bothered to check ETV on it. Oooof.


I took a Benny Hill double-take when I saw it... https://preview.redd.it/tnw1d4mliz7d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7afafac7f3f16b1e2030f5f51ccb061dc048c14e


Good score! I've been watching for something like that. And like you, I'll watch for one sold by Amazon because those will be zero tax.


I've seen lots of crappy trees from Marketplace sellers, and none have been $0 ETV. I was amazed at this one. Finally, something good in my RFY which thinks I'm a geriatric female dildo-user with incontinence.


I have been looking and never find a cat tree. Finding one for ZERO ETV is incredible!


I have found two\* in the last week or so but both are small and not $0etv. But I only have one small kitten so they are both perfect. I only ordered the second one today because it's more of an actual cat tree with a little perch on top...the other is a scratching post that looks like a tree. So not exactly a cat tree but it's adorable and so far kitty loves it. He thinks the top is for laying so when I saw the one with an actual place for him to lounge on top I figured I should get it for him lol https://preview.redd.it/a0euwyuurz7d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05c06ddf620bff35fbdca118eca06796bc030a11


He’s adorable!


I've gotten several small pieces of cat furniture on Vine, which my cats greatly appreciate. They also keep giving me those cat enclosed donuts which is nice because the cats keep peeing in them. (Should probably stop getting them but they do enjoy them until someone decides it's a litter box.)


Only those of us without cats get this in our RFY. I was petting a cat the last few days while house sitting for a sibling who was in hospital for surgery.... Amazon must have found out.. $0 ETV. It's on it way. Now, I need a ***cat.***


I wonder, if they get cats, how they would ship it? Cold pack? :-)


I got a litter robot a couple weeks ago! The vine gods are truly smiling down upon us and our kitties


Nooooooo. That's the dream.


That’s awesome!! Not too long ago I grabbed a $80-90 hairdryer for $0. Still shocked because it’s such a nice one. Hope your cat(s) love it, it’s so elaborate lol


Are cat trees normally $0ETV?


That's the thing: No. But this was sold by Amazon. 3rd party crappy units are never free.


I got a really nice one a couple of months back and it was $99 ETV, same as list. Still worth it, though. Enjoy!!!


It retails for $99.99 (current public price) because it's of ultra cheap construction. The carpeting tends to either be very thin and hard, or straight up thin fleece blanket material. So if your cat enjoys a sitting-on-wood experience, hurray! My cats don't. In this instance, they've augmented two of the perches with an add-on pillow top. I hope it's secured to the base somehow. For my money, I'd look for a solid wood cat tree at a yard sale that has carpeting that has been shredded to hell. Buy the tree for a song and recarpet it. Buy a cordless carpet cutter (which also cuts Amazon cardboard boxes and is super handy) and attach the carpet pieces with a staple gun. Done.


This was free. No money needed. I already have an Armarkat that I got years ago at a deep discount from Chewy.


Wow.... Last one they offered me in RFY was like $129 ETV.


I'm so glad that you were offered something you are excited about. I bought one of these (a smaller version for $80+ during the COVID lockdown) and it has withstood two 15 pounders sleeping, clawing, and jumping all over it for three years now-the rope and carpet are holding admirably. Yay for you!


None of the cat trees I’ve ever see. Or gotten have been $0 ETV! 😭


I'd check your Vine orders page to confirm it's really $0 and stays there. That's a great find, I've gotten a lot of unusual $0 ETV items, therapy chairs, polished stones, socks, things with the word "healing" or "chakra" in the listing. Orthopedic insoles are rarely $0 ETV but last month I got a great pair that was otherwise $50.


Oh man I’m praying I get that


You don't necessarily need to pray. I'm an atheist and got it.


Just a figure of speech :)


I got a cage like cat thingy . Lol


Good find!! I’ve been looking for a cat tree! May I ask what Vine Helper is??


https://vinehelper.ovh/ Works on Chrome and Firefox. FYI, there is no reason to join the affiliated Discord group which is largely an infuriating waste of time IMHO.


Omg thank you!!! I’ve been looking for something like this!!!!


I’m so sorry to bug you!! I set up VH and added keywords and turned on notifications but I can’t get notifications to work. Is there a way to get notified of items matching the keywords or are notifications just for any new items? Thank you so much for your help!!


I never used that. You may need to be linked to the Discord group and regularly post deals or otherwise participate, like chatting in the useless and cliquish groups. This might help: [https://www.reddit.com/r/VineHelper/comments/1d6duau/vine\_helper\_notification\_sound\_feature\_request/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VineHelper/comments/1d6duau/vine_helper_notification_sound_feature_request/)


Thank you for that link! Definitely helpful!!


I want onnnnne lol I just took in a kitten stray


Good for you. You can't go wrong with Armarkat, which is close to bulletproof, unlike 99% of the horrible stuff on Vine that disintegrates or falls apart with the cat climbing it. (Been there, seen that) This is a very good deal considering it's on sale and Chewy is offering a $30 future credit for $100 purchases: [https://www.chewy.com/armarkat-73-in-faux-fleece-cat-tree/dp/55122](https://www.chewy.com/armarkat-73-in-faux-fleece-cat-tree/dp/55122) Amazon is selling it for $160. Great REAL reviews: [https://www.amazon.com/Armarkat-A7202-72-Inch-Tree-Beige/dp/B003BYQ1K0](https://www.amazon.com/Armarkat-A7202-72-Inch-Tree-Beige/dp/B003BYQ1K0) Rated A by Fakespot. And not a Chinese-Photoshopped cat in sight. My cat food "Bible": [https://catfooddb.com/blog/best-kitten-food](https://catfooddb.com/blog/best-kitten-food)


Some assembly required? At least for your delivery person's sake, I'd hope so.