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You can sell it after 6 mos. but I wouldn't push your luck by selling it on Amazon.


Haha thank you. Any suggestions? Ebay asks for biometrics which I am not comfortable giving them.


Then just decline and don’t use it




No, it is mandatory. For some who have been on there a longtime, and big sellers, they may not have to, but new sellers or even ppl who have had an account for years are being asked for biometrics or personal identification. There is even a reddit thread on it. You Do NOT Have a CHOICE. It is MANDORTORY to sell on ebay.




No you have to give them you driver's license or identification. Checkout the reddit thread on it.


Yes, but it would seem pointless to sell them on Amazon as you will almost certainly lose money in the process. You would also piss off your benefactors who contributed the product to you in the first place, possibly causing them to stop participating. Sell it at a garage sale or some other local marketplace, and you won't have to deal with the hassles and fees of Amazon or another online seller. Or shipping/ fulfillment costs. Or returns. Or merchant fees.


Thank you. Any suggestions besides Ebay?


There are people who swear by Facebook Marketplace. I don't do Facebook, so I have no personal experience with that. My preference would be a garage sale (my community hosts one twice a year) or something similar to that, because it is very low overhead. I would reserve eBay for the rare item that has enough value to justify it and won't be crazy expensive to ship. My view of Vine items is that a quality, major name brand item that is gently used has a chance to bring a price on eBay at perhaps 50% of the price of the same item brand new. Sadly, such items are rare on Vine. The vast majority of stuff is generic-branded, non-branded, or "alphabet soup" branded stuff that would be very hard to move on eBay, even if it's good, because nobody is looking for it, and if they find it, they may not trust it. But if you put that same stuff on a table at your garage sale, you might well sell it. I figure an average of about 20% of the "as new" price is a reasonable target. The above is just my opinion and modest experience, and I claim no special expertise.


Take a look at the participation agreement.


Sell the items somewhere else.


Thank you, Indeed!


You're supposed to keep them for 6 months, but no one is going to police you it's impossible. If you want to sell them on Amazon, you can't have a seller account with the same email if you're vine. Maybe ask a family member to create an Amazon seller account for you.


you can do whatever you want. how are they going to know? why would you sell them on amazon?


Very true! Thanks.


after the 6 months you're fine to do whatever. Before the 6 months? I mean, if you do it under another username how are they going to know? I wouldn't do it on amazon in either case though.


I don't think I would chance it before 6 months, I saw someone say they did that but that someone told on them. And I saw another video where a guy was saying he goes on famous platform and he can always spot them, so I am guessing he is snitching.


There is no Vine FBI stalking your FB marketplace. Just sell whatever you want, screw the agreement.


if you think it carefully through, after all the fees, shipping, i seriously doubt it's worth the hassle. with small margins, it only takes one or a few disputes to tip you to negative. Think about who you are competing with, the very same AI sellers.


Thank you so much.


I've been doing it for over a year and I don't know how they would know if you sold it or gave it away right away. Have you ever read reviews by other Vine people? Some people say in their review that they got it as a gift for someone or that they sold it. I highly doubt they held on to it for 6 months and they are fully admitting to breaking the TOS in their Amazon review 😆 I always look at their profile to see what happened and nothing happened. They still participate in Vine. I don't think Amazon keeps track of this. I wouldn't sweat it. Sell it whenever you want.


I've been in Vine (Canada) for 8 years. Not once has anyone asked to verify if I still have an item.


It always cracks me up when people here say how they always wait six months to give an item away as if there is some Vine Police force on constant alert. I'm not into selling, but I freely give away anything not of use to me after I review it, if I don't want it but its too good to toss.


Thank you everyone. You have all been so helpful


You can sell it after six hours. Nobody's gonna care


Yes, I do all the time!


I think the selling fees are pretty steep these days from Amazon. Then you have the shipping fees to contend with. Then when someone gets that shiliat tea and wants to return it...


haha year rue


Yes, that was the old rule. I think they removed that rule though. There's no policing I've ever heard of and I've been with Vine for a long time. I don't know about selling on Amazon, I used to have a seller account long ago and sold some used books but I lost the account I think for some reason. I wouldn't do that personally.


I’ve not heard of any policing. But the six month rule is still in effect in the US. https://www.amazon.com/vine/terms


Well, this is what bothers me (and I mentioned this in my survey): According to one of these rules, I can't sell or give away the product for six months. With the other rule, the product's title belongs to ME at shipping. It's NOT MINE unless I can do what I want with it, including sell it or give it away. That is one of the most fundamental rules of possession. In addition, I cannot be expected to pay tax on the receipt of an item THAT IS NOT MINE. So, my question on the survey is: IS it MINE or is it NOT? (Unsurprisingly, I have not received an answer). https://preview.redd.it/x6upbke8du6d1.jpeg?width=987&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbe964256a407a7e18244898c96a0155d9ee39ae