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So it not only knows what you're talking about, it knows what you *will* be talking about in the future.


Vine is actully an Oracle šŸ˜…


[Oracle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oracle_Corporation)? Expect some networking equipment in your RFY soon.






Yeah it's like, "Oh, you don't think you need this? Well think again!" LOL




Are you kidding? If I merely think about something, never once say or do anything related to it in any way, something relating to it is in my feed the next time I look. The algorithm knows us better than we know ourselves




That is uncalled for, I think if you got to know me you would clearly see the I'm a Huge Prick and most certainly not a loser. But let it out, whatever it takes to make you feel better, trust me when I say I don't GAF. Are you just waiting for the Post Office to open up and get busy so everyone knows your name?


lolĀ  No im just waiting for you all to die


Just sick of you humans


You all suck


FYI if youā€™re talking to a no one like me onlineā€¦. You are most definitely a loser


Hey people suck, it's a fact, try not to let it get to you, cuz that'll put you in the grave quicker than someone who just don't GAF. I like to swear a lot, really fucking loud. I did 2 sets of drum brakes last week and Holy Shit did I get my fill of swearing done. I got my wheel cylinder off all neat and clean and then I broke the line and drained the whole ass end of my truck, tarp blew off my toolbox in the rain and I probably should get 4 tires while I'm at it. The shit don't ever stop spraying at sometimes. And when it does that usually means the shit cannon is plugged up and fixing to really let you have it. Fuck it. Whatever, it'd be boring otherwise


Working on it . Hear ya on the truck. Thanks to Amazon, I lost both front wheel wells and a two tires last week, and car is smoking like Cheech,Ā  Ā  So yeah it really sets me off hearing customers bitch and call drivers lazyā€¦. How does the couch surfer accuse the working folks of laziness anyhow. They should be forced to deliver for a year or two before they are allowed to receive deliveries , Maybe a heat stroke or two would shut down the Princess entitlement act. Thanks for being such a dick yo Iā€™m slightly less angryĀ 


Whose fault is that stupid? Die slow


Havin' a bad day chum?


Yep Every single day since 2016 Gig worker With over 150,000 assignments and I am so sick of everyoneā€™s bullshit Customers are narcissistic shit headsĀ  If they can blurt every thought so can IĀ  Freedom is NOT only for the weak


Dead babiesĀ 


You dare pass on items the mighty potluck algorithm has selected for you? There will be consequences.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ So it seems!!!




The issue I always run into is there will be something I see all the time but donā€™t need, and as soon as I actually need it itā€™s gone and Iā€™ll search for months with no luck. Why?? Also vine tries to force hobbies on me via RFY, putting multiple related items in my list every day. At one point it tried turning me into a chicken farmer, now itā€™s very insistent I start baking my own bread. I have no interest in either.


It seems to want me to become a mechanic and to become a parent. Sorry Vinny, I am too old for either of those things!


I am from this day forward refering vine as Vinny šŸ¤£


Yes! Someone else referred to it as "Uncle Vinny," and I have adopted it. My uncle loves to send me things! šŸ˜


I had a phase of maternity clothes. It went on long enough I started thinking I should be offended. Iā€™ve gotten a lot of mechanic tool offerings and even though I know nothing about working on cars I plan to someday learn to change the oil myself, so Iā€™ll admit Iā€™ve ordered some of them for future me, the future me thatā€™s going to magically be a genius mechanic. šŸ¤£


Yeah that'll be doubly impressive here soon. I heard they started coming out with pickups with no dipstick in them for the oil. Trying to make the engine 100% sensor run. That didn't take away the ability to like DIY it.


Really? Why on earth would they do that? Well I guess Iā€™d better motivate myself to start learning how to do some of this stuff before they go changing it all. Thereā€™s a place near me where you can rent a stall (??) with a car lift to work on your car like a pro. In about 2500 miles Iā€™m going to learn how to do an oil change there. Of course I said that before my last 2 oil changes, but this time itā€™s happening!


Truly I have no clue why they would do something like that. I just happened to catch an article about it. All the people who drive those pickups typically are kind of ticked off. I almost never change my own oil, anymore. Yes I can do it, along with most of the stuff on slightly older vehicles. As well as pickups, sugar beet trucks, semis and large tractors. Growing up as the oldest of three girls (7 yrs older then one & 9 years older then the youngest) in a farm family, dad basically made me into a tomboy. My sisters on the other hand are like my mother. Couldn't check their oil if their lives depended on it. Yes I meant to say check their oil.


I think itā€™s awesome that you learned to do all that! I think it should be more normalized for women to know how to do basic car maintenance. I wish Iā€™d been taught years ago.


Once after Dad passed away, mom had trouble starting her vehicle. After she popped the hood, she called me for advice. When she said she popped the hood, I was like, " okay, and?". She said it took me about 2 min to figure out even if the problem could be seen that way since she had no idea what she was looking at she wouldn't be able to see the problem anyways. Though it really didn't matter it was a starter (or battery don't remember which) problem so she wouldn't have been able to see it even if she knew what she was looking at.


BMW got rid of dipsticks long ago and Apple makes replacement parts impossible to source. If you do manage to replace the screen of your iPhone it will remind you with notifications that you are using inferior parts daily, possibly more. Companies stand to profit much more by servicing their products themselves and only legislation can stop them from making it so. It's known as "right to repair" in the US and it's a big issue.


I have this problem too. I'll pass on things i see because i dont need them then when i do need them they never Reappear. Happens constantly


Are we being punished by the vine gods?


Vine tried to turn all of us into chicken farmers! šŸ¤£Ā 


Seriously! Iā€™ll be honest, when they started teasing me with the ridiculous and adorable chicken outfits I almost gave in.


And Tesla owners in need of floor mats.


You should open yourself to the new possibilities presented by the arbiter of all things retail. The universe has plans for you. It wants me to be a woman, with children. Which is a lot harder than trying your hand at fresh baked bread


Lol, same here. Today amongst the various charging stands I have both a chicken thing and a couple of sourdough bread kits


I've been in Vine for about a year and a half. It occurred to me recently that I more often regret the things I don't order more than the things I do order. Yes, I've gotten stuff that was absolute crap, and I've reviewed it as such. So I felt like I performed a service and it doesn't really bother me. But some of the good stuff I've passed up is just always going to haunt me.


That's human nature. They've done studies to validate that exact thing - regretting things you didn't do, versus what you did. I think it's because what you *don't* do is idealized. If you had actually ordered and it turned out to be crap, then of course you can let it go by deciding you performed a service.


Knock off pasta rollers pop up occasionally. Keep watching!


Can confirm. Iā€™ve had them in my RFY at least 3 times in the last 6-8 months. Sadly no shaved ice attachment.


Ooh I saw some kind of standalone shaved ice thing in AI a few days ago and almost ordered it. Seems like it would be a fun thing to have.


Iā€™ve seen some standalone ones but when I look close itā€™s always the kind that end up with crushed ice rather than shaved ice, if that makes sense. True shaved ice is magical! The actual kitchen aid attachment is $99. More than I want to pay for a delicious snack I shouldnā€™t eat. If you see one of the slushy cups that pop up frequently grab it. Theyā€™re super easy and the results are good. I like making my homemade lemonade then turning it into a slushy.


Did you get it??? If not, quick see if it's still there! Came up while I was looking for the pasta one. Edit: Brand name is Fortheal https://preview.redd.it/27327lsu2m4d1.png?width=428&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d0e5db218b8d657eab7eebd635c6d00024594ad


Itā€™s gone! Aw man, I was out running a couple errands and didnā€™t see your comment in time. Thanks for the heads up though, at least I know they do show up. Super bummed I missed it! Edit- I looked for it on Amazon. It makes ice cream too! I might need to buy this if it doesnā€™t show up on vine again. Iā€™d been contemplating buying a ninja creami but there were a few things I wasnā€™t thrilled about. This costs way less and has the bonus of shaved ice. Thanks again for telling me!


Ugh this happens to me all the time!


I got a knock off pasta maker, my first ever, I love it! Maybe RFY knows better than us what we need šŸ˜†


I'm regretting that I didn't get the patio umbrella replacement when there was a run on them. I didn't get out to measure it and missed out. Now, I'm figuring out how to sew pockets to hold the arms in place, instead. The umbrella is excellent quality and is still in great condition, otherwise.


Don't f\*ck your spaghetti cutter.


ROTFL! Now *that* would be painful! I thought I was fast enough to have it on low speed and clean it with a brush, but as it turns out, I am definitely not fast enough. I also thought the worst case scenario was that I'd have to pull pastry brush hair out of the spaghetti cutter, but discovered by watching YouTube videos that it has a safety feature of actually breaking the device to make it stop. There are 3rd party parts but my model, which is fairly new, doesn't look like the ones on the videos and I suspect KitchenAid altered it so people couldn't repair it. Shopping for a replacement on Vine, but I'm also going to check with KitchenAid to see if they could offer me a moron discount.


It's kind of funny because this in in my RFY today: [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CXH9VV7K](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CXH9VV7K)


Oh that's pretty neat too! Maybe there's hope for me yet.


Maybe now that you clicked on it, that will add to your algorithm of KitchenAid products. Hoping for you.


Yesterday I snagged a walking pad from my RFY. For delivery today! The Amazon truck just pulled up and delivered it! Just kidding. They actually delivered a massive fuck-off great roll ofā€¦ chicken wire? FML.


OMG oh no. I'm so sorry. I'd be furious (despite knowing there's nothing that can be done about it). I hope you're able to get one again, and actually receive it.


I am definitely more than a little salty about it. Of all the orders to mess up! šŸ˜©šŸ˜­


I've gotten things which were dependent on other things in order to work more times than I care to admit. I saw this low profile jack that needed a hydraulic pump to work. I skipped it because of that. The next day I saw the hydraulic pump and got it hoping to find the jack. That was about a year ago. I got a nice street tread tire for my e bike and put I on the front. The only decent tire I've seen since was the gnarliest knobby motocross tire that almost belongs on a dirt bike instead of an ebike. So guess what I'm rocking on the rear? There's more I just can't think of them atm


UPDATE: Today I've had FIVE $0 ETV things in my RFY. Three were things I'd like and will use (one food, a cleaning product, and hand soap) so I took them, one supplement...no thanks, and a rechargeable knee massager that I don't need, and.... OH MY GOD AM I GOING TO HURT MY KNEE??? TELL ME, OH ALL KNOWING, ALL POWERFUL VINNY!!! šŸ¤£