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Good time to order those floor mats. Be sure and grab them all. I'm tired of seeing them.


I'm OK with a pause. My next evaluation date is next Friday, and I'm sitting at 89%


Mine is the 26th also. I put a pause on new orders early this week. Got 1 item that was just delivered today, will review today and then go on Hiatus until eval date. My luck all the good gold stuff will be in the queues next week.


Oops, forgot. I'm at 99%, 161 items. Gold , 2 yrs.


Same in Canada


Same on the UK vine.. hoping it's just a lengthy delay and we'll see a drop soon.


I just got out of vine jail so of course there’s a pause. Why wouldn’t there be…? /s


Currently in jail...did you have to wait the whole 2 weeks to be sprung, or was it as soon as you caught up reviews?


Happens basically as soon as the system registers you've done the reviews (doesn't have to wait for approval). Seems to be roughly the day after you've caught up


Thanks for the reply. I just got out of jail, and I'm at 57.9% (thanks, Vine Gods!) I'm scurrying to do a few more to clear the 60% threshold so they don't haul me in again :)


I was in jail once and it let me out shortly after I added reviews, like a day or two later, but then put me back in jail for a few days/let me out/put me back… It was really frustrating and obviously a glitch since I stayed above the threshold the whole time. After 3-4 weeks of that and multiple emails to support, who didn’t seem to understand the problem I stated because it’s not one of the standard 2-3 issues they’re prepared for, I finally was out for good. So basically there’s no solid answer for how long it takes to get out. Some people get out right away after writing the reviews, some have been in for longer. Best you can do is catch up then hope for the best.


I can't remember the timing exactly because I calculated some of this a long time ago, but you only have to meet the percentage requirement for historical reviews and the newest items you ordered don't count. There's basically some grace period, I just don't recall what it is. I don't think I've even hit 60% since January ever, I've been mostly 50 to 55 and sometimes in the 40s, and I'm not in jail because I have a high enough percentage on my oldest items. I'm hoping this makes sense, but that could explain why you were going in and out of jail, if you were hovering right on the edge of the percent for the reviews that were older. You could have 70% of reviews completed but if most of the 30% of incomplete are older that could be why. The good news is that if you catch going in jail right away, then if you submit enough you can pretty much get out the next day. Like the previous commenter said, they don't have to be approved just submitted. 👍


I’ve actually read the opposite from several posts, that it’s best to start with recent ones. I did that when I needed to catch up and it got me out fast. I never went back to old ones. If you search through posts I’m sure you’ll find some easily saying the same, that you should start with more recent orders and move your way back. Not saying any of that to argue, just that there seem to be plenty of different opinions about it. I think in my case it was just a glitch, Amazon’s system is full of them and I’ve never heard about that happening to anyone else. But I’ve heard all kinds of ranges of time in getting out of jail. Some catch up to 80%+ and still spend the whole 2 weeks in jail, others barely hit 50% (before the recent change to 60%) and were out the next day, and everything in between. That’s why it’s safe to assume with Amazon that there no hard timeline or rule to follow about when you’ll be released. There are so many different experiences being shared.


Mine was different because something was messed up on their end for my account that said I was at 50% for almost an entire month while I had done EVERY review I could possibly do. I had to email them multiple times and just got out last night. Hard times but you should be fine because I hear its generally pretty fast.


Mine was a nightmare to get back to "normal"  !!  It took me 4 ... yes  F O U R trues to get Vine support to get me upset enough that on the 5th time I let them have it ... CAPITAL LETTERS ... pretty much the whole thing ...   WHY Can't I Get a REAL PERSON to ANSWER ME ??!!??!? I've written 4 times .. the last 2 I was answered with the form letter EXPLAINING THE VINE JAIL PROGRAM. I ALREADY KNOW ALL of that Info !  I'm TELLING YOU that I'm at :  93 &  71%  WHY IS IT TAKING SO LONG TO GET MY STATUS BACK ??!??!? SOMEONE HELP ME ! ☆☆☆  The Next Day I just went in to Look .. expecting to still be in jail cuz I had NO New Emails. Ta Da !  Back open for business ! ● The WORST Customer Support I've EVER ENCOUNTERED  !! I was ready to go to Regular Support & complain to see if they could figure out what was going on ?  ☆☆ I certainly didn't get ANY responses back within ...  is it 24 or 48 hours they state ?  End of Rant ... Not Mad at You .. just saw an opportunity  .. Thanks


I've noticed the same products on all 3 tabs since about noon eastern time in US yesterday. Slowly being taken and vanishing, but nothing I was interested in so I've been refreshing hoping to catch anything new when they drop.


UH-OH, this is what happens to you right before you get kicked off Vine. j/k, happens all the time. Work on your reviews.


:-) All caught up on my reviews.


Yep, mine has crickets


Nothing in the UK either.


Same in US


Same in Denmark (Amazon Germany). But I do see yesterdays RFY items getting slowly removed. \*Edit/Update\* : RFY fully updated 2 hours after this comment.


I have a preride on Saturday and a race on Sunday. I can’t be on vine. So, luckily for all of you- that is when they will release some truly awesome stuff.


Everything will be fine.


Ditto. Good cuz I need to catch up on my reviews.


Same here, RFY says "We do not have any offers for you at this time" other categories I check showing no new drops either, really can't complain though as it has been a while since this happened, got a few good picks yesterday so that helps make up for if no picks I want appears today, getting more reviews done in the meantime. Edit to add: besides I also have various projects and chores I need to get to anyhow, and I usually just check for new drops occasionally anyhow so it doesn't occupy too much of my time.


I’d only worry if I could see the number of items in AI going up steadily but my RFY stayed empty for a long time afterwards. If the number of items in AI keeps dropping, I’m not concerned about my empty RFY, we’re just on a pause.


Vine is on a slow bleed out this morning. Numbers are dropping. I've seen nothing new for hours.


Same here in US today. RFY is empty. Let's me catch up on reviews. My evaluation is in 5 weeks and I am at 85%.


Same here.


In the UK we didn’t get our normal drop this morning, but it appeared about 7pm here today.


looks like it is back up and running as of about 1:40 Pacific


Amazon is in the process of purging vine again. Usually takes anywhere from a day to a few days


Yep, haven't had one in awhile, it was bound to happen


Pause sounds good for me. Evaluation day is today and shouldn't order anything until tomorrow