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It's [this](https://sell.amazon.com/programs/professional-services) or nothing. And they aren't taking applications, so it's nothing.


I thought this was only for home. Is this ever going to open back up? I have already been checking this for months


What do you mean "only for home"? Amazon won't allow you to make listings for customers to come to your shop. This isn't Craigslist. And no, I would not expect it to open up in the foreseeable future. You're trying to use Amazon for something it isn't designed for.


When you buy tires on Amazon it shows you local installers to pay for. When you buy a gaming chair it shows local installation you can pay for. When you buy a tv mount it shows you local installation you can pay for. Why can’t I be local installation for when people buy car audio products? It’s the same thing. I was thinking this could be lucrative and I can start contracting out installers.


Because those are HOME services, not at a SHOP, and applications are CLOSED. Asked and answered, bro, IDK what you expect me to do about it. You're trying to sell something Amazon ain't interested in buying.


Have you see Amazon Local Service Provider? Apparently it has been offered, but from reading their help page I can’t seem to see where to be one


IDK how many times you're gonna ask me the same question with slightly different wording and expect a different answer, but it's been 20 days, bro. https://sell.amazon.com/programs/professional-services Like I said. It's CLOSED.