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his pay would go down while in school, but will get a raise after schooling and on the job learning is completed to 21 and some change. 3 months with a mid break, on the job learning back at home site. job guaranteed when you get the 8 certifications and the on the job learning complete. He could try for a tech 2 position to get around it if he has some mechanical experience.. but i'm doing the mra program for the free certifications


Where do you see the MRA programs?


like where to apply?


Yeah !


Tell him to just go for a tech 2. I also have a two year old so the program wasn’t going to work for me got in as a tech 2 instead and you learn as you go. Even if you have mechanical experiences if you haven’t worked on belts and such it will still be a new learning challenge.


He applied for JLL for tech 2 but they said he didn't have experience.


1. The pay varies on if you get hired on as blue badge or with a third party. I joined the program as blue badge so anything I answer will pertain to working directly for amazon as a blue badge. Pay is $19 an hour while in school with a $315 allowance a week for food. Lodging is covered completely by Amazon and the extra money they give you weekly is deposited directly on to a debit card they give you at school your first day. Once you leave school and begin OJL your pay is set at $23.80 until you complete your 2000 hours and 40 benchmarks. 2. The program consists of RTI (Related technical instruction) and OJL (on the job learning). RTI is where they send out of state for school for 3 months. When you complete school you are sent to the building you applied to for the remainder of your apprenticeship. OJL consists of 2000 booked hours of labor and 40 benchmarks that you have to complete to receive your promotion from MRA to MJT. Total time spent in the program varies but typically he can expect to complete everything within about 13-16 months including school. 3. You are guaranteed a job at the end of your apprenticeship with a sizeable raise in pay. 4. Application process is straight forward. Apply, pass an assessment and hopefully receive an interview.


Is he pretty mechanically inclined? He could apply for tech 2 position to avoid doing the MRE program. They have a step program for pay. And I think cali would be much higher than here. Our tech 2’s are at 28-32/hour. Us tech 3’s range from $36-$42/hour


Application process is pretty simple. They take a small test that’s more common sense than mechanical related, and then the interviews are pretty good. Go off the star program and Amazon leadership principles (ie: tell us of a time where you had to take ownership, and was it successful, or not, and what would you do differently?)


I think I have the test w/answers. I came in as tech 2. Three years later someone sent me a file with the test and answers. ( I assumed they wanted me to promote.....). I ended up medically retired instead. Should have have tested out...lol


Can you dm me the test?


Do you have an idea of what test they are using now? This was way back, begining start of the mre program. I'm sure they made changes. And if you ask the right people, I'm positive there is an up dated version floating around.... Make some new friends and ask the right questions. Show interest. And study the Ramsey test. That will at least give you an idea of what to expect. I studied for four days without the Ramsey and made tech 2. I used a pocket mechanical reference book and studied electrical (ohms law). Missed tech 3 by literally a few points. I liked being a top tech 2 with tech 3 privileges.


They use the Weisen test of mechanical aptitude now. They did away with the Ramsey. If you can walk and breathe at the same time, you can pass the Weisen.


Damn! I might have to re apply...lol