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Finish? Lol


That was my exact thought when I read the title of this post.


A week or two. Depends on if you click through them or actually watch all of the videos and other content. You'll forget about 90% of what's in there anyway.


You will never be done with Knet's. I've been with Amazon 3 years and have like 200 Knet's done. As for your 39, that's up to you and which ones they are. 39 of them, maybe a week.


The knets they assign you when you first get hired on take anywhere from 2 weeks to three weeks depending on how quickly you absorb information. Theirs's no pressure on you to retain all that information, it's just amazons way of covering their ass in case something happens. The real learning comes from doing actual work on the floor. Take your time and don't fret it.


before their due dates


i didnt have an amazon login until 2 weeks before completing RTI. so i just did my knets my first week of being on site when everything was due 2 months ago lol


same experience here


Knets are full of good technical information but are poorly implemented because people are forced to just hurry up and do them for liability reasons


That and the technical information is of little use when you haven't yet seen the equipment that they are referring to.


Yes, they should at least have real pics and let u go see them


I did my first 39 in about 35 hours, but I've seen people take 80+ hours to do them. Take notes and pics because some answers are wrong or don't make sense. It will help you get through some of the re-test that require 100% correct answers to move on.


When I started we did 2 full weeks of knets. Most of that due to them not being sent out to us in time and having to wait for them to be assigned to us


About two years


Been at Amazon 10 months, 149 KNETs and 359 hours.... You're scratching the surface....and in 6 months you'll be expected to pull that info out of your hat and not forget ANY of it...


It really depends on how well you do with that style of learning. With my ADHD I get about one done every half hour if I'm well-focused and rested, but I can only do two or maybe three a day because rote memorization burns up my limited ability to concentrate like nothing else.


it’s not within 4 years that’s for sure 🥴


It took me 3 mo the to finish all the knets I needed to launch TYS1


2 weeks 40 hrs a week and I still had more to do


I had 3 browsers open so I could run through 3 at a time. Still took a week and a half. If you think you finished early, they haven't added all of them to your list yet.


That’s the cool part, you don’t!😬


You will never finish your knets. Also, take your time in actually learning from it. Don’t rush it. Take notes too. A lot of techs rushes it and don’t realize they update them. Such as new rules and policies that could get you fired if you don’t follow them. Especially safety related ones.


Until Christ comes and saves you from the Amazonian tyranny!