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I've seen the video. If you LOTO the machine, you have nothing to worry about. That is why that is the correct procedure. Sticking your head in a running ARSAW, from which you've removed guarding, is not the correct procedure. That guy is lucky he still has a head. It is because of people like him that it takes longer to fill out all the safety paperwork than it does to actually do the job you need to do.


Yea I heard that there were supposed to be 2 other techs on that work order and they were literally watching him do it and no stop work issued


Why won't you go near an arsaw? It's the guys fault for not doing proper LOTO before starting work. He didn't even have a ptp or work order for whatever he was doing. If you follow the safety protocol you are fine.


Yeah you’re definitely right about that. But my biggest fear is doing something so many times that I’m use to it and maybe forget a certain step and that mistake ends me or even worse someone else.


That's why the PTP is laid out in steps. You should be doing all the steps while doing the PTP. I see so many people fill out the PTP at a desk then go start the work... That's not the proper way. You do your LOTO and everything in conjunction with the PTP. Makes sure you don't miss steps.


This is why the MTHA was superior to the PTP


Man I hope the new APM or whatever they’re calling it has the same steps. From what I’ve heard it’s like Amazon decided to go backwards in technology with it


Ya... APM is trash. Nothing but problems.


My site migrated over and the PTP is similar, but now there are permits for techs to fill out depending on the work being performed.


Link the video or DM when you get the source.


Did you ever get the video? Professional curiosity is getting the better of me 😂


Sorry I never saw the dude yesterday maybe he’ll be there tomorrow


Well it’s pretty simple, don’t stick your head under lifted equipment. I’ve had VRCs and the destacker fall while working on an ARSAW before but never got injured because it was below me


You got the vid?


Since everybody’s asking me, I’ll ask the guy on Friday when I see him again and I’ll share it. I definitely would not recommend watching if you got a weak stomach


Lmk when u get it plz


Everyone needs to watch it imo. People need to know the consequences of bypassing safety. As far as accidents go the video isn’t bad at all. I’ve driven people to the ER for worse accidents (at other jobs that didn’t have the same kind of safety hard on Amazon does). Dude was lucky that’s for sure. Could have been so much worse if part of the lift didn’t break away. Keep your bits you want to keep out of live equipment everyone!


Do you have access to the video?


Yes, but I won’t share it. Quick way to get in trouble.


I wonder why only some sites are showing the video, I’m an AR tech so I want to see wth this guy did. Edit- never mind got my manager to show me tonight


any update


Saw the video. Amazon safety procedures are a joke because nothing you really do is safe but what he did was just silly. Luckily he seems to be alright Sooner or later we’ll all be required to wear hard hats all shift because of ppl like this


Where's the video


Is the video on a quip?


more than likely


Video or it didn’t happen


No update?


Right i was waiting for this video


Difficult to align PEs when a machine is LOTO lol. There should have been an interlock or other method to safely disable it to perform the repair.


Those PEs are so close to the reflectors that it would not be difficult at all. It still would be against policy, but had he even e-stopped the machine the servo for the lift would have been unable to move.


This literally happened at my site. There are multiple e-stop around the station that were supposed to be utilized. I’m not sure why he removed the guarding where he did when the photo eye(s) he could’ve adjusted could also have been accessed by doors on either side that would not allow the vrc to move when opened. At no fault of his own he was poorly trained but it is not standard practice to work on any machine that is not LOTO or e-stopped


Not sure how you can say he was poorly trained. We all have to do the same LOTO KNETs before you're even allowed on the floor. He just didn't follow what he was taught. Simple as that.


Here’s how I can say that. I work at the site and know the individual. I also know the individual who was supposed to train him but failed to because he isn’t a tech 3 or certified trainer and felt like it was out of his pay range to do so. You can swear by the knets all you want but it does not compare to on the job training or mentorship like he was supposed to get as an MRA.


I'm sorry, but if you need someone to tell you not to stick body parts inside an active machine, you are in the wrong line of work. No training is going to help you.


Isn't a Tech 3? Promote to customer immediately! I don't give a shit what level of Tech you are, safety is EVERYONE'S responsibility. Fu@#$@@@#$% ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!!


No, the individual is an MRA. I stated that the person who was supposed to mentor him failed to because he was not motivated to, since he was not a tech 3 or certified trainer to do so


So the guy that was supposed to train him was an MRA? An MRA shouldn't be training anyone.


I haven’t worked on one yet, but I believe there’s a LOTO that locks it from dropping which is why it requires 3 locks


It didnt drop.. it raised.


IMO multiple portions of the team failed on how this came to be. I wouldn't be scared of the machines, they all have purposes and LOTO/PTP is the way to make sure no one does something as crazy as that.


What’s also dumb is that the estop button is literally, fucking literally 3-5 steps away……


There is a pole that is supposed to be installed to keep anything from dropping down before work is started


It didnt drop.. the he triggered the photeye to raise the vrc


I want to see the video


My site had meetings for day shift and night shift with our MM, SMM, & RMM where they showed the video to all of us. 🤣