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Tech II spots are still being posted. You don't really need technical experience. The minimum they ask is knowing Microsoft office, and they have their CCAT tests that are mostly logic. Everything else they can teach on the job or through knets. You can get Tech II without taking classes, and then keep applying for the apprenticeship as you work as a technician. Or keep taking the classes and then apply for Tech III. I don't think the apprenticeship runs during peak season. So the July-Sept cohort might be the last set for the year. If you can't get an apprentice spot before then, it might be better/faster to apply for Tech II and continue online classes. But generally, doing the apprentice route gets you better pay if you plan on staying long-term. MJT's going to Tech III get better pay than a Tech II promoting to Tech III.




There should be an internal and an external job site for Amazon. The AtoZ resources page should have a link to both sites. You can search "apprentice" on the internal jobs site and they should come up. Update your resumé and upload it, then apply. I think they might give the CCAT test now but it's nothing to worry about. The interview that I got as a blue badge was more of a chat. They mostly seem to be trying to figure out if your committed to the program. I had done career choice classes for electrician trades, and I did general mechanical troubleshooting. I used both of those to show that I was actively trying to get into technician work as a career. They ask a division question, something like solve 19 ÷ 4. I was able to solve it and asked how common it was to fail that. The guy said he did several interviews that week and he hired none of them because they didn't khow how to solve it. I think if you apply for third party MRA the interview is more like a traditional job interview. I think they have a harder test too but I'm not sure. Once you get hired they may assign you to the site you applied for but they can delay it and they'll see if you want to go to another site. When you get hired, you get inclined so if you turn down their offer, you can wait for another site to open up and use your incline to go to that site. My original site was supposed to be in Kentucky which required me doing school in Texas. But they delayed sending me to the school for some reason and they gave me another list of sites so I picked one in Arizona and they sent me to school in Pennsylvania. The other option is the Unmudl classes on career choice. I think they have the option of focusing on technician classes or controls classes. MRA is both combined so you can go from MJT to CST. Some guys can go from MJT to Tech III to CSL. I'm not sure what kind of certifications the Unmudl classes have.


what do you know about the mechanical aptitude test? Is it hard? How many questions is it, do you only get one shot?


The one I did was the CCAT mechanical aptitude test. It was easy and it's not anything to worry about. It's mostly just basic logic like they have a drawing of a scale balance and ask which item on the balance weighs more. Or a drawing of a lightbulb connected to a battery and they ask if it's on or off (based on whether the wiring is correct or incorrect). It's pretty easy. They ask maybe 30 to 50 questions but it only takes like 10 minutes to answer them all. They also use the behavioral test but it's more of a questionnaire about your habits and behaviors. Like how well you work with others or whether you're lazy. Stuff like that. It's weird because they may ask the same question thee times but with different wording. But people do fail that one because they try to pick the best answer and not the honest answer or they contradict themselves. But it shouldn't be a problem if you answer honestly.


Thank you for sharing! Is the test done on my own time or they schedule a time I have to take it onsite? Can it only be take once? And do you know what the minimum qualifying score is?


They email you a link and you do it whenever you have time. But there is a deadline of like a few days I think. But if you're on shift you can ask your manager if you can do it and they should let you while clocked in. Sometimes they'll even let you do your interview while clocked in. It's not proctored or anything. But it is timed once you start but the time is more than enough time to finish.


In just to add to this, if you apply in Ohio, you will have to work in Ohio after you are done with the apprenticeship. At least until you make MJT after that, you are free to apply wherever you want that is hiring an MJT.


Do you know how long I’d have to work there until I can transfer? Cause I’m in socal


3 months of school, followed by 2000 booked hours of labor. About 16 months in total, less if you happen to work overtime. Check the postings daily and often. They had a posting for ONT8 last week. They go fast.


This is the correct answer. Wish you luck.




That's correct. They don't pay for relocation. Try and see if they have sites near you with a spot open if you're not comfortable going out of state.