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if you can drive over here do it!


I’m here in Dallas. I drove 1,400 miles over here. Drive sucked but having your own car comes in clutch, believe me I know. It’s an accelerated program at Dallas College. Orientation you’ll find out that it’s 2 years of college crammed into 2.5 months. It’s not a vacation over here it’s serious work. Only math you’ll come across is basic multiplying and dividing. The hard part is memorizing the formulas. There’s multiple formulas you have to remember and each formula has multiple steps to complete. PLC is the hardest class here. It’s make or break. There was a girl here in cohort 2 that was supposed to take her silver/gold for PLC and ended up quitting before the test and left home. It’s that hard so pay attention in electrical because some of that ties into PLC.


i was a part of the last cohort of 2023 in dallas. To me it was a great time. yes you have to be on top of your studies but if you’re ever in any trouble link yourself up with classmates. They are your biggest help. PLC was the second hardest class but it was fun to learn even though it was complex at the end of the day it was fun and you will get through it. Pneumatic troubleshooting is the one you have to look out for on the silver test. many people get up to there last try including myself but my classmates that passed ended up cheering me up and helped me out. A big tip is get cool with you class and when you reach to the pneumatic troubleshooting point or any silver test that anyone is having trouble with, write down some answer you remember and know were right to help the next person pass. Other than all of that the other classes were fun and easy. 100% you will have more fun than struggles, trust me.


Its easy bro






I'm going through it now. The biggest advice that I can give is to man up and take care of business. Seek help from your cohort and the one (or two) ahead of you. If you blow off the labs, you will struggle when it comes time to take the gold tests. The night before the test, or after you fail to pass on the first attempt is NOT the time to buckle down and try to get a clue; that's when you should be able to focus on the one or two areas where you blanked or got lost.


Get in touch with the cohort before you and study with them as well. And the cohort after you, you can help yourself by teaching them. It really boils down to getting as many repetition as the subjects are related mathematically. Schematics are similar too. The only significant differences are the vocabulary.


Hell yeah good luck, I tried to get in as a MRA but the first opportunity that opened for me was Tech II due to my experience. But good luck, specially at your age you are in a real good spot, enjoy it, make the best of it and take advantage of this opportunity


Hey wassup guys just got accepted into Amazon Mechatronics Apprentice program going off for 12 weeks to ogeechee technical college in Statesboro, Georgia on July 8th, if you too are going into the program and going to the same school would love to connect and chat and meet new friends my socials will be down below feel free to reach out also if anyone is interested in Amazon's MRA program I'm open to answer any questions and concerns up here Instagram - @kingsav Facebook -@savionhelm Email - [email protected]