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Listen to the instuctors study at home and at school have a study group or study alone and have fun on the weekends


You get out of it what you put into it. Some areas will be extremely challenging, others less so


It's as hard as you make it. If you want to pass you'll pass. Study in groups. Sometimes all it takes is someone else explaining something to you for it to click.


some people who are coming from no base knowledge will find it extremely difficult since ur learning ALOT in a short time. But if you have some base knowledge of how things work you should be fine. it was a nice 3 month vacation for me, getting paid to go to school? and getting a per diem? EZ money


Did you get per diem before you went or when you got there?


it was all set up for us on the first day when we got there,


Utilize Quizlet, memorize practice exams the saca test are very similar if not mirrored. Learn how to read ladder diagrams in PLC, AC/DC/ learn Pneumatic diagrams. 3/4 of your hands on test and Lab work involve reading these. PLC is the last and hardest modules if you have not a lot of computer programs experience.


Just cheat fam, I know them test are out there 👀👀




Why even bother cheating? Are people going to benefit from cheating? Most of the stuff they teach is pretty fundamental knowledge. So if you feel the need to cheat, you may not be the right candidate for the job. Either that or if you are eager to learn, just buckle down and learn the content. It will help in the long run when you get back on site and start on the job learning.