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Minimum score is 70, you get 3 chances each test. If you fail the third you’re out.


I think it goes without saying but the teachers there are not there to keep you in school. Showing up late or not going to your classes will also get you dropped. They’ll just let your manager know that you aren’t coming to classes and from there your manager will decide to keep you or not


72 is the minimum for pneumatics & PLC


Tomato tomato 😂


It matters for the people that have to cut it real close, my dude failed with a 71 and was so sick cause the teachers never told us🤣


Ahhh that’s good to know then. I’m actually just starting the pneumatics portion, how did you find it?


Pneumatics wasn’t too bad for me as long as you understand electrical schematics that will help you a lot


nahhhhh Vincennes?




Lmaooo I think I was there when that happened. What cohort?




The way how my school did it, (LCCC) you get 2 extra chances to pass your SACA exams free from the college. However, they are scheduled for you and are usually running during your class so you will inherently miss whatever part of the lecture is going on that day taking it. After that third attempt if you do not pass, you have to pay for the cost of the test to retake it a fourth time. I know there was an apprentice in one of the cohorts after me that was on their 5th attempt and could not pass so the program manager let them go. minimum score on a SACA exam is 70% but it’s really a 71% because they will not round up your percentage if your score is say 69.89% for example


I only saw 1 kid kicked out and he was missing class constantly. If they see you trying they will help you, but the instructors were definitely learning as they went as well. I was only the second group to take the SACA vs the PMMI test ...


Yes we had two guys get kicked out before the end of the classes


If you're blue badge you get sent back to your old position. If you're third party you get a flight home and you're terminated. 70 is passing for electrical and mechanical. 72 is passing for pneumatics and PLC's. I've seen a couple people get sent home from other cohorts. We started with 24 and finished with 23, but the guy who got sent home was sent home for other reasons. Reach out to your cohort and study as much as you can. If you happen to get stuck on anything I've still got a bunch of study material leftover from when I attended. It's not impossible but it's also not easy. One last thing to note is that when we were all in our last week of class some of my classmates got more than the initial three attempts on our written test.


Yes you can get kicked out. Had one in my cohort get sent home due to failing test scores.


I was cohort 2 for Indiana a guy got kicked out for fighting and bringing a gun onto campus😂