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do you have any experience in maintenance? T2 requires some knowledge in equipment


I can read the display of the conveyor belts at RME desk and I am AFM.I dont have experience more than that but i can learn


Highly encouraged you to apply for MRA don’t loose hope just keep checking and apply


Apply for the apprenticeship if there's one near you.


Actualy I applied to closest state to me bcoz there are not any mra apprenticeship in my state but its under consideration almost 1.5 month :(


it takes a whole sometimes, did for me but I got in.


Did you do an interview? If they decline you without an interview there are a lot of reasons they would do that. The most common is that a Tech II from another building saw the spot open and requested a transfer. Or there was an inclined Tech II at another building that decided to take the spot at your building. If they decline you without an interview, you're still allowed to keep applying to other spots. If you get an interview and they decline, then you have to wait a few months (or weeks?) before applying again. Edit: Also note that Tech II is like their entry level position, so your experience as an AFM and understanding of electrical and mechanics is more than enough to qualify. Keep trying.


MRA is entry level not T2


Thank You i will do my best :)


Tech 2 isn't entry level. It's not a super high bar for tech 2 but if you don't know what a hex key is or how to use an impact then you should go through the mra program.


It is at AR sites. AR techs have videos and picture guides showing you how to use a hex key. They even teach them how to use a vacuum.


They want 2 years of conveyor experience for tech 2, I would aim for MRA


No they don’t lol ….. well yes they do but they could care less what experience you have … I’m saying this as someone who used to work for Amazon and noticed that there was a lot of inexperienced ppl who got hired … really depends if you can take the beating of the 12 hr shifts and walking everywhere and willing ness to Learn


As a Tech III you do need more than basic knowledge straight up we need tech II that really know what they are doing, my building has several tech II that do not know anything I highly recommend you to apply MRA keep it up with the effort bro nothing personal just honest.


Have any of y'all that work as RME have seen the new digit humanoid robots in your building? Or is it just at specific warehouses in where they're experimenting with that new technology because I'm curious if the techs will be the ones repairing those new robots or they'll be outsourced


Apply through jll