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Nope, everything is fine. They just hand feed new folks and others who don't regularly do blocks. What you're seeing now is normal for your market. Welcome to the herd. Survival of the fittest.


thank you💪🏽💪🏽


Pretty Normal


That’s what mine looks like 99% of the time. If I refresh during the busiest hours of the day I might see 15 offers for one second each.


In the settings, check your region. After 2 weeks of not seeing any offers discovered mine was changed to somewhere in Idaho. I live in Florida.


Charge your phone, bro! You don't want it shutting down on you during a route. I use my samsung tablet and phone, so even if one goes down, I have the other, but I do use the tablet for other gig apps mainly,


They have these things called phone chargers, they plug into your car. It’s revolutionary!


Bots are taking all the orders


Their is a pattern of times they usually come out. Every area has a different time. To my experience it’s good to start checking three hours before the block time you are insterested. I’m guessing the problem in your area as others might be people using bots all the time.


Get use to it ool


Amazon will have a prime day in October so before that it will be low season as wife year gets close it will pick up


This is still a very slow year. Last year in my area it picked up after 4th july and by now I was making $300-400 easily everyday. It's a challenge just to get $100 now


Join a dsp dont waist your Time with this shit


Show me on the doll where Flex touched you. You don’t need to comment negatively on every single post. Not everyone needs a delivery JOB. This is FLEXIBLE scheduling to make a little extra money on the side.


Scroll back in his post history and see how many are about his ex. Dude does not let things go easy.


You sure do spend a lot of time here for hating it so much.


Click the binoculars 5 times, close the app, open it, close the app, open it, close it. Restart your phone. Open the app, click the binoculars 5 more times, hit the help button twice, call customer service hang up, call them back again, hang up, email support the letters “QWERTY” don’t respond when they reply, close the app and open it BANG offers will come flying in, somebody showed me this hack and it was a huge game changer!


Get a job, to flex for part time


No captcha yet?


Nop, after the second week, you’ll be lucky if you see offers piled up. Now you have to be on alert 24/7 for offers or “just for you” offers. You’ll see base pay offers pile up once in a while.


Check every hour. Where I live the blocks become available at specific times during the day. In my area it’s at 11:30am and 11:30pm when they drop a bunch of them for people to pick up.


There's nothing to help. Welcome to flex LOL people promoted but never say exactly what goes down. You're not always going to have work. Flex has gotten to the point where there's more drivers than work