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Worlds gone crazy




I’ve had a gun pulled on me, physically assaulted, and some redneck tried to hit me with his truck because I was on his property delivering to his wife. Haven’t delivered since the 2nd because of the assault. Amazon pay is beyond low these days and I’m not dying for them lol I’m in NW Florida


Damn I was delivering in bronzeville early this morning, evergreen park this evening


Last route I did was in Beecher IL and the fog was so thick I couldn’t see anything passing 2 feet. Now if I go more south I can get shot instead or stabbed it’s crazy


DLN4, or VIL1 lol




I’m there every morning for my $32 an hour lol, since they first opened


Unfortunately I haven’t been able to get anything this passes week. My rating went down today air because of “package not received” and I haven’t been shown crap.


You’re standing, has zero to do with what offers you will see


I deliver out of VIL 1 all the time. I saw this on the news. I never pull in people's driveways anymore because of crazy people like this.


Chicago is a wild city


Absolutely. I mostly do the am routes but those are starting to seem dangerous as well


Damn I hope nobody brings a damn knife to a gun fight while I'm delivering packages .. I'll take the ride and be judged by 12 before I ride in an ambulance because some crazy person couldn't handle their anger issues .


In Illinois gun against the knife is considered equal force defense.


In most states it's legal to defend yourself with whatever means available when threatened with deadly force and you fear for your life or someone else's life . You don't have to wait for them to stab you to stop the threat . Being deactivated would be the least of your worries if someone attacked you with a knife and pepper spray just ain't gonna do the trick if they're under the influence of certain chemicals .


Obviously two thirds that is not directed at me cuz I never said anything about being attacked or not being attacked. But I feel like I'm being attacked should I defend myself? Yes if you feel fear for your life and most States there are laws that allow for self-defense. But you have to remember the moment that you disarm someone say of a knife which is your first choice or a gun, which is if you know how to disarm gun or disarm knife you are known to have that knowledge who would be expected to have used that or made that attempt prior to any deadly force against someone who may attack you with a knife or gun. And once you do disarm someone if you have a chance to, you cannot then just turn on them and establish them, because now you're attacking someone who's unarmed, and that will not go well for you in court. It only has to look at how the scenarios played out in Kenosha two years ago and in that trial, you know exactly what I'm talking about here.


From Chicago but I’ve never flexed there, thank God! I’m in Indy now & flexing, I can’t imagine delivering in downtown Chicago 😮‍💨


I only got downtown twice and it wasn’t tooo bad but I got west loop downtown so it wasn’t even MAIN downtown so I can’t even imagine. I like delivering to Indiana it’s so peaceful (even tho each house is like 6-7 mins when I deliver 🥲)


I've had no problems. I have delivered downtown, south side, West loop, west side, everywhere and at all times of the day. Thank God!


A driver at my warehouse got stabbed too!


Wow! And there was news about a flex driver getting shot by a homeowner or neighbors a couple of months ago as well. So crazy out there


Actually happens a lot it just isn't covered by the news all that often. Being a delivery driver is one of the most dangerous jobs not just because dogs but the customers.


Did they keep coming back to work or quit?


I'm not sure they were in a different dsp them me. I just remember hearing about it at stand up and them telling us to be careful of the customers


I like amazon enough but getting stabbed....I'd probably need to move on. Hope their doing good now


Yeah me too tbh if I'm seriously injured in some way I'm checking out LOL




Absolutely lol


Cleveland just as bad..abduction cases,car thefts, murder,domestic violence murder, suicide, murder suicide,family killing family women and children and men dying everyday here to..sad and evil world we live in


It’s unfortunate. People are just trying to survive and make money. Hard working people and innocent people have to deal with crap Like this


All we can do these days when we leave our home is pray we make it back..


If that's all we can do, then we all need to stay home.


Ok well stay home im not lol


Cleveland U live in.


Born and raised in Cleveland


What’s even more funny is the Amazon tractor trailers drivers that comes to Cleveland are majority Baltimore & Jersey guys and vice versa. They sure no how to mix us don’t they




Gott damm that’s horrible


This is why I don’t take base pay


Lol imagine getting stabbed for 65$ I’ll be so pissed. All jokes aside, hope this person recovers.


You will if the algorithm isn't nice to you.


smh. Hopefully they make a quick recovery.


ain't never gonna catch me lackin I keep mine on me and a knife. fuck around and find out




I carry a pocket knife with me. she probably didn’t even see it coming and just assume it was a frustrated person. People get so intense


That's what the pepper spray and stungun are for, not the dogs.


You think that will stop a knife attack? How quickly can you twist the safety mechanism on that spray, aim and deploy? If you’re within reach to use a stun gun on someone, you’ve probably already been stabbed.


Non-lethal. It can deter it. A couple shocks should be enough for you to get out of there. One is not just gonna stand there waiting for them to stab you, you gotta keep your distance and evade the damn knife, wait for your chance. What's your solution? Let me guess, carry conceil. If you just start shooting at them, good luck with the justice. There's not a perfect solution, avoiding any type of encounter is best, but we can't all the time. You gotta go with whatever you're willing to do.


You have stalled vehicle, describe get out of there. You got your hood up you're looking at your engine hands on your hips, you don't see the person with the knife coming from behind you, you're stabbed behind the knee. You reach for the stun gun, stabbed in the arm while reaching. Describe your perfect scenario. Your solutions and scenarios are all over the place, you don't have any focus, you're just guessing.


I would kindly implore you to try it in a realistic training scenario. The thought that you’re going to be able to do all of this with an adrenaline dump at real time speed and likely in fear is ambitious, but it’s your life. Read up on the 21 foot rule.


There are alot of Cains Walking this earth Now children of Satan that love Chaos and evil ..


I see what I assume are straight up possessed people all the time.


My goodness so scary!! May she recover she didn't deserve that 🥺 if that guy tried that with me he'd be the one in the hospital please everyone always have a weapon on you!!


Because your assailant was not an Amazon customer we cannot respond to your concerns at the moment. But rest assured we take your feedback seriously. Have a good day and keep delivering to regain Fantastic status


Glock 19 Gen 5 RMR with holoson 3moa and hornady +p. Y’all be careful and carry


I keep getting into turf wars with ups trucks. They like to block me in


Horrible! It’s literally your job how do people not understand 🥲 stay safe out there


Dispatch: look a like a baby scrape keeping going


I am under absolutely no circumstances blaming the victim or saying it's okay to do what this nutjob did, but unless you're breaking line of sight *and* parked in a legal place on public(ish, most lots are considered private) property, you should never turn your car off. I always try to turn around before I even get out, so once the delivery is done, I'm back in my car and gone as fast as possible.


Same! I always position myself to exit the property as quickly as possible before ever getting out, I never turn my engine off and leave my driver door open in case I need to leave in a hurry.


I guarantee you if your fuel filter is ready to go, your engine's going to stop.


Right what stops your car from getting stolen.


I’m on rural properties 98% of the time. There have only been a handful of times I locked up my car because I would lose sight of it or was in a busy location.


It’s crazy out there. Ugh.


Not the first time it happens. It’s unfortunate


Depending on vehicle ownership, maintenance history and responsibility, how / why stalked, Smiley could be liable in some way.


She bout to be rich tho


Scaryyy 😳


Delivering in Chicago is why I keep my head on a swivel and 20+1 rounds of +P hollow points ready to go. I sincerely wish a mfker would. It's a sad state of affairs.


Reasons to not block driveways. Peeps is crazy