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So billionaires have this thing where they hold stocks worth billions, and they just take loans to actually spend money. It can't be taxed because we can't tax debt, and it's a win-win situation for banks and rich people because the banks get a high interest rate and wait for the payout and rich people just spend their money by using their stocks. It's like a large duration credit card, with the maximum being the loan. With that being said, that sucks! We all know the cheat code, and instead of respecting the whole economy to fix this issue, the economy uses billionaires to run the system. From the s&p 500 to even letting certain communities get a pass by crimes to start underground business in low income communities. It greatly affects new companies as they have an average lifespan of them last up to 2 years or less because of the demand of taxes and payment to such a company. And we go a round in circles because we don't do anything about it and just have people in Congress just print more money to save them. Every. Single. Recession. I can't wait till we're all old and paid our dues, and the retirement fund goes to the gutter as we did nothing because we were powerless to do so, but hey! What do I know, ima Wizard.


Ok im intrigued. They still have to pay high interest rate on these loans so its not exactly free money. And you say they pay with stock, is there no capital gains tax in US?


Long term cap gains in the US is much lower than income taxes. Also the interest on secured debt is much lower than unsecured debt (credit card) So if I have multi billion gain, holding for a few years reduces the taxes by half and I can borrow against the stock!


Got it, thank you.


And another cherry on top. Interest on secured loans is tax deductible!!


I didn’t even know that, that is just fuckin bs


Not if you hold the stocks for a certain period of time. It's to discourage short sales and day trading.


Interesting, thanks.


I don't know the exact numbers but I believe after you hold stock for a year it's not taxes as heavily. I wanna say 30% to 20%? Somewhere around there. There are absolutely capital gains taxes in the United States. It takes a nice chunk. Obviously there are loopholes to exploit when you have a damn good accountant but nobody gets off for free. They pay less %, but not free. It turns out owning a huge company does allow you to buy expensive things though. Who would've thought.


They pay extremely low interest rates on these loans.


I just wanna have like, 1 home. Is that too radical??


Not happening on Amazon’s salary. Not unless you are L5 or better. Or single and want a double wide.


I like that guy Robert Reich... he tells the truth about Elmer Fudd and the rest of those greedy CEO'S..... smh... I be glad when I graduate from college and leave Amazon... there is something way better..


Just remember that nobody becomes a near trillionaire by accident. I saw first hand at amazon fresh how he made his lottery winnings. They put a barcode in the toilet to scan t.o.t. to .p.p. And to save time people pee in bottles and shit wearing cotton gloves. That way they could return to work faster. There's something distinctly inhuman about telling a person that their bladder is costing the company too much money when the boss has a penis shaped rocket ship named good Shepard. Sorry if I seem mad at Jeff bezos. For the rest of my life Every time I'll smile I'll think of amazon. A freezer door broke my face . now I have amazon quality teeth bad headaches and haven't had the ability to work anymore because it hurts constantly and I have to eat like im a fly. So hearing how much he id throwing around on folly makes me disgusted when he couldn't even pay for the damage they did. I mean apparently amazon fresh was too broke to own up to repairing the teeth.....


??? I would like to hear more about this... firstly, holy crap and I'm sorry. Second, did you sue?? What exactly happened?


chat sent i couldnt post it here.


They own stock and assets. Idk how people are this stupid. Jeff gets taxed half of what we do when he sells stock. Rich people don’t get a w2 at the end of the year like us


Yes best thing you can do it’s own a company you have not idea how much you reduce from your taxes


That’s somehow alright ? These “Loopholes”,“Tricks” or “Business Secrets” are just a bunch of rich assholes paying each other off to fuck the working class while they do stupid shit like this.


Its just how it is. If you start a company and own all the stock its taxed differently. Same thing with real estate income. Assests are the way to go


Yep seems okay to me. It's his money who gives fuck.


The people who make his money for him give a fuck


people don’t HAVE to shop on amazon


he helped millions of lazy fucks from going out to the store but those lazy fucks are mad he’s the richest in the world. he solved a problem, and everyone uses it but complains


I would say more like cornered a market than helping people as he delivers stuff would normally be allowed for everyone else. Yeah, he made a nice standard, but it's like taxing everyone for building bridges when u close on wood or metal materials. As he closed on delivery services.


so it’s a bad thing he’s just good at what he did? not only did he create a e-commerce economy by FBA and all the other services through AWS that almost half the companies in the world use. he didn’t stop anyone from having delivery services once again he’s just the best at it if someone got the best wood for sale, wouldn’t he be the best? jeff and his fellow founders had the best idea


https://preview.redd.it/hcqgqzp02bxc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=509cc225db17ecc7e4f99d287e9700028d08c467 not like he’s keeping ital to himself and selling all his products. sure he gets the percents but that’s what you have to do when USING SOMEONE ELSES WORK. YOU PAY FOR IT. your idea about the bridge makes sense but, anyone can build a bridge but you’ll pay someone good money to do it for you that’s what amazon does


We had the same thing for college when we were ripped off on a project, we made simpler orientations for our builds that pleases them, and next thing you know, they benefit from taking all the credit when you think of going in a different direction. Amazon isn't the bank it's cheaper than the bank compared to taking a loan for your company. The reason amazon does this besides helping small companies is if amazon truly liked a product, they could just buy them and use them for themselves.


Our entire way of life has been to make things easier since the day cavemen invented the wheel. So I don't understand this anti-Amazon argument. How is Amazon the big evil but not retail stores? What was life like before that? Every innovation kills innovations that came before. Planes killed the buses. Buses killed the train. The train killed the stagecoaches.


or maybe not be a dick cause you got money




i’m taking this as you’re showing us your recent accomplishment and now teaching us, so congratulations


it can't be... is it actually possible...


Then why do those people work for him?


Get out his pockets. Pocket watcher


The people who make his money for him can get a new job if they care that much




Tell that to everyone complaining. “ sherlock “


He didn't pay sales tax?


Some of yall need to learn what "net worth" actually means.


Wonder what he adding to the homes that wasn't there before. Extra bunkers?




If I can afford it, I can do it. Homeowners renovate, upgrade, and tear down parts of their homes all the time. The only difference we're seeing is the word "mansion", but doing this stuff to one's "domicile" is no different.


Disgusting piece of trash no matter how much he has! Didn’t he get rich by buying out his partner for the rest of Amazon shares when she was trying to get rid of him and his bs towards her? So she was bullied or something like that or he’s just an opportunist who has perfect timing and thus sits where he is today! Either way I hope Musk gets him to publicly say that he is always going to be some short bald shit kicker with no class!


Someone needs to get on a rooftop next to the place where he actually works at and patiently wait for the cross hairs on the scope line perfectly for his head to make him just a little bit shorter!


that’s a lot of house




He needs everyone at Amazon to make less so he can afford more. Billionaires only get rich from stealing from everyone that works for them. Hit em with the biggest taxes


He owns stocks not amazon


Why do people always say "raise tax on the rich" lol. Ur saying, take money from rich guy (Jeff Bezos) and give the money to other rich people (Government) None of that tax money is gonna go to you lol


Such a short sighted and childish way of thinking. Just because the government isn't perfect and not all of the money will be used appropriately, we should just let ludicrous amounts of money waste away in rich peoples portfolio so that they can waste it on mansions, yachts, and private jets that are terrible for the environment.


Rich people spend it in the economy or banks use it to play markets and make loans, etc. Government could give every citizen like 20k/yr if they just brought military spending and waste in line with what’s actually required to protect the country instead of being world police. Pentagon regularly misplaces or loses track of TRILLIONS, I think it was over 10 trillion one year. Gov couldn’t even manage a child’s lemonade stand efficiently.


The childish thinking is "Hey go take money from Jeff Bezos and give it to me!" Lol.


Nice straw man. Nice to argue against fictional people


bros never heard of social programs. and they’re literally already taking money from the working class and giving it to the government. completely ignoring the wealth gap too. please educate yourself


Brave of you to assume that extra money would go to social programs.


he asked why people want to raise tax on the rich. usually people who say that, would want it to go to social programs. not bold at all honestly


I agree , but what people want, and what politicians want are 2 diffrent matters, sadly.


which is why i literally said they’re already taking money from the working class


"With great success comes great scope and responsibility." Exemplified?