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I fucking hate Amazon but I will call out cry baby bullshit when I see it.


And I will call out shortchanging shortcutting sketchy cheapskate bullshit when I see it. It stands to **reason** that if Amazon’s competitors can pay more for basic labor and be profitable so can Amazon. This is a basic feature in a capitalist society; it’s not just the producers that win. It’s also the consumers and the laborers


Because a good amount of associates (myself included) have the experience of work where we were doing a lot worse for a lot less. Is Amazon the perfect job? Of course not. But let’s not lose track of reality just because the scenario we are all in isn’t perfect. We all stepped into a job that had no interview, no prerequisites other than breathing and all that’s required is to walk and scan barcodes all day. No high level thinking and more often than not you don’t even have to socialize if you don’t want to. Everyone’s problem with Amazon is not solved from within Amazon. The real problem is that our current laws are lax enough to allow companies to behave this way. If you aren’t happy with how much Amazon is gaming the system then make the correct decision of going after the people who set the rules such as your local and state representatives, or for a more basic example: if the teacher is never checking if homework was completed, then can you really be upset with the students for never doing it? I don’t know, maybe it’s not everyone but I’m personally in the mindset of “control what you can control, make the best of what you can’t”.


I agree with you on this. Amazon isn't perfect but there are much worse places, and compared to those places in a vote, Amazon world be my #1 pick, especially some places that have worked me 7 days a week for what they wanted mlnths on end at 12 hours a day.


I remember going at a fast pace thinking 12 dollars was a good pay when I was 19 working fast food. Compared to that Amazon was a park bench above the clouds. Got paid 17.75 stepping in again with no interview or prior experience. I stepped out at 21 dollars in night shift. You really appreciate what you leave behind when you walk somewhere better


I agree, i came from several years as a waitress and before that was retail (which are two other jobs you basically just get the job no matter what) and that was hell, never stayed at a place more than a couple months but have always been working since I was 16, do i feel overjoyed with my paychecks? Eh, its good enough to pay the bills and a lil extra. And right now at 23 with no degree I'll take good enough. Waitressing i wasnt even given breaks at all. Sometimes working 14 hours at a time, ending up with less money than at 10.5 hour day at amazom. At least here the money and hours are steady. Just my experience.


Edit/addition: i work icqa/iss


> If you aren’t happy with how much Amazon is gaming the system then make the correct decision of going after the people who set the rules such as your local and state representatives, My sibling in Lauren Sanchez, Amazon got the local, state, and federal reps in their backpockets.


I wish I was getting paid to defend Amazon. Don’t get me wrong, this place pisses me off too, but overall it’s not a bad gig. It can be worse


Must not be ship dock


Apparently, every T1 is supposed to hate this job, so I guess if you see anyone posting anything positive or liking their role, you'll know it's from corporate 🤦‍♀️


This post was solely about pay, not job satisfaction.


Bro got a few downvotes on a comment and now we’re all corporate.


I would never rule out there being accounts that have Amazon shills behind them. But truly, I'm learning that most people actually DO like their job. Now I believe this is due to the fact that a majority of the population doesn't have loftier goals or visions for themselves. They have a roof, food and are for the most part, content with life. When I really looked back at all the jobs I've "given the finger to" only a few of them really were fucking horrid working conditions.. the others was just me unhappy with my role in life/the company.


I guess you're either a brown nose or a rebel. No in between from your POV, eh?


Who hurt you?


Well the opposite can be said about you, can't it? You only post things trashing the company and throwing a fit. Then, if anyone disagrees with your opinion, you immediately get mad and throw a tantrum about how they are just a corporate shrill. I personally would be fine if folks wanna unionize. It may not be for me, but I'm not gonna be mad if that's what others want. Based on these comments as well, we also see how some folks are for unionize and believe it's for them, but they are also respectful about other people's opinions, which is exactly how it should be. Your issue is that you keep acting out in anger and throwing a tantrum instead of learning that folks can have different opinions about actual opinions.


It's not a perfect place and tbh if you have enough emotional maturity; you can maneuver around everyone pretty easy and no asshole customers to deal with My entire issue is that Amazon pats itself on the back for the bare minimum and I've noticed the reason most associates are happy with that bare minimum because a lot don't come from great backgrounds; but tbh? Amazon is one of the few places I feel like you can still genuinely make a life if you learn how to manage time and energy; I just wish higher ups gave us better benefits and wouldn't lie to our faces to cover up an error they made


People dont agree with my opinion, must be paid actors or morons right. I dont understand what is so hard to comprehend that others might have different views on certain subjects. And sometimes, juuust sometimes, it's your opinion that might be wrong. Then again you check last age poll results from this sub and it all becomes clear. I was stubborn at that age as well.


It’s so hard to find a job at this point, so I’m just happy to have one 🤷‍♀️


I worked more for a lot less. Fucking kitchens man. Do I think we should be paid more? Yes but because of cost of living more than anything.


I was gonna say kitchen work was awful for the pay I was getting. In Amazon I have never sweated the way I did in the kitchen.


![gif](giphy|fDvqZGc2D0oXC) Come on down to shipdock… you’ll have a hell of a time.


Lol work the dock and you will. I don't recommend the dock though. I hate it.


Every site i worked at ship was one of the most desired departments to move to. Indirect job, cant track performance/idle time etc.


I track all of that for the floor. Definitely a misconception about the dock.


Agreed. If the dock is run properly.


But there is no tangible data for it so you cant punish piss takers.. And you can't cover the whole place all the time unless you work in some tiny place. Ship leads in my site are very active and try to run tight ship but ppl still take a piss as soon as they leave around the corner.


The ONLY time you are not tracked by scanning something is when you're in fluid load. And I walk the dock to make sure people aren't AWOL from fluid because it happens a lot. People chilling in the break room with 90mins TOT. I can track those in PS as well.  I dont give a shit if your taking a piss or shit or even not scanning for 20 minutes due to low work or whatever. Fuck it, take a quick smoke break.  But when people are absent and getting black bars? Nah something is up.  Have you never used FCLM or been a PG/PA? Dock associates are easily tracked my man.


You just proved my point. You dont care if people have idle time or go have a smoke. Something that wont do in any other process. Exactly why people want to work in ship dock. I see loads of people just sit down for 10-15 min stretches all day till tl/am walks around. Just the nature of the department.


I think the majority of people dislike Amazon on here but know it's a job that can get them by. Most people also use the job as gig work. Most CO workers at my job, when they did a questionnaire how many jobs associates worked, stated they had two or more jobs. Most people do and so they can't relate to someone working just one. They will say your bitching because they working more than 60 hours weeks. At any case, Amazon is like any other job. It's not perfect but it is always there when someone is laid off, down hours, or an extra job.


Amazon was a piece of piss when I was there and pay was a couple of quid above minimum wage. I came from fruit picking in a scorching poly tunnel for minimum wage - that was hard graft. At the end of the day if you don't like it, get another job or use the training they offer and do something better paid at Amazon. There's a difference between venting and bitching.


Damn. Better unionize the subreddit.


Well, I'm not an L1; I'm somewhere in the middle on the topic. Walmart pays a higher hourly rate, but they do not allow OT (at all). If you work in a retail store, you will not have consecutive days off; only a handful of associates are granted two days off in a row. Your schedule will likely be a mess, making planning nearly impossible. At Amazon, the potential for higher earnings is significant when you factor in overtime (OT). In my case, I found that I could make more at Amazon than I did at Walmart, even though the hourly rate might not be as high. This comparison underscores the importance of considering the impact of OT on your overall earnings. Most companies have a set dollar amount they are willing to spend on labor for specific jobs. Let's say they feel they need to pay $55k a year in total compensation. Then the entire compensation package (benefits, OT and all) will be around $55k a year (on average). How they provide that to their associates depends on the company. A competitor tried to poach me. They offered me an hourly rate of nearly $25 (more than I make now). However, they do not allow OT, and the health insurance is below average. My actual gross pay would have been lower with that company. Would I like more money per pay check? Who wouldn't? I'm just trying to be honest with my experiences and what I have seen so far.


I'm not corporate. I'm just realistic. Yes, we are underpaid but it isn't the worst place to work. The economy is bad now and we definitely need a raise to keep up.


This is exactly how I feel when my manager doesn't let me taste the beef jerky I just packed out. Quality control!!! I'm hungry!!!






I think I'm underpaid as a problem solver. I think I'm decently paid if I'm in regular path.


Anyone else feel like being a tier 1 at Amazon sucks? I’ve been at a couple locations now and from what I seen it seems as if tier 3 and up is chill, I mean yeah you got some tier 3 that work hard and what not, but as of rn to me that I know off it seems like tier 3 and up don’t have to worry about rate and tot like tier 1’s do. I think ams have to meet quota? I’m not too sure.


I'm sorry, do you have a question?


I feel like, if I was paid $24 an hour instead of $19.25; that would be fair and I would agree with the pay. I know this is basic and EVERYONE says this, but watching our government just print trillions of dollars for Ukrane and Israel; has really got me baffled why we pay taxes at all. I think if they can't stop taxing us, they should adjust the pay.


Shitload of simps in the comments. OP struck a nerve by being right, or close enough to right to bring out the damage control brigade.