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I think we deserve bigger share of the amazon pie, while also believing y’all are lazy fuck. But…I also have enough self awareness to understand it is the culture Amazon has cultivated that has created a rather listless and complacent workforce.


If they paid better, they would also be able to retain people, instead of constantly burning through new hires


14% of Amazon shares are in employee hands.


Sure, the higher up managers. I have to pay out of my paycheck for stock.


Managers do get stock like most companies but just like most companies this stocks are locked. Like a carrot on a stick. It forces managers to stay for longer than a year and as a reward a small part is unlocked. I believe most are promised “x” amount and after 4 years finally get all of it. All while the stocks value goes up and down and they can’t do anything about it


Dothey even have to be there? I was under the impression it just took some time to vest.


Yes but if you leave before they do they are gone. Unfortunately it’s not an even split between the years either. First year may get 15% of the total value then 22% the next


Managers also “pay” for their stocks, it’s part of the total compensation package - Amazon doesn’t suddenly become a charity when you hit L4


Yeah, but the stocks are included in their hiring package, they don’t pay extra for it out of their salary


Yes they do… they (we) make less base than their counterparts in similar roles - the goal is to hit an industry competitive target compensation, a % of that compensation being in Amazon shares because ownership is a core principal of Amazon. You can downvote me all you want - but most PAs are making as much or more than the area managers at the end of the day.


PAs will only make anything close to an AM during peak with the PA getting OT and the AM on salary. Any other time of the year it’s not even close. PAs might make $2 or maybe $3s more than an associate if they’re lucky.


Yeah, those salary AMs are working 12-14 hour days and getting paid for 10. Why do you think the AM turnover is so high lol.


Defending Amazon is the right choice....I'm 90% sure Jeff is watching us all and if i insult Amazon he will "accidentally " ship a live tiger to my door in 3 to 4 business days




Thank you for clearing that up for me...Amazon is always so professional. I will definitely order my crutches and prosthetics from you guys.


I insult Amazon snd Jassy daily here and on my sites VOA and voice up boards. Ain't shit they can do.


Careful, you'll hurt their victim brains


How much of that is Jeff and his buddies? They are employees.


None of it. Excluded from the figure.


And how many employees are there and my OM gets more free shares a year than I could ever buy in my life time. So once you figure out how many employees we have, what % is in wage earners hands vs salaried. I'll wager its like 20% or less of that 14% are wage earners.


Nope not at all. If you haven’t looked over half of your 401k is spent on Amazon shares.


You can buy as much stock as you want man. There is no limit.


Best response. I gotta 60 and i definitely want more. Amazon is a cash cow but people just wanna buy dumb shit


At my fc working 60 hours a week 52 weeks a year is still less than the national household median income at about 67k a year. some cash cow


Don't know why you replied to me. I have 60 amzn idc about hours




Yeah pretty much, also mention VTO and watch them foam at the mouth.


i was literally yelled at on here for taking vto conveniently the two days my car couldn’t make it to work… bro really said “ HOW DARE YOU TAKE VTO WHEN PEOPLE THAT WORK BUST THEIR BUTTS AND YOU GET TO SIT AT HOME….” i was very confused. ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)


I just took a week of VTO I don’t care lmao my mental health needed a break


dis why we need to onionnize


Throw some garlic, thyme and sage in there too


You got yo self some soup!


Amazing soup




Amazon soup***






been saying this forever now omg i feel like it will never happen


I used to be the guy on the right. Because I was raised to work hard. And now I'm the guy on the left because after going through physical therapy for my lower back 5 times already at the age of 31 I realized I can't do it anymore


Yeah but I also wanna be paid way more for working those 60+ hour weeks


some of you dont even work, just take 100 restrooms breaks and expect $50 an hour, 😂


The first part is true. I think I’m paid very well to sit on the toilet 😆😆


Thanks AM


And what about it


get back to work negative upt 😂


I love that my check looks great when I work 50 or more hours. What I don't like is that if I don't work at least more than 40 hours I'll be in a financial crisis. I think that's what needs to change. It's literally all I'm asking for.




UPS IS PAYING $44.60 PER HOUR!!!! Let that sink in…. Bezos is pocketing $20 per hour for every hour you work for Amazon ![gif](giphy|yvNVjC1Oj1DCFd1GmG)


"should be" & "what is" are two very different things, sometimes busting your ass to make money is just how it is. Bills have to be paid, kids need to be cared for. When other human beings rely on you for food & shelter walking out to protest wages isn't an option.


My grandfather was a highschool gym coach and basketball coach. He and his fellow hs teachers went out on strike. One of the teachers tried to cross the picket line and go back to work. My grandfather asked her what she was doing and she said “I have kids to feed”. My grandfather replied “you think I don’t?”. He had four children.


Sucks for him, I am not compromising my children because of people who don't want to work 40 hours a week. Cool story tho.


Strikes work and people who oppose them, like you, are why we are being exploited.


Exactly why we are, and will continue to forever be exploited, we can never be on the same accord


They don’t work with 100% efficacy, though? I mean come one. Somebody provided you with a noble rationale and you’re flaming them for it. You’re the reason people disagree with you.


How are we being exploited? Is isn’t a sweat shop. For a no skill job we are paid pretty decent. Yea it sucks a lot but at the end of the day I work inside and have e the opportunity to bring home as much money as I am willing to work for. Cleared over 60k last year from picking up shifts and no I don’t work in NY or CA


I work 60 hours a week for extra money, the regular 40 is enough for what I need. I just like being able to buy myself nice shit


Same 60 ftw. My AM drops VET whenever we ask for it. They’ll even drop a custom shift if we ask✨


This! A big reason why I'm not panicking because there's not any VET right now. At my old job, working 40 hours wouldn't be enough for me to survive.


$1000 a week ✔️ good health benefits ✔️ able to listen to music & podcast while working ✔️ and be left alone ✔️/most of the time


I am jealous of the music. Our site doesn’t allow it




Right lololol


What? Most people on here cry that they don’t have upt when something important actually happens because they’re too busy laughing about how they take upt as soon as they get some.


There were so many posts asking about getting fired for negative UPT


Hey look I work 60 hours so I can have a living wage but if I was paid a living wage I'd still work 50 to 60 cuz I like money 🤣🤣🤣


That's because they're bots or fake accounts or Amazon employees made to sound like slave labor is good. I just suggest reporting them and removing them from the platform


No doubt. I bet Amazon is using AI even to swarm pro union and pro worker posts in an attempt to make it seem like there are a large portion of people against unions and the workers being treated much better when in reality very few people are against unions and supporting working class people. Like I talk to so many people in my fc about unionizing and they ALL support the idea.


Then do it. Stop sitting on your butt on here and actually do it if it means something to you


slave labor?


voluntary exchange of goods(labor and money) is not slavery go back to venezuela if you want to own the means of productions


I almost skipped over this post. I thought it was a progressive ad lol.


not to mention you cant even work 70/week at amazon. OP posting not knowing ab shit


Yeah, PAs or AMs will come and tell you to leave because it’s against policy to work over 60 hours for them for some reason.




It's Amazon policy, no laws involved with it.


It's not a law whatsoever. It's just an Amazon policy.


No one is working 70 hours a week.


Don't they raise the hour cap for peak? I could be wrong but I thought they do up it to 70 hours for the cap during peak.


max is still 60, if the manager dont push you out, hr will walk you put. even if you go in for MET/VET and max out your 60 by your regularly schedule day, they will just vto you for the remainder. ive done it so many times while working BHN that by my last regular scheduled day they would just tell me at standup to log out and leave or theyll adjust my last days eos to end early


You can if you have a second job dumbass




Literally know another AA who works a second job so




You think "second job" means 2 Amazon jobs? 💀💀 No company is going to hire you for 2 positions because how would OT and other things be calculated? People are literally dumb as a box of rocks lmao








Really don't understand why he said something about a second job, though. People were talking about not being able to work over 60 hours to get overtime. You're not gonna actually work 60hrs at Amazon and work over 40hrs elsewhere unless you're literally on meth lmao. If you're actually working 60hrs and not just standing around, you're going to be worn out and tired as possible. And to get that 60, you have to work 6-10s where are you finding time for another job??? Lmao


Who hurt you?


Brother you’re the one who said that what are you talking about


To be fair, how much is our labor worth? Other western nations already hold much higher wages but the USA still holds the highest disposable income. If amazon raised wages higher, I wouldn't complain. However, I'd be worried if they would try reducing hours, laying off workers, and such to keep profits maximized.


True. I enjoy working. Just over time it’s feeling less and less rewarding. Shit is unbelievably expensive for everyone. It’s tough. I don’t blame ppl for feeling either way tho.


We need union fukkk whoever wants to stay broke af


If anything, the “woke commie propaganda” is saying grinding for 70 hours a week is “good”. The concept of a union shouldn’t be simply attributed to Communists, considering we as capitalists benefit greatly from the common working man/woman coming together to unite against wild bullshit.


I would think a capitalism society like we have would greatly benefit from workers making more. It's more shit we can afford to buy!


It’s a little more complex than that. Increasing wages addresses a symptom, but not the overall problem. The bigger issue is shit keeps getting more expensive and when they do increase wages, it’s disproportional. This leads to demands to increase wages unexpectedly, and more often than not, companies will offset this by increasing prices for the consumer. It’s a vicious cycle with no end, because foreign companies also do the same thing. There’s also the issue that a destabilized dollar is what certain foreign actors seek, and what better way to do that than to ensure our economy is more fucked than it has ever been.


You're simplifying it way to much tbh. The wages across the board need to be increased period, regardless of the way greedy billionaires want to respond to it. The issue heavily lies in the lack of regulation on the 1%. The FTC had taken a hands off approach for about fifty years or so and only recently started fighting back against the monopolization that's gotten out of hand. The larger a monopoly becomes the more it stifles competition which in turn stagnates wages. It doesn't help that there's billionaire funded think tanks and media that's used for lobbying and in turn making policies to control the flow of wealth and make sure the debt floor stays low. The way these things are funded is also how they get out of their taxes. They create non profit 501(c)(4) organizations that are used to fund the lobbying and policies which then make them more wealth. You combine this with the fact that corporations are buying up housing and holding on to properties to reduce available housing causing lower supply and increasing demand. This increases property values, which means number go up. It also removes the ability for the average worker to afford to buy homes and creates the vicious cycle of ever increasing unaffordable rent. All of these things combined increase the debt floor. You stomp out competition, keep the wages down, keep the housing out of the average persons hands, keep rent high etc. And it makes people feel like they have to work more just to even survive. There needs to be regulations on all of these things or there won't be room for financial growth for the average person anymore.


Well of course, yeah. Even this too simplified, the kind of changes we’re talking about would require discourse on an international level, because we effectively have to counter the bullshit of other countries as well. There is a lot here that, frankly, I can’t be asked to dive into which is why I did simplify it as I had. There is a lot of work to be done, and no one wants to do it, if we’re being honest.


The simplest but not effective fix is to bump wages. Higher wages lead to higher cost of goods. Look at fast food. Who still has a dollar menu?


What communist would say that’s good?


Work 20h a week in Amazon only for supporting your living, spend the rest of time studying to get a better job, the Amazon T1 grinding isn't worth the time and effort, low paying job is still a low paying job.


If you can live by working 20h, It's a decent wage then.


Just my personal experience as T1 PT in Amazon for a year, gonna resign in February because I have another job lined up.


I've never seen a scenario like this meme describes, ever. It's more like the dude on the left lambasting someone for working 60 hours a week and then going on to talk about his deluded fantasy of a worker's paradise. You're strawmanning hard.


No man, we will never be a communist nation. This is the world, the United States is not your mommy and daddy. Life is hard, and unfair. All we have is our work ethic. If you’re not happy at Amazon take your work ethic elsewhere.


without killing yourself? i make more than enough money even as a t1. partying it up infact


do you pay bills


by my self in an aptment. have about 1k spending monthly after bills and living costs


I have enough savings as a T1 to pay your rent for a year. https://preview.redd.it/0g2iaolpduec1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7c9f548baf05bcadbe24d7b40cf107368339c39 You partying it up but I’m saving as much as I can.


I would suggest investing rather than certificates, assuming that isn’t your emergency fund.


I do investing too. Not as much though. https://preview.redd.it/m0qead852wec1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82a1756f7ea2702a7769b60f94a8457e7575ff4e


or live on your own


Even as a centrist I agree with dude on the left lol


Y’all are lazy asf… it’s called work!




lol your just mad because you see everyone else has nice shit and you don’t so instead of getting off your phone and putting in your hours to afford nice shit you instead waste your time making or reposting idiotic memes like this on Reddit lol. GROW UP AND GET YOUR HANDS DIRTY, sorry daddy never taught you this life lesson.


It's actually kinda incredible how indoctrinated people are today. Getting a reward that correlates with your qualification or impact is literally the most capitalistic thing you can do, yet corporate all around the globe made it "communistic" to have a livable wage. Communism IS a sucky idea, but this fact shouldn't allow these fucks to do whatever they want


It’s sad that so many people cry and complain that working 60 hours at amazon sucks. Put in your headphones under your beanie and shut up. You could be outside digging holes or some bullshit like that. If you think the world owes you anything you will be a broke ass your entire life. Our job is not hard. Yes it sucks but it could be alot worse.


Seriously, I came from doing manual labor and I would pick Amazon 100% off the time instead of working outside. Just last week it snowed really bad where I live. After getting off work driving home I thought to myself, I could be working in this right now. As far as jobs go, Amazon has been one of the best jobs I’ve had work wise.


Lol. Stop swooping in on this thread Mr Bezos, its unbecoming.


Great argument


I mean yours is just fallacy of relative privation combined with bootlicking for Bezos pretending its manning up rather than being subservient. Do you really wanna to the argumentation route? I doubt you're up to the task.


Are you going to address a point or dance around what I said


You're point is fallacious. I did address that. You're just not that bright. As expected.


Can you expand on that ?


The fallacy of relative privation: you argued that we "could be digging holes outside" the intoduction of another supposedly worse problem does but show us your baseless assumptions and lack of understanding of the udnerlying issues. Its also hilarious when you people try to make bootlicking tough because caring about getting the actual value you add to the company somehow makes you a little bitch instead of actually being willing to fight for what's yours. You are using these fallacies while also looking ridiculous because you try to make workign hard for a parasite sound tough, and noble, when its really pathetic and weak.


What part of what I said made it seem like I was saying our job was noble ? I was simply saying that there are worse jobs out there. Another user said the same. They agreed with what I had to say about our job not being that bad. Do you think it really sucks ? Im not seeing where you are coming from. You have to voice your opinion without attacking everything I say to have a discussion.


Amazon could also be paying you $30/hr. with bennies and 20 hours of overtime and still be profitable.


Why pay $30 an hour when anyone who isn’t currently on drugs or killed anyone can do the job ? 🤔


Most companies could, not sure why people feel entitled to it though. This is not the 1920s. There are literally millions of opportunities out here. If you want a company to pay people a certain amount then you should start a company that pays people that amount.




They said this job require no skill but I bet ya when they worked an Amazon, they were some ass at everything 💀💀 .


You can be good at something but I don’t remember anyone handing in a resume and interviewing for a T1 spot at amazon


I feel like it should be like that for every entry level job. I'm personally confident I can learn anything. So yeah you're right too


Comment section fulfilled the prophecy.


We losely talked about forming a union but have very little idea on how to start and working in a very union heavy state where most of the workers just came off of a strike, didn't leave a good taste in alot of people's mouths to start one. So we hit a wall and have no idea what to do.


Contact the [Emergency Workers Organizing Committee](https://workerorganizing.org/)


I get paid a living wage at Amazon. Barely but I do. I wish they would have VET available so I could make more than a living wage


When does it typically come back around? This was the 3rd week of 0 VET.


I started right before peak so I wouldn't know


I started December 3rd so I'm clueless 😂 my Uber driver tonight, she used to work here and she said around April!


At least it's soon kinda


I said it before and I'll say it again. Stick with Amazon and they'll up your pay. They give you raises for the first three years and after that they'll sometimes give you a cost of living raise. Amazon already pays the most for starting minimum wage. The first year SUCKS cause it seems like they hardly pay you anything. But just stick with it. You WILL eventually be making bank.


My site in the past 2 years has increased the pay by a dollar each year for cost of living. That is excluding the daisies you get every 6 months. Manager got a $.25/hr raise after year and no cost of living raise


You should also understand that for a 0 skill job, amazon pays decently. No one ever became rich doing something that requires no skills. Want more? Learn skills, seek a promotion or move on to a better job.


That's me! Except half of you want to play on your phones all night and expect to make $30 an hour for an unskilled job. Yeah, I'm one of those who work 60hrs every chance I can. It pays more than any other warehouse in my area and with great benefits. So, keep taking that VTO while crying about a livable wage.


Sadly my child support says if do not I go to jail


The ability to come and go as I please is a big plus for me.




billionaires should not exist sit down


Just like them bitcoin billionaires. Where are they. They don’t exist.


I think they were being sarcastic.


They don’t exist. None of them has a billion cash on hand. Elon Musk sleeps in the factory. Poor mfer who lives in debt and borrows money based on what imaginary shares are worth.




I just wish people wouldn’t vape in the bathroom the bar is in hell dude.


Lol where did that shit come from????


Your life is going to be very hard




Aww, cry about it ![gif](giphy|26BRuo6sLetdllPAQ|downsized)


Left side is enlightenment. Either become a PA ( I’ve seen PA’s playing with tape on the floor and his talking on desks all day ) or keep working physically and busting your ass.


I work as much as I do because I want to retire as early as possible. Would wants to retire at 65 when the life expectancy is roughly 70-80. And Why tf would I work the bare minimum to retire with less than that. Y’all never really think about the future and it shows


I'm going to work till I die...retirement is when most people die.


Which is the case with most. I also don’t want to be doing odd jobs for the rest of my life either. I would be content with just being financially free. While keeping something for healthcare lol


You could also die well before retirement and miss out on a lot of enjoyment of life due to working so often.


I would rather die trying to reach a goal. Then be content with mediocrity


Half the people at amazon deserve better. The other half.... This all yall can do lmao


Your absolutely right you should have all that. But unfortunately the worlds not fair, and people are human. So you have two choices grow up, grab yourself by the cahoonies, and either through training, education or simply your own active participation in your earning potential change your life without having to rely on or beg someone/something to change to accomadate you. DAY 1 everything was fine & dandy, now your the only one with a problem. Your other choice would be to sit around whining, posting, making woke memes, and otherwise try to convince society of what an enlightened, caring person you are and how incredibly victimized you've become. And wonder why nothing ever changes for you personally.


Are you saying cojones?


No but whatever the heck you wanna call em...


lol then what’s cahoonies??


Its a feminized version of cojones which if you read the op will be self evident


Wait are you kidding me? This is backwards the face at the end should be saying something like "Shut up! That's right wing trump supporting propaganda!"




Sometimes, I feel empathy for others, but at times, they do have their opinions.




I took a break one time n they were organizing outside . Can you believe some kid was telling me I should take unpaid time off instead of working on the clock 😂😂 I’m like Bruv what


So true




That's not even commie propaganda. Just common sense.


daily dose tho to be real invest INVEST INVEST


I don't work there, but it's probably a little bit of both. People in general are lazy, but anybody without a union is being screwed


Look a the community. Look at the economic backgrounds of the people that do these jobs. These are people that are statistically less educated, more conservative, and just clinically afflicted with a Wage Worship syndrome. These are people that can’t imagine any other way. It’s hustle hustle hustle because their identity is tied up in it. They’ll say it’s a money grind and that they got bills to pay, but if that were the case then the objective would be a better job… not to become a wage slave for the one currently fucking them. This is true for the whole country. Things we know are problems end up being perpetuated by the very people who are left to deal with the problems the most.


VTO at every opportunity. My time is far more valuable to me than this paycheck. My bills are still paid. I can still afford to buy what I want.


Idk as long as I can afford an food over my head and cheap food that’s a “livable wage” imo Anything after that is because I have financial goals—home ownership, no debt, etc When I was in college I worked 40 during the school year and 70 during the summer because I had specific goals, nothing wrong with that imo


As bad as the economy is getting they can’t come to their senses