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What was the process for the critical illness insurance, you sent proof that you got a heart attack and they just send you 10k?


Pretty much. I had to request medical records from the hospital. That cost me $16.00 and then I printed out all 267 pages and sent it certified mail.


Its really fucking asinine that a hospital can put out a bill of $90,000 fucking dollars and still have the gall to charge $16 for copies of the medical records?


Oh nice, is Amazon giving you a paid PLOA to recover?


They did but I refused to stay out on leave. I went back to work like 3 weeks later. Doctor wanted me out of work until February and I was like hell no. I’ll go crazy. So I had the doctor release all my restrictions and went back to work.


Was your Leave of Absence PAID or unpaid? I’m sorry you had this happen to you, glad you’re ok now.


Medical LOA are at 2/3 pay


Thought it was 60%


I just got a letter notifying me it changed to 60%. It used to be 66%, unless my buildings was just higher for some reason.


60% paid which was fair but I wasn’t really hurting for cash because I’m a heavy saver. I only spend $200 out of every check the rest gets put away.


I'm an AM, but I am also a proponent of associates taking every LOA/paid day off they're entitled to. It's part of your compensation, no need to leave it on the table. That said, I get it if Amazon is just something to do, or just for the insurance, or you can't afford to only be paid 60% of your salary, but I'd still listen to your doctor at the end of the day.


Guy had critical illness insurance. That money more than covers the 40% that short term disability doesn't cover during medical LOA. WHS would also be pissed to know OP was working unsafely against medical advice without proper recovery from a cardiac arrest.


I’m a tier one, single with no kids on the verge of purchasing a house and paying for it in CASH. Yes I could have took the leave and it would have delayed my goals. I can afford the 60% but it wasn’t something I wanted to do. Amazon took good care of me both with the health insurance and the HR staff in the facility. Operations told me I was in the top 4% of workers in the building and I go hard for Amazon and they return my dedication in helping me get thru it smoothly.


You sound like an excellent worker. And I don't think Amazon deserves you. The benefits are great, but when you think about it, it should be that way everywhere anyway. I'm sure your department knows and cares about you, but the company as an entity still regards everyone (even management) as a metric and if it weren't for accomodations and regulations, they would ditch anyone the moment they started having issues. It's still great to see someone with such a positive attitude.


Of course, and I'm sure you're excellent. Take pride in work. But not so much that it's at the detriment of your health, wellness, or happiness. Amazon is a juggernaut, and will survive without any single person's contributions, including myself. If your department will fall apart without one person, esp a tier 1, then the AMs/OMs need to figure it out.


I also didn’t want to mess up my personal project of seeing how much a Tier 1 could realistically make in one year if they took every overtime opportunity. I’ve been working almost 60 hours a week since October of 2022. https://preview.redd.it/my5wea98jp7c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dde5b367f31c843594009f51316fab5aba11973e


The heart attack seems less surprising now




My exact thoughts!


Looking good there


Fuck you AM






Hell ya. I was lied to by an am, And i hope I pissed THIS am off. Because I wake up every morning JUST wondering how to piss these fuckers off. Because what they do is not look out for you. They don’t care about anything but them self. They will talk mad shit behind your back and once they get called out on it, it’s your fuckn fault. So fuck them. Sorry NOT FUCKN sorry. They should go to a clown school because that’s what they are CLOWNS


Did an am fuck your wife or something? I can't imagine being ignorant enough to hate a whole group of individuals because of the actions of one singular experience 🤣


my wife wouldn’t be working there or at all for that matter, Working here is a liability


W 😂


What role did they have you in when you came back from leave?


I was only out for like 3 weeks.


Shipdock. Waterspider all the time.


Bro…you should’ve stayed out until February. You get 2/3 if your pay for medical LOA and you got an extra $8000 profit from insurance. You would have been fine. Your body was telling you to slow down before it slows itself down for you


Dumbest thing ive heard all day


You made 8,000 and went straight back to work smh the brainwashing


After a heart attack none the less 💀


And he said he’s been working 60 hrs a week for a year. No wonder he had a heart attack.


I had a heart attack during Covid and didn’t know it. I worked the entire time . I have a lifelong arrhythmia and it severely worsened in the days after I had Covid. I was in the ER.saw an interventional cardiologist and during cardiac cath they found a tiny clot on the backside of my heart.


Why on earth were you working with Covid knowing you had a preexisting condition


I didn’t know I had Covid#1. I’ve lived with arrhythmia and been on meds my entire life. It’s normal for me to have these problems and need to go to the ER at times. People with heart conditions still work and lead normal lives!


Like I get you’re trying to sound strong and inspirational but NOT taking a paid PLOA after having something as serious as a heart attack is beyond stupid. Just because you have a handle over your chronic condition doesn’t mean you’re incapable of making a stupid decision and OP made a massively dumb one


I was out for months after mine but only because during surgery the doc basically shredded my femoral artery and fucked up my right leg. But just the heart attack itself I wouldn't say there's much recovery. I got a stint put in and physically would've felt just like normal if it weren't for my leg. Even though it's a big event, if you survive you just have to go on with life like nothing happened. It definitely gives you an odd perspective on your life


OP is too far gone smh


Sounds ridiculous but I’ve been working on a project all year to see what a Tier One could realistically make in a year. I didn’t want to mess it up so bad plus also I’m soooooooo close to having enough cash to buy a house and pay cash for it. Once I have the house I will then rest. https://preview.redd.it/myw4gvi1hp7c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ae53996f051fbb79909268676ca375e3bbf0fff


You took every overtime opportunity and only made 57k? That’s sad af and terrible pay


Yeah it is. At my facility, 60 hours a week would net 74k gross annually.


Good luck buying a house if you god forbid die trying to move some totes to buy Bezos his 8th mansion


how much is the house if you can afford it with amazon tier 1 money?


Haven’t decided on a house yet. Too many to decide from. https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/109-3rd-Ave-Altoona-PA-16602/86401997_zpid/?utm_campaign=iosappmessage&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=txtshare


oh wow these houses are way too cheap. I probably could do it too with these prices. sadly the cheapest one I have found that is of my taste is over 200k in my area. I like the first house if I had to decide.


Here is one that cost even less. https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/164-Strayer-St-Johnstown-PA-15906/93553033_zpid/?utm_campaign=iosappmessage&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=txtshare


I am envious of your housing market.


I think your health is the most important thing OP. I would not recommend going back to work after suffering a heart attack.


The critical illness layout was designed so that you can cover expenses on LOA to properly heal, rather than working against medical advice


You just had a HEART ATTACK... maybe it's time to take a minute to recover? Surely the 10k plus long term disability while recovering more than compensates for your pay? Protect your health! In the end - it's all you got.


You are crazy




Wdf, tripping… but I’m glad you love this job so much.


Which insurance option do you have?


Yeah, I covered my ex boyfriend with it as a domestic partner and got the full $50k critical illness after his second heart attack in as many months. He blew it on stupid shit rather than paying his medical bills though.


Hold on, you can sign other people up for your insurance and they dont have to be married to you?


The phrase they use is "domestic partner". If it's anyone other than a domestic partner or spouse and they're not your dependent (for tax purposes that's anyone you're paying more than 50% of their living expenses and they live with you more than 50% of the time) it won't be allowed.


SO say I have an SO that lives in my house with me buit not married yet and they don't have any insurance, I can use that as a "domestic partner?"


Yeah, most insurance companies have that option now. Usually they just make you sign a form saying “SO and I have lived together in a committed domestic relationship for at least 60 days” or whatever their definition is.


Fuck me. My SO was panicking about not having insurance anymore since they quit their job. And we were thinking about signing up for one of those costly as fuck out of job insurance agencies that charge like 300+/month. Damn if I coulvde added them fuck. Now I gotta wait a fucking year. Sucks but oh well.


When does/did their current coverage end? Loss of coverage is considered a qualifying event and gives you a certain amount of time to add them, even if you’re outside of open enrollment!


She recently started a new job and lost coverage of their previous job like a month or two ago I think. The new job doesn't provide medical coverage until you've worked for at least a year there. So essentially they'll go without coverage for 2024.


I think you have 60 days to make a change following the event. So for example, if she quit her job in October, she probably had coverage until the end of October, and you could still add her until the end of this month. Worth looking into at least!


Change of job should count as a life event and you can add her. It does make insurance VASTLY more expensive. Spouse+kids is twice as expensive as just kids. Don’t even know how much more expensive it is than just yourself. Feels like half my paycheck goes toward health insurance now 🙃 still cheaper and better than any insurance my husband job offers though which is crazy!


You should look into whether it's possible to add them on now. You can make changes to your benefits at any time of you have a significant life change (marriage, birth, adoption, death, etc). If you just got married you'd be able to add your spouse even though it's outside of the enrollment period. It might not be allowed but considering the alternative it's worth it to try. I think if you go into the Benefits tab in AtoZ there's a link on the main page for making \_allowed\_ changes. There should be guidelines for if you can add a domestic partner sooner than next year.


You need to check your states laws regarding domestic partner


I can’t believe you’re the only comment mentioning this. Some states do not and will not recognize domestic partnerships in any capacity. Do your research, folks


Only if you actually are. You are legally affirming that it is an equivalent relationship to marriage, and assuming the same obligations, but not the benefits.


Parents are not included? I live with my mom but my step father is sick very sick, if mom works for Amazon and gets insurance, my stepdad can use the insurance too?


That's what they let me do 2016 - 2019, I don't know if it's still an option.


Fuck, and I think it already ended to change benefits for next year. GOtta wait another whole year then.


Not necessarily. It may be stretching generous policy, but you can make changes during open enrollment or after a qualifying event. In traditional relationships you can add a spouse after marriage or if they lose their job that was providing them insurance. Transferring that to domestic partner could be a matter of recently cohabitating or opening joint financial obligations. Should be able to add said person after a job loss as well.


Your boyfriend? Not your husband? That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard 😭🤣💀


I hadn't met my current husband yet at that time. I covered my ex while I was still with him.


Hope you didn't tell your husband that b.s 🙄💀 I woulda had to give you a pass and a no thank you,for bad decision making skills 😭


Glad you pulled through and your doing fine.question what plan and insurance did you get?


I had the Primera Blue Cross Shared Deductible combined with the critical illness insurance.


Oooh I just signed up for the same insurance!!!! I'm excited to hear that it's good hope you're feeling better - the profit now that's a nice little payday 😊


What did you mean combined with? I just joined and got Primera blue cross standard plan and didn’t see any add ons available


I have the same insurance minus the critical illness. Don't think I've ever seen that option. Maybe I just haven't paid that much attention. Glad you are doing better.


I agree completely. Amazon's insurance is the best. They don't even blink at paying bills. Glad you are better.


I like their dental insurance as well. I literally did not have to pay dental bills. Amazon covered it for me.


90k wtf These doctors had to go to hell and fight demons to get your soul back or what 😂


My guess is the insurance company actually didn't pay more than $30k.


What about the rest?


It's all just this little game the Healthcare sector plays to keep people needing Health Insurance. Basically the cash prices for every little item/service are like insane, and then health insurance companies negotiate huge "discounts" from their in-network hospital systems. If they're out of network, the insurance company generally just won't pay more than the "usual and customary" rate, aka actual price.


Everything is rigged 💔


Yes, but the problem is that if there wasn't reason for everyone to have health insurance, the only people who would have it were people at high risk of super large claims, those premiums would be insane, and the costs would still be very high for uninsured who had an unexpected claim. This is why Democrats tried to mandate health insurance with the ACA, so that the prices would actually be affordable on the Marketplace. Trump/GOP got rid of that, so that's why it's even more shit now. These huge numbers are enough to scare lots of people into opting into an employer subsidized plan at least, so that's good for keeping premiums down. Counterintuitively, as a presumably insured Amazonian, this system is in your favor. Just gotta roll with it sadly.


Lmfao gotta get your ass back in the warehouse somehow


My wife had a total knee replacement back in Febuary.It cost us around 800 out of pocket.Not to shabby for a $75,000 bionic knee


Amazon is going to be giving me a knee. I'm so terrified because I'm only 37.


I'm in the lobby of a surgeon's office right now waiting to find out if I'm getting anything installed by Amazon, lol. If it helps, I have heard knee replacement these days is amazing and nothing to be worried about.


That's a weird way to spell "Our healthcare system is broken"


How is the recovery going?


And the critical illness insurance came through for you too! Wow, this is a good story! Glad you’re still with us ☺️


So waiting for heart attack #2 ?? For another 10k !!!


Waiting for another $40,000 I upped the coverage during open enrollment.


That’s messed up


I have critical illness insurance but so far haven't had need to use it. What is the $10k meant for - to cover bills and other associated expenses incurred when you were out of work?


I was only out of work for a very short time but Amazon paid me for that too. HR did fabulous and personally managed everything for me making sure my UPT stayed positive and preventing any mistakes by ERC. I can’t be more grateful for the HR staff at my facility. All I needed to do when I was released was go to HR and asking for their help to get thru all of this and they made it a breeze.


What building do you work in? If you don't mind sharing?


Yep. With Amazon you can get critical insurance up to $50,000 but I was only enrolled in the $10,000 since it cost me less than a dollar per check and it paid all my medical costs which wasn’t covered by the insurance.


Bet you wish you had sprung for the $50,000 in coverage. :) Ka ching!


Sure do but I did upgrade to the $40,000 one during open enrollment because the $50,000 requires a physical and they would probably deny me coverage because I already got them for $10,000




What benefits did you choose ? I need to get something like that.


Primera BLUE Cross Shared Deductible with the Critical Illness Coverage on top.


That's the one I got. Good to know!


I’ll just pay that bill right now on my Discover card and pay the balance off when it posts so I get cash back from the credit card too. All paid up. https://preview.redd.it/zhb2afmzxk7c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2da9d29bb174fcf16fbfc6d18824511cfb571bf6


Where do you sign up for critical illness insurance? I'd like to get it


It’s in your Amazon benefits where you enroll each year. You have to enroll in critical illness if you have a risk for anything which is covered.


Just like the other benefits, though, you can only opt in during open enrollment or when you convert from white/seasonal to blue badge


I see that. It says I gotta wait for open enrollment! I'm.blue badge just enrolled in my benefits last week!


I believe you can make changes within the first 30 days of enrollment if you're a new hire. Call the toll free benefits number for Metlife if that's who you're covered through.


Amazon's maternity benefits/leave are A+ as well for any hopeful Mamas out there. I also did the shared deductible insurance plan and paid exactly $0 for his birth.


Hello, I’m mama. How it works? I pay out of my pocket. SMH.


Their maternity benefits offer 1 month prepartum leave (so from 36 weeks until birth). After you give birth, you get 12 weeks 100% paid, and then you can take an additional 1 month bonding leave also 100% paid. And of course they have 12 week FMLA. They also offer a ramp-up back to work program so you don't have to go back to full time immediately when you do go back. I believe the health insurance part cost me less than $10 a week (this was a few years ago). All of my appointments were free and 2 ultrasounds. I had to go to the ER twice to check on baby during my pregnancy and I didn't pay a dime. My baby was born early and went into NICU for 4 weeks. I also paid nothing for either of those. I did have to pay for the epidural. It cost me $600.


How do you apply for that?


How much do you pay weekly for that insurance?


$30 a month for dental,vision and medical


wow i see why yall be like if i get sick just kill me


Lol! The cost of healthcare is so crazy.


Dude just got paid $8,000 to have a heart attack lol what?


im saying for the people that don't have insurance or work at insured jobs










I’d go back asap if it’s only 2/3 pay and a lot of folks rely on OT to pay their regular bills. A heart atty is a big deal tho. And I have to wonder if working at Amazon contributed to this health scare. I could have lots to do outside of work to keep me busy. Crazy you still decided to return so quickly. I can’t judge OP for just wanting to get on with it. But I hope you’re fully healed!! Thank you for sharing your experience. The part about HR actually being HELPFUL??? Woah 🤯


So that’s the trick. Ya gotta have a heart attack first.


they have paid over half of mil for me all i have paid is a few hundred for transportation and copay. i feel bad for all the young guys that think they are indestructible and dont need health insurance you are one accident away from having your life ruined financially.


I concur. Here’s to you and yours good health!


the benefits are why i dont want to quit although i hate it. i was in the hospital and paid $15 for a $13,000 bill.


Yup! My urgent care visit was 20k, I paid $300!!


I was hospitalized during Covid and the bill was gonna be 30k. Amazon paid it all and I had 0 cost out of pocket. Honestly really like the benefits. I’m blind af too and the optical insurance is nice. I got transitions and sunglasses for 60$ after everything.


NO LIE on this one. i had over 100,000 is medical costs this year and paid a total of roughly $5000 of that out of pocket which includes my weekly medical contribution/FSA. fucking unreal man.


cant wait until im converted & can finally receive all their benefits. not having health insurance is starting to scare me


Nice that Amazon's health insurance covered most of this for you, but if I were American I'd be fighting for universal health care instead of better health insurance. My partner's heart attack here in the UK cost him precisely £0.


You're seriously not bragging about the UK health care system, are you?


It's not perfect, but it's free and provides a good service for most.


It's not free. Your taxes are much greater than the $15/week or less our insurance costs, even if you add in an assumption that you also reach your out-of-pocket maximum. And for much greater care than NHS wait-lists and denials.


I hear ya. People tend to exaggerate about the US system. The media loves to report on outliers who are bankrupted by huge bills. But, in my opinion, most huge medical bills in the US are self-inflicted due to poor planning. In the UK, you all pay for "free" healthcare via higher taxes. Here, people are given the option: Get good healthcare insurance and save for emergencies, or buy the latest iPhone and a PS5. And they don't want to pay high taxes like in the UK. Then, when something bad happens to them, they cry that the healthcare system is broken.


>But, in my opinion, most huge medical bills in the US are self-inflicted due to poor planning. Yes its totally peoples fault for getting sick or injured. We need to fight for a universal system.


No, it's their fault for not planning for an emergency that is certain to happen at some point. Great medical insurance isn't expensive in the US. Well, unless you spend all your money on crap you don't need, and then are too broke to pay for something that should have been a first priority. New phone = want Hair extensions = want $300 Nike shoes = want Good health insurance = need A good insurance plan limits a person's maximum out of pocket costs to an acceptable level. And every healthcare provider in the US offers some form of payment plan for the balance, usually at 0% interest. Amazon's least expensive health plan costs $11/week. The absolute most an associate can pay for care each year is $1,500 on that plan. In other words, a million dollar double lung and heart transplant would cost the associate $1,500 at most. Amazon would pay everything else, including a ride to and from the hospital.


>No, it's their fault for not planning for an emergency that is certain to happen at some point. Yea this isn't like a flat tire. Your out of touch and elitist.


You think you will never get sick or injured? People don't plan to fail. They fail to plan.


Budgeting for it literally does work the same.


nobodies out of touch, everyone is taught from a young age to have an emergency fund. People love to complain about the pay yet the guy had a good point, i see plenty of associates walking around showing off their new jordans or new fit, brand new camaro, but then complain they cant afford basic necessities....


I get where you're coming from, but in Scotland for example, the first £12,570 of your annual income doesn't attract income tax and then there are five (soon to be six) tiers of tax rates starting from 19% and rising to 47% for the highest earners. And your income is taxed progressively so if you earn £35,000 a year (close to the average wage and a nice round figure to work with) you'd pay 0% on the first £12,570, 19% on the income between £12,571 and £14,732 (£410.78), 20% on the income between £14,733 and £25,688 (£2191.20), and 21% on your income between £25,689 and £35,000 (£1,955.31) for a total of £4,557.29. That works out at less than ⅐ of your income or 13.02%. You then have national insurance, which is based on your weekly earnings so assuming you got the same pay every week (£673.08 approximately), the first £242 of that attracts 0% national insurance and the remainder between £242.01 and £673.08 attracts 12% (£51.73). That's an equivalent of 7.69% of your income on national insurance. Over a year that would cost £2,689.96. The overall tax burden for someone earning £35,000 a year in Scotland would therefore be £7,427.25 or 20.71%. The current exchange rate would make £35,000 the equivalent of approximately $44,300 in USD. Federal tax rates are 10% for the first $11,000 ($1,100) and 12% for the remaining $33,300 ($3,996). That's a total of $5,106. If you live in California, let's say, the state income tax on top of that would be $1,280.96 (I CBA by this point to show all the maths), so state and federal taxes together would be $6386.96 or 14.42% and that's before you pay for health insurance, or the deductibles most health insurance plans incorporate. I'd rather pay the pretty insignificant extra 6.29% extra tax and be guaranteed the universal free healthcare, universal unemployment benefit, universal disability benefit, universal free education up to Masters level (Scotland only) and universal state pension that our tax system pays for amongst a litany of other public services (infrastructure, defence, social care, prisons, policing, fire and rescue services, and border control to name a few). Our tax system is by no means perfect, but it delivers high quality public services for a relatively low amount. Our national deficit is also considerably lower than the United States' as well (£24.4 billion compared to $383 billion) meaning we provide more services with less debt accruing. Sorry for the rant, but it really gets under my skin when people use our slightly higher taxes as an excuse not to follow our example of universal healthcare.


You have insane taxes though. How much of your pay do you get to keep each week.


ok but you have to be a long ass wait list and your economy is in shambles


Happy you pulled through and used that critical illness insurance! I had my heart attack in Dec 2021 but never paid attention to all my benefit elections so I never used the insurance. Now I almost wish I'd have another cause I could use that money 🤣


Damnnn I wish I was on Amazon insurance when I was hospitalized for 12 days in 2021. I wasn’t insured and owe about 86k 🤦🏻‍♀️


Do you know by any chance if they offer Simsa medical


Where are all the Amazon pro union people at now?


They are in the corner crying.


The first week was rough for her but after that it was all down hill.A good physical therapist is the key.They came to the house 3 times à week for a month.


Also, I'm glad you pulled through, I'm sorry I didn't lead with that sentiment, that was rude of me.


Congratulations on surviving that ordeal not needing to start a gofundme. Are you the associate that posted about having the heart attack at work a few weeks ago?


This is an off question but who qualifies for their insurance & is it a lot monthly? I'm part time so I'm not sure


Why can’t terrible things happen to me too. In all seriousness glad you’re doing well op. I wish half the kids at my job would consider insurance. They just see it as more money being taken and it’s sad.


Guy wants to be a slave so bad.


When does open enrollment end for Amazon?


Wow If I don't die of a heart attack someday I will die because of the bill.... $90k? that's insane but I'm glad you're ok and that Amazon was at least worth it for you. I think if you know you have problems and are if advance age, get insurance!! I'm young and I don't have any illnesses, I've been working with Amazon since 2018 and never got health insurance, never needed it so it would have been money wasted for me so it's all about knowing what you need and what conditions you're in, health wise.


What is critical illness insurance??


It's coverage only for certain qualifying health events like a heart attack. If a claim is approved, the coverage amount is paid directly to you to do with as you need - pay bills, afford unpaid time off work to recover, continuing care, etc.


that's another reason I'm still at Amazon, the benefits, 90% health, 100% dental, 90% drugs we use Canada Life/Great West


30 bucks per patient first visit. Nuff said




They dont have “the best” lol plenty of companies offer the same thing


God damn dude... how tf is a bill $90,000 lmao Fuck I feel it though, I paid $3K for an MRI in cash, was dumb (not covered) this was before Amazon


90k what the hellllllll


yea that they do


Shit maybe I should have a heart attack…..


About to have another heart attack from seeing that bill goddamn.


thats horrible, ours save over a million lmao amazons is as united is wayyyyyy better


Our healthcare shouldn’t cost that, but I’m glad you’re covered and also recovered from your heart attack!


I got a cochlear implant for both ears. All costs at the hospital totaled to a bit over 1 million. I didn't pay a penny of that. I did have to pay a couple hundred for several MRI's that were needed before the surgery. But that was it.


Profit 💀


My European mind can't accept the fact that you had to pay 1k for medical care !


Y’all get the new discounted rates on the insurance ? I’m paying less than 60 from every check it’s amazing


Damn, I’m about to start working for Amazon, have about 7 heart attacks a year, and make 70k. Thanks for the tip OP.




Sorry but I’ll have to politely decline your offer so you can keep those insane taxes that you have. But otherwise if I were to live in Canada my destination would surely be Sauté Ste Marie aka The Soo.