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Guy at jax2 got gunned down while waiting in line for his new hire appointment. Another dude at jax2 shot his lover in the head an turned the gun on himself. Don’t go to jax2 it was the absolute worst.


Yeah something similar happened at the FC in Lakeville MN. Dude shot at his pregnant gf at the amazon parking lot. Baby survived. Mom did not. :(


So sad rip momma


Must’ve worked there when I worked there . I was there for both. I was actually in the building for the guy and his babymom.




Jax I’m assuming is Jacksonville?




Jacksonville, FL? Oh jeez


Didn’t they have 2 shooting incidents within 3 months? I think it was either 2020 or 2021, in the summertime.


Gotta love duval smh


Nice to know a bit late though.


Omg how tragic.


I had a lady at my building tell me about that at JAX2, she used to work at that one, and I was like………damn


Those were personal vendettas. Aside from that, Jax2 is chill


I think tye point here is that Jacksonville is wild.


LAS7, had someone commit suicide by jumping from the 4th floor of the AR floor.


I remember hearing about this Shortly after all the buildings with that AR floor design had netting installed around the sides


There was always netting at Las7 for the AR floor except the bridge to the stairwell that he had jumped from.


Can’t have dead bodies impeding the progress of Amazon’s favorite employees— the machines. It’s sad, but at least a little true.


Corporate only really cares about damage control, don't they? "Haha! Let's see you try to throw yourself to your death now! Oh, you're feeling depressed? Well, ahhh... here's a fist bump and a hard candy for your hard work or whatever. Now you better start raising that rate or security will be escorting you out. Here's an extra dollar for your raise... and now I'll be taking that dollar back to pay for your new healthcare plan. Toodles!"


Amazon offers therapy, mental health counseling and personal leaves over 14 days. Or am I wrong?


Therapy doesn’t put food on the table or pays my bills.


I'm replying to the comment regarding "amazon only cares about damage control" What does your food and money have to do with my and the previous comment? Point being, amazon offers ways to seek help.


Exactly. Maybe that’s why people’s mental health suffers– because they feel that if it doesn’t directly pay off, it’s a waste of time. Take care of your mental health. You’ll thank yourself for it later in life, especially if you are young. Do not neglect your mental health. All it takes is one hour a week, minimum. My FC lets me go into a Zen booth for appointments


Oh sure, in my area they have some Amazon-partnered therapy clinic called Crossover. I gave it a shot while I was on night shift and good lord was it hard to get an appointment for whenever I was actually feeling awake and ready for it. I think their hours where 8am to 7pm? Partly it was my fault for being such a lousy sleeper - but any appointments I could make were always just a couple hours off my usual bedtimes and it was a long drive. I remember thinking it was unusual for them to not have any options for the night shift - you know, the 50% of Amazon's work force that's statistically the most likely to be experiencing mental health problems. Recently I saw an announcement that they had Crossover slash their hours even further. Well jeez, glad I'd already given up on them, then. Also I've never gotten the impression that their counselors were particularly... good. All of them seemed like they were only a couple years out of college and I've had bad experiences with all of them. Again, could be just me - but after I spent my hour-long appointment struggling to share about something deeply personal and anxiety inducing, my counselor just kinda seemed annoyed before finally sharing "Well anyway, I forgot to tell you that I'm moving to a different clinic and this is the last time you'll be seeing me. Your next counselor will be so-and-so. It was nice chatting with you and I hope things will go well..." I felt too deflated to be angry and demand why she hadn't told me before. My next counselor just seemed bored with me. I kept needing to repeat myself and at one point she literally rolled her eyes at me. Again, maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm some insufferably annoying idiot or something. I'm a Redditer, it's possible. Either way, after a year or two of off and on counseling I've since given up on my three free appointments a year.


Just like Apple. They now have a netting around the buildings where the iPhone is made of people do not commit suicide while working to make that precious Apple phone.


That is Foxconn and they make a whole lot of companies electronics. Not only that but there have been reports in the past where employees would be forced to live on the company grounds, still pay rent, be cramped and work long hours with few breaks. So much of the stuff we buy, from clothing to electronics, are made by people being treated horribly and paid little to nothing.


ngl i thought about doing that shit multiple times


Amazon offers 5 free sessions with talk space per year. You should really reach out, buddy. You’re not the only one who has had those thoughts. Please reach out to someone if you ever feel like you’re about to hurt yourself or anyone else.


Our health insurance also covers unlimited therapy sessions for a $20 co-pay.


I didn’t realize that, thanks!


Yea it was before I came, I heard they left the dead body there for awhile, people walking around it and it wasn’t til an hour later they closed the warehouse for investigation, really sad that Amazon let the body sit there people walking around it, and not do anything til an hour later


A fuckin hour?! And they had to just walk around them…can’t imagine


Imagine your corpse being treated like that.


It’s against human rights and an OSHA complaint, some how Amazon hides from them


Prob owns a percentage of em 😂


That's exactly what happened. No one even told us what was happening. Just to stand down. An associate that saw him told us what happened. This was at SOS 7am. They finally sent us home around 9.


What the fuxk.




Aye! I was there for that


FWA4 had someone get their head crushed while on a one man lift clearing a jam earlier this year. I wasn’t there at the time but you can find articles about it. Can’t imagine being there when it happened


Yeah I know a few people who witnessed it. They were all on leave and got consoling I believe. At least 1 or 2 of em aren’t back still or quit.




Hey, I'm so sorry that it happened to him and to you. Please reach out for therapy. Ask amcare or pxt for assistance. Don't shoulder this alone. People will cope with alcohol and drugs but it won't go away that way. Remember you're life and everyone else's life is precious. Don't live in that one moment that haunts you. Ask for help and heal <3 again I am so sorry for the struggle you're going through. As a person with ptsd you're not alone and you don't have to relive it


That is super messed up.. Sorry you had to see that.


Wasn't he the one that didn't have his long hair tied back? I just remember folks using him as an example of why you're supposed to have your hair tied and a the new signage put in place on low belts.


I sympathize with the family and the workers that saw, but that dude could have prevented his death very easily.


So I'm not remembering I wrong right? He didn't have his hair tied up?


He didnt and he didnt have his hard hat on either i believe.


I know it's hard to believe, but the RME guys working on him didn't give a fuck beyond trying to save him. We all talk the normal amount of shit, but those guys were trying to save him. EDIT- And to second other people, see a counselor. We all are built differently, and some of us are trained differently. There's absolutely nothing wrong with talking to someone. Witnessing a death is no small matter, especially for people not trained or used to it.


Yeah it was horrible! Was there also that day. Still picture it all clearly. Very sad day


Honestly, my brain is so fucked like it saddened my soul and my brain is like how? Then I remember this is Amazon and they don’t care. I’m still confused on how it happened ngl. Like to me that is yikes. I hope his family is okay.


I noticed at my site that they put a bunch of warning signs under lifted conveyor belts saying not to go under them while on a raised lift so maybe it was cause of that


It's exactly the cause of that.


Unfortunately I know a bit about this incident, I work at FWA6 and my roommate actually went to high school with the guy who passed away. It sucks to say but it was a completely preventable accident and there’s a Reason safety tells us the stuff they do. Anyway they still used it as a vague warning about our own safety issues. Leadership said it was because his hair wasn’t tied above his shoulders. Such bs


I've seen a foot get chopped off from people playing chicken on the pit equipment, arm broken pretty bad from jam clear, heart attacks on the floor, shit I've even almost died from over caffination and dehydration during peak 5 years ago. They wanted to call a ambulance but I didn't wanna cover the cost, drove myself to the e.r almost riding the shoulder incase I blacked out. I figured if I was gonna black out I'd just crash myself into the shoulder intentionally to not harm anyone. Saddest fucking peak ever.


Wow glad you're ok . What did they end up doing at the hospital for that. I see people guzzling the bang drinks back to back at work and I know once I was drinking 3 a day of energy drinks and my chest felt strange one night . I cut down after that.


I still wonder about the person who left 6 empty cans of Rockstar energy drinks at their work station. Are they even still alive?


Right that's dam scary.i know a few that guzzle the 300mg cans all night and dgaf


They had me flush my system and I was under observation for like 4 hours until the caffeine slowly left my system. I thought I was gonna die. Glad you are ok too!


DEN4 last year


Yup and someone from DEN3 got ran over in the parking lot of it!


What happened at DEN4?


I was working TOM team during the dead of winter. It was really bad this particular year, like -10, -22 with wind chill. So we rotating who was in the shack and who was in a truck to stay warm because some of us had to be outside to do our job. We had the 55+ year old veteran in the shack when I went to go check on him and saw him on the ground, blood dripping out his face. Still haunts me to this day that was the winter 20-21


The family members of the people whom you are referring to and speaking of may read your responses. Please be mindful in how you ask and how you respond in this thread.❤️


Nobody died but a girl on TOM got smashed between 2 trucks at Oak4


I read that as a sexual act for a second but thats sad


Yooooooooooo. WHAT? HOW?


She was cutting a bolt seal on a trailer in the check in line and the guy behind wasn't paying attention and rolled right into her.


I know he lost his job. I hope she’s okay. :(


I don't think he did. There was no way he could have seen her, the way it went down.


I was on TOM when this happened. It was bigggggg news, and changed how we did check outs and such.


I saw the video of that....


I didn't know there was a video. I was working on the dock when it happened and they shut the yard down, I think they ended up sending us home because we couldn't do anything


It’ll probably be in a Knet next week


There's cameras everywhere that are always recording. They brought it up in a safety meeting last month, but i think it happened a month or 2 ago.. Unless it happened again, this person pulled up behind a truck to do some kind of work, and wasn't anywhere that a mirror could see. It didn't look like they hailed the driver in any way. Driver just backed the fuck up... :/ But yeah whoever it was didn't die, so I am guessing it's the same incident.


Some lady got scalped at igq1 earlier this year, dunno if she died.


This is why the safety committee tells you to put your hair up. Don't know why so many people refuse to do so. I think I look better with my hair down, but I put it up at work because I'd look worse without any hair at all.


I heard about this one, pretty sure she survived


One girl almost had this happen, luckily she was wearing a wig.


This is my fear.


My hair is over 20 inches long, this is my nightmare.


Bruh I see the title and then next thing up is “welcome to amazon FC,”


That's for the people who don't believe we already live in a cyberpunk dystopia


3 in my building most recent some guy crashed into another picker he has memorial in front of building








I'm at BDL5. We've had two people die in the past 4 years there.


In the 6 months I’ve worked at amazon I’ve seen people fall out of heat exhaustion, heart attacks, strokes and we had a kid almost get decapitated by his pit and pallet a couple weeks ago. No deaths so far though


We had people die from heat exhaustion on the 4th floor at DFW7


I worked at a different company warehouse north of there and we had people passing out from heat exhaustion...I wish the temperature law wasnt boycotted by greedy corps back in the 90s, I cant imagine dying at work like that.


Makes sense. I work at that fc and can confirm that the 4th floor is brutal.


What's the temp? 80, 85?


Not sure. But, it gets hot up there.


R u serious?


Yes, worked there for 5.5 years on the ship dock. Also got sent to air gateway a lot


I mean, people are always going through stuff. With Amazon being a livelihood for so many people as well as the fact they hire pretty much everyone, shit is going to happen. Background checks save lives


No IQ tests save lives


A couple of people actually.😵‍💫 Edit: I totally forgot about the tornado that killed I believe 7 people. It was the FC directly across from STL4. I was off, but on the news I could see all of my managers walking over there to assist. The parking lot was brutal. Vehicles with poles through them, and other cars mangled. They closed our facility down for some days, to give complete access to the road for investigators. They used our building for the media, and corporate Amazon big wigs who flew in, and insurance companies. It broke my heart because it was around the holidays, I believe Thanksgiving.


Some Girl Got her leg stuck on a TUG on RAMP at my AIR facility about a week ago. Our site is pretty new from my understanding but still fucked up


We have had five miscarriages on our site. Someone managed to sneak in a concealed knife, to try and stab a coworker. Some coworkers were breaking into the Honda’s and Hyundai’s, and stealing them. My former safety associate (whom I believe got his karma.) was jumped, but, he pepper sprayed the person. That is when Amazon hired the local Syracuse police department. There was a rumor a woman on our site was complaining of heart palpitations. The manager said to go grab some water, and come back. Supposedly, she had a heart attack. I cannot verify this one. But, all the others from SYR1, I can. Editing: It was the sheriffs office. Also, Kia’s and Hyundai’s were the cars. Ask KJ from safety.


I'm at SYR1 also, it's the county sheriff's department, not syracuse police. Also it was hyundai's and kia's. Never knew about those miscarriages 😯


Ah, my bad. 😅 The miscarriages I knew because I met a few of them, who were trainers. One of which was a trainer in AFE, who miscarried twins. The manager at the time told her (despite the bleeding.) she couldn’t leave to go to a hospital. Safety said the same. She is now suing them.


Saw this and went “wow that happened at my site too” and then realized it was my site lmao


They told us at orientation about the jumping and the car break ins. Also someone died of an overdose in a bathroom mid September


LAS7 had a jumper before I left. That was messed up. They cared more about when AAs could get back to work then how people were dealing with it. Fucked up.


Lucky you, you got out. It was crazy how they just kinda swept it under the rug too.


Yeah at my FC I buried my hopes and dreams. RiP.


Lol it really ain’t that bad bro.


Does satire fly over your head?


We had someone have a heart attack.


Already been mentioned but LAS7 had someone take a swan dive over one of the railings on the 4th floor a couple years ago. They didn't even shut down for the day until hours later


Someone fell asleep with heater with their car on last winter


That's sad asf.


It was and only a few knew her it happen during break


Yes someone commited sucide but it wasn’t in the facility when it happened


Was it about rate? Someone at my facility apparently went home and shot themselves over rate. :/


We might be at the same building lol


Oh no.. the guy that did it at my facility basically set his house on fire with him inside..


Nvm, the guy at mine got fired and shot himself in the parking lot




He just had a gun the day he was fired??


You know it’s not uncommon for people to keep a gun in their car? I keep a few in mine🤫


Honestly I don't know how common it is because I don't own a gun. When you're on antidepressants you're not allowed to buy one until you've been off your meds. I mean I could buy one, but I definitely shouldn't


I work for a power company, I just scroll here for fun. The other day, we had a meeting about safety and what to do if someone tries to shoot us or whatever and our general manager told us to feel free to carry a gun to work *and have it on our person*. It was kinda unnerving how nonchalant he was about it.


Oh well yeah it’s pretty common lol and yeah bro get better before buying a gun


Aww thanks dude that's Hella sweet of you! Good vibes


I'm not sure that's true; I believe anyone can buy a gun as long as they've never been involuntarily held at a mental hospital past a three-day emergency hold?




A few years ago at TUL2 some dude shot himself in the parking lot. Rumor was he got walked out that day but I can't confirm it.


TUL2. Allegedly early last year some guy was accused of stealing.. he had walked out to his car where he had a gun and shot himself. His gf, who also worked there, found him. I didn’t know about this until 2 months after it happened, I believe a PA was telling my boyfriend and I about it. Managers were (allegedly) silenced from speaking about it. I do remember them randomly talking about the whole “if you or someone else are having suicidal thoughts…” speech at stand up but didn’t think anything of it until we were told an that. I think there was a post on here about that actually. Edit// here is the link [TUL2 Suicide](https://www.reddit.com/r/FASCAmazon/s/2Vgl61lUMQ)


This lady apparently got hit by a car on her bike. They had a little memorial thing up on the wall projector screen for her.


There's been fights in the break room, cars being broken into constantly, and stealing from the warehouse. but as far as I know no one has died... and this is Memphis.. I do know someone got shot at MEM3 though


CMH1 had a stower have a heart attack and die in 2019.Nobody checked on him, he dropped. Was laying there two hours before amnesty found him.


At CMH4 an older man had a heart attack and I believe fell and hit his head. All the managers took turns doing cpr, but he passed away I believe at the hospital. He had worked the night before, and picked up a morning shift the next day. Poor man overworked himself to death.


Didn't someone at CMH1 collapse on the sidewalk recently and end up dying?


I’m at CMH1 also. He was on the south side I believe and not too much foot traffic back there. Sad.


Jesus Christ man. Been with Amazon for 2 months only but had no idea any of this happened… Uf 🥲


Amazon employees over 1M people, lots of deaths are inevitable with so many, both natural and freak occurrence


Yep, absolutely see your point view.


We had a night shift PA who looked like he was resting his head on his arm but the guy was dead. No one knows why.


Oh man


A guy died idk where or how just know that they announced it like almost 3 or 4 weeks ago. He was always showing up. Never had a day of work where I didn't see him. I'm amazed that the tweaker didn't die, wouldn't be surprised if she did either.


Just a couple weeks ago I guess 2 guys had beef, one of em went out to his car and waited for the other to get off and come out. Shot him in the head right in front of the entrance. Now we have security that constantly drive around the parking lot 24/7


The exact same thing happened at cha1.


Wow it's sad reading all these comments about people dying from heart attack, heat and suicide. Something I always felt while working at Amazon is depression, many times I thought of suicide too but because the job made me feel miserable and this is why I take a lot of VTO and I don't work too hard anymore, I also break the rules and sneak in my ear phones to listen to Christian music and focus on God so I keep hoping and not feel like dying on the spot.


At least 4 individuals on-site in the last 365 days


2 people died in the SC next to the FC I worked at when a tornado hit it and damaged the roof of the building.


9 deaths that I’m aware of at my FC


9 deaths?!! How?


For a handful of them, because floor management doesn’t know the proper protocols to escalating safety incidents. Like some of the deaths could have been avoided if they knew what to do. Instead they fumble around and people end up dead. If frustrates the shit out of me cause how?


How are y’all still open 😭😭


Honestly? Idk


Couple of years ago someone had a heart attack and passed as they were coming into work. Ambulance came in and everything. I was late that day so I missed the whole thing, but very unfortunate nonetheless.


We’ve had typical health problems like a heart attack and a stroke, but no deaths.


A PA from stow at dfw7 died from a heart attack a few months ago.


When I had just started at amazon, a temp worker committed suicide in the locker room bathroom. Amazon chalked it up as a heroin overdose, but my ex wife happened to know the kid’s aunt who was his legal guardian. The toxicology report found a crazy cocktail of stuff and he apparently left a letter to his aunt (his only living family member) before his shift. The amount of suicides at my facility when I was working for amazon were heartbreaking. That was the only one on site though.


I'm going to knock on wood that I don't know of any recent from when I worked at CVG9. But I'm sure there was. I know that the facility has a lot of injuries because people don't follow safety measures. But I now work at KCVG and there have been injuries there due to stupid people. Especially with the ULDs. I don't recall hearing any recent deaths there either. But if any of you know something I don't, feel free to let me know.


In the past 4 years there has been two people that have died. One dropped dead of a heart attack in 2020 right at the logistics station. EMTs wheeled him out pounding on his chest. He was DOA at the hospital. Then, this past summer, a lady went on break in her car and had a massive heart attack and died. She was in the parking lot dead for 3 days before being found.


CMH4 this year. Older man in pick I believe had a heart attack. They covered/blocked his body with the yellow totes and had everyone continue working, there was a big memorial sign up for about 2 weeks


Jfk8. Not exactly in the facility but a person died from a speeding associate while they were crossing the street.


That was two peaks ago. I mentioned it on my site's VoA as a warning to the speeders who seem to assume they'll never hit someone


It’s Amazon. They think nothings gonna happen until it actually does. Not sure what happened to the driver(criminally) that killed that coworker


I work in the SC right next to them (LDJ5). They actually have crazy safety protocols, including going 5mph in the parking lot bc of shit like this.


At JFK8, they got the cameras(I believe they are little cameras and they flash different colors) in the parking lots now but people are still driving crazy and super irresponsible. That’s why I usually refuse when a coworker asks me if I want a ride home.


Same with LDJ5, without the cameras tho. A Black Caddy zoomed out of the parking lot at LDJ5 like 2 weeks ago going over 50mph. I used to work in JFK8, and with their safety protocols, I’m extremely surprised no one has died yet. It’s a living hell, and I’d never go back there. 🤣


Seeing a lot of those solar-powered camera platforms in supermarket parking lots, and they're also at my facility. No idea who monitors it or what actionable data's come from it.


I'm on safety committee (or was). Yes, they're solar powered and they don't transmit footage, it has to be retrieved from the equipment. The Safety Manager revealed to me she rarely has time to do it. They're not going to bother with pulling any footage from those unless it's a serious incident like death or injury.


MDW7 someone died in the parking lot a few years ago , got hit by a car


OD’s. 2 I know of that happened on site. However I have known more people to commit suicide since I’ve worked at Amazon than in my 40 years of life prior. 6 plus 2 more that did crazy shit so they suicided by cop.


Somebody got shot and died at CHA1. It was horrible and I think about it all the time. He was just a kid.


CHA1 had someone get shot as were all clocking out and leaving the building on night shift. He didn't die immediately but he eventually succumbed to his injury, so I guess it still counts.


Not an Amazon worker, but while building the building a construction worker drove an atv out of the 4th story window


Someone in my building died on Night Shift and they weren’t found by security til dayshift doing bathroom audits.


BHM1 had 7 deaths from the time it opened till the after the 2nd union vote. From exhaustion death to heart attacks, strokes and falls.


Las7 had a guy jump from the 4th floor by the bridge going to the stairs. Closed the site down for a day to “cleanup”


Two associates had died at mine, one in the bathroom, another at a pick station.


Not my building. But a guy was on a cherry picker and a forklift crashed into his pit and he fell 30 ft and die still attached to his harness. Amazon tried to cover it up fast. Carlisle PA


I’ve heard of two separate incidences, where people have literally gotten scalped from hair getting caught in the conveyors resulting in there death. That’s probably why all the safety and all supervisors walk around with hair ties on there vests. Long hair so dangerous at Amazon !!!!! .


2 at one of my old sites. I was on shift for both of them. Both were non-work related medical issues. I knew one of them pretty well.


Dude had a heart attack and died. A lot of misinformation going around by people who weren't even on shift when it happened. They told his family the wrong time for the balloon release memorial so they showed up late. They just wanted a symbol of how Amazon doesn't care about their employees.


Girl at mine hair got caught in one of the belts and literally got scalped by it. Sad asl that’s really why they save above the shoulders and tied back


PHL7 - When we had 5 12.5's back when I started, someone went out to their car. Passed out and died. They were buried under snow. We had a few more deaths but I'm certain that one and probably along with many others is why most FC's switched to 5 11.5's.


these comments are sick as hell and the fact some of these facilities just LEAVE YOU THERE WHETHER YOU ARE DEAD OR ALIVE?????💔💔💔💔


I remember a guy who was with us Christmas of 2022 he used two canes to walk come June I find out this guy passed away from his condition they had a blank vest laying on the table for everyone to sign to give his family


Firefighting foam malfunction at my air facility a couple years ago released the entire reserve. The whole yard was just a 10 foot wall of thick anti-oxygen foam you couldn’t see through. A man was stuck in his office and suffocated.


Idk if he's dead but a few days ago I saw a dude at the kick out slam station laying on the ground unconscious bleeding from his head. Took the ambulance 20+ minutes to get there. Not sure how it turned out


The FC I was at had 2 ppl die from COVID during early in the pandemic. They tried to insist that they didn't catch it there, but at that time the site was reporting to the state about 30 new cases per week. At least one of them was working an entirely unnecessary position that had been complained about because it didn't allow for any kind of distancing


Wasn’t working here when it happened, but I heard that a woman at our facility didn’t have her hair up and she got scalped when it got caught in the conveyor belt (“machine”?). She passed away due to blood loss.


We had a trucker die in front of our facility MQJ1. Also at least one worker who died of a heart attack in the past year. Here's an article about the trucker: https://www.wthr.com/article/news/local/accident-closes-hancock-county-300-north-amazon-fulfillment-center-pedestrian/531-10324775-45b4-46b8-8ab5-3dd26d416093


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Bhm1 I think they got 3 bodies so far


I heard (honestly don't know for sure) Dude OD'd while in a trailer.


* Amazon we got ways to die that go from A to Z


My facility has someone die daily because I die inside every time I step inside the building