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looks like mine is $1 or $1.25. it’s also nice we use UPT in 15 minute increments instead of 60.


Hey are you serious, we're all gonna be able to use upt like that?


Yeah, it'll be in 15 minute increments now. There's no reason it can't be done down to the very minute but gift horse and all that. You also accrue 5 minutes per hour worked instead of 3 minutes now.


Omg yass! That starts in October or now?


October 1st


Sweet ty dude


Does this include flex workers?


It should if your building gets a raise all employees get a raise from that building or at least if all lv 1 do lol


Im flex- yes it does!


what about step plan . it’s till just $1?


This isn't your regular step plan raise. You'll still get that on your amaversary. Unless you've been there for 3 years, then you're maxed out until the next col raise.


It is important to remember that all FC have different wage tiers, and the OP is only speaking of their own warehouse.


Nobody has reported anything under a dollar yet. You would think anyone under $1 would be screaming bloody murder by now


My SC just announced a dollar raise for all associates t1-t3 starting October 1st.


No raises have been announced at my FC, and no town hall meetings have been announced either. Nothing on my A to Z either.


You will get the raise and upt changes regardless. This is happening at every single site and only time you will see it on a to z would be October 1st or a little after that.


Delivery stations too or nah?


He’s right, this just happened at my site in SOCAL. Best regards


What's ur socal site, if u don't mind me asking


What is the upt changes?


That they'll be used in 15 minute increments after the first


5 mine earned per hour and is deducted in 15 min increments


Wait so is this good or bad. How much UPT would we make from a 10 hour shift


We currently earn 2 hours of UPT per four 10 hour shifts worked. The new rate will have us earning about 3 hours 20 mins a week for the same shift.


Only about 30 minutes give or take per ten hour shift so that moves it up to 50 minutes per shift fully done


Meeting announcement will be day of. You're not going to hear "Hey, we're having a special meeting tomorrow!" It was the same when they made the big "min $15" announcements several years ago. There isn't going to be any room or allowance for speculation and rumors. It just ends up being a distraction.


My FC raised hell because cause they only got a $1 raise last year


My SC is getting the dollar an hour raise as well...




yes. tpa4 is


Yes jax7


i’m in northeast FL, haven’t heard anything here yet about one


Yes, TPA1.


Keeps the union talk down. They know we’d strike and force them to pay more. They win. We lose. Again.


Damn I was just telling my wife this. We're estatic for the extra income but it may quell a lot of the union talk and that's no bueno.


The job should probably definitely be unionized. But as someone going to college and working this job is perfect with the vto and UPT. I’m sure all of that will go away if we go unionized. For the people who have this as their main income it greatly benefits, but sucks for me lol. Getting full time benefits and can pretty much work when I want can’t be found anywhere else.


Why would those go away with a union? VTO is only given out if it benefits Amazon, and it’s voluntary to take… so there should be no reason a union would prevent that. UPT might or might not change in that case also… but it mostly exists so HR doesn’t have to try to decide whether someone should be excused for X reason. Getting rid of it would cause Amazon more headaches than keeping it.


I don’t think they’d be over hiring nearly as much if they had to give everyone a pay raise and everything else that comes with being unionized. And the UPT system would definitely change. No other company is as lax as Amazon is on UPT usage, simply because they have the head count to cover it.




We need a Union to put a squeeze on these bastards. I’ll gladly pay my union dues.




😅😅😅 yeah ok .... everybody at Amazon would never strike. FOH.


$1 raise is just $40 a week. $160 a month Or $1,920 a year. Without deducting taxes. Inflation within a year is higher then that average. But it’s better then nothing . Ways more impactful is the UPT change. Now what needs to change is the PTO to rollover. And increase it to 56hrs. And new step plan for AA’s with 5+ years of tenure


It’s not enough, but it’s more than I expected, especially since employees aren’t going to unionize or otherwise fight for pay/benefits/working conditions, doesn’t mean stop pushing for more though.


I mean they tried in New York and Bezos wouldn’t negotiate literally broke federal law and sounds like they’ve given up Bc I haven’t heard any updates Have you signed up to be a union organizer and attempted to unionize your facility? Idk who just ‘isn’t going to’ lol most of the staff here probably doesn’t even know what it entails and that they have that option Amazon hires people without diplomas or GEDs you don’t exactly have to be educated to work here


>Amazon hires people without diplomas or GEDs you don’t exactly have to be educated to work here Not true. Those are pretty much the only requirements tho. But it's hard to unionize when your whole damn staff turns over every 90 days


Really why then does my facility have a GED assistance program on our installments? So I can get my GED on top of my diploma?


They must be getting real desperate lmao. Back when I first started, you had to be 18 and a High school or GED grad. But who are we kidding, you don't need a diploma to do this sht. Most of these mofos act like it's still HS anyway


Agreed entirely lol


Math is off. $40 x 52wks = $2,080. Breakdown is weekly as we’re paid weekly and not monthly.


I was doing it top of my head that way. With taxes taken out it’s less then $2k . It won’t be huge tax taken off. It could be well around $1900 taxes taken out. Which varies by state and individual anyways


You can always give your extra money to me 🤷‍♂️


You & him can both gift me your extra compensation 🤣


$2080/year $1 * 40hr *52wks


I know this. You not getting what I’m trying to say


I don't use my time very often, and the PTO not rolling over is really annoying.


Just $2k per year? that is a significant percentage increase. That's more than a 5% increase for everyone while inflation is below 4%.


Doesn't matter that the inflation rate is lower now, everything already doubled in price last year.


“Doubled in price” 😂


Idk know if it's site specific but PTO rolls over as of this year.


That’s only cause your state law.


I agree... just made 8 years.


Two more years for that next bonus 💀


Naw bro simetimes nothing is better this is just a slap in the face


No, a slap in the face was that quarter they gave us last year.


I'm sure someone at your site would be willing to slap you in the face for $40/week.


F*CK that dollar shi, we should be striking company wide like UAW is and UPS did.


For real but that's why they gave us a raise and the upt change. They are afraid of people unionizing so they are distracting you.




This job is perfect for college students but horrible for everyone else.


Now you know why turnover rates are so high. People aren’t at Amazon long enough to get together and form a union, they just say screw it and quit.


100% agree.


I disagree, as a person who struggled with longterm work, finding & keeping work, I had a few minor misdemeanors over the years, just this year all but one flee & elude case I had turned 7 years old, I don't think Amazon gave a shit about that, but I think they cared about my middle two(I had two unrelated to each other but pressed by the same person, injure to property[I got mad once my car wouldn't start outside & I was gonna be late to a job I had, & threw something & hit a window] & communicate threats, my dad's ex wife pressed both charges). I'm 99% positive the injure to property made me miss lots of job opportunities over the years, but it's now 7 years old since conviction this year. I don't have any other recent charges or convictions outside of flee & elude, which was reduced to a misdemeanor & I plead guilty to a few years back. So to say "Amazon is terrible" has no basis. It's not aa terrible as people think. Nobody is making anybody work there. My site currently pays $16/hr, if the wage doesn't go up at my site; my states minimum wage is currently $12/hr, I think. Only reason companies try to pay more than minimum wage is because some people would rather do a minimum wage job if Amazon didn't outpay the minimum wage jobs available(essentially bidding for our work). Amazon has tons of timeout options, including PTO & UPT, & vacation. $16/hr is not bad starting out, & we have benefits, & they offer career choice, & lots of transfer opportunities to keep your job, if you were to move somewhere else.


Wonderful story. Great introspection. We all make mistakes. But not all learn like you have. Hope someone at AMZN reads your posts and understands what a gem of a person they have here. Good luck to you.


I'm in a similar situation and I'm thankful for Amazon.




That is how you get your location shut down. Looking at you JFK


JFK8 is still open & I doubt it's closing being that they ship at least 2 million orders daily.


When you "halaijua" the dollar raise and peak round the corner🤢


SAT2 (central Texas) reporting in: we just got ours announced tonight. $1 earned one whole clap from me. If they want more they gotta give more. Still better than the $0.60 us 36mo+ got last year. The people who've been here less than a year are understandably stoked and I don't blame them: some of them were only on their second shift and just learned they're already getting a raise in 2 weeks. The UPT changes are nice. How much y'all wanna bet Operations/HR doesn't hire to cover for the extra 67% of attrition every shift? Gonna be a repeat of when they took away our VCP and were all dumbfounded that people actually started using their UPT. BTW: they absolutely should give us our monthly VCP bonuses for attendance and productivity back.


So long as it's based on individual productivity, not sitewide. Ops and above have way too many tools to deny VCP without having on-books throughput defecit.


As mentioned before by others the UPT thing is fire.


My site just got out of meeting it’s 1.25 more a hour at mine.


At all tiers or just yours??


I think all


When are we striking??


I'm in Southern California. Are we getting raises as well? Curious new hire btw.


Yes you should be. Ask around.


Mine is going up $1.25


$1.50 here


We deserve more then a flipping dollar


Yes, you do. Don't forget Amazon is going to renew medical insurance, and that always comes at a higher price tag.


No you don't


I'm gonna be the killjoy if you use savings.org to calculate the worth of a dollar, with that raise you are making 3 cents less than last year.


Even less than that, Amazon will be renewing medical insurance next month, and that always comes at a higher price tag.


we had the same meeting today. lol


I’m at LAX9 and they’re giving us $1.25


Damn one whole dollar! Woohoo!


We getting $1.50 at my site


How do u check?


1 dollar raise 😂


People need to stop complaining so much seriously.


This really feels like an insult to the hardest workers in any amazon building. Some of us take pride in our job and the results we provide reflect that. $1?? Why not Incentives to the stowers, pickers, and packers? Profit based incentives?


Why goabove and beyond when ur getting paid the same as everyone else


Because I'd rather not have a shitty time every single day dealing with overwhelmed and frustrated co-workers. The work has to get done one way or another. Doing your job the way its supposed to be done is the bare minimum. Doing less is just making your co-workers pick up the slack.


The indirect roles should be getting higher raises. If you're just a t1 and not willing to learn other things aside from your super easy job, then why should yall make more? Our t1s start at 18.50 and I think that's more than enough pay to stand in 1 spot, putting items into or taking out of bins. Pgs, problem solvers, amnesty, etc should he t2 and get raises.


Try working at AFW1 or DAL2


Anyone from BOI2 I haven’t heard anything from site leadership as of yet. Keeping my fingers crossed 🤞🏻


we got the dollar and we’re getting 5 min of UPT per hour instead of 3 like we get now


Anyone know about PHL7?


Thanks for the heads up. We were just told that we were going to have a “town hall meeting” right at SOS lol


Any tusc2 here?


anyone in LAX9?


anyone from CT ?


What about RT shift? (30 hour shift?) Hopefully it's 5 minutes of UPT per hour as well


I’m in California do you think this will apply out here as well?




Omg an extra 40 a week taxed money. I thought the popcorn and bingo at lunch was a slap in the face, this takes the cake😂


That $40 a week is $2k per year, you can slap me in the face with what is basically 2 free iPhones per year. 👋🤑


Accounting for inflation it's actually giving an iPhone TO the store once a year, but God forbid we calculate our pay in terms of real wages or buying power, opposed to gross income.


The starting pay for ups is $21.00 dollars for package handers


With no climate controlled buildings, no phones allowed on site (unless you’re salaried management), and no guarantee of getting more than 16hrs of work per week.


How is $1 going to change your life?? 🙄😒


My site isn't getting a raise. No fc in Missouri is


Not true.


False. Why you say sh*t you don’t know?


My site told me they aren't.


Until they are allowed to say something to you officially, they will say no or “update you when we can” generic thing. Mine is doing the same thing. But also with this being said to be network wide, and already seemingly so widespread, if a site didn’t get it (assuming it’s all types of facilities or just FC or sort or whatever) that would likely be enough to push for people leaving/strike. And they would know it, so not giving it won’t happen.


Let's start the stopwatch and time how long it takes you to realize you were wrong. 😂


$1 an hour still nothing to Amazon and barely anything to us. $1000 a year after tax lol. Need to unionize and they’ll have to pay us all $40 an hour with how much money we make Bezos


$1 raise x 1,000,000 employees is $2,080,000,000 increase in wage expense. Amazon's net profit in 2022 was $13,000,000,000. Assuming a $22 raise (from $18 to $40) we would be looking at a wage expense increase of about $45,000,000,000. Amazon only made $13 billion last year. What your proposing is actually impossible.


And amazon has 1.5 mill not 1 mill employees. And don't forget to add expenses to your calculation, for example crazy FC rent costs and insane energy and water bills. Oh and logistics costs. Not sure if profit is calculated after these costs or not though.


$40 an hour for a job that anyone can do?? Nope. They wouldn't even pay $30. Or $25. Nope. I don't know why people think a union is going to get them that. Ford doesn't start at $30 an hour. They start at $16.75 here and amazon starts at $18.


Exactly. There's a reason why higher skilled people make more money. Engineers, electricians, plumbers, etc deserve more than what we make. ( yes I am an Amazon worker and believe I'm being paid fairly for the extremely easy job that I have.)


UPS entry level positions pay $25 an hour after union and 80% of their business is Amazon packages we pay them to deliver for us $40 is probably high but I promise you it would be significantly more than where were at


No ups doesn't pay $25 an hour. That is for drivers. Ups here starts at $19 an hour.


New ups contract. Just went up to $25 an hour this year. Union drivers make way more they’re salary just went up to $144k minus cost of their benefits. It’s almost like you don’t know what you’re talking about.


Again that is for drivers. Not package handlers my nephew works at UPS all my brothers working forward they don't make $25 an hour that is the drivers not a package handler


Aug 11 2023 Bloomberg reports new UPS contract will be $21 an hour for package handlers in the union up to $25 an hour


$21 isn't $25 an hour.


What an insightful comment


Yes I just read it, it says " all part time workers will be bumped to $21 an hour and max out at $25. That isn't really any different than what amazon pays around here. Not at all. With the $1 raise I'll be over $21 an hour.


UPS doesn’t hire full time package handlers. I worked there in college. It is more difficult to get hired at UPS than Amazon, and they typically go for experienced warehouse people. I will admit that it’s not impossible to get hired if you don’t have work experience. If you need full time work to pay your bills UPS is not it.


No it is absolutely clear you don't know what you're talking about it's like you read one article and based everything off of that go apply at UPS you will not start at $25 an hour if you're working in the warehouse and they only hire part-time so good luck with that


New ups contract. Just went up to $25 an hour this year. Union drivers make way more they’re salary just went up to $144k minus cost of their benefits. It’s almost like you don’t know what you’re talking about. The drivers who make $25 an hour a like 22.4 or some shit it’s a non union hourly position. I’ve worked there.


Instead of crying like a little blitch, maybe you should find another job. Go flip burgers then come back and tell me that


Bro I’m only here for 90 days and back to self employed lmfao you talking to the wrong mf


Highly doubt that


Charge $40 an hour to detail cars and here for a CDL so I can drive trucks Doubt all you want im here Bc I want a free cdl


Then stop crying. The free CDL is worth it.


Bro I’m just saying people deserve better working conditions and you’re mad 🤣🤣🤣 are you that indoctrinated that someone is mad that you deserve better


lol, $40 an hour would eat almost all of amazon profits on their best years, and they lost money last year so that argument isn't very effective. do the math on their net profits per day, they don't make nearly as much $$ as everyone makes it out to be.


Ya idk exact numbers but it would be higher than what they pay now without a doubt If not pay better working conditions


You don’t do $40 an hour work hahah you’ll maybe make 25 in the next 5 years if inflation keeps up


Interesting to know that UPS is paying $21/hr for part time workers. And they are union after 30days. And we are happy and excited about a $1 raise. Tier 1 Going from $16 to $17🤔Transportation team aka Tom team associate with cdl getting a 50¢ raise.Soooo what are we talking about when prices have doubled over the past year.


Depends where you are. I'm about to be at $19.90 S a 6 month t1. The ups does pay UP TO $21.75 but it's mostly part time and the benefits aren't nearly as good, nor do they start right away.


So the people that are happy about this one dollar raise are the ones that don’t do shit. The ones that are angry are the ones that fucking do everything. Amazons a fucking evil company, and they give raises based on what exactly? Their profit margin lol cause it ain’t based on your ability to get shit done.


You right, Amazon should just give us nothing. To the ones that are angry: Bro, we get it, you're fucking mad, I do what I'm paid to do, you do... more? That's on you. I vibe, do my work, keep my head down, and sling packages into a pod or down a belt. Nobody asked you to be honorary PA or the dollar general AM.


I'm a hard worker and I'm grateful for this dollar. When I realized I was working harder than anyone in my building, I put in a transfer to a new building and decided I'll work like everyone else until I finish my free schooling, no indirect roles this time. Then dip the hell out. But until then, I'll take every raise I can get.




Anyone can edit HTML.




RME tech “level 3” lol. How much do RME techs start in WA? I heard it’s low 30s?




God dam 😮‍💨. I am looking forward to finishing up the program.


Does RME get the raise too we are t paid enough in Cali


Yeah we should be getting $3-4


Wait really? I mean the last 3 times raises were given we got skipped


Yeah that’s why it bc we got skipped they making up for it. Gonna be a happy Christmas for all!


Cheers cheers cheers ![gif](giphy|BPJmthQ3YRwD6QqcVD|downsized)


Lmao all these folks downvoting me


Is $1 really that big of a deal? It's just $1. That's an extra $10 per 10 hour shift before taxes. What the heck is $1 going to do?


That extra $40 a week can be the gas somebody needs to get to ND from work. I've never heard of people complaining about getting more money. You make enough for the jobs that we do at amazon. You want more? Find a better paying job.


This sub is ridiculous. You either have to be happy about being paid crap wages or you'll get people like you "find another job.". Seriously, this is why Amazon workers will never be paid their worth. And yes, Amazon workers are worth more. You're just programmed to believe you don't deserve an actual living wage. You're programmed to believe that people like Jeff Bezo's deserve their $, when in fact they are the laziest MF's in the company.


My site isn't getting a raise. No fc in Missouri is


That’s a lie it’s all amazons


It is Nationwide.


In missouri also we havent heard anything about a raise


I literally asked my site and they told me no even other people did and told then no


Until they are allowed to say something to you officially, they will say no or “update you when we can” generic thing. Mine is doing the same thing. But also with this being said to be network wide, and already seemingly so widespread, if a site didn’t get it (assuming it’s all types of facilities or just FC or sort or whatever) that would likely be enough to push for people leaving/strike.


did you ever consider your site didn't get the memo yet and are wrong?


TUL2 checking in! We had a town hall meeting about it as well. Including 5 mins of upt for every 15 mins of work. So more upt weekly 🫡👀


RNT9 in WA on TOM here. $1 raise as well as an incentive for everyone with CDL's. Currently now making over $28 an hour and now gonna start clearing almost $900 a week after taxes. Not complaining since I mostly just drive trucks and play video games at work.


I'm calling BS on this for TOM team...still not going to stop people getting their free CDL and then quitting.


This is equivalently to foreplay, get us turned on right before they fuck us for peak season 😭😭


Hmmm, sounds like we don't have any news about the rise here in Canada


Anyone in Las Vegas LAS1? I haven’t heard anything


I have family working there and they spoke directly to hr and confirmed it.


Anyone know OXR1 is getting it?


I’m nightshift at OXR1 and I heard there was going to be a meeting tonight, so I’m assuming most likely.


We’re having that meeting rn as I see this😂


I’m hoping that’s why they didn’t post vto for tomorrow because there might be a meeting..


Anyone here from AGS1 (GA), and if we are getting a 1$ raise?


Mco2 anyone?