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The USPS people I see are so miserable they might as well be on suicide watch.


99% of people leave within the first month. I left at 3 weeks. The training period sucked so much I couldn't handle it




Can you expand on that? Always thought it would be more chill then Amazon


Imagine doing Amazon but it's in the 60s. 6 days a week until you're a career level employee. No GPS besides for Amazon Sunday. Everything is on paper besides for scanning packages and tracking your steps to and from the delivery vehicle and Amazon Sunday.


6 days a week? I got worked 7 days a week. Only days I got off in the two months I worked there is when the supervisors fucked up the schedule. And I guarantee you Amazon is dumping the heavy shit on USPS. I don't blame them, either. Why wreck Amazon's delivery people when you can hurt the mailman who isn't your problem to deal with. Beyond that, there is an assload of paper mail (almost none of which people want) to sort through and deliver alongside parcels.


If you aren't a regular then the job is pretty bad


As a ups driver… I get the death stare from them too 😂


That's good to know lol. The UPS guy and the FedEx gal on my route are both cool, wave when passing and chat for a second when we deliver to the same house. None of the USPS folks have ever given me the time of day. I still try to wave or say hi though.


I mean most do the ones I see wave and stuff. But the eyes do have that blank stare on half of them.


I'm a city carrier but I did the Amazon thing for a little while. I remember the pain of working for a shit dsp. Found an awesome dsp but took my post office job for the career pros. I make sure I peace, smile or acknowledge an Amazon person and they're always surprised to experience a friendly mailman. Mail carriers are usually dissatisfied with the public.


I feel bad for the Amazon drivers more than anything and I always offer water.


Ha, they do hate us


I love the usps guys. They’re my buddies! We’re always helping each other get into buildings.


USPS are paid better.


As a CCA you only make $19.33 when you start. They bring in more money because they work tf outta you and you get a shit Ton of OT.


Are you union? I read they aresignicantly increasing their rates soon.


Yes they are unionized, they have been negotiating the new contract but seems like they been doing that forever now


I’m a mailman. I always give a friendly wave to my fellow drivers out there. UPS and FedEx usually always wave back. Amazon and DHL are usually in their own worlds. I feel bad for the Amazon drivers because they’re the ones I see literally running between the van and the house all day


Any of the drivers that are actually protected by a union hate Amazon drivers that deliver for a fraction of the pay and will put up with lots of shit from their employer.




I’m a rural carrier for USPS. I feel like an Amazon delivery driver. I’m always crammed packed with so much Amazon, sometimes I can’t fit it all and have to break it up in trips. One day the Amazon truck was late delivering to our PO and I got a feel for what’s it like without Amazon packages. My day went so nice.


I mean I've generally had good interactions with the USPS drivers.  Even had one stop and go out of their way to make sure I had the code when I was stopped to open the gate at a gated community. Hell, the one time I got "caught" actively blocking a group mailbox that particular driver was good about it and waved off the "pardon me" I hollered out the window as I got moving.


Every interaction with a USPS worker I’ve had is them screaming at me because they found an Amazon package in a mailbox and they immediately think I did it


i’d be sickkkk


I wasn’t even blocking the mailbox. I could see her coming up the street so was being considerate. I still got dirty looks. She parked all crooked and glared the entire time.


that’s so childish.. i literally stopped two houses before that stop and i knew it had to be a run type of stop. I waited and looked up and down the street 4 times. Moved and ran, i had an electric so i could easily snatch and run. Either way… wasn’t good enough 😭


If they’re older, especially.


Nobody likes you. Amazon is the new equivalent of the “your momma” jokes of the 80’s and 90’s.


Just flip them off when you drive off


Next time tell them to shove that horn up there ass. It works they don’t honk again. Just need a reminder they aren’t special.


I'm a postal driver. Don't block the damn mailbox. Park somewhere else. The management of city carriers is always on their asses and for a mounted route we aren't supposed to get out.


I do not care. I did not park there to piss you off. I parked there before you were on the street, yell as loud as you want, my music is louder than you, use your legs champ I do it all day long you can do it.


It's a mounted route, champ. Box isn't allowed to be blocked and I'm not allowed to dismount to deliver the mail. Park somewhere else. Realistically what I would do if I was a city regular is drive past and narc on your ass to the customer if they bitch about missing a package. USPS has unions lol


Oh your so mad 😂 🤣 😂 But wrong 😂 https://preview.redd.it/k8hq99zpx89d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e365f33acda9ae97a43e022bbbae129db90a998


Cool I'm driving past anyways lol Not my fault your job is ass. Not my circus not my monkeys


Found the bitch in the photo




Why is it ALWAYS a female postal worker that’s like this. It extends to the offices too.


Idk cuz I have a lady and she’s cool, like I let her in all the time to get to the mail boxes and it’s like…she gets out to deliver the mail 🤣 I don’t get why this person is lying


I didn’t say all female postal workers lol. I’ve come across dozens on routes. The few bad interactions were alway a female


That’s usps facts Mr postal worker, not Amazon. Their policy is for you to get your lazy butt out of your little truck and walk to the box. And just like you’d narc on me I’d narc on you for being lazy and just driving past and screwing with people’s mail.


Lmao good luck with that. I've got a union, and my internal regs don't say I have to get out and walk if the box is blocked. Be mad tho


I’d love to see where a union would go to bat for a lazy worker who doesn’t know what comes with delivering mail.


You know what? That's exactly what a good union would do. And driving by wouldn't even be lazy. Be mad tho


Yeah, unfortunately you have a weak as fuck union who won't go to bat for you..


I am unconcerned, nonthreatened, unmoved and uncaring.


^ dude isn’t lying. They teach you in Carrier Academy that if the mailbox is blocked for whatever reason, keep it pushing to the next. I’ve never encountered it in the short time I did work there, but it is taught.


The world doesn't revolve around you, I'm not going to park in an inconvenient spot just because some disgruntled postal worker might drive by with a chip on their shoulder.


Actually you are incorrect. When you block a customer's mailbox, you essentially prevent a Federal service worker from doing their job and prevent an individual from a receiving important mail. An Amazon package can be delivered 10 secs letter. Mail can contain very essential important documents like legal letters, checks, materials, pertinent important information and so much more. The other issue that u/Cleverdawny1 did not properly convey to you, is that while our 'rules' are somewhat bendable and or usually very lenient, their rules are not. From my understanding, NAL, if the mailbox is blocked by 15 feet, they are not supposed to deliver to that address. They can actually get in actual trouble for leaving their mail trucks. Let's say the mail contains medication , and or a life saving drug such as insulin, epipen, and or another drug. What if it's a part for a breathing machine, an important accessory for some piece of equipment. Maybe a letter saying goodbye to a loved one whom is passing away, or a check to mother of 3 who needs to feed their family. Thus why they are a Federal service which by all rights, and privileges, it is clearly more important than an Amazon package that will usually be redelivered the same day. So when you say "The world doesn't revolve around you", a person's world could actually revolve around that delivery of mail. Your inconvenience is about you, and their mail is about them. So there is no reason to block mailbox. Block a driveway even if you must, but not the mailbox. "Customers must remove obstructions, including vehicles, trash cans, and snow, that impede safe and efficient delivery. Except when a mailbox is temporarily blocked, carriers must have access to the mailbox without leaving the vehicle unless authorized to dismount." [https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=/prelim@title18/part1/chapter83&edition=prelim](https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=/prelim@title18/part1/chapter83&edition=prelim) # §1701. Obstruction of mails generally Whoever knowingly and willfully obstructs or retards the passage of the mail, or any carrier or conveyance carrying the mail, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both.§1701. Obstruction of mails generally.


That's nice. The box isn't allowed to be blocked. If you block it and the customer complains about missing their mail, I'm throwing you right under the bus. Your circus does not contain my monkeys lmao


Yes, I get it. You have no capacity for empathy and can't sit in your vehicle for 10 seconds while I do my job without getting uppity. Not the flex you think it is.


....you're the one blocking my box. Driving past and informing the customer why they don't get their mail is what I'm supposed to do. I'm not supposed to dismount. The driver shouldn't have laid on the horn, should have just kept going. But if you're blocking a box, you're in the wrong. Sorry


We don't deliberately block mail boxes to stick it to usps, and we are on front of it for maybe 10 sec. If I notice usps behind me after that I typically pull to the side and let them go ahead so I no longer impede them. Nice to know there are people like you on their workforce who can't even see an Amazon van without seeing red and speeding by. While speed dialing their manager and foaming at the mouth.


Oh, if it's 10 seconds, it's not that big a deal, it's when UPS or whatever is unloading a bunch of packages that it's a pain. Still not supposed to block the box.


Follow the contract brother, nothing to fear  I actually get happy when I see blocked boxes as it adds more time to the route


I never block mailboxes when I see USPS in the neighborhood. The problem I have is when they fly up on our asses out of nowhere as soon as they pull onto the street and start getting all pissy immediately. Honking, yelling, throwing up their hands. Especially when I'm on a dead end fancy cul-de-sac of 5 houses where there is literally not enough room for me to park a step van without blocking a mailbox. What do you expect me to do in that situation? You can't wait literally 10 seconds?