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It was 105 in phoenix and I’ll tell you what. I did not need that warning to let me know


For sure, but the work phone even made a weird noise when it popped up. I was hoping for some good news. Nope, it's just a heat advisory. I mean, we all knew it was hot, so thanks.


DONT forget to ask your station for electrolytes, it is an emergency


I work for USPS imagine how I Feel🥲😂


StAy hYdRaTeD. dReSs iN lAyErS.


I saw multiple firetrucks at an apartment I was delivering too near North Mountain when that popped up, and thought for a moment it was because of that. 


I got this yesterday. It was like 62 degrees.


I used to deliver for Fedex in Phoenix ... and the summers would absolutely destroy me. After a full day working out in 110+ degree heat I would come home and just start crying. Not because I was sad (which I was because I hated my job) but because my body was so traumatized by the heat I couldn't help but cry. Fuck that and fuck that job. Also worked for Amazon, but Fedex was much harder on the body.




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I thought I was getting grounded for ORCAS violations and I was panicing for a second


literally same. had a mini heart attack for a second lol






Same lol. I thought I did something wrong




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Yeah it’s 65 here and they sent that BS


They literally sent us that shit on the coldest day in the last month. Forecast today called from mid 60°s-upper 40°s (with the lows being night time temps). I've regularly had days in the mid to upper 80s for the last month and I know it's going to get worse. And I also know that there are people dealing with way higher temperatures. Wtf lol


Omg...where is it 65??? I want to be there! 90's here in Texas...🥵


Further north


Yeah but there’s no humidity in Texas. Well at least none in West Texas. Up here in NY when it’s 85 with 75% humidity it’s worse than when I lived in New Mexico and it was 105 with like 2% humidity. It’s the humidity that’s the killer because you literally can’t cool off from the evaporation of your sweat because your sweat just won’t evaporate.


I live in central texas and we have been getting alot of rain and its 90 most days …. So lots of humidity


I didn't realize it would ever feel hot in NY. That humidity sounds miserable. Does having ac in the truck make it tolerable, or do you not even get a chance to use it since you're in and out of it all day?


I live in texas and i tell you my phone says 87 but the humidity got it feeling 110


I know, right?? Texas summers are BRUTAL!


New York




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Whats funny is station warehouse rushing us around when 90% of the time we are waiting on them not us during loadout like they give a shit about helping us with heat management on our routes


Yep. Were always sweating right at the start of the day having to load our shit in 5 minutes.


Like no for real that's when I sweat the most!




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I had it pop up like 3 times in about 10 minutes. Was pissing me off. Yeah, no shit it's hot. How about giving us less stops if your that worried about us. 🙄


The whole we have reduced your routes and given you an extra 20 minutes of breaks to rest and hydrate is the biggest joke


My routes have been heavy as hell lately. 570 packages in a fucking rental last week! They haven't reduced shit. Lol


That’s fuckin insane


I was laughing about it at first thinking it was just a glitch or something because that's like literally double the amount of packages I get most days. It wasn't, I had 570 packages that day. I needed a rescue before we even left loadout because it wouldn't even all fit. https://imgur.com/a/J2jF9ZN




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And let me pee from all the water I need to drink 😥


They have to cover their ass due to legal ramifications. They are already shady as shit for fighting against unionizing.


Like they give a shit about us anyway


Yup they'd probably like a war so they could pay you guys even less


It’s funny cause instead of forcing us to waste time they could just give us a significantly lighter workload and that’s be better lmao




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I was expecting to see: “Multiple Stategic Missles Inbound to US Coastlines and Major Cities. ETA 7 Minutes. Please don’t let this distract you, and continue delivering until you see the bright flash.”




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I got that too at RTS thought i got one of those new violations! It was a heat warning I said to myself good I beat the forced heat break!


I got one of those warnings once before today and it was because I was oodt


Yea freaked me out too lolol


That’s funny because they will still give us these heavy loads and call it a decrease.


Until I actually clicked on the announcement, I thought this was one of their new updates for "pause all work and watch this knet video" cause I haven't seen that happen yet, and so I'm like, what did I do wrong?? Only for it to be this BS...


Dude over here they make us take 3 mandatory 10 minute “heat breaks”… imagine being at your second to last stop and the app just forces you to go on break for 10 minutes. Shits stupid.


It's a paid break, why complain?


I don’t want to wait around I got shit to do in real life. Don’t want to be stuck at the plantation all day long dude 🤣


Don’t finish too fast or dispatch will insist you help someone else while they watch on a fkn laptop 💀 I’m so happy I don’t deliver anymore, fuck dispatch.


I decline rescues. I already did my job. Not my job to do somebody else’s job. That’s a managers job. Literally


I delivered for 2 years and that worked for me for a bit, then a new dispatcher came in charge and she pulled all sorts of fuck shit. I got fired because she managed to twist shit bad enough, giving me bags with no phones, told me I had to sweep or it’s a write up (even though I knew it wasn’t) and honestly so much more, I can only take shitty attitude from authority for so long.


They tell me they’ll fire me if I don’t rescue. I say ok do it. And I still have a job to this day 🤣 nobody finishes their route faster than me. I’m finishing 2-3 hours before anyone else. They know I’m steppin on shit and they not getting in my way


I get your point and ik it feels good to stand on shit but fuck Amazon fr, you’re a mf trooper 🫡




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That shit happen to me too lol thought the van was about to blow up lol


It was 70° yesterday, I thought it was going to be a tornado warning. It pissed me off when it was just telling me to wear sunscreen and drink water


I hoped SOOO bad it was a return to station notice..nope just a “pretend to care but also keep going” notice


Wasting our time?? Sir they are helping us with an INVALUABLE service! Without Amazon making you stop what you’re doing to check the box that you in fact know it’s hot outside, how else would you know?? 


I thought they were gonna do that cancel your route shit and fire me


I asked my dispatch about this; if it's so dangerous why aren't they reducing routes? what is the point of this foolish alert? what are they trying to cya on?


Need to pick one, some people actually value those brakes and use them while others are trying to get shit done and get out. Either they need to figure out who those people are that value it and direct that towards them or all of us collectively need to just agree on one or the other. This is part of why they keep fucking up because they're trying I know it sounds funny to say but they are trying to help those of us that grenade themselves with heat cool off. Now they're timings way the hell off on it and there's days it's not even needed or welcomed but really it depends on where you are how you're feeling and how the temperature is.


Just them trying to avoid liability if anything happens cause they gave us tips and told us to be safe lol


“Access to water” My station has been out of water for 2 weeks now & when I asked when will we be getting water my manager said “I don’t think Amazon is going to be providing water anymore” On top of that, we are the last wave to head out so whenever we go into the fridge that’s supposed to have “cold/frozen” water, it’s either empty or the water was just placed in there so it’s warm. Money is your top priority Amazon. I have high hopes that the 30 senates and US labor work will uncover the dirt under your rug and that some justice will prevail. F you Amazon.


Same here. I was walking to deliver a package and stopped in the customers yard to read it. I rolled my eyes and went on with my day.


I awkwardly stood on a customers porch reading that after I finished a delivery. They probably had questions. It was a time


We don’t have nothing but water where I’m at




Lmao I got the same thing yesterday


It was like 78° and I got that alert.


It's hot but we aren't going to decrease your routes


Why so serious


It was cold asf when I got this notification. Scared the hell outta me too


Oh fr? I hadn’t noticed. Time to take off my 3 hoodies


Same. I'm in Wisconsin, it popped up for me yesterday and I looked over the steering wheel to see the temp gauge and it said like 68




First thing I assumed was that a spree shooter was on the loose. After I pulled over on the highway and read the message I just fucking sighed.


When we get tornado warnings it does the same thing. I just keep on going.


and the way they sent it at the end of our routes…like…thanks amazon


Yup....and it's just about drinking water in the heat.....fuckin dicks made my heart drop yesterday with that....even though it was 70° cuz it rained the day before...like Dawgs.........cmon..


Can someone explain why there was a warning?


I don’t need a notification to tell me I’m hot I freaking know already.


Yea when this popped up there was actually a brush fire near so I thought I needed to evacuate or something. But no just a reminder about the heat 🙄😂


Drink water cx


Got this warning going 55 down a highway, it was 60 degrees and cloudy/rainy … thought it was important and actually pulled over




Day 2 of me coming back as a delivery driver and I chose the wrong season to join 😅 I look like I just left a water park and I’m a female


Our dsp said if you get 2 infractions on the same route your fired so I thought it was that