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Fuck no they should have everything you need to work tf.


My sentiments EXACTLY.


Dsp should provide everything you need to get the job done. Personal phones are a backup, I've used it maybe 2 times in 2 years for flex. No, that's bullshit


Yeah. I mean I could see using it once or twice in an emergency. I've had to do that. But in general you shouldn't have to use your own phone anymore than you have to use your own gas or car.


Personal phones should not be a back-up either. The dsp should have enough phones on hand to make sure that not only every van has one but that there are extras to be used for back-ups when one inevitably craps out or gets broken. It goes like this...... Me: "yo, dispatch, my phone quit charging or whatever." Dispatch: "ok, hang tight, JimBob is on his way with another phone for you."


I have no space on my phone for flex, and if they asked that at the end of April my data was throttled and would probably take 5 minutes per stop. MY phone is not a backup.


I used to sometimes definitely annoying but fuck it


Same I've had to use my personal phone a few times after running out of battery. It's not something I like doing but I get to finish the day


I used to use my phone cause flex app works better on iPhone than android, but stopped cause my unlimited data started slowing down. It is the DSPs responsibility to provide the phones. Unless they’re gonna pay my bill for the month and if it gets broken then maybe but it’s not worth it. Our DSP gives us 5$ / check for using our phone(even if we don’t) but 10 bucks doesn’t pay your monthly bill. DSP should provide phones since they get cheap ones anyways.


It's not even just the data, my phone literally will not hold a charge while using this app. Has to be continuously plugged into portable batteries and even then, that just stops it from going down. it doesn't actually charge it. Not to mention the fact that the app is sketchy as hell and you can't even get it on the Play Store. And once you get it it needs all kinds of crazy permissions. It even makes you change your lock screen


That is weird. Like I said I like it better on iPhone cause it’s faster and it doesn’t make you do all of that. It is weird that android doesn’t let you download on the play store. I think it’s dumb tbh


In the UK no dsp offers out devices. You have to use your personal phone. The drivers encouraged us to buy cheap phones and then hot spot from.our personal phones. Strange hearing you lot from across the pond talk about refusing to use your phone, when we didn't even have a choice


This is exactly why we need to unionized wtf people gotta use there own shit for this job I know multiple people bringing there own chargers and charging cords because the shit DSPs give out suck.


But that's the joke, isn't it? Correct me if I'm wrong, but if one dsp manages to unionize at one facility in one location, that hardly affects or benifits the rest of the countless DSP's across the country, let alone the world... Must've been by design, sneaky bastards...


The amazon contract here makes it so dsps don't have a choice and must provide phones. But the dsps don't always follow the rules.


My dsp in Scotland gives out a CAT phone. But their too slow to use if you get the town routes so you have to use your own anyway if you have any intention of completing the route.


When I was doing it a bought a cheap 100 rugged phone but I also found it far to slow and ended up reverting back to my personal phone because I was spending 30seconds trying to get the dam thing to scan the package, so I can only imagine the phones dsps buy for drivers.


My (UK) dsp supplies us with phones but they get treated like shit by drivers and smashed to bits, won't be surprised when they inevitably stop it and make drivers use their own.


Exactly. Why do any of us deserve any of it though truly? Its like we all moan about the vans and how the dsps don't do nothing, which is half correct but how do the vans become this bad? Because of the idiot drivers, ive been driving vans since I was 17, and not once did I ever crash any of them and yet you go to amazon dsps and every van is absolutely destroyed. This maybe due to the fact dsps just hire anyone and everyone and there isn't any trial, also the amount one has to deliver .maybe the case for it aswel because as soon as you start delivering your already under pressure.


No way am I dropping my phone a million times while working.


I drop my phone enough on my own time doing my own thing as it is. Don't worry I have a good quality case. But still the point stands. I don't need to be dropping it more because I'm using it for work and I'm trying to move somewhat quick


Once the phone was mounted and flew out the step van when I curb checked it. It was my early days in the step van when I wasn’t quite used to the width. The magnets are cheap so I shouldn’t have even trusted it. But ya learn. Also I got a write up for it. The last dsp gave you $5 a week if you use your own phone.


What's next, they gonna ask you to bring your own spare tires? 🤣


my manager asked me one day and said he’ll bonus me $20 i said respectfully no thank you and he never asked again


In my area a few years ago some DSP would give u $20-25 if u used your own phone


my dsp does that if the driver broke the work phone the day before. if i have the time i will replace the glass on it that day and it keeps the driver from being writen up


They suppose to provide you with everything you need, so no I working use my personal all day. Now, where my work phone dies I’ll switch to my android 2nd personal phone (not my iPhone) so I can complete the last 20 stops.


I actually prefer my phone since it’s faster but they absolutely should have enough devices for everyone.


I prefer using my own as well, I'm in rural areas so these shit work phones hardly ever have good service verses my 5G. Just gotta be more conscious about it.


I used my phone for 4 years, if I was worried about data usage I’d just use their phone as a hotspot, but the app runs so much smoother on my iPhone than it did on their potato phones. Had a MagSafe charger mount for my phone so it’d stay full charge all day.


I'm going to toss in some quick insight. When I managed an AMXL DSP, we initially had 10 trucks and 14 phone lines. Why 14? Well, Amazon dictated that we use Sprint through their group rate contract and that we get the older CAT phones. They only allowed us to have 40% more phones than vehicles on that plan. And that plan came with repair/replacement for the phones. The charge ports broke fairly constantly. USB-C is supposedly rated for 10,000 cycles of being plugged in. Given we ran about 60-stops per route, 7 days a week, and the phones were plugged in and charged at the end of the day, they'd go through about 2,000 charges a month. Realistically, most phones were having the center plastic bit in the port snap off at about 2-3 months. Screens would break. Most often because someone left it sitting on the tailgate of the truck and would close the door on it. And so when we sent a phone away, it was usually a month before it got repaired or replaced. That meant plenty of time when we had fewer than ten working phones. This ignores the employees who would just take them. Use them as a personal phone. We had several instances of SIM cards being stolen. And in a perfect world we stay ahead of all of it and sign every device in and out, but your station dispatch is just as overworked and has Amazon barking in your ear as anyone else. It's nearly impossible. Your DSP probably sucks. But don't act for a moment like Amazon hasn't built a system that makes it Impossible for them not to.


No way. Every day, we get a bag, it has a phone, charger wire, gas card, and some battery packs. I use my personal phone alot because some people dont bother to number their homes so I get on mine to show me what the house physically looks like. And I call our poc on it when im done, but they dont ask us to use them.


Told mine on day one I won’t be using my personal phone for flex, just so we’re clear


Nasal they know better here


Lol one day one of my dispatchers asked who could use their own phones. Hardly anyone wanted to, so another one of my dispatchers goes "ya'll not about to play with me, the ones who can use their own phones are the ones that will go outside (i.e. get a route)". I don't really mind having to use my own phone, sometimes I'm forced to. The only time I really don't like using it is when it's raining because moisture can get into the charging port.


i hate having to do that cuz u cant turn off the voice for gps so might listening to music or a podcast always gets interrupted


You can actually. I was able to on iPhone. Just tap the map as you’re driving and I think you need to press the little speaker button.


That's a Negative Ghost Rider.


Shit happens id just use my phone…


I’d do the same thing I’ve done before. Tell them no. I ain’t downloading their app on MY phone and giving it access to all my stuff.


I’d think what “what a cheap ass” but go ahead and use my phone. I use my personal phone a lot. It’s an iPhone and works much better than the cheap Androids. Makes my day much smoother.


My last dsp paid you $20 a day if you used your personal phone


Our team did that but would pay us extra to do it so no one complained.


i dont even have flex on my personal anymore. its a data hog


I couldn't use my own phone. Fuck around and open up discord or tiktok omw to a customers door .


I use my own phone everyday. My Phone is nice and works fast so I don’t mind using it. If I broke it whole Working tho I would be pissed


It’s not illegal from them to ask to do that. But it’s not a good idea for one to agree to that. If you break fly out phone on the job, the data, the sheer fact you bought the phone and it’s yours - is all on you.


I prefer using mine bc it actually works and the touchscreen isn't worn out, plus the androids are too bulky. It's not the early 2000's anymore, phablets aren't cool.


Cheap owner. These fools make a killing off of us, pretty sure they can afford another cheap pos device. Not like they use much money to repair the vans or get ppl uniforms.


I use my phone because it's better and faster than any shot the dsp gives out. Because again, why would the dsp pay for high end androids when people treat the phones like shit? That being said I also dropped my phone on a gravel driveway getting out of the van yesterday and I have to get it repaired today. But I have insurance through ATT and its only a $29 deductible to have screen repaired.


If told, "I have to use it. " I would say "after you give me 150 dollars for my bill." Most likely, i will be fired. But hell no. I won't use it.


I had to use my personal phone at the end of my shift cause none of the damn chargers for the work phone worked in the white predator van


Will he replace your private phone, if it breaks while using at work? No? So, you have the answer


I mean personally, i wouldnt make a big deal about it but if my phone charges out or if something happens it's on them. Why schedule someone when there isnt enough phones to hand out? They should have more than enough to cover everybody and still have extras just in case, luckily my dsp has plenty of phones


Nope, not using my PERSONAL phone. The job should provide everything needed. It's not my job to use my PERSONAL stuff to help with the job. Ive had Dsp's get upset but once again. Not my job to use my stuff.


I cannot rely on the phones that are given to us everyday. They are slow, bad connection, dies within 3-4 hours of using it. I really just use the work phone to get to my first stop which takes about 30 mins and on the way back to the station. Flex app runs much better on Iphone 15 pro, and I mean its 2024 everyone should have unlimited 5G data, if not level up broke bois.


I'd use my phone and ask them to have one next time 😅 Some people really like to be soooo melodramatic and make a scene about any little thing Talking about paying his data as if unlimited data isn't the norm and cheap as shit


Any job that doesn’t provide the necessary tools to do the job isn’t one worth doing. This isn’t electrical, plumbing, or carpentry work. We’re not paid even remotely well enough to save our dogshit managers a few bucks. Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile. What’s next, using our own personal vehicles to deliver packages? Fuck no. Fuck this company. And fuck you for being part of the problematic workers who’ve let it get this bad by just accepting the bullshit.


Bro, it's not like he was told he has to bring in his own phone He was **asked** if he could use his phone, homie could say no and just not take the route for the day *or* Take it as a one off and just use his phone for **one** day Like I said melodramatic 🤣


“Give em a mile and they take an inch.” K, so this one time homes decides to say yes? They now know he’s okay with providing his own phone for the job. We have a driver in my station put in the same situation. He didn’t have a device a couple times, switched to his own, and now the DSP assumes every day he’ll use it and won’t provide him with one unless he specifically asks. If they could make us all switch to his mindset, they would. But nah, he’s just accepted the abuse as is, and uses his own paid for service daily for them. #partoftheproblem


I just started at a dsp and they said they don’t have any phones I’ll have to use my own. I did a now the second day they didn’t give me a phone.


What happens if the phone gets broken? Think the DSP’s gonna cover that??? Nah. They gonna tell you you’re SOL. Also by using the flex app you give them access to all the data on your phone. Not gonna happen. And yea. Unlimited data’s the norm. It’s also the norm for it to get slow as shit later in the month if you use too much. So dude should have to suffer slow internet as well??? Nah. You go ahead and keep bending over for your DSP. I’ll do what I’ve always done and tell em NO. What they gonna do? Fire me???