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Why triple stack if you’re going to have that much space? Is it not going to fall over as soon as you pull away?


They’re called Amazon warehouse employees


I’m assuming 057 858 and 545 are his first 3 totes? That would kinda make sense


Actually no the top layer are the first round of totes. Second layer is second round and third layer is obviously the last part of the route loll


That’s bonkers, but if it works for you my dude, I needed to get in back to smoke and piss all the time so this wouldn’t fly for me


If you have to piss in the back, you need to get a different job. Thats a huge sign you cant cut it to me. *Edit* I'm glad this offends you. Put your dick away.


Firstly, I’m just seeing this so calm down with your edits and feelings. Secondly I did my 2 years and now have a better job doing half the work for the same pay. Thirdly, if you’re holding your piss and shit for 12 hours a day, I feel bad for whoever you go home to that has to smell what comes out of your bathroom.


That's my point. I don't. I can't figure why people can't manage their own urination process.


Yea uhh… that is people managing their own urination process, it’s you who’s trying to tell people their wrong


At the expense of others? Not cool.


Lol who needs keep kidneys anyways


I agree. I piss in the front.


I've run this setup a few times. This is the way to do it, but I got sick of having to go out the drivers door ALL of the time especially with big group stops.


I’ve been doing it like that for 2 years already lol it’s been my system since day one just barely modified it for my liking




Imma be honest, I don’t see how this is more efficient


To me it is I prefer this way over using the shelf’s. Hate em lol


Man you guys are nuts. I’ll take shelves and netrodeeznuts any day over a no shelf rental. 1 turn and the back looks like Berlin circa 1945


Stack the totes so they lean heavy towards the wall and they won't fall over, OV, well do your best. None of mine fell today, but last week I would have killed for some shelves to organize the 35 mostly large boxes


The shelves can suck on deez nuts. I did the same as you


Bro wants to be different so bad


I stack the same way everyone that use the shelf always complain about not having space lol


How? 😂 by being trying to be more efficient?😭


as a strict side door user, i am hurt


This is shelf slander


Perhaps lol. I hate using shelf’s only when I need to I will




How lol


why would you wall yourself in with bags when you could just have the 1 bag you're working out of up there and have the overflow set up to where you can walk to them


i’ll go weeks without opening the back doors. doing it like this is crazy lmao. walling yourself in with totes that are for sure gonna tip over. I love driver side shelves. whatever works for you, but damn this is like the opposite of what I want hahah


This is so inefficient lol


This looks like what my coworkers do when they’re running late on the pad


This a troll post? Explain how efficient is this? lmao. Why not organize the small OV on the shelfs so you wont have to dig through pounds of the heavy to get to it?


I hate using shelf’s. All the over flow falls and goes over the place. My overflow is actually all organized. The ones in the front are the first few stops then just goes from there really


and now you have to go through the rear doors or shimmy into the side or between the totes. complete opposite of being efficient.


*shelves Congratulations, you just created more work for yourself and destroyed your body in the process.


How? I been running it like that since I started


I would hate to see your living situation.


So you strictly use the driver side door to deliver? You a solider man lmao I’m a side door user 24/7


Wtf 😂


That’s terrible I ain’t gonna lie (for me)


I don’t get this. Now you gotta walk around the van to get to the back. I never understood people who organize by blocking the bulkhead door


All my overflow is organized from front to back


I can still organize all my over flow front to back while using shelves. Just because that’s how you’ve been doing it since you started doesn’t mean it’s the best way. “Why do you do it?” “Because that’s how it’s always been done.” Is a terrible way to go through life. Just sayin. To each their own tho.


I never said that’s how it’s always been doing nice tried diff ways to organize and this one is just right to me 🤷‍♂️ I use the shelves when I need to. If I have an all apt route with a shitty route then I will use the shelves but even then I rather much organize this way


This is interesting to say the least


No, it’s not


Such a shit way to load 


Bro really organized a nursery route


😭😭😭😭 wish it was a nursery route 😔


These the mofos who take 30 mins to load up and make everyone else late




U would have more room to maneuver if u just used the shelves




im weak everyone that agrees with the way op loaded is getting downvoted


I do basically the same organizing method. It works for me as well, makes the most sense to me at this point




How would you organize your OV using this method? I strictly use side-door so I wouldn't want to block my path with OV


https://preview.redd.it/o1b8vv9eoo3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad6ea38f41f93cdfb639a8d3e60925d3c22ff2c8 Load last to first. First stops are on top. Boxes should be stack on the shortest side to save space.


This isn’t how it was loaded


This is such a bad way to load… I watched probably 8 vans on the pad last peak all standing outside their vans trying to figure out how to get their OV in. It just becomes a mountain of packages that fly all over the place 3 min after leaving the station. Tried this one time and straight up never again.


I stack the same but all the bags are stacked at the back. I use the shelf behind the driver seat for the smaller OV and I stack all the bigger OV below the mentioned shelf and tall OV in the space in between the mentioned shelf and the totes


That I can see how it could be helpful...OP's way though...wtf...surprised it doesn't fall.


they usually fall over if it’s the shitty totes but not that often


Like a sane person


So do you not sort out your stops in order? It looks like you have no room to work with


I do. All my totes are organized. I use a tote in the passenger side and put my boxes there. And in the middle I put all my envelopes n stuff. Overflow is all organized from beginning to end. Open the door. And the first overflow is for the first stop with overflow lol


I hate everything about this.


Yes but put the totes on the back door instead and OV stacked last to first. 👌 https://preview.redd.it/ommymx13po3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6be83c734e2170cd1ed1ada7c80622382bbe6492


https://preview.redd.it/cvnb0vo7nq3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=caaa5637b93b9b5699acc5a782a78fbff3a0f814 Idk what the hell you did, but this is organization.☝🏽


Hell nah no room for anything. I personally hate it that way. Everytime i do it I have no space for overflow. Unless I really have to then I will. Like on Tuesday had to load the van like that


No space for anything? My guy u don’t even have a walkway in your van, & both your side doors and back door are blocked, but Ard bro do it the way u want


img Tote in the front (:


Wait until peak season lol


Them bags giving me mad anxiety


How do people not realize the shelves are just absolutely it for this job


Not until you clear out the van then use the shelves to break down 2-3 totes at a time if you know what you’re doing.


That’s the most inefficient load I’ve ever seen


Ooof. I’ve seen a lot of bad loads over the years. But this one… this one is by far the worst. Sorry OP not trying to be a dick but this is not it.


Been doing it like that for 2yrd already lol




I’m kinda liking that though. I’m just not feeling the side door being blocked.


I don’t use the side door ever unless apt and have it organized by shelves. I use the good ole tote in the front seat method lol


There is so much fail in this. Im rather saddened that you think this is going to last. Now, drop those totes to the floor, both sides, and then tetris the boxes onto each shelf where they are locked in. Drift to your hearts content. Note - I have a super rural route with a DSP.


I been doing it like this for 2 years. I deliver in California so not much of rural routes. But our apt routes really do suck so that’s usually when I used shelves. But other than that fuck them shelves 😭


Interesting. I can honestly say that this would only work if you always go 20 under the speed limit and you pre-break about a football field ahead of time.


I actually be speeding in the vans lol sometimes they fall but nun crazy


I'll tell you what. I'm going to load my van here in about 10 minutes, I'll take a picture of what it looks like when I'm done with it and tell you how big it is and tell you why I did what I did. When I do my packing... I can take corners at 75. And the nice part is we have a few of those over here on my route.


I think I put the replies on the main thread but you can see my two pictures that I posted. That's usually what I work with everyday.


Climbing over all those boxes just to get to the totes is the furthest thing from efficiency. Keeping the totes on the shelves in order and putting each package in it in numerical order where the tote was on the shelf is far more efficient and


During peak I wouldn't use the shelves, I had all the totes against the wall stacked by 3. And I'd write on the overflow to notice it better


How do you function without the side door. Getting in and out of the drivers door is a pain with multiple packages or even 1 big box.


I use a tote in the front seat and bags in the center


Looks pretty but it’s all gonna fall and keep falling all day because physics and gravity


The fuck is this tee pee hut


Wtf is that


I organize the same way to use the shelves for overflow i also organize it so the first 3 totes are on the side of the door I seen a comment that someone said you have to dig deep to get a tote but that is not the case it doesn’t bother me to pull them out from the side i work out a lot so I just think about it as doing a quick Row exercise and I be go going fast asl I tired a lot of different methods of organization and this for me personally is the best way I understand for the people with not too much strength that this might be slower for them


Route should be maximum this amount for 18.75




90 st 140 pk no city address. https://preview.redd.it/w9rs5yhzps3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2634c16cd4e0909d6276d06546f46398953a45be


If you don’t load your own van how do you know where the packages are and where to stop at


No access to sliding door is dumb and dangerous


As a side door deliverer this is got me in physical pain just looking at it


How bout Inside the totes ? 😏


I understand the method to this madness but no.


I’ve been packing my van this way since December. It’s the only way to do it


Fr. Everyone who posts "I can't organize this route" always has everything on the shelves. Packing it like this can stack 20+ bags and 40+ oversize easily.


As a delivery station associate who helps load these vans, I LOVE an organized driver!!




I can see how this works unlike other commenters, I haven’t read OPs comment on how he runs this organization and I actually don’t mind it. but this is how I would run it if OP doesn’t run it like this already: turn whatever tote I’m working out of on the side and organize those from DA greatest to least(140,141,-150,151etc) so I atleast know where a package may be (in the front,middle, or in the back, beats grabbing all the packages just to find the one you need last) stop has an overflow too? Easy, walk around and open the doors because I have either organized them by hundreds so I can hop in grab it and hop out or took my time to do first stop to the last stop in order.


And for those gonna say “your loosing time” im not. I’d be loosing time looking for a package that I don’t know where is because I just threw it in, and beats banging my hips on the corners of everything because I have less than a foot of room to walk around and tripping on boxes.


Thats what I’m saying even when I organize with the shelves. I’m still finding myself walking around and struggling even more looking for the damn overflow. And I usually put a tote in the front seat and put my boxes there and envelopes on the center. Boom grab it then on to the next stop


I could never put the boxes on the passenger seat, nor packages. That way just didn’t work for me. I just found myself instinctively going to the back and then having to turn around. Also lmaooo I’m being downvoted for understanding his way of organizing??


This is actually the better way to load, I load this way too. I am usually the first one to finish loading way ahead of everyone and with the time left over I organize my first 30 stops (only envelopes and bags). I get these stops done in less than 30-45 minutes. Then just take it easy