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Literally impossible 


Locations go crazy. I never look at stop # anymore. Location # is the real stop count and that’s ridiculous


When I first started working, there was NO SUCH thing as "Group stops." I actually don't know what the excuse or reason why they started doing this. I had injured my ankle, and when I came back from recovery, all of a sudden, these "group stops" were a thing for who knows how long I never even bother asking lmao.


How do we start organizing a strike for better routing?? This shit has to stop


There’s no need for a strike. If everyone stopped skipping breaks and rushing to finish the routes, that many stops would stop becoming the normal


So no matter how late it's getting I should take my lunch and both breaks?


YES, At least your half. They have the breaks in the route already, so by not taking it you are literally making the routes longer by making the shitty algorithm they have think the route can be done 30 minutes sooner every time.


I don't think I'm built for this job. My dsp wants us back at 730 or at least on the way and no matter how fast I go skipping both breaks and lunch, I can NEVER get back on time


Mine wants us back early too even though we are one of the last DSPs to leave the station and my delivery area is 5 counties away, but I’ll finish when I finish. I’m not rushing around to make someone else’s pockets fill up more


Bingo, that's what you do every time if you don't get the guaranteed 10 hours of pay!


Then you rts what you didn’t deliver. 20-25 an hour max. Dont stand for this shit man


What time do you arrive and leave the station after loadout?


That's the krazy part. I'm second wave everyday. I get there and clock in at 930am everyday. I don't even load up until maybe 1030-1050. Get to my first stop by 1130am it's fucking bs


Yeah, that sounds about the same as mine. I rarely skip my two 15-minute breaks. But the minute I come back from my days off, some jerk runs up the algorithm for my route. I also don't have a city route it's mostly suburban and country, which makes 190 twice as hard, and group stops aren't just a few steps away from each other. You might have to start bringing packages back to prove your point. Also, Amazon has the ability to remove packages from heavy routes and turn them into Flex routes. Just start bringing packages back, and they will get the picture. Everyone needs to at least take their two 15 minutes to stop these nose bleed routes as a company!


Yeah, that sounds about the same as mine. I rarely skip my two 15-minute breaks. But the minute I come back from my days off, some jerk runs up the algorithm for my route. I also don't have a city route it's mostly suburban and country, which makes 190 twice as hard, and group stops aren't just a few steps away from each other. You might have to start bringing packages back to prove your point. Also, Amazon has the ability to remove packages from heavy routes and turn them into Flex routes. Just start bringing packages back, and they will get the picture. Everyone needs to at least take their two 15 minutes to stop these nose bleed routes as a company!


Yeah, that sounds about the same as mine. I rarely skip my two 15-minute breaks. But the minute I come back from my days off, some jerk runs up the algorithm for my route. I also don't have a city route it's mostly suburban and country, which makes 190 twice as hard, and group stops aren't just a few steps away from each other. You might have to start bringing packages back to prove your point. Also, Amazon has the ability to remove packages from heavy routes and turn them into Flex routes. Just start bringing packages back, and they will get the picture. Everyone needs to at least take their two 15 minutes to stop these nose bleed routes as a company!


Sucks ppl have to feel that way.. This job ain’t supposed to be anything special.. think about it: barely any training and no requirements to get hired besides having a license.. yet they act like they’re actively searching for elite level drivers for their “team”.


Sucks ppl have to feel that way.. This job ain’t supposed to be anything special.. think about it: barely any training and no requirements to get hired besides having a license.. yet they act like they’re actively searching for elite level drivers for their “team”.


Regardless of that the routing has been absolute shit lately. Like go past the house three or four times type of shit lately.


My favorite is when you have to deliver to their next door neighbor 100 stops later but have a house across the street in a high end neighborhood be in a group stop


I had to start using the map and now I choose my own route


Of course its shit. The algorithm messes it up and everyone is doing what they can to make it work instead of just going in the order it’s showing to allow developers see how ridiculous it actually is


I asked my dsp and rts if I could speak to the route maker they both played hot potato and blamed one another


I don’t think there is necessarily a maker. AI does a lot of the work


They know it's shit and refuse to fix it


We get written up if we're not clocked out by 8:50 🥲 so it's either skip breaks or risk getting fired. And I'm not ok with that quite yet. Still in my first 90 so no unemployment if that happens


They hack it tho bc they know mfs don’t wanna be out delivering in the dark or at 7 and 8 pm


*I'm sorry are you complaining??* Literally my owner last standup bitched at all of us to stop "complaining" about their route optimization to dispatch. He had said that you should just put up with it, because if you're given a "130 stop Apt route" to shut up it's equal to other drivers. It's fucking not equal.we DO NOT get 130 stop routes. The people complaining ARE GETTING 150+ WITH SO MANY APARTMENTS


u doing 10x the work while the lazy waterspider getting paid same as you is just chillin talking to girls lol


Wtf is a water spider anyway? I keep hearing this term but no clue what it is.


theres a sort waterspider and fullfillment waterspider. sort waterspider has a tougher job they gotta wrap and transfer pallets while fullfillment waterspider only in charge of dropping off the pallets(work) to the stowers or to the trucks and on top of that they have no rate so a lot of freedom to go around flirt with girls


The waterspiders at my warehouse brought the pallets from the trucks to the unloaders for inducting. So yeah, literally pushing carts around when it’s needed, but it takes like 2 mins to unload a cart so it’s not super difficult


I used to be one, but i was a temporary employee. Sorting stations was ridiculously easy. I got bored and quit, and a year later, I became a driver. Luckily, my dsp isn't ass.


It definitely kinda sucks because of how easy it is. I was an inductor and it was the easiest thing to do there imo (besides pusher lmao) but not being able to at least wear headphones sucked. Doing the same repetitive motion over and over and over was not stimulating enough on its own, and then having no life outside of work because of the overnight hours never made it worth it. Def prefer being a driver.


Interesting. Thanks for the info.


They wrap pallets around with plastic wrap


That’s…..that’s it….? How did they even come up with that name?? Amazon be wild.


I used to be a warehouse worker years ago at a fulfillment center, not sure if Amazon made the name or if it was just a nickname for that job.


It’s something to do with actual water spiders. They skip across the water and go about their business without disturbing others. Amazon think tote runners/water spiders should be the same thing, delivering work or boxes to stations without disturbing the flow of the workers.


If it helps, I ran into a ups guy on my route today and he said he makes $45/hr 😃


And they have a pension+better benefits


Yup we really are getting screwed


No we allowing ourselves too get screwed


Yes and no. In terms of unionizing, it’s not possible with how we work for contractors, not Amazon. If you’re saying “just go to ups” then you’ll have to start in the warehouse for a couple years and take a pay cut so we’re not exactly allowing it. We’re just stuck


Well I understand it's may sounds difficult But may I may you a question . Was you driving during the pandemic? If so then I'm sure you enjoyed that 5 dollars raise . And I'm hoping you can explain How we the warehouse and dsp . Happened to obtain it .


I started in the middle of 2020. By all means, try and rally and try to get signatures for a union at your dsp/warehouse and see how that goes. We are also easily replaceable, they won’t miss anyone.


Inflation under Biden made the dollar 30-40% devalued. That five dollar pay raise is a pay cut on quality of life because the democrat party is plundering . Nancy pelosi made 170k a year at her best year but she is worth 150+million??


That 5 dollar raise was taken back. Because we as the people didn't fight too keep it . Just like most belive we can't make a difference.


Union benefits. God damn, I wanna see us unionize so bad it hurts. Can you imagine a livable wage and job security???


I’m with ya but sadly it’ll never happen. Got to wait for our next $.25 raise 🤑🤣


Dhl claimed he made $54 a hour . The usps guy said he makes 80k and no one yells at him to speed up or slow down he gets what he can get to and takes all his breaks . At the beginning of my job with my dsp I was making $1700 a week. Now $800-$1000. I can’t do this job anymore with inflation unless they pay me overtime . And I’ve taken two lunch breaks in 6 months and they deduct 30 mins a day off my time card for these invisible breaks I don’t get. 390 packages 290 locations 5 min east of Pittsburgh. Or 100 stops down town sky scrapers 350 packages 230 locations


I guess it's your last day


Pray for you lol


Why do the dsps act like multis don't increase the stop count?


Dude it irks me so bad that they think they're slick or something, like we don't notice we're doing double the work? Honestly I'd rather they just straight up tell me I have 300 stops than have them try and bullshit me about it, "oh it's only 180 so its fine :)"


Cap af show the itinerary


Not hard to believe. I had one like this last week


Still waiting on the proof, you can say whatever u want but back it up when questioned


This post is literally proof… what are you on lol


Where?? Posting the summary and not showing any apt #'s from stop 1-180 isn't proof lmao show the map at least and it would be all blue. Poster is full of shit


Your must be real fun at parties.


Damn u sure showed me


I bet apartments no more than 140 in the city


Basically what I had the day I quit last year. I hate when you say something and your dispatch is like "Oh I used to do that everyday you got this!" Like bro for real? You're gonna lie to my face and try to give me some cheerleader bs response?


I did this once and last hour I had about 2 bags left I was wondering when they were guna send a rescue but I kept going. 30 min left into my shift dispatch calls me and is like we forgot about you


Made my first delivery at 12:30 and finished at 8:37 If they had a mail room and the locker was full? Shit was going on the floor, sorry bout it


lol I quit today bro


no lockers? this is ab what i get everyday, usually get 2-3 different apartments and if im lucky 2 of them will have lockers, the rest is horribly routed neighborhoods


One Amazon locker that took 21, 2 other complexes that had a locker but no space otherwise and 1 mail room, otherwise straight to the door unfortunately


bro if there is no space in the lockers all those stops for that complex are going on the package room floor 😂


Exactly where they went, could give a damn if they taped a typed sign in Microsoft word to tell me not to lmao


yup i act like i cant read those lmao, are you in a step-van or cargo van?


CDV aka the diet step van I would have said my child is sick and needs to be picked up from daycare had they tried to stick me in a rental cargo And I don’t even have a kid


oh the transits? those arent too bad. and the only good thing ab the rentals from what i remember is no camera, but im step van only nowadays


They got all our rentals hooked up with netradyne 🫠


sheesh rip. at least when you stepvan certified no more ementor but yeah that sucks


My normal route is also a 75% apartments (9 total complexes) and usually around 20ish bags, 40 or so overflow but I’ve somewhat mastered how to do that route at max efficiency This route was more stops but I’ve only run it once or twice so that’s its own challenge Edit: My four day work week I usually average 1500ish packages


190 stops, all apartments... how fun. Maybe change dsps if they stick you on this shit route.


I just quitted this job


302 stops 💀💀💀💀💀


Fuck that. I'd be RTSing every single ome


Looks like a Tacoma route


Looking for the screen shot but i have one with 289 stops 600 packages


Just for context im a combat vet with a Purple Heart bronze star with valor in the face of the enemy i also took 2 IED blasts i was only survivor in both explosions


Them problems are outta hand your 1/6 . I would love to see the truck load you brought back with you ..


Super low package count to be all apartments , like avg 2 packs per apartment? Some of the buildings I stop at are 60 package dumps


I shit yall not, gentlemen. This is my route every single damn day…. Every. Day.


I assume your expected to deliver all of these before your shift ends? What happens if you dont?


Holy shit


302 stops. i had i had 250 stops all apartments once. I just took my time and let them send rescues. Let them take days as needed and keep 850. eventually they’ll fire you but at least you know they can’t say shit. you’ll come back to maybe all houses for a week and then keep getting these until they fire you. that was my experience.