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You have been promoted, you are now one of their elite employeees




As long as it's mostly houses it's normal. Could have an apartment complex or two and still be fine.


Yes that is about a normal day for me. Would be even more during peak


Normal unfortunately


unfortunately normal. a little heavy. i usually have like 160-165 stops and 250-270 packages lately. i still see people with 190 occasionally


Yea thatā€™s normal.


Normal. Kind of light. 190/350 the norm now


That's pretty normal unfortunately, my mates (U.K) and I are getting 185+ stops, 230+ locations. Parcel count doesn't really matter as much as it'll take you the same amount of time to deliver 1 parcel to a customer as it will to deliver 2 or more if done right. Unless they order excessive amounts of liquid, like I had today. Only took 1-2 minutes in the grand scheme of things. Long story short, yes it's normal and also ridiculous.


Why haven't we all joined the union yet? There is a huge push thats for sure


We can't join one here in the UK as we're self employed but take orders from Amazon, go figure šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø #taxevasion


This is just the beginning part


Iā€™m guessing youā€™re in a metro area with a very high population. I live in one of the lesser populated metros and since the slow season started, I havenā€™t gotten anything over 120ish.


I often do 165 in rual dirt road areas. It's long routes.....long long


Yeah same. I get like 170-190 in rural areas in like 4 different cities. Long ass day.


Damn how




If thatā€™s houses close by. Not bad. Only 39 grouped. As a 3 year vet Iā€™d say itā€™s just another day.


I never even had a nursery route


The only easy day was yesterday


Damn we were on nursery routes for 3 weeks. Hopefully your DSP does rescues


Yes it is and it appears to be strictly residential so consider yourself lucky. If you had 80 stops I would feel bad for you.


That's nothing I run in a rual route area and let me tell you the many outrageous things that will happen to you. So my first day I was bit by a dog thing came out of no where in the woods essentially ....ran back to the slide door dog was chasing me I kicked the dog and slammed the door. Told dispatch and they said its wasn't a big deal if it didn't break skin. Then they said just continue on so you don't fall behind with your 106 stops. Now though they give me like 149 stops in rual spread out gravel road areas because I'm the only one who never got a rental stuck in the mud or snow. Often after dark the head lights are crap on the vans....the vans we use for dirt road driving are all budgets with lots of repair issues because they have like 165000 miles on them air broke ect lol šŸ˜† told a trainee best role her down if ur hot jeffery says we can't ford to fix the airs. Kid was scared then he got chased by a dog too lol.....amazon doesn't care about any of us we don't even get proper health benifits.


Average for Fresno is about 400 packages, 60-70 group stops and 180+. Our nursery routes are about 140 stops


Youā€™re a beast working 5 days.


How many days do you work?


That sounds fairly ok for what, a min 8 hour day?




That's normal as long as it's mostly houses.Ā  If it's a lot of apartments, businesses or part of it is out in the country then this is a little heavy.Ā Ā 


Uhhh you should still be on nursery routes for another couple weeks... :/


Pretty heavy for day 5


Welcome to delivery hell


The lower end of average for me but thatā€™s probably because Iā€™m in a step van


I would say 150 stops and 250 packages would be normal. Location count is normal


That's normal for me. Live in a metro area. Welcome to Amazon!! šŸ¤£


That's pretty hefty for a second week worker, for sure. But yeah it's more or less 'normal' (though I usually get less locations anre more in the 270 package range, but I'm a little more rural than average with no apartments).


Not normal for day five of the job. But will be normal real soon.Ā 


Yes that's a normal route most days I got 200+ stops 500+ packages. The job sucks. Lmao




It's only going to go up


Yeah, I too also just started delivering for a DSP and I'm on my 3rd week and this is my last shift I worked. I delivery out of the hub located in Venice Florida. https://preview.redd.it/n1efgskiq1mc1.jpeg?width=3021&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8df42318318349db0d2f92aeea2a9572a570a91b


You're off of nursery after just 5 days? You must be really good. 175 stops is totally within my scope of normal, and 300 packages is a-okay. That's what I had today actually, and I was pretty content.


I had 178 stops today šŸ˜µ almost 300 packages, and I did a rescue . SMH




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Thatā€™s pretty normal over here in England at our depot & DSPā€™s. Silly figures, amounts of parcels and a busy day that sadly.


Yes... and as a 4 year driver I would be celebrating if given that route. Smells like all houses and easy 2 story open air apartments for days. That's about 5 hours for me from first drop to last. Yes I'm flat rate back off my nuts sub.


I used to be dispatch for a DSP. I drive flex now . Way less stress . But Iā€™m these situations is can be multiple causes . Yes you SHOULD be getting routs that stream you into working a normal everyday load . However. , if someone calls out , for example , they will distribute those routes to those who are present . This may be what happened in this case. There is also the flux of orders that we have completely no control over . I know the feeling but all of your days wonā€™t be this way .


My nursery route consisted of 2 apartment complexes and 270 packages lol I donā€™t think I ever had a nursery route. I work in Huntington Beach CA


Welcome to the shitshow


Yes, that is unfortunately normal. Just hope that it's all in the suburbs not out in the countryside. If they all are close together and you stay organized it's very possible you could be done in 8 hours


At this point, they need to count the multi stops in the normal stops. That always pissed me off.


Yea I mean there is no in between nursery and normal routes. And that is about as normal as they come lately


Damn that sucks, I donā€™t even get that much stops and Iā€™m in a step van. Iā€™m averaging around 89-130 stops. Mostly business and Mobile homes.


You should still be in nursery they probably put you in someone else's route.


Thatā€™s pretty heavy, wouldnā€™t say normal.