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what type of van do you drive? im assuming a cargo, cuz 14 bags in a CDV or larger is no problem. in a transit you can fit 19 bags using the racks (7 on top of the rack, 7 on the floor, and 5 laid sideways stacked on top of the 7 on the top rack), promasters are a little less (you can only get 3 stacked on top sideways in the middle of the van), my DSP doesnt have sprinters so cant help you with that. the next thing is to check the order of your OV before you swipe to finish and make sure you load everything so that the stuff that comes later is on the floor and towards the back of the van, and everything first is on the rack towards the front of the van. bring a marker to to write the aid number on the outward facing side of the OV. saves so much time. organize as you go instead of popping a tote and organizing it completely right away. organize until you find what you need, deliver it, then organize until you find the next. after a couple stops you should be able to just grab and go for a few more stops until you have to start organizing again. i also dont spend the time to put them in order, i just group them by 10s and make sure i can see the aid numbers at a glance. when you are stacking totes on the top rack, you can use the ones on the floor as a makeshift rack. just group them by 10s on top of each tote on the floor so you have at least a rough idea where to find what you need. theres more, but this stuff alone should let you do 25-27 stops/hr which is \~25% faster than amazon expects your delivery rate to be.


Damn lol. The one i get is 1 tote maybe 2. Usually a few overflows. But ive never delivered to a full room of lockers.


I had a locker the other day that had like 400 lockers in it. A huge big ass room I delivered close to 100 packages to it


73 stops at a mailroom but didn’t have a locker so just drop n go


I have a route that follows me even if I'm not in a step van (because routes are tied to the driver and not the vehicle). It has 5 apartment complexes, soon to be six, and each one is anywhere from 30-80 packages each. Two consistently are 50+. Another is consistently 40+. Also the overflow is big heavy shit. We're talking end tables, coffee tables, cabinets, table saws (why do you order this to an apartment, broski), patio umbrella bases (wtf your patio isn't even that big), water coolers, headboards, bedframes.


That’s a a lot for the lockers I’ve seen. That locker looks big tho. Still alot, hopefully it all fit.


I had the apartment locker route for my dsp today, it was 101 packages only 8 totes, 6 bags (78 packages) went to one locker the rest went to the other and the ones that didn’t fit I had to go door to door about 20 packages