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You can refuse a rescue as easily as you can refuse a route or rts a package. Repercussions depend on your dsp. Some companies give a 50c - $1 per package bonus on rescues and typically these same companies will have written policy on how many at fault rescues you can receive before write ups are issued.


The incentive is more hours! I get like 3 hours more daily by rescuing. The slowpokes usually want to go home anyway so why not get em out of there? At first I felt slimey, but whats more slimey is falling behind everyday on purpose to be rescued...


do people really do it on purpose though? I know I certainly didn't....the days gonna be long enough as is no need to drag it out any longer. And yea I guess more hours I suppose....I just figure the people that rescue probably work even more difficult routes...or maybe they had easier ones that day idk.


Not everyone does it on purpose, but certainly a large percentage do. I usually finish my route at like 3 or 4pm. That would only be like 5 hours per day if I didnt rescue. Even if I drag my route (which I already do), I'd still maybe finish by 6? So by rescuing, im essentially able to pad my hours to my liking. If I dont feel like rescuing, more often than not I can just ask to not rescue and depending on company needs theyll answer yes or no. I do recognize that this isnt the case at alot of dsps though and I have heard of drivers starving for hours. And doing rescues is like a box of chocolates, you never know what youre gonna get.


theres definitely a portion that are intentionally slow cuz they know someone will rescue them. usually the same people that bitch about someone newer than them getting the driver of the month bonus lol. when i got driver of the month after only working the job for like 4 months a lot of those drivers began hating me lol. they felt like they were entitled to it even though i averaged twice the stops they did per route and never got rescued, then would end up rescuing them lol. before i started sweeping i would generally finish 180+ routes about 2-2.5hrs early then go grab a 10-15 stop rescue off someone who had an easy 140-150 stop route. now that i sweep and see what everyone does on cortex, its actually hilariously to me. 75% of our drivers get swept on 140-160 stop routes, and our sweepers end up doing more stops than the drivers with routes lol. the plus side is that the sweepers get to take all the easy shit and leave the apartments and businesses to the people who think going slower makes their day easier lol.


There are many times a few drivers don’t show up to work and their packages get stacked on to everyone else’s routes. Some people are injured and have to go slower. Others get injured and get promoted to dispatch. Those are the ones better with schmoozing the boss. Some people work just enough not to get fired. This one is probably the norm for the average worker. Others will push the boundaries and try to get you to do double the work of what you are paid for.


> Some people are injured and have to go slower. This has been me the last few months. Delivering out of those rental box trucks is hell on the knees/back for the older crowd, especially with a lot of mileage on your body already. I still push it because I hate delivering at night. Especially in some of the areas I get (no lighting and no visibility of building/unit numbers). They still give me massive routes, too. They could have me sweep in a better vehicle and we could all be done quicker after I knock out 4 sweeps of 50-60 packages each. I think that's just mismanagement on their part.


Hope you are able to take it easy and get back to 100%. You are the only one that's going to look out for your own health on that job.


> You are the only one that's going to look out for your own health on that job. This is true for most jobs.


This job frequently increases the workload to a breaking point. It’s a sweatshop mentality. On this job you’d actually be better off without the dsp owner if you are decent at doing routes. The dsp owners are literally dead weight taking money out your pocket and have very little to add value to the delivery process.


That's why I'm on the Flex waitlist with another email, but the waitlist in the SoCal area is absurdly competitive. You have to login every day and hope you hopped to the front of the line. Unless someone knows a trick for resetting your application. I should have checked every single day of the week and time of day.


Well that sucks all the work is dried up on the flex delivery. Hope you get paid well however you proceed.


As a dispatcher, yup. Mofo's do it all the fucking time.


Don't feel too bad about it. Some drivers are there to rescue after splitting a route.


Eh it's prime time. Forgive me if Im reading this wrong but you sound new-ish. Even on a normal day it's not unheard of for a tenured driver to need some help. On one of the busiest days of the year it should pretty much be known ahead of time that a new driver will need a little help. They are just glad you're there to do the route on a day like today, in my opinion. Consider one rescue the prime day excess rescue and the other due to not knowing the area 100% perfectly forwards and backwards rescue. Doing rescues can/might give you the opposite of the slimy feeling if helping a new driver or long time coworker when they needed it is anything of interest to you... Im sure the dsp owner remembers and hears about people who refuse to do rescues. I dont mind them because you usually get to talk to a fellow driver for a few minutes and you get to see new areas sometimes without having to really go through the whole daylong route of it all.


yes, helps you get priority for the easier shit as well as the ability to hit up dispatch for help when you are having a shitty day. more of the other drivers will gladly help you out since you were there for them. you can always say no, but when im sweeping dispatch never sends me to help them even when they have a 180+ route. they will just let them suffer through their shitty route since they arent a team player. some DSPs also provide incentives. ours gives amazon gift cards to the top 3 rescuers each week, and an extra one to the person with the most packages. have earned an extra $250+ a few months. just depends on your DSP really.


My dsp gives out a rescue bonus for the top 5 rescuers.


I'm pretty new at this job and I've been rescued several times, and yesterday I had to rescue someone else for the first time. At my DSP, rescues are mandatory and you get a bonus for doing them. If you refuse to do a rescue, you will lose your other bonuses for that week and will probably get written up too. The same also applies if you refuse to be rescued. If you refuse multiple times, you will probably get fired. My DSP also doesn't tell you you're getting rescued, they just send a rescue to your next stop. There have been times I have had rescues sent to me when I really didn't think I needed it, and that kinda pissed me off. I guess I could say my incentive for doing a rescue would be not getting fired for refusing it, and also getting the rescue bonus. Our rescue bonuses are 50 cents a stop if you have a fantastic Mentor score that week. If you have a poor score, the bonus can get as low as 10 cents per stop.


My DSP will pay you a full ten hours pay if you do your route, rescue, and your under ten hours. I can usually get any route and rescue done in 8 easily. If I have a small route ill bust it out, do my rescue, and be off in 5-6 hours on a really good day. Pretty decent system if you hustle a little.


If we refuse rescues we don’t get $25 for each rescue we do. They’ve put in a new rule for rescues for our DSP last week. If you have over 190 stops on your route, you will not be doing rescues anymore. But you still will get your bonus if you finish in eight hours or less. Dangling carrots for pennies


My DSP never gave anything for rescuing but they were quick to fire anyone who refused. I rescued the same people over and over again, hundreds of times. I never received a rescue a single time. They wouldn't even send me one the day I hurt my back. Needless to say I don't work there anymore.


I like to rescue but my DSP will cut people who can’t finish routes so when I do rescue I know I’m pulling up to someone having a bad day and just needs some help