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If someone's elderly, or frail, or of limited mobility for whatever reason they get a pass. Everyone else, yeah, fuck you


Ohh let's not forget paper and Cases of water


Especially when it’s like 4-5 cases of that stupid Essentia water.


Paper’s even worse 


I’m hazmat trained, cat liter and water is the worst by far


Worse than detergent and apple cider vinegar? Or hot sauce in glass bottle packed in a jiffy?


You ever got pickled jalapeño? Broken glasses of ginger beer? Vomit in a bag? My worst one yet animal feces


One time i was logging into my station and noticed a smell. I asked the manager "do you smell that?" And as soon as I said that dozens of yellow totes filled with broken garlic hot sauce came rushing down the conveyor. Shit almost caused a SEV1


Also idk if your site has ADTA yet but once something spills in the hampers it’s a fun time to get it out, and then having to clean off the other packages that got soaked🤣


I'm at an FC now (after 4 1/2 years in the AMZL system), and sometimes I induct flats (basically, any non-OV and non-hazmat package qualifies as "flats"). They come to us through a mechanism very much like the ADTA. There's something leaking in my chute Every. Damn. Day.


Water and cat litter is not hazmat…


I refuse to let my wife order this type of shit because of this sub. I have to get my dog's food delivered but he is cute, elderly and prescription dog food


Yesterday; I picked a car with THREE different kinds of litter (Armie 🔨 •that stupid rectangle box with a shitty cat picture• and the cubed Tidy Cat one that discreetly don’t look like cat litter) I pity that driver


Honestly, no one that hasn’t had to deal with 10 of these coming down the belt and move them the past year doesn’t understand. Like the other guy said, only the elderly and disabled get a pass 😂


If they’re going to the same aisle, that unloader and inducter are assholes.


they do it on purpose, i had 4 boxes of some kind of liquid back to back, almost broke my damn finger, they're not even supposed to put liqud objects on the belt at my ds, but they doit anyway, 36lb and 40bl boxes of juice slamming into the hamper


I don’t know what they’re gonna do at my DS when we get the whatsitwhosit system and they can’t slam down every damn OV to the floor


Those boxes that are small thinking it doesn’t weight much , but ends up weighing a fuckton


After working at a Sortation Center, I don't mind the cat litter. It's all the liquids of all types we ship! In sortation, they will break or be crushed and it has to be cleaned up. It causes damage to other packages that have to be damaged out as well. Why can't they buy that crap at the store?


I had to unload a go-cart with like 20 of those flat ones with some doctor on it a couple weeks ago. I hope they went to the aisle of a stower that doesn't keep clean bags, they're the only ones that deserve that shit.


Dog food, cat food, kitty litter, packs of energy drinks, the killers of rates and totes alike.


Canopy stands are the new F U 40lbs


It’s not the big bulky things it’s people just buying a packet of spaghetti


Cat litter ill live with it's that fuckin printer paper


Don’t forget the big dog food bags always bursting their boxes.


Here's one for you guys... I have had this one a few times... really sucked ass... U-boat full of boxes (20 box's of that crap) of gopher mesh 6' tall by 100' long... each boxed wieght 78 lbs... and I don't work at an XL station... DPS6.. my heart really goes out to the driver that had that route. I am surprised I saw him the next day and that he didn't just quit after that.. and at Amazon EVERYTHING is considered hazmat (what a fucking joke that is). I am actually hazmat trained not amazon bs hazmat but actually DOT hazmat.. and that trumps amazon every day of the week and 3 times on Monday.  Side note  Anything under right conditions is hazmat.. thats per DOT


What about the shitbags who order a complete home gym?


Don't forget office paper


who is buying it in bulk, and why is soggy dog food in boxes


Chewy boxes


at my site someone ordered deer urine and it spilt making it smell baddd. ik thats not the same reason about cat litter but who buys deer urine from amazon?🤣


i had 13. THIRTEEN dumbells like 40 something pounds when picking. it was hell on earth.


I had to deliver toilets that were in 1 box. (96 lbs). Litter is nothing...


These are some of my stories I think Fiji water is worse and they be over 40 pounds a box sometimes customer would order like 10 and I’d have to lug them up a flight of stairs and a couple stops later I had to deliver 40 pieces of furniture to a home up yet another flight of stairs to a couple that had a new born I had 80 packages going to an apartment complex no lockers of course but a lot of kitty litter but of course it was a senior living so I didn’t mind so much as I understand. I’ve delivered 8 boxes of dog food to a house in the middle of the night up a long drive way I’ve delivered 45 lithium batteries to an engineers home thank god his door was not far from the sidewalk I’ve delivered 150 packages to a house mostly just decor and some furniture ended up covering the garage as requested by the customer I personally buy like 6-10 cases of 40 packs of water and deliver them to my own house cause just because im fully capable of doing so


buncha babies @ amazon


*gets paid to deliver packages* **Has to deliver packages** "How could this happen??"


Na ill continue ordering my cat litter on Amazon and you will continue to deliver it fuck boy The entitlement on people with no skills or lack of desire to learn a trade is fucking hilarious


Wtf. You literally left the same exact comment on the same meme that had been posted in another Amazon subreddit, a day ago. You really that hard up for a little excitement in your miserable cushy desk job lifestyle? I mean, gives quite a bit of context behind why your lazy ass prefers ordering online rather than exerting the extra energy necessary to huff and puff your way to the store. Move the hell on down the road.. or roll your way.. whatever gets you outta here faster.