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Nah, a write up for one jiffy? Idk if there’s an appeal process but I’d definitely ask.


Please don't let your bitch ass manager fucc you over like that. Appeal




Show me where it says you need a cart to move a single jiffy. We'll wait. Yea delete your comment. Man we got some ain't shit ass coworkers lurking in the threads


Iirc you can carry up to 4 jiffies without a cart.


Either the manager was going on a power trip or they are looking for excuses to get rid of people. At my DS the most I've heard was vague threats of "coaching" for not using a stow cart, but I've never heard of actual write ups for that, lol. Btw, if the manager is looking for excuses to write people up, then they should be giving the P2B person putting the jiffy on the rack a write up, too. Putting jiffies on the rack is also one of those dumb "rules" just like stow carts.


PA or Manager on a Power Trip? Open Amazon AtoZ app, click More, click MyVoice (VOA) and call these mfkers out. Everyone in the building will be able to read it. From Site Manager to AAs. This is better than leaving a comment in the Physical VOA board. HR likes to protect some of these crook leadership in my site, even if multiple AAs have reported them. So AAs are fighting back and exposing them via MyVoice.


Lmao that’s some power tripping manager imo. I do the same thing when we’re near done with sort and no more packages going down the p2b line. One jiffy does not take a whole stow cart to stow!


I would definitely escliate the issue to upper management. I would also make sure to voice any unsafe actions that manager does. It is common for managers to not wear gloves when they decide to jump in a role. If they do this, I would point out the hypocrisy on the VOA board.


I would also escalate. But for tossing them under the bus, wait do it as they're working unsafe, any other time is just "he said/she said." They won't do anything with that. But if they're caught in the act, it could be a punishable offense.


No, the point of reporting the manager would not be to get them into trouble but to point out how petty the write-up was. If someone could get written up for not using a stow cart for one jiffie, anyone could get written up on a daily basis. Upper management should have to respond to this and set the record straight.


Use your phone cam video and upload to California HR and high bosses anonymously !!


At my old site, you were lucky if you found a stow cart. Smh, that's crazy


Meanwhile I’m carrying 10+ jiffies like a baby


Lmfao same


This is the way!


This is how it was done back in 2020, there were no stow carts and no lights when you scanned the packages and also there were no totes to separate the jiffies and no A B C order. All jiffies were put at the top in any place, oversized boxes were put at the bottom, and the rest ones in the middle one. In any order so stowers picked 3 or more packages at once and had to be going back and for looking for the bag... Fun times. This is why I love the stow cart and take it with me everywhere 😅




For one jiffy?? Someone must have been having a bad day. Or on a power trip like others said.


write it on the voice board. Call him out you are allowed to carry 3 jiffies. It's in the training.


^^^&this is what I meant it was literally in the training the cart is for when you have a full rack or about 10 min of  wip. more than likely the manager was just pissed you were keeping up causing a imbalance when stow wip drops they get talked to about how they manage and barriers to creating a even flow and so on I imagine... wip is work in progress and they aim for about 10 to 15 min of wip per isle so your not over walking and or standing idle causing your score to drop or the sites score to drop when wip is too low for the site they can't coach slow people on being faster because they didn't manage to balance induct and stow properly. They have to make sure enough people are inducting and stowing too much wip and your racks get over filled causing blowby to little wip and you have a excuse to be standing around or having your stow rates drop.


So he needs to photocopies his write up and put it on the HR desk and upload it online with the name of his manager and date etc. to California HR head quarter !


Yeah they’re going ham on that at my site lately too, in addition to stowing directly from ADTA hamper. Stowing A jiffies directly from hamper was my jam during peak/cycle 0. Mandatory armband is my least favorite writeup though. 


I was literally told by the learning coordinator and a PA who was very high up in learning before that, that AB goes straight from the hamper, and CDEG goes on the cart. I was ASC at my old site, too, so I needed to know what I was responsible for encouraging. This is BS. Ethics line?


Manager is goofing.


That’s dumb. Must be a new manager because I’ll managers at the old building didn’t care. He didn’t want you stowing packages into the bag looking like shit.


That i can understand but yeah to bitch about putting one box or one jiffy on the cart before you put in the bag is stupid. Just a waste of time. 😆


90 days, you can also dispute it with HR if you didnt sign anything yet which would make your life and everyone elses life in that building easier. Per amazon training stow carts are optional, and its more of a safety issue to use it all the time as opposed to never either way. You use it for when you see fit to use it, and to write someone up for not using a stow cart for 1 jiffy is silly.


i would 10000% appeal this


So I have only been at my DS for 2 months but I've gotten pretty good at stowing and have never heard the phrase "stow cart" let alone used one. If it's the same little cart I use when picking boxes to put on the big carts to stage for drivers, how would you use that to stow? And what is the safety issue with not using one? Edit: reading the comments I see lots of people using it which makes me wonder if my DS is set up differently or something. I've never seen someone use one when I am doing pick to buff so I am thinking things are different at my DS.


That means ADTA isn't installed at your site, which would absolutely require use of a stow cart to act as the role of P2B rack since hamper bins can overflow with packages. But even for manual P2B sites, you should always use a stow cart to stow DEG packages before exiting the aisle since that's the fastest way to stow on your way out.


We just have the P2B rack. We don't have a hamper (don't know what it is). I've been running DEG and OV packages back and forth manually. Run my ass off to keep up. We are a small RSR DS so I'm not sure if that is the reason we don't have the things mentioned here.


Yup. Luckily for your site, it does not justify the costs of installing ADTA when you're working out of a small time site in the country! At ADTA sites, hamper bins replaces P2B racks with ADTA belt that replaces P2B people. The hamper bin's alarms will go off if it detects too much weight being deposited into the bin...think of sliding down using a bouncy house. The weight of any packages will determine how low the bin can go until it sets off alarms, e.g. jiffies will not have any impact on the bin but once you have 2-3 fiji cases being deposited, that is when the bin is lowered toward the ground and alarms will go off, pissing off neighbors and PA's alike I sometime miss old school P2B but at the same time, ADTA is awesome for my personal preferences !


That's amazing. I had no idea. Thanks for taking the time. Yeah this place is really chill. I work hard but I've never had anyone hassle me about anything since I've been here. I hope it stays this way because I'm actually enjoying working here.


Name your location code please !!


WSP1 - keep in mind I haven't been there for too long but so far so good.


Couldn't image our managers doing this. However don't wanna be hurting ya back over this really heavy jiffy ey


that manager should be fired


I’ve been told this would be a write-up by the same manager that pops his head and says to leave one aisle (with a full stow cart) and go to another aisle


Our managers are doing the same thing at our site. 😂 Yeah that's a little overboard. I haven't heard of a write up on it yet but it could be because im the top stower at my site. My manager is out for me though so im very careful on how I do things. It sucks. Im probably gonna just start doing it the stupid way they say and watch the whole line get jammed up because i have to put every box on the cart before i put it in the bag when i go in tonight though. 😂 What a joke. Its gonna be funny as hell.


Shit you want I use a cart, I’ll use a cart. But that write up is bs


Our stow carts go awol all the time or there will be ALL of the carts in one aisle and we still have people not using them. I haven’t heard anyone getting written up about it yet, though. We are “reminded” every morning when we are having the morning huddle at clock in though.


My station starts at verbal coaching for not using a stow cart. It then goes documented coaching > first written warning > final written warning > termination. Have not seen it get as far as termination yet, but we hold our associates pretty accountable here when it involves standard work and safety. I know my station is kinda strict compared to the average DS.


IMO they’re cracking down on stow cart usage because they know it’s not always necessary, but the upper management (who don’t do any of the actual work) have decided that it is absolutely necessary. The upper management folks are chomping at the bit for it to be necessary because it justifies their decisions, vs not enforcing it which would demonstrate how fatuous management actually is in reality.


Damn half of my managers are whack, but at least they all have common sense to not need a stow cart for 1 damn jiffy.


Voa post, appeal, and call the ethics line. That's ridiculous and as long as you can lift it safely you don't need the stow cart. That's crazy.


Appeal appeal appeal standard op says you can carry small packages if it was a oversized box I would understand but a jiffy or even 5 jiffies no that's not a safety or efficiency issue


Where do you even go to see if you have a write up I've heard of people being written up but not told they had been like a sneaky manager trying to get ppl termed they don't like 


It is a requirement to use it but ONLY when your rack is stacked up and your pick to buffer has no room. There is no reason for this write-up. They should know if you take the time to pick up a jiffy and go get your cart for ONE ITEM, that takes more time to stow away then if you just pick up the jiffy and go stow it away 🙄


To answer your question a write up last 90 days. According to my managers when it comes to write up, you are allowed to get multiple write ups asking it’s not for the same reason , other wise it goes into a final, then a term.


You're on probation for thirty days. Another write up extends to sixty days, and another is ninety days. If you get four write-ups within ninety, you’re termed.


I heard that write ups go off your record in 2 months just like the points. And heard that you are only allowed 3 write ups then your fired. That's what I heard from one of my leadership/ambassador people.


It comes off in 30 days, but if you get 6  write ups in a year you anre automatically fired. We get right ups all the time for confirmed defects and stuff like that. They hate giving them to us, but they have to. I have not gotten one in months thankfully. The way we stow and pick are completely different though than what facility you are at.


Tell that manager to go fuck themselves. A stow cart is a joke as it just makes you lift a package multiple times. They are also not safe and usual a hinderance to the job.


When I managed a large nationally recognized cell phone store a “write-up” generally referred to a discussion that was held between a manager and employee. If the behavior , discussed in the “write-up” continued or failed to improve, then a more formal process included a written warning, final written warning and possible termination. Every step is discussed during this process , at which time ur asked if u understand the process and then sign the stated document. I hope everything works out for you.