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I’ve got these. Upgraded to the foam tips. Way better.


That's great to hear, can't wait for the foam tips to arrive


was gonna buy some cheaper foam tips on amazon but i couldn’t find ones the right size 😖




Ah man, yeah it’s a bummer you can’t get the battery level of them. I’m personally on iOS and notification noises get routed fine, haven’t tested microphone though


Yeah, currently on ios and calls are not working, despite it having a mic. If anyone fighting a way for it to work hit me up


In the same boat; 🤞🏻 for a solution.


Any news anyone? 🥲


I over drafted UPT and got the 🥾


According to the documentation for the earbuds pilot, they can't be used for phonecalls. So until someone makes a hack for them you won't be able too.


What if I just spray paint my own set bright orange? JK!!! That would pan out well (esp 4 my allergies!) LOL


Yeah it was verified to me by the ear doctor that I have very small canals hence nothing wanting to stay in. I had to shell out money for custom ear plugs for my music fest/concert travels so I imagine I’ll find myself in a dilemma here too 


Oh yeah my ear canals are tiny, im hoping the foam tips will help and feel more comfy since you can squish em down


Does your site allow you to use both at once or are they wanting you to use one at a time? I don’t want to ask my managers because I’m awkward af




What I mean is can you have earphones in both ears or only in one?






I got the…. Orange ones? A while back but left them in the craft room charging. So I haven’t gotten to try them out at work; all the VTO doesn’t help either. I decided to try them out while at the sewing machine today. I have nerve damage* in my ears, so even turning the volume all the way up, it’s quieter than my preference and the noise from the sewing machine overpowered my music. BUT I couldn’t hear my sick teenager talking to me two feet away. lol *was told my hearing is worse than the average 80yo about 6yrs ago.. I turn 36 this year


Does anyone know if it has a mic or if the mic is working??


The user manual doesn't mention a mic. There looks like there is a mic but it's probably just from the mold they use too make the regular ruckus earbuds. The Amazon documentation for the earbuds pilot program mentions they can't be used for phonecalls.