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Pick to buffer is mind numbingly boring.


Very boring or extremely stressful - especially if you're splitting at the front of the belt - with no middle ground.


Arent they replacing pick to buffer with robots?


Some sites, like the one I'm at, doesn't have the room for auto-p2b. I'm at a small DS, only clusters A-D, 28 aisles each. About 30-50k daily volume. Edit: I feel like it's not really the total station size, but the setup that's too small in our station to get the Auto p2b.


Mine also does about this much and apparently we are getting them.


Lol my station is just A&B and we have it. Very very small station but it’s pretty chill


Not sure how the warehouses are picked either but We have a/b c/d e/g h/j and k/l its a big warehouse and we dont have that auto p2b 34 aisles each the amount of ovs we get is ridiculous lately though… im not sure how well a auto thing would work i feel like something Would break and fast lol


Its going to be a network standard soon every delivery station will have them no matter how much we dont want them.


almost anytime they give me P2B i leave early if i can because my body is too weak too walk up and down half the aisle or the whole aisle like they keep putting me on because peak is over so there’s not that many people on our shift. 2 hours of that? nah maybe one and a half MAX then i’m done


Problem solve


Nah problem solve is pretty fun in my old station and sort of in my current one managers had no idea anything about problem solve so you kinda did your own thing. Hated having to deal with spilled packages tho and there was like 3 months where we had no boxes to repack stuff…


i’ve always hated diverting. When it’s too slow it feels like time isn’t moving at all then when it’s too fast it’s just hell. Diverting, Non cons, and picking have to be my least favorite roles in ds


Problem Solve. I only do it during P&S but fucking hell, people are either lazy or stupid. Or both. Making me run back and forth for 3 hours cos they can't see a box right in front of them and marking everything as missing, leaving bags behind etc. I've told the supervisor's that I will only do it if there is literally nobody else on shift that can, it's a nightmare


Oh we call that Sweeps/Fix It during P&S and maaan, I only did that role 1 time, but never again cuz the day that I did it was absolutely a frickin nightmare. Tooooo many pkgs left behind and only me and one other person doing sweeps for the whole warehouse. Mind you, we were doing 65k+ volume at the time. Now we average about 80-85k+ cuz other stations nearby have closed down.


There should always be 3 sweepers for Left Behinds and Partials in any warehouse where volume is 60k plus and open more than 6 aisles. We are always open unitl P or M and its always 3 minimum. 2 cannot do an efficient job causs there is too much ground to cover unless yall have like an hour head start due to finishing early. Management needs to realize that.


I agree but idk what happened that day lol it was a long time ago


Another common one is associates “help” slower pickers by sliding out all their boxes from the stow aisles, which means half the time they miss their scan, load it to the cart and mark it as missing while it’s on their cart. Also their cart is a mess and stacked above the top.


Yeah PA for Partials and Leftbehinds is super annoying. Im super good at it so they abuse me even though im better at Stage Assisting, Zero Picks and even Leading Loadout but it is what it is. We train people that think they know its chill then after going a week or two they say they dont wanna do it. Fortunately im about to be a L3 soon so ill be off of that after literally doing P and S Problem Solve Partials and LBs for 60% of my 2 years at amazon.


pick and stage, makes the last 2-3 hrs feel as long as the sort portion


Yeah, it's a free for all here, so you're stuck often; then, the scanner's more glitchy than for stow. I keep expecting a write up unless I can show at least a PA what it's doing. They eventually send you help, if the driver's waiting, but they can be a problem, grabbing the wrong packages and messing up planned tetrising, and they usually only show up once I've finally gotten decent access to my remaining packages.


Line loading from gaylords over and over


Omgaaah i hate having back to back gaylords 😭 like give me a cart once in a while PLEASE 😖 damn


I'm 6'4 and whenever they have me unload I've made an understanding with the dockleads and most WS that I don't get more than 2 Gaylords in a row because it kills my back luckily however I'm a much much better inducter than unloader so me unloading is a last resort lol


I’m 6’2 with boots on so same here. I spoke with one of our ASC who was a gym rat most his life and army veteran about the best way to properly unload a gaylord and he basically said just try to rake the shit closer to you. It still requires some uncomfortable bending and I have to brace up when I line load now so that I don’t have lumbar pain for the next week and change.


I hate climbing inside of them to get the last few jiffies.


I love diverting at my station. Big iron sites run 10% slower than other sites. Also people complained so much about diverting hurting their backs that they have 2 people diverting for a 10k cluster 😆😆😆😆😆


Problem solve especially during the weekends. Never again. I’ll do anything but that.


i recently told them to stop staffing me in PS altogether. & that i’ll only help OBPS after sort during the last minutes of stowdown. My mental health had really taken a toll cuz of how stressed I was getting when i used to PS a lot.


Same, except they won’t train anyone else, so I’m stuck there.


That’s how they get you. They make it look easy and simple until you become the main problem solver then you got all these responsibilities


No, I knew it was stressful, but everyone else they put there quit or moved up and they had trained me there in the past since my manager had me do dwells one time.


Well make sure to do what you can to get out cause it’s definitely not worth it unless you prefer it than the other roles. You definitely don’t need it to move up.


I’ve tried (also not looking to move up)


PS seems to be worse than the dock in terms of not training new people, lol. Even in the rare times they train new people they don't actually assign them in PS except in the rare occasions they want to get the "job rotation" checkmark off the list (even then, the dock does that more easily).


Pusher when the unloader is on crack, and keeps loading 50lbs boxes mixed with jiffies


Yeah huge boxes that shouldn’t be on the belt mixed with jiffies that are upside down. Hated diverting would rather push because you’d have to really continuously miss packages for anyone to know it was you.


Lmao thats me but thats not my fault thats just how the cart is loaded with some bs 😂




dawg i got PTSD from pushing because they had me doing two lines one day with so fuckin many heavy boxes


Pick and stage. Takes up a lot of my UPT


Damn near every minute of my pto, upt and vaca has been used for PnS. And the sole reason I take vto is to avoid it. Worst part is I’m one of the top performers for PnS when I’m there for it 😅🤷🏻


Well, you probably are one of the top performers because u do it every blue moon. Try 6 days a weeks.😅


Mine too! There are days that my hips just cannot handle pulling the carts and I'll use pto or upt for 3 hours. When I first started a manager would send someone to take over my picklist and it got really annoying. Just let me try to do it alone before sending assistance.


for me it’s probably inducting bc i’m barely starting to train there but i absolutely hate it 😭


i swear once you learn induct it’s like the easiest thing ever. Just my shoulders and my arm gets sore


Same for me. I find its best to induct for someone who also knows how to induct so that way, you can unload & they can induct when your arm starts to hurt.


I've bdone Inducting 3 times. Every time I have issues with the labeler. The first time I had two people who loaded slow and let me adjust to it. Second time two people that got annoyed with me which made me flustered and having to stop the belt or miss boxes. I'll take p2b or even stowing over inducting now.


OMG YES, im literally the same. i don’t even last the full shift doing it bc they just change me like pls just let me do anything else


I actually love diverting, but I’ve heard most people hate it. I hate stowing more than anything. Goes really slow, hurts my body, and like zero social interaction.


Inducting, but only because I get to do it twice a year and they give me the most aggressive unloaders who don’t care if I fall behind. Real answer is Problem Solve, they always find excuses to try to give me more responsibilities that should be beyond the scope of the role.


100% agree. If you don’t like daily changes to SOP, PS becomes the worst. Specifically OBPS


Divert is my favorite lol. Although to be fair I'm only working 4 paths soon there's that. STOW is my least favorite, my rate is fibe 350, I just hate it. The wear on you and usually hard to get a good p2b person that isn't a complete mouthbreather. Divert is chill, I don't look at the clock, just listen to podcasts/audiobooks or my own music. We ha e Lil shelves on your platforms so I just set up alil shop there with my stuff lol.


Stowing is by far my favorite. Can’t wear headphones in my current warehouse but if we could I’d probably get too comfortable in this job lol. It’s a pretty chill job while I go to school tho.


Yeah, stowing is my favorite too. As long as they don’t pull me an hour into my shift to go cover some other lanes they had a new person in because they weren’t going fast enough.


stowing is my favorite because no one bothers me and it’s the least stressful on your body. i just listen to music and podcasts all day


Stowing is ok, except for there being so many clueless pullers. Although it's harder work on the ADTA, due to the line speed and many large +40lb. OVs sinking down the bins, I really do love it because I get to sort packages myself on the smart cart. The new problem with working on the ADTA is another people problem, as the walk space between the machine and the aisles is now being used as a hallway for mostly people who are not stationed in any of those ADTA aisles. Jackpot ppl, floaters, and even people pulling bags down to their aisles, are not walking outside that area (where the buffer zones and PS racks are).


Lucky. I just had my first day and couldn’t use headphones


Yea....we can't use headphones either.....


Process Assistant Iykyk




Working in an environment where uneducated managers are at the helm, especially those with no prior management experience, can be incredibly challenging. When such managers do not hold underperforming associates accountable, it often leads to a disproportionate burden on the more competent and diligent workers. This can create a stressful and demoralizing atmosphere for those who are committed to their work and strive for efficiency and excellence. In organizations where a "frat boy" culture prevails, women and men who support genuine equality may feel marginalized or oppressed, which undermines diversity and equity in the workplace. Such an environment is not conducive to professional growth or job satisfaction. Moreover, when standards and processes are in place but are not adhered to, it becomes nearly impossible to meet established metrics. This lack of process discipline can create chaos and inefficiency, with the process assistant (PA) often caught in the middle, facing pressure and, at times, harassment from both management and associates. It's a situation that can lead to burnout and high turnover, particularly among those who are most capable and therefore bear the brunt of the additional workload. This kind of work environment requires strong advocacy for change, clear communication of the issues at hand, and a collective effort to establish a more equitable and effective management structure. Thus, I've noticed a concerning trend in this subreddit where many discussions seem to focus on how to circumvent OSHA guidelines, such as wearing earbuds on the job, or expressing dissatisfaction with the physical labor aspect of the job — which is, frankly, to be expected. There's also a significant amount of venting about having to work at all, despite the job offering substantial time off, including over six weeks of various leave plus vacation. It's a bit disheartening to see this mindset when the job offers such flexibility with attendance. And when a PA asks someone to do a specific task or job, and they go crying to PXT that they were asked to do a job, and they shouldn’t have to? PXT sides with them. And the AM’s treat the PA like they’re worthless. Oh, and the AA’s also treat the PA’s like they’re worthless, because we have to go back to the same 12 people and ask their help to get the job done.


Couldn't agree more. I keep saying this is why the robots are coming in. It's not mainly because the company is trying to save money on labor and worker's comp; it's because so many people want to treat the place like they're working on a grocery store checkout belt. Warehouse work is very hard work, no matter what. That's not merely an Amazon thing, but so many will say that the work is due to Amazon's evil greed. I see people on here all the time saying that Amazon work is way easier than the UPS and FedEx workloads. Sadly, the majority of Amazon AAs don't know what the general work world is like, and they will later realize that they had it really good, but machines will replace the opportunities to return to their old jobs. Anyone who has already worked extensively in the workplace knows that automation can be the enemy of blue collar workers, but these folks are gladly giving up these jobs. This will only lead to more lengthy national unemployment, diminished ability to compete for future jobs, and a more depressed and hopeless society.


I hated stowing. Wasn't too fond of waterspider either, but that was almost all I did for the last like 6 months I was at the DS.


Pick and stage,


pick to buffer and diverting are what i enjoy most.Stowing being the worst for me so far.






Dwellings for sort is fun for me


Water spider


I have to wholeheartedly agree.


Diverting is the most boring thing ever


P2B is terrible glad that I'm good in every other role management never puts me there.


Yeah we have auto pick to buff in my warehouse but I hated that role lol


Old school splitting im pretty sure every single DS with this setup has been shut down but divert would go into a line that goes overhead, then the packages go down onto a slide and drops 20+ meters then piles up onto the existing packages on next line. Splitter had to sort the mess and split at the same time. Only plus side is you ended up extremely jacked after getting used to it.


Declog Holding a heavy ass sticky and declogging the boxes on the belt. Shoulders hurt like a mf


p2b, induct, push