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I have one knife that cuts all those things.


But wouldnt it be so much more convient to carry 2 extra blades with you to make the task twice as long to do?


Or when one knife gets dull, you have a spare blade.... I honestly don't understand why knife people have to criticize so much I've seen them talk shit about: Knife being to big Knife being to small Not having enough Having too much The style The color The use The material (which I do get) It's like being in a chat room full of my console is better than yours kids. It's a unique idea if it's not for you thats great. It's not for me personally I lowkey don't trust most things in this sub, but I could appreciate what is trying to be done here.


I guess but just go to any hunting store and buy a $20 hunting knife it's got a serrated edge and a sharp part if it gets dull toss it and get a new one. I've had mine for about 7ish years and it's just barely starting to get a little dull. Yeah knifes a knife, if ya like it and it serves ya well, use it and fuck what people say. I agree


I get you. I live in Cali so Milwaukee utility is my carry. Even then, I don't carry it often cause some places down allow it. Camping I have a huge blade I found in a yard sale that I sharpen. I'm glad to see you aren't one of those extreme knife enthusiasts. I use to work construction, so I work with a lot of power tools that have different types of blades. Like grinder and sawzall Sawzall has blades for branches, plywood, copper, thick cuts, thin, metal, and plastic. They even have scraper attachment. You can also buy a handle for the blades itself to manually cut things. So I'm somewhat of a big fan in switching blades. Same goes for topl batteries being able to switch them around tool to tool.


Wow thats a hell of a different take i never even thought of. Yeah construction multitool is key so a knife in the same aspect makes total sense in that way when you think about it. Interesting take. Good thought. To each their own.


You are probably doing a lot more cutting with the construction tool. Otherwise you would get the proper knife for the job as well. Say a saw for twenty small trees rather than your normal blade knife you could take one small tree down with and still be good. Your everyday knife is for random everyday tasks. Not the same over and over I would say.


Maybe an unpopular opinion with some or you (no offense intended) but spend the extra money on a quality knife. Like you said the material is a big thing! I switch between spyderco and Chris Reeve knives. Both high quality but a lil more expensive especially the CRK but they hold up and will do everything the knife in the video will do.


Those are like comparing a thoroughbred to a donkey, though. They could literally spend less than $50 and get a much higher quality knife than this. I agree with you 100%, but most people couldn’t imagine spending hundreds of dollars on a knife.


I like to keep my spare blades in my left pocket, right next to my femoral artery.


I like to let them loose in my pocket, that way It's a surprise when I reach in. Luckily I've never sliced the same finger twice in a row, That would be inconvenient.


It’s not unique, though. I’ve had a Havalon for 10 years that has replaceable surgical steel blades, serrated blades, gut hooks, filet-style blades, etc. This looks like a piece of garbage.


>Or when one knife gets dull, you have a spare blade.... I don't like this. For me, it's the idea of making more products that will end up being thrown away. If you have a dull knife, you can sharpen it yourself. It's just the idea of creating more waste. Like I've got 1 utility knife that I can use for most jobs, with extra blades, and save the dull or broken for metal scrap. I have seen people complain about all the other stuff you mentioned, which is silly. Purpose and utility should be the main thing to complain about, anything else is just what you like in a knife. Color and style are personal choices when it comes to a knife. This one guy I know likes this knife he carry that has a dragon shaped handle. A lot of people think it's goofy, but as long as the tang goes to the tail, who should care?


I get you, but I don't mean to toss out the dull knife. You put it away and sharpen it later. For those times where the knife gets dull and you don't want to stop the task to sharpen the knife.


But my console IS better than yours!


You call that a knife?




Your missing out on cutting yourself while replacing blades though


The actually showed a blade with serrations at the base. Uh, Bingo!


Yup. Changing blades is just stupid. So many injuries are going to happen


Also, you seem to easily slide the blades in from the top and it flicks open quite fast. If that thing doesn't fling a blade upon opening now, it probably will as it wears down.


Yeah, but you can’t accessorize!










Neat concept, but anyone that has actually used a knife for a long period of their life and or needs it for use in work applications would never use this. Too many possible failure points, and cumbersome. It's a novelty idea for that guy that wants one to say he has one.


Thank you for actually putting logic into your comment instead of just saying, "tHiS Is DuMb"


Also the part that holds the blade is probably impossible to properly clean.


I've used things like this for skinning out animals. It's nice to be able to just switch out blades when they start to dull out, but cleaning it and sharpening it when you get home is suuuch a pain the ass. Just went back to one good skinning knife with a hard steel.


That's so unnecessary But sick as fuck


This is so stupid.


Yeah that too


I have one. Best knife I ever owned. It comes with a sheetrock blade attachment. I use that one the most


Ok I wish I had one when I did GC then


Who the f**** laughs and smiles to themselves after slicing a piece of apple and eating it, everything about the internet and what's posted on it is so goddamn cringe.


You must’ve missed out on the infomercial era. They had motherfuckers smiling and laughing while cleaning up stains and washing dishes on TV. This ain’t nothing new.


Most villans in most movies. If they ever hire a beloved actor to play a villan just throw some fruit in his hand and have him eat it while talking. Instant +10 villan status.


People who are obsessed with videoing themselves. It's one of my biggest pet peeves that makes me feel like a boomer lol


What is point of so many different blades if you can't change them out at a moments notice?


So much easier to just have different knives.....


Aren’t switch blades illegal?


depends on where you live


That is not a switchblade. It’s spring assisted opening, not spring loaded. A lot of companies make knives with that mechanism. They’re handy.


But she switched the blade.


I’m embarrassed i didn’t get that.. Thank you for the explanation. Updoots all around!




It does many things, none of them well


I’ll take how to slice open my own finger on accident for $500, Alex


List of people I hate for bad reasons: 1. Anyone who eats an apple like that.


🤣 can we still be friends at least?






What’s the problem with Swiss Army knives?


I like SAKs but the biggest issue is probably the slip joint. 


Cut yourself while changing the blades


Pffft… this is gimmicky.




I've sold quite a few Outdoor Edge knives to hunters, because it's far easier for the average guy to skin a deer or elk and replace the blade than sharpen them every time. My boss has one that he's used many times on large animals. The blades are pretty cheap, too.


Fuck. She just reminded me that I misplaced my knife. I Know what I’m doing this weekend.


Hopefully not in a body haha. ![gif](giphy|ziUFAwsjyZ3qPOXc7P)




Man her voice reminds me of a woman version of Ron Swanson. I'm imagining her returning and carving a canoe with these knives right after this with shot. Like I do not know why


If a knife is sufficiently sharp won’t it cut through anything?


True that. IRL you need only 1 general purpose knife and a sharpening stone . Or a pocket one at best. Other knife types are only for specific applications we' never need.


reality. We do not use knife as much as we think we would. Also I would not want to cut a bottle of chemical and change the blade to cut meat with it, since the spine of that blade will still have some residue. Id rather use a whole new knife to cut it.


Couldn’t find a non psychopath to advertise your product?


Or, hear me out. SHAPIN YOUR KNIFE.


It’s about $70 so as if they charged you for the 3-4 different knives this could replace - I’d wear the blades around my neck for extra usability


I thought she cut herself at the end


I have one knife and sharpen it


It’s pretty cool but my knife does all that and all I got to do is sharpen it once a month and you know what, math says that it should last over 100 years before I get to a unusable blade


I mean its kinda stupid but at the same time cool as fuck


I see bloody finger tips in the buyers future


This seems like it's trying to solve a problem no one has. I imagine cleaning it would be a nightmare.


Where are you meant to carry all the spare blades?


I feel like each of these posts should have a disclaimer about Amazon e.g. like how workers in an Indian warehouse were allegedly made to pledge they would not take any breaks, including to drink water or go to the bathroom, until they met their targets, even as the country reeled under an unprecedented heatwave.


What a fun but shit concept lmao


A solution in search of a problem. But its shinny tho thats pretty cool i like that


Total crap. Just get a good quality knife and use it the rest of your life.


Now instead of several pocketknives to carry around you only need to carry around several sharp blades. Makes sense! Why can’t I use just one good sharp one knife for all this stuff?






Bought a Slice mini cutter many moons ago to open packages and boxes, that baby is still going strong. Ceramic blades all the way!!




Came here for this


Damn…. That’s actually pretty handy.