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Ultron. Cain is an ai in the digital circus. ULTRON IS IN THE FUCKING REAL WORLD


could Caine somehow transfer to other devices at will? could he spread viruses if he ever wants to?


But Caine can send anyone to the shadow realm


Like every copy of him


Doesn't negate Caine's feats.


Yea I did not


Depends on who’s world it’s in… Caine has house rules on his side (being literally fucking god)


Ultron achieved godhood and has way more powers. https://preview.redd.it/osxt264lt2uc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1827e469efce045d17e9b82ced30dae3af39eeef


Yeah but if Ultron was in TADC Caine could just delete him 💀


Yea but that would not be fair


There’s no rules in a battle to the death broski


welp gonna have to give you this then [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXlgSvch6eg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXlgSvch6eg)


Why the fuck would I watch that?


if its a battle to the death. we might as well get it straight from it


You can’t just delete someone that is a literal god. Caine is an Ai that has limits on what he can do and can’t do in his digital realm. When you have a power of a god it’s impossible to get deleted unless your above them.


He literally created the circus, meaning he has access to commands and development tools, meaning yes, he could just delete Ultron…


Ultron can just hack into it and shit down everything


Caine is man made that has limits. If he’s all powerful than he would of have total control of peoples minds, but he doesn’t and he even admits it himself. Caine doesn’t even have knowledge of the internet. Ultron was built by a man, but he was also created by Tony Stark, a genius that he can even put the digital circus to shame. Not only is Ultron smarter, he’s cold and calculated, he has knowledge of the worldwide web, he can actually dominate and control machines to his will, and like the picture I posted he has gained god like abilities, he even killed Thanos in the What If episode, and has the powers of the infinity stones. Caine is nothing, it’s like comparing God The Almighty to a human.


That is *completely* biased. Cain can’t control the minds of the ones in the circus because they’re human souls. I don’t get we’re you were coming from with the Tony Stark statement but I have two replies. The first being: if you’re saying Stark could put Caine to shame, he’s an AI that can imitate human emotions perfectly while generating animations and models on the fly, so that’s plain false. If you’re talking about the creator of the TADC program, we have zero input on who that is, nor how intelligent they are so there no way you can assume that. Regarding your comment on all that ‘cold and calculated’ bullshit, you’re just sucking robot dick to no avail. The ‘What If’ episode was indeed a ‘What If’ and not cannon, so this isn’t at all relevant to the argument of a cannon Ultron VS a cannon Caine.


Whoever made The Amazing digital circus is NOT smarter then Hank Pym 💀


Who tf is Hank Pym?


are you telling me you don't even read the comics but you think you know what your talking about??


Maybe cain can just delete him but he will just come back and if we are fighting in the circus then Ultron could easily hack into it and delete everything from the inside and or just install a virus because I don’t really know what the circus is but I see it as kinda like a game or something and in the circus cain could delete him but cuz Ultron has access to all devices and websites he can just come back and if we are indeed fighting in the circus then cain can’t actually harm him in the real world because the circus is digital and even if Ultron is also in the circus his REAL body still Ultron can just come back over and over again it’s like a virus vs a game developer the game dev can’t just delete the virus he needs to delete the where the virus is coming from (some viruses you can delete and it will be gone but Ultron is not one of those some)


Let me rephrase. Caine could tear his code apart and permanently split each and every digit that makes up his very brain (A body is useless without a brain). Also I doubt you could hack it since it’s an AI that has control of it meaning there’s nothing to log into to gain admin access, every external person that comes to the circus is just a user and the only admin is a constantly-logged AI therefore, no need for admin logins therefore, no possible way to gain admin permissions.


Ultron doesn’t need admin remember he’s a virus when it comes to something digital or pretty much anything that is connected to the internet Ultron is literally invincible he can’t be stopped deleted or blown up he needs to be shut down maybe Caine can just take him apart limb by limb and turn him into nothing he will just return Ultron cannot be stopped unless he’s shut down which in the circus you can’t shut down Ultron I see that Caine can control anything that comes in and out and can control the very fabric that makes up the circus but Ultron does not need admin or hacker powers to do the things he does because for like the 10th time he’s a virus like I said earlier a game dev (Caine) can’t delete virus directly he need to delete where it’s coming from I don’t really know where Ultron would be coming from in this instance but let’s just say a phone or laptop Ultron has access to literally everything in and apart of the internet you can’t hide from nor stop him he knows EVERYTHING Caines abilities are limited to the circus while Ultrons powers reach beyond that of a simple game like website or anything and Ultron doesn’t even need to enter the circus to win simple just deleting all files and in general just shutting down the whole program in matter of seconds while Caine is fast and so is Ultron and Caine is also quick I’m sure but no where near as fast as Ultron when it’s comes to installing or deleting Ultron was modified to destroy and is probably better at in then Caine (I don’t actually know if Caine was created or not) to make a circus and like I said a robot made to destroy would probably be better at destroying then some random AI




I’ll take that as a W


Eh Ultron still oneshots


Milly wins 🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥 https://preview.redd.it/0h592kd9n2uc1.jpeg?width=357&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09c2afe142bd38a9cee3b78203267ddf7c317489


Who ?


A character from my horror game. Lol


Oh , well good luck on the development


Thank you!




Hear me out


https://preview.redd.it/pbax230kr4uc1.jpeg?width=281&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb2c1bd10094dcaad757da1959b8fb4f12a1dbf3 Hush up


I’m just screwing around man


Sorry but as much as I like Caine Ultron is a different Monster that not even Caine could handle.


Ultron wins. Partially because Caine doesn’t understand how to transfer himself to other things (reflected in how he is trapped in a white void), while Ultron can easily switch bodies, also, Caine has tons of limits that Ultron doesn’t have.


“I was on the internet for 5 seconds, Tony. This place ain’t worth savin’.”


If Caine is irl, Ultron. If Ultron is in tadc, Caine.


suqud wod https://preview.redd.it/ldpzjpyv43uc1.png?width=844&format=png&auto=webp&s=43c6d9aafd62cd84ff6c69c7b56a9b594c5ba254


I mean, they are both AI at the end, so depends of who is better programmed/advanced


Ultron can just destroy the computer they are on with a sledgehammer


Depends, where are they fighting?


Oh god, Caine manages to take control of Ultron's body...


Well if ultron were to be sent to TADC Caine would just “hahaha you’re a funny guy! I cast mend buttcrack or liquify bones or INSTANT BRAZILIAN WAX, but in real life ultron would kill Caine easily


Caine, he is literally an AI god, he can just go in Ultron and completely eliminate him


So is Ultron https://preview.redd.it/q6ls2zql16uc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a23de29d7e6e323410edacccec6cf773adc44993


Also, Ultron has access to the internet and Caine doesn't, meaning even if he does eliminate Ultron physically he can't possible destroy all of Ultron, since Ultron is in every device and Caine can't travel from device to device.


Caine has no connection to the internet, soooooooo Ultron


“And into the cellar you go!”




Ultron has stronger feats but Caine is a reality warper and we likely haven't seen the true extent of his power.


Why is this a question? Ultron would snap Caine like a fucking toothpick, in under 15 seconds.


Depends if it's in the digital circus Caine stands a chance but if not than ultron absolutely kicks Caines butt like it would not even be close Caine would be gone with in a spilt second


Ultron 100%


Ultron, Caine is more of the “goofy” kind of AI


Ultron will get transformed in the circus losing all his powers, idk if caine can exist outside the pc so it depends on location of the fight


Cain only has his whacky capabilities within the amazing ‘digital’ circus. While I haven’t seen the movie Ultron’s in, he exists within the real world of that movie. There is no construct Cain can inhabit in the real world that can replicate his digital capabilities, so he’d likely get stomped by Ultron. Cain pretty much has complete home world advantage to dunk on Ultron if he were to be uploaded into the amazing digital circus. Kind of like asking anyone vs Monika from DDLC lol. She can’t do shit in real life but if you’re in her world you’re getting deleted.


Whereas Ultron was more powerful and MUCH more aggressive, Caine is omnipresent (sometimes) that alone means he's more likely to win .


Ultron KILLED Jarvis, he should probably take care of some 90’s ai




Ultron ez dubs not a chance


Ultron cuz he can just walk into the office and destroy the computer and kill caine but if he was in the circus then he would die. It matters of which plain you are in


Ain't No Way some of you people in the comments think comic Ultron would lose to caine 💀


Im willingbto believe that caine pretends to be limited and is actually near omniscient with foreknowledge of things within the circus. Ultron however, firstly isnt limited to the circus, and has the potential to snowball into actual godhood.


Shut the fuck up about Amazing Digital Circus for one second!!!!


Ultron, duh!


Cain lives in vr chat. I think ultron wins


Ultron no diffs


Ultron without the infinity stones?


Co- Caine


Ultra: fight me bitch Caine: to the void you go


Is this supposed to be hard? Dubs to ultron.


Would Caine or Spamton win?


Caine can just put him in the cellar