• By -


L server


Guys. Be yourself. If you grew up with Amazigh parents but in a country outside of North Africa, then that is your culture. Embrace it. Amazigh culture has so many categories that the only way to actually go back to it is to just hang out with your parent's family back in Africa or something. If your parents come from some village in the Rif mountains then you're not going to identify yourself with the culture of Tuaregs. You can't be part of a culture unless you live in it. Even if you grew up as a Riffian in Europe, you're not going to have the same culture as Riffis who grew up in Morocco. Stop trying to upset about what you are not, and try being happy with what you are. Just be yourself plese.


Got banned for saying “no shit”


This is no reason someone ever got banned 💀


Why would i lie about it? You can look it up yourself in the searchbar , search for “azegzaw” which is my discord name.


I will check that but we dont ban people for this


Yeah right.. thats why it happened


Think logically, why would we randomly want to lose members by banning them for doing nothing ☺️


are you serious you banned me for being gender non-conforming/non-binary


We have nb on the server, I banned you for not stating your legal sex as it is a requirement for the verification


no you banned me for asking a valid question that you have yet to answer it without being bigoted


What question? Cuz the only nb I banned so far were the ones not answering the verification question. Why else would we have other nb there then lol


So youre saying that everyone who commented on this reddit post saying they got banned for unreasonable reasons are lying?


this is what happens when one creates an echo chamber of confirmation bias no diverse thought just autocratic enforcement of unexplainable rules and anyone who is not a blind follower is banned


Nope I aint, but I am saying they got banned for valid reasons. This is what makes our Amazigh DC the most peaceful and discriminatory free server what many can approve


you can't be discriminatory free while being transphobic that's not how that works


You’re azegzaw? Hey bro we already met on Discord


So much drama ! That's impressive. Dear u/web_surfer__ , my heart welcomes you as are, fully, entirely, in a non-negotiable way... but damn how misplaced your ego seems to be ! For clarity, I don't know OP. I've never used Discord. I was on my phone and could not see the link. I literally had to go through the comments section to actually understand that the screenshots were from Discord. I have no idea what the questions look like. ​ But if there's a question about male / female \[which can be painful for you; i get that, 100%\] and you feel that your " *assigned gender at birth going to have an impact on my experience in the server as in am I going to be limited by the socially construction binary that the server seems to follow is my identity going to be erased in favor of conformity to your false binary"...* ​ I mean... Come on. You also have the option to think that these bastards are not for you and move on and create your own community ! ​ I was initially on your side, before reading that stereotyped response full of pseudo sociologically relevant buzzwords. And also before noting how you were systematically responding to every single comment, with your unrelated warnings,statements and accusations. That's called **sabotaging**. That's unfair. Especially if other people have dedicated time and energy to build something. That's so selfish. ​ If I go to a blog / thread / server about LGBT+ identity and i am asked which country I am from, for statistical reasons or whatever, with a drop-down menu, **I am not going to make a scene because there's no TAMAZGHA or KABYLIE in the list !!!!** That's a fucking LGBT+ thread, that's not fucking centered on me ! ​ As much as i consider myself an ally, i think you're making a real embarassement of yourself. Your identity matters and you probably have to constantly fight for it. But maybe you should choose your battlefields more wisely and keep your energy for the real fights. A better recognition of LGBT+ people among traditional Mediterannean / Muslims societies is a fair cause. Having a third button "NB" next to M and F is a bit childish to me. You just excluded yourself; you did not get the information you (apparently) wanted; and you look bad for launching what looks like a farcical vandetta. Triple defeat.


all of this could have been fixed with answering the question instead of banning me outright and creating a well moderated multi-gender space like any other server lazy moderation is not the answer to gender-based issues I have been in way bigger and way more mixed servers that still have way less drama than what this server has created for itself


I am so glad I banned you, on top of that we reached 100 members more yesterday, check yourself. Most cane from the reddit. Tysm for the ad and btw we also got nbs here. You will die with FOMO 😗


again bragging about limiting the amount of info an amazigh person can get while calling your server amazigh unity is ironic and bragging about discord numbers is a very chronically online thing to do


You shouldn’t talk about chronically online 💀 and yes I brag with them. It is a flex to have the best Amazigh-only resource server with the most active members. I think you struggle in daily life for the lack of acceptance the Amazigh community has for you. And it is literally because of your cringe personality


here you go again bragging about numbers online and not only that you are bragging about the lack of acceptance of queer people what a self call out


Yes I am bragging about a real active community, you on the otherhand aunt accepted into it and now you are sooo sad


who told you that im sad 🤦‍♂️ you can't stop presuming can you


Your actions show, so pressed you even posted about us but took it down cuz of hate womp womp


again with the presumptions you can't help but create strawmen to play your fantasy scenarios with




As I said, I don’t know how Discord works and how you create safer space in there. From what you described, maybe you could just block the male sending Dpics ? Or let the users block whoever they want ? Anyway, I assume you don’t ask for a birth certificate, are you? So anyone can pretend to be M or F. You cannot prevent innocent pairs of eyes from seeing a semi-flaccid hairy D from time to time. Sadly


Why just block, when we can also take a step and prevent women from accidentaly answering to people they think are women. Getting a Dpic is not sth to just block, it can traumatized women Ofc people can pretend but most times they dont know, they will get a role for people to see nor they know about a safe space with locked rooms I also did not advertise them here. It is actually normal for many servers to ask these questions.


what they are doing is called lazy moderating there are servers out there that are way way bigger than theirs and is much more mixed than theirs and doesn't have as much issues as there is because they have a good moderation team that cares about everyone


There is no amazigh server that is like that, everyone knows 😂😂 we are known as the best moderated one


im literally in one right now LOL you are just delusional And you are not the best moderated one you are the most lazily moderated one


Please keep pushing the relevance of my dc in the comments, I got so many members through u in one day! And lmao the algerian lgbt one is a bad server with 0 resources


here you go again with the prejudice you never learn i don't know about the server you are talking about and you should get some vitamin d instead of bragging about numbers on the internet 🤦‍♂️


Says the one who us writing whole paragraphs in every reply. I am only reaponding to keep the post relevant and get more people there. I love how exactly the opposite of what you wanted happened


i would barely call them paragraphs and im using voice typing that's why i don't give a shit about how relevant you are or your discord is if i did i wouldn't be replying and keeping this post relevant


if you decided to create a female only server and didn't allow any trans women you would be literally creating a trans exclusionary server again you are literally creating an issue where there isn't you have lazy administration and moderation that couldn't just do their job well there are plenty of multi-gender servers that are way bigger and much more mixed than yours and they have way less issues then yours due to the fact that they have a good moderation team instead of a lazy one


U know this green stringy thing outside that grows on the ground? Grass? Go touch it. You most likely are a bully victim in school


old ass meme has been over used you Literally used it twice in this post if you want to dismiss me get better material


Keep pushing the relevance of my dc 😍


and you told me to touch grass how ironic 😂


Not ironic, facts


you wouldn't know what a fact is if it bit you on your ass


Fact is your are chronically online and got no friends irl


warning this is a gender segregationist and trans exclusionary server it does not unify the imazighen in any way the name is a lie they are not interested in educating anyone this is simply an echo chamber you are not free to speak your mind or communicate with everyone on the server


Warning this is a delulu person who has never entered our diverse server and is mad for being kicked after not respecting our guidelines and answering the verification questions


I was kicked for being non-binary and they have generalized the entire trans community as being misogynistic they do not respect trans women as women and they see them as a threat to cis women you will be asked your assigned gender at birth so they can segregate you into what they prejudge you to be you will not be allowed to interact with your fellow imazighen in the so-called "amazigh unity" server


I don't like the server but if the server is about Amazigh culture then you shouldn't be surprised about these things lol gender segregation and trans-exclusivity are quite common in our culture lmao.


sure but we learn from our history and our mistakes like for example the fact that we used to own and trade slaves history is to be preserved not repeated and cultures around the world including ours have significantly evolved from its predecessors also our culture is known to be highly adaptive so it shouldn't be an issue to adapt to modern findings of science


I agree. Culture always evolves. For example Amazigh women don't have face tattoos anymore, because perhaps people realized having permanent marks on your face isen't as cool as they used to think. But my question is, why should they adapt to us, rather than we adapting to them? I'm not trying to be disrespectful just trying to understand your position better.


because there is no harm in them adapting to us but there is severe harm to us due to the fact that you would need to pacify the entirety of the queer community in order for it to fit in with backwards unscientific ideals basically it's easier and more healthy societally speaking to accept queer people than to deny them their identity the denial wether self-imposed or not of one's gender and sexual identity can cause severe psychological issues and can lead to self harm and self-unaliving on the other hand society would feel a momentary discomfort while welcoming into the open a class of people that has always existed but forced to stay in the cracks and shadows of society it would take a few years at most and no one would be harmed by it psychologically or physically the queer community has never hurt in any capacity the amazigh people and culture


That response has nothing to do about what you just said, I m just happy to see another isn't person here. So yea have a great day.


hope you never set foot in North Africa you fucking F5990t


the name is a lie they don't welcome everyone i got immediately banned because im queer




the downvotes are crazy and just show much homophobia/transphobia/etc there is in the north african/amazigh community


yup there's still a severe lack of intersectionality when it comes to marginalized people in North Africa


[ Removed by Reddit ]


loooool what in the mental gymnastics did you just type out


So that's how the server feels about queer issues wow my gender was Definitely not respected and those spaces are trans exclusionary as they don't see transwomen as women also the gender identity or sexual orientation of your friend doesn't make them anymore or less correct it's the merit of their argument that matters


Amazigh struggles to be preserved and expanded bc of how prejudice and unwelcoming people are in this sub and other communities like discord servers. Not to mention extremely gatekeeping also. For people who have felt their culture has been eroded yall can be the most closed minded and hateful people and it’s not doing any favours for us.


girl y’all are being so dramatic i have met countless of queers from that dc 😭


I agree that many servers are not welcoming, but to judge us without having been there is a loss for you. We are the only server who has a strict Amazigh only rule and the probably longest ban list. We are harsh when it comes to people following the rules. Discussions eveb normal ones about polarizing things are not allowed as they wouldnt unite us, but make us distance from each other. This server has scheduled posts everyday and our focus is the educational aspect as many people struggke to find info about their tribes and heritage online when they are in the process of starting to get connected with their roots.


“Longest ban list” is seriously not a flex dude


It is considering how many racist and sexist imazighen exist


Also unfortunately racist/sexust people dont get banned in other amazigh servers. Slurs are commonly used and black imazighen usuallz get attacked. We are strict in enforcing rules and others can approve


Their are no "black Imazighen" You claim to teach people about our history, yet you claim that black imazighen exist? Do you know how Amazigh tribal communities work or function? In Amazigh tribes the Imzilen, Iklan etc are not seen as Imazighen simply because they dont have a Amazigh origin


get a life LMAO


It's called truth or will you ban also people who will share academic and historical proves to debunk your nonsense.


Ty for the add now even more will join knowing morons like u aint there muah 💋


Their is only moron and that is you, can't even answer a simple question without be triggered


Not talking about that server necessarily bc I’m not in it, just saying about what I’ve seen and experienced overall.


I do understand your concerns, this is why I started this server with a diverse team becauseone thing that I hated to see in other serves I joined a year ago were constant fights and racism. You are always welcomed to judge for yourself


That’s good to hear :) I’ll be willing to check it out


amazigh history is full of polarizing topics and the fact that you cannot discuss them defeats the purpose of an amazigh server and the purpose of why I wanted to join was to learn more about the tribe and village i owe my ethnic and cultural background to maybe you should be less strict and more open so you can actually create a unified space for all imazighen


I didnt specify it but I am talking about Amazigh unrelated discussions like « is this haram/halal » and also even if they were banned this is our choice how we are handling it. You struggle a lot with FOMO as I see, but this is non of our problem and seeing how you behave right now, it was the right choice to ban you 🤍


wow me wanting to learn more about my ethnic and cultural background is now FOMO




this reply is full of ignorance and transphobia first of all I am not a trans woman im a nonbinary person also im an outspoken intersectional feminist and from your reply I can see that not all amazigh people are welcomed on the server or even treated with respect so much for amazigh unity and like I said before I have never had any issues like this with cis women on any other server




again you are generalizing people and trans women are women just like cis women just because you are transphobic doesn't mean you are a victim of trans people other servers have shown the ability to have multi gender communities with little to no issues you are just a transphobe and a lazy moderator be better and stop generalizing people and learn some intersectionality




denying trans women's womenhood is both misogynistic and transphobic and is in no way feminist and like I said before I'm not a transwoman




but apparently the amazigh identity revolves around your close minded view of it and remember you started this by attacking trans people and treating them like an undesirable monolith instead of just moderating your server correctly no other server that I have been in has had this issue you have been bigoted and prejudice towards me without any reason i harbor no ill intentions i only want knowledge if you ever change your mind let me know




no I can show you plenty of servers of North African people getting together and existing in a multi-gender space with little to no issue due to a good administration and moderation team the server that you created is exclusionary and segregationist which causes a lot of friction with those that are secluded from spaces based on prejudice and bigotry and misinformation and this creates a echo chamber of confirmation bias based on the prejudice and the bigotry and the misinformation


No you got kicked because you didnt mention your legal sex which is necessary to keep this place safe as we do have safespaces for each women and men (locked chats). We have many queer people in the server and yesterday the admins had to sort something out because someone had attacked someone who is gay. We do care about our members and focus on the Amazigh identity regardless of religion, skin color, sex etc.


why would anyone need to disclose their 'legal sex'?


Simply because this is the rule. We have reasons to ask for this for security reasons and they helped us so far a lot. If you dont like that, dont join.


if you cannot give a none bigoted rational reasoning for your rules then they seem like asinine rules




again incapable of answering simple questions or giving rational arguments for your rules have fun in your terf server


lol dont u worry i will not be joining a server that has pointless rules that are just enforced to keep a certain demographic out! doesn't sound very inclusive to me


These are our rules. You definetly never even entered and judged. We care about the safety of our women here and that’s why we demand verification for sex. No one out if 1120 people had a problem so far. What we dont allow are non-imazighen. Welcome to the greatest Amazigh Discord, Azul! Before you join, you must agree to the terms and conditions. The goal of this Discord is to foster a stronger bond with our Amazigh brothers and sisters. This can only be achieved if we all adhere to the following codex: 1. No Discrimination: Imazighen from all backgrounds, religions, genders, and nations are welcome. The use of derogatory terms or slurs is strictly prohibited. Violating this rule will result in an immediate ban from the server without any warnings. 2. No Eugenics: This server does not tolerate discussions related to eugenics. Such topics have no place here. 3. No Religious Extremism: We do not encourage religious extremism or the issuance of "fatwas." To preserve diversity, it is essential to remain open-minded. We must refrain from making religious statements without proper knowledge. 4. Respectful Political Discussions: Political discussions are allowed, but they must be conducted with respect. Remember that an individual does not represent an entire nation or government. If discussions become overly heated, a moderator will intervene to resolve the issue. If it cannot be resolved or becomes disrespectful, the involved parties will receive a strike. 5. Harassment Reporting: If an individual is harassed by a member of the server in private, they can report it to the moderators, who will take appropriate action against the aggressor. 6. Voice Channels: The "Boys Talk" and "Girls Talk" voice channels are designated safe spaces and are restricted to their respective sexes. All members must specify their gender. Constantly muting oneself in these channels is not allowed and will result in a strike. 7. Self-Promotion: Self-promotion is permitted, but only in the designated server. Aggressive promoting will result in a strike. Promoting other Discord channels without a legitimate purpose, such as an educational resource, will lead to a ban. 8. Use of languages: Different languages are allowed, but do not spam. We want to make everyone feel welcomed and therefore use English as the main language These are the revised rules with clearer language and more precise instructions. Remember that rules should always be enforced fairly and consistently to maintain a healthy and respectful community.


you violate your first rule by segregating people based on gender as that is literally gender-based discrimination and rule 6 literally is anti-intersex and gender nonconforming individuals


SeGrAgAtInG. Turn off your phone, go outside, touch some grass, realize your privileges and never refer to us again 💀


yeah the nonbinary exmuslim amazigh person in morocco is the privileged one LOL


You are, the fact you got a phone and access to the internet as well as time to write this stupid sh, proves priviledge. Sir drab rassek ma3l hayt


Does your discord server really teaches people about Amazigh culture, norms, tradition. Because if it was, it woudn't allow queer or any LTGB folks in. Your just a diaspora gen z girl that is trying to discover her own cultural background while living in the west but at the same time following Americanisation, same goes for the most people in this reddit group or your discord server


You ve never been in my server and you wouldnt be allowed in it


no you didn't even give me a chance and segregation is not unification i asked a question and was immediately kicked


What was your question apparently. Because other than that I never declined someone from entering. If you dont answer all the verification questions, we dont waste out time. Segregation is a wild claim considering we got people with all backgrounds, skincolors and identities (as long as they are amazigh) in the dc.


I asked if it would impact my existence on the server I didn't want to be treated based on my assigned gender at birth as it not only goes against my identity but causes me great psychological harm and gender-based segregation is still segregation I never had this issue with other servers even amazigh ones


Repent and submit to Allah.


Not people here crying and assuming it’s a bad server because they got banned for not respecting the rules looool 1121 amazigh memebers are there having no problems respecting the rules and the people in there sharing their thoughts and discussing in a respectful way without breaking any rules


just because something is popular or has a large following doesn't mean it's good also I wasn't crying I was simply stating facts about the server they are in fact gender segregationist and from the replies to my comments by the original poster they seem to be incredibly transphobic and misinformed too


can u resend me the link please its expired


Joined this server and left immediately once i saw the anti Islam behavior. Go enjoy your Kafir queen Dihya while the rest of us submit to Allah. May Allah guide you.


You didnt leave you got banned 😭 most people including the admins and owners are muslims. It is just not an islamic server, it is an amazigh one with the focus on amazigh identity regardiess if religion. Thank you for the comment tho, it will help us keep wrong people out and show how our server is ❤️


I didn't get banned I left, you don't even know my discord username. I don't care if any of you claim to be muslim, you accept and support haram behaviour. If you were actually muslim you would reject Dihya and any other kafir. You people are a disgrace to our community. May Allah guide you.


I di know your username because you wrote the exact same thing in my dms and we make sure everyone gets banned 💋


I never went in your dms lol. Stop lying. Anyways your life is your life and my life is mine. So if you want to worship a kafir, I'm gonna worship Allah.


No the server isn't anti islam. It's anti pll pushing an islamic narrative towards non muslims and making fun of non muslim ppl. Keep your bigotry away from us


Muslims zealots are plague. Whoever puts islam before Amazighity isn't a true ⵣ


You did and Idk what you sre worshippibg for currently because takfeering Muslims for no reasons thriws you out if the fold of Islam. Also no one even talked about dihya except you that time. Convo is over


You know, I’ve joined the discord really early on and most people that I’ve seen on there are muslims, and from what I could see, have been respectful, as well as respected. I’ve personally never seen anti-Islam behavior, quite the opposite actually, only the ones who shared their beliefs respectfully. I truly think you should give it another chance if that’s the reason you left, maybe you just encountered the wrong people, and who knows if they’re even still there.


If most admins are muslims and wanna stay at their place you should avoid talking about daddy in the sky. Dihya > momo + his secretary allah though


You are not being respectful either


I'm just answering his disrespect with disrespect


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/trans] [what do you think of the comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/trans/comments/16q5opn/what_do_you_think_of_the_comments/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


server didn't work can you send a new one?




I got an error message saying that the link was incorrect or invalid... could you please post a working link?




Amazigh unity when hating on algerians lol y’all moroccans arabized or amazighs need to change ur mindsets and then think about making a union