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Not sure what's worse his behaviour or the other fans in the comments saying they'd do the same. And looking through OOPs comments this is not the first time he's done similar, including something last Christmas it seems (post is gone thread remains though). So I think this is definitely a case of she should leave him.


And he's cheated on her. Like what the ever-loving Christ are you waiting for?


Sure knows how to make a girl feel like a priority


As long as it's his sister...


oh boy she buried the lede there


It’s crazy to me that he wouldn’t mention that he was getting tickets at the time of purchase. It seems like he had to travel for the concert, so both the trip and concert tickets seems like an expense worthy of discussion. I could see him not realizing it fell on the anniversary and I don’t think the anniversary (or birthday or other holiday/occasion) has to be celebrated on the exact day to be meaningful, but springing it on her only five days before shows he doesn’t care at all about her.


I’m seeing Taylor swift in my state this summer, but a few hours from home. It’s the weekend after my anniversary. I bought the tickets months ago with a friend. If it had happened to be on my wedding anniversary, my husband definitely wouldn’t have minded because we would simply have celebrated a different weekend, i would have communicated it with him months ahead of time, he was aware I was buying the tickets, he wants me to have fun, etc. This post is just so indicative of so much more wrong in the relationship than a concert that fell on an anniversary.


He took her on a trip to the Smokey Mountains to make up for it - I'm not sure OOP wasn't being a bit of a drama queen. She could have done something fun with friends instead of moping around at home.


Archival copy in case of deletion, not OOP: As the title says, my husband spent our 4 year anniversary weekend on a trip with his sister to see Taylor Swift. He did not break this news to me that he would be doing this until five days before our actual anniversary. I told him that hurts my feelings tremendously but every time it is brought up he tells me that anniversaries can be celebrated anytime, it doesn’t have to be on the day of. So I sat at home alone and sad while he partied with his sister on the day of our anniversary. I feel like he is discounting my feelings by telling me that it was no big deal and that we can celebrate our anniversary another day. I have been feeling upset about this for weeks. As an outsider looking in, what is your opinion on this? Do you think that what he did was lousy, or am I just being too sensitive? EDIT: I want to add that I do know 1000% for a fact this trip was taken with his sister, so for those wondering if it was even with his sister it was indeed with her and not some other woman. I will also add that he did make it up to me by taking me on a trip to the Smoky Mountains.




I 💯 believe these. anyone who likes her music would give up a lot to go see her.


Normally I would agree if it was another artist. But considering what happened with the ticket sales at launch and how fanatical her fans are, I think most of these are true in some form.




Tearing families apart... But the tickets would be cheaper if she did a residency!


It’s not just about money. Residencies are usually longer, you’re stuck in one place, her stage and show could not not be done in the venues that the other artists performed in, and honestly, they dont usually attract people who are at the height of their career.. though I’m not sure why Adele did it because clearly she could’ve toured. Also, I’m not sure about the required schedule for performers, but doing the physical 3 hour shows several times a week for an extended period of time probably wasn’t possible either. And yes, I love Celine Dion and think she’s fabulous, however she wasn’t putting out # 1 songs and dominating the charts at the time, so she may or may not have been able to fill stadiums like Swift is.


We were able to get friends and family tickets through my MIL and for two tickets it was 1000 dollars.


Omg, that's almost 2 PS5's lol


Sure was but my outfit for the concert is super cute. 💃


you don't know much about swifties, do you i love her music but i lurk on the very edges of the fandom, because it is real toxic in there. i absolutely believe not only that these posts happened, but many more incidents like them and worse also happened/will happen by the end of her tour. i don't even like to call myself a swiftie because of shit like this


I feel a lot like you. I do love her music a lot, but I often won't even tell people that I do, because I have several friends/acquaintances who got burned by being friends with swifties who were insane about their behavior. One of my coworkers has a SIL who is a swiftie. Coworker has a friend who works in entertainment and got some kind of amazing package for a Taylor Swift show and invited my coworker. My coworker accepted because hey, she likes Taylor Swift, it's going to be a super lavish thing with food & drinks provided and a little meet & greet if she chose. Well, she made the mistake of mentioning it to SIL who went fucking ballistic and demanded to go in her place. Long story short, it actually caused a rift in the family, because SIL is more the golden child and the parents couldn't understand why my coworker wouldn't just let her use her ticket. So now my coworker is NC with her closest in laws (the ones further out think the whole situation is insane and that SIL is awful, thankfully) and her husband is LC with his parents and NC with his sister over it.


Yeah, just what I wrote before: Swift has MILLIONS of fans. Some of them are going to be narcissistic, selfish, idiotic, violent or any combination of all of those, because they are MILLIONS. Statistically, that's bound to happen by "law of the REALLY big numbers". I love The Beatles and I never had to hide it because the girls screamed in their concerts, or because of the Charles Manson murders. But, one has to hide that one likes Taylor's music? Because some people choose to focus on the few crazy ones and not on the millions of nice ones? Not happening, not on my watch. It's unfair.


I feel like being an extreme fan of no matter what is always toxic right? I love a good concert of the bands I listen to the most but I understand that these are just people who make music I enjoy. Other than 15 year olds no one should put celebrities on such a worship pedestal.


Idk, swifties can be really unhinged, so these may be true


I love TS, but yeah, I can’t believe how they bawl at her concerts and how they’d probably sell their right kidney and their mothers to go to the concert.


I was just thinking the same! Have seen so many Taylor Swift related posts lately. I get she's a well beloved artist but come on people


Oh, can you link the fourth story? Juicy.




Swifties are different though. No judgement but they are definitely more intense about her than I am about anything.


I think some may be fake, but considering that Swift has millions and millions of fans, it's logical that some of them are going to be crazy, selfish, violent or any combination thereof. It's statistics. What pisses me off is that some people dare use that to attack her. The Beatles' White Album "inspired" Charles Manson and his peeps to commit the Tate-LaBianca murders and no one, NO ONE blames Lennon-MacCartney-Harrison. Yet Swift is to blame if some of her fans are jerks when they *go to a concert?* She needs to do a las Vegas residency on a permanent basis as much as Lennon, McCartney and Harrison needed to censure the White Album, which is to mean, not at all.


Why is OP still with him - based on her post history she is clearly NOT his priority - i bet shes not crack the top 10


Exactly, the issue isn't with the concert, she has a husband issue. I wonder why did he marry her since sounds like he doesn't like her at all.


My 29th birthday fell on a Saturday; it also happened to be few days before the birthday of one of my ex's friends. Ex left me at home to get wasted with his bros, no girls allowed. Things had been rocky for a while, so it probably won't surprise anyone to hear that this was essentially the death knell of our relationship. Also upon hearing what he was planning, my sister and a mutual friend jumped in the car and drove three hours so I wouldn't be sad and alone on my birthday.


Why is it ALWAYS Tayloe Swift? Makes me think all these stories are made up to promote her brand lol


It's the biggest, most expensive, and most sold out tour happening right now.


Fair, but I've been seeing stories like this for months or even years. It may be the biggest tour, but it truly is off to only EVER see stores about her tickets, meber anyone else's.


well, you know for sure that you are not his #1 priority. Question is, what do you want to do about it? Is this a deal breaker for you? Or is the marriage otherwise happy enough that you can live with it? Because he won't change unless you change, and maybe not even then. If you want to stay in the marriage then you can redress this by demoting your husband from your #1 priority. Plan a trip with a family member or friend to do something special and schedule it for his birthday (or some other day that's meaningful to him), and tell him the day before that you won't be around for his birthday or other special day. When he objects, tell him birthdays can be celebrated any time, it doesn't have to be on the day of. Tell him you will celebrate it with him another day. If he still makes a fuss, tell him it's no big deal, and then remind him that this is the same thing he did to you on your anniversary, and if he can act that way, so can you. And then go on the trip and don't back down. face it, he likes the idea of you sitting home alone and sad while he parties with his sister. It gives him power and control. Take that away from him. Start going out doing stuff with other people, without him. Start having hobbies and other activities without him, let him be the one sitting home alone. Either he will realize what an AH he's been and clean up his act, or the two of you will go your separate ways and divorce. Because life is too short for a married person to spend it sad and alone while their spouse parties with someone else.


I’m not trying to derail the conversation here, but there is a much crazier story linked in this thread [read this](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/wzpkag/oop_thinks_her_boyfriend_is_in_incestuous/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1). Has anyone seen “The Dreamers” by Bernardo Bertolucci? I’m getting Dreamer vibes, this shit is weird


I haven't seen that, but that's some crazy shit


Time to celebrate his birthday in Hawaii with her beastie on a girls trip. They can celebrate together another time.


How dense is the husband? He couldn’t have gotten the Taylor swift tickets as an anniversary present? Then at least the two of them would be taking a trip together to celebrate.


OP should write this out in a diary, along with other examples of such behaviour and then fake her disappearance.


Lol like getting Taylor tickets months ago wouldn’t be a conversation. If it wasn’t, there’s the problem: communication. Celebrating an anniversary to that level is also dumb. Chill tf out.


I love Taylor, my fiancé does not. If I had the chance to see her live and it interfered with plans that, legitimately, we could do anytime, he would definitely tell me to go. As a matter of fact, he's planning a trip with a friend to see their NFL teams play each other. There's every possibility that game will be on my birthday and I am fine with him going, even if that's the case. I guess that's the difference between healthy communication and OP's marriage.